Huntsville Times front page: Stand for decency, reject Roy Moore


UN-Americans like you clearly do not believe in innocent until proven guilty.
You are incredible. Absolutely zero self awareness. You believe the Clintons guilty of a myriad of things, all unproven. Are you so dense you don't see your glaring hypocrisy?
What does being self aware have to do with convicting someone with no evidence like you are doing?
Classic libtard. Run and deflect to avoid having to be truthful.
Look, you're too fucking stupid for me to continue any discussion with you, and that is the truth.:bye1:
Yet another lie. And there you go with your lie again and so soon after you had it shoved down your throat. Pleas show where the Govrener of Alabama said Roy Moore liked to date teens. Bet you don’t.

I posted the interview in this thread - go see it for yourself. She has "no reason not to believe" the minors - but more crazy judges who will overturn Roe v Wade are more important to her.

There are NO minors! There are middle aged women who have had a lifetime to speak up and didn't until the Washington Post tickled their clits.
Quite a lot of assault victims NEVER speak out. Asshole.

That's why the fuckers who attack them get away with it, and continue to attack other women.

I've taught my daughters that if they are attacked and remain silent, they are encouraging the attacker to do it again to another victm.

Moore is a textbook example. He went on to attack SEVERAL women because none of his victims ever spoke out.

40 years, 8 major campaigns including TWO for Chief Justice of the State Supreme court and not a word until the Washington Post waved money under their noses.
You know they spoke up about this a long time ago. I guess by trying to misrepresent, you too support this kind of Moore behavior.
We need to elect child molester Roy Moore so we can make the debt Obama left us even bigger!
------------------------------ Course i don't agree with the MERE accusation about child molestation but as an outsider outside of Alabama the only reason i want MOORE is because he is pro gun . Also Steve Bannon approves of MOORE and MOORE is also said to be 'anti establishment' both rino and dem G5000 .
What a wonderful Media we now have. So much for credible unbiased reporting. That's obviously over. American Journalism is diseased.

Sorry, but journalism is BACK in a big way. NYT, WaPo, NBC all have been exemplary and their circulation and viewerships are WAY up.

More and more smart young people are making it their profession.

God Bless them

You may be mentally diseased as well. You should check on that with a Doctor. :cuckoo:
He's not the pervert Moore supporter.
Hold the fuck on, Huntsville Times you say? That clinches it, mother fucker must pay.

I figure Creepy Roy has about a 60% chance of winning. Hey i'm good with it - he'll embarrass the holy snot out of the Republican Party .. :)
How so? Only fools like you act upon unsubstantiated rumor.

UN-Americans like you clearly do not believe in innocent until proven guilty.

That only applies in criminal court in America. I certainly wouldn’t leave someone I suspected of being a “funny uncle” alone with my children. Regardless of his legal status.

We had a guy at our church who’s behaviour was classic pedo “grooming”. He was a 30 something guy married to a handicapped woman. They had no children of their own but their apartment was a virtual kid magnet.

The couple were always volunteering the babysit and and encouraging kids to “play” in their bedroom jump on their bed. Again classic “grooming” behaviour. And telling the kids not to tell their parents about it - big red flag. He had never been charged with anything but his behaviour around children would give you chills.

As the congregation’s Children’s Orogram Director, I would not allow this man to be alone with young girls. Ever. If he was leading a program, he could not do it alone. Our minister concurred. When I moved out of the area, I had a quiet word with the woman who replaced me as program director and when I told her not to leave this man alone with children, she responded “I know exactly what you mean”.

Just because a perv hasn’t been charged or convicted, doesn’t make him “innocent”.
The mall manager is a close personal friend of Moore’s. There are a couple of store managers who have said that they asked Roy to leave and stay out of their stores because he was bothering and upsetting their staff. Coworkers who said they warned girls when Roy was headed their way so the girls could hide in back.

Moore has never denied dating these women but claimed to have their parents permission. The girls and their parents say otherwise.
------------------------ all boils down to , what is best for Alabama Americans and then the rest of the Americans in the USA . That answer is , RoyMoore is best and thats it DLady !!
Well, with the "Southern Heritage" of 30+ somethings dating teen girls, etc......I could see why you'd think that.

Of course, the Democrat with his record of successfully prosecuting the church bombers cannot be abided.

Already proven a lie. Alabama has more strict laws on getting with yungns (or marrying them) then NewYork. And many states are much more lax. Feeble try.
And even with those stricter laws...look who Alabama voters are willing to vote for.

Show us NY voters willing to do the same.

Really? You really want a list of New York political type who liked to screw young boys and girls? I’m down. We hold them to the Moore standards?all presumed guilty and you tap agree on all of them I provide a link to the accusation along with?
Go ahead and list them:
"A vote for Roy Moore sends the worst kind of message to Alabamians struggling with abuse: "if you ever do tell your story, Alabama won't believe you."

Haha....poor warped and twisted Loons.
In the real world people can't give two shits about anyone "telling a story"....PROVE your shit or STFU!
The sex stuff is just the icing on the cake, There is plenty to loath about this scum bucket Republicans already had a Roy Moore problem, but it just got way, way worse - CNNPolitics
What a wonderful Media we now have. So much for credible unbiased reporting. That's obviously over. American Journalism is diseased.

Sorry, but journalism is BACK in a big way. NYT, WaPo, NBC all have been exemplary and their circulation and viewerships are WAY up.

More and more smart young people are making it their profession.

God Bless them

You may be mentally diseased as well. You should check on that with a Doctor. :cuckoo:
He's not the pervert Moore supporter.

Figures you'd be cheerleading for Democrat Fake News. This paper is a disgrace. It isn't credible journalism.
------------------------------ Course i don't agree with the MERE accusation about child molestation but as an outsider outside of Alabama the only reason i want MOORE is because he is pro gun . Also Steve Bannon approves of MOORE and MOORE is also said to be 'anti establishment' both rino and dem G5000 .

You're want the loon BANNON wants Alabamians to vote for?

FAIL :cuckoo:
Hold the fuck on, Huntsville Times you say? That clinches it, mother fucker must pay.

I figure Creepy Roy has about a 60% chance of winning. Hey i'm good with it - he'll embarrass the holy snot out of the Republican Party .. :)
How so? Only fools like you act upon unsubstantiated rumor.

UN-Americans like you clearly do not believe in innocent until proven guilty.
In a court of law....glad to see you agree this needs to go to court.
Stand for decency?
Basically they'r saying it's ok to pass judgment on issues of he said/she said.
Fuck that. Voting for a Democrat does not equal being a decent person. Living your life with honesty & integrity equals being decent.

It's a man who creeped on teenage girls vs. a man who prosecuted the KKK and brought the killers of teenage girls to justice.

There shouldn't even be any obstacle to choosing for whom to vote.
Well, we are seeing what the Alabama voters think.
"A vote for Roy Moore sends the worst kind of message to Alabamians struggling with abuse: "if you ever do tell your story, Alabama won't believe you."

Haha....poor warped and twisted Loons.
In the real world people can't give two shits about anyone "telling a story"....PROVE your shit or STFU!
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- yep , 'innocent till proven guilty' a concept that pretty much only applies in Western law and it is being sh1tcanned as we go the way of the third world where a person is 'guilty until proven innocent' .
Oh, my. Once again, we see the ugly face of hypocrisy raise her head...
yeah , lock her up JimH !!
Hold the fuck on, Huntsville Times you say? That clinches it, mother fucker must pay.

I figure Creepy Roy has about a 60% chance of winning. Hey i'm good with it - he'll embarrass the holy snot out of the Republican Party .. :)
How so? Only fools like you act upon unsubstantiated rumor.

UN-Americans like you clearly do not believe in innocent until proven guilty.
In a court of law....glad to see you agree this needs to go to court.

Interesting, you never fought to hold that serial rapist Bill Clinton accountable for anything. So as usual, you're just being disingenuous.
Did that really happen?
A lot of Alabamans believe it did, including the governor, but are voting for Moore anyways. Because down there, middle aged men fucking children is well accepted.

Yet another lie. And there you go with your lie again and so soon after you had it shoved down your throat. Pleas show where the Govrener of Alabama said Roy Moore liked to date teens. Bet you don’t.
Hey pervert, post where she said she doesn’t believe the accusers. Oops you can’t, because she does. Along millions of others of Alabamans. But, of course, in the deep south, fucking children is a proud tradition.
Part of that "southern heritage" the con-federate flag flyers talk about.

So you agree then?
That child-chasing is part of the "southern heritage"? Yes.
Democrat Fake News. Real credible stuff. Hopefully, this paper will fold in the near future. It isn't credible journalism.
Did that really happen?
A lot of Alabamans believe it did, including the governor, but are voting for Moore anyways. Because down there, middle aged men fucking children is well accepted.

Yet another lie. And there you go with your lie again and so soon after you had it shoved down your throat. Pleas show where the Govrener of Alabama said Roy Moore liked to date teens. Bet you don’t.
Hey pervert, post where she said she doesn’t believe the accusers. Oops you can’t, because she does. Along millions of others of Alabamans. But, of course, in the deep south, fucking children is a proud tradition.
Part of that "southern heritage" the con-federate flag flyers talk about.
Must be another one of your lies. I never see that flag flying anywhere.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Ok, so now we've established your tenuous grip on reality.
And stay tuned folks. According to some recent reports, 4 more Clinton victims are expected to come forward soon. Democrat Fake News may not report on it, but folks who tune that out, will listen to what these women have to say.

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