Huntsville Times front page: Stand for decency, reject Roy Moore

Hold the fuck on, Huntsville Times you say? That clinches it, mother fucker must pay.

I figure Creepy Roy has about a 60% chance of winning. Hey i'm good with it - he'll embarrass the holy snot out of the Republican Party .. :)
How so? Only fools like you act upon unsubstantiated rumor.
Unsubstantiated rumor.
It wasn’t a rumor when the perv called a teenager’s high school to talk to her to ask her out.
It wasn’t a rumor when the leech was banned from a mall for stalking young girls.
Just think... you support this type of despicable behavior. You’re worst than Moore.
The Yankees want you to vote against Roy Moore

Lets show them
What a wonderful Media we now have. So much for credible unbiased reporting. That's obviously over. American Journalism is diseased.

Sorry, but journalism is BACK in a big way. NYT, WaPo, NBC all have been exemplary and their circulation and viewerships are WAY up.

More and more smart young people are making it their profession.

God Bless them

You may be mentally diseased as well. You should check on that with a Doctor. :cuckoo:
Maybe this'll work to convince these idiots? ----- Nah!

In an interview Moore gave earlier this year, he gave a similar account [about when he met current wife], but for one detail.

"It was, oh gosh, eight years later, or something, I met her," Moore said. "And when she told me her name, I remembered 'K. K.,' and I said, 'Haven't I met you before?'"

It's a simple matter of subtraction. When Roy Moore first took notice of Kayla she would have been as young as 15.​

Don't believe Roy Moore's accusers? Then listen to Moore
--------------------------------------- MALL MANAGER says that Moore was not banned from MALL !! --- WATCH: Former Alabama Mall Manager Says Roy Moore WASN'T Banned Over Harassment Claims ---

The mall manager is a close personal friend of Moore’s. There are a couple of store managers who have said that they asked Roy to leave and stay out of their stores because he was bothering and upsetting their staff. Coworkers who said they warned girls when Roy was headed their way so the girls could hide in back.

Moore has never denied dating these women but claimed to have their parents permission. The girls and their parents say otherwise.
------------------------ all boils down to , what is best for Alabama Americans and then the rest of the Americans in the USA . That answer is , RoyMoore is best and thats it DLady !!
Well, with the "Southern Heritage" of 30+ somethings dating teen girls, etc......I could see why you'd think that.

Of course, the Democrat with his record of successfully prosecuting the church bombers cannot be abided.

Already proven a lie. Alabama has more strict laws on getting with yungns (or marrying them) then NewYork. And many states are much more lax. Feeble try.
And even with those stricter laws...look who Alabama voters are willing to vote for.

Show us NY voters willing to do the same.

Really? You really want a list of New York political type who liked to screw young boys and girls? I’m down. We hold them to the Moore standards?all presumed guilty and you tap agree on all of them I provide a link to the accusation along with?
Yet another lie. And there you go with your lie again and so soon after you had it shoved down your throat. Pleas show where the Govrener of Alabama said Roy Moore liked to date teens. Bet you don’t.

I posted the interview in this thread - go see it for yourself. She has "no reason not to believe" the minors - but more crazy judges who will overturn Roe v Wade are more important to her.

There are NO minors! There are middle aged women who have had a lifetime to speak up and didn't until the Washington Post tickled their clits.
Quite a lot of assault victims NEVER speak out. Asshole.

That's why the fuckers who attack them get away with it, and continue to attack other women.

I've taught my daughters that if they are attacked and remain silent, they are encouraging the attacker to do it again to another victm.

Moore is a textbook example. He went on to attack SEVERAL women because none of his victims ever spoke out.

40 years, 8 major campaigns including TWO for Chief Justice of the State Supreme court and not a word until the Washington Post waved money under their noses.
Wapo heard stories from many people about Moore’s perversions so they did what every reporter should do. They investigated them.
Coming from someone who thinks all 16 women lied when they accused trump of molesting them I can see how you would think a newspaper PAID people to talk to them.
You’re a disgrace to your sex.
Maybe this'll work to convince these idiots? ----- Nah!

In an interview Moore gave earlier this year, he gave a similar account [about when he met current wife], but for one detail.

"It was, oh gosh, eight years later, or something, I met her," Moore said. "And when she told me her name, I remembered 'K. K.,' and I said, 'Haven't I met you before?'"

It's a simple matter of subtraction. When Roy Moore first took notice of Kayla she would have been as young as 15.​

Don't believe Roy Moore's accusers? Then listen to Moore

Lol, oh well. Glad I don’t live In Alabama.
Yet another lie. And there you go with your lie again and so soon after you had it shoved down your throat. Pleas show where the Govrener of Alabama said Roy Moore liked to date teens. Bet you don’t.

I posted the interview in this thread - go see it for yourself. She has "no reason not to believe" the minors - but more crazy judges who will overturn Roe v Wade are more important to her.

There are NO minors! There are middle aged women who have had a lifetime to speak up and didn't until the Washington Post tickled their clits.
Quite a lot of assault victims NEVER speak out. Asshole.

That's why the fuckers who attack them get away with it, and continue to attack other women.

I've taught my daughters that if they are attacked and remain silent, they are encouraging the attacker to do it again to another victm.

Moore is a textbook example. He went on to attack SEVERAL women because none of his victims ever spoke out.

40 years, 8 major campaigns including TWO for Chief Justice of the State Supreme court and not a word until the Washington Post waved money under their noses.
Wapo heard stories from many people about Moore’s perversions so they did what every reporter should do. They investigated them.
Coming from someone who thinks all 16 women lied when they accused trump of molesting them I can see how you would think a newspaper PAID people to talk to them.
You’re a disgrace to your sex.

Yet another lie. And there you go with your lie again and so soon after you had it shoved down your throat. Pleas show where the Govrener of Alabama said Roy Moore liked to date teens. Bet you don’t.

I posted the interview in this thread - go see it for yourself. She has "no reason not to believe" the minors - but more crazy judges who will overturn Roe v Wade are more important to her.

There are NO minors! There are middle aged women who have had a lifetime to speak up and didn't until the Washington Post tickled their clits.

I never spoke up about the college guy who kissed and groped me when I was 10. If he was running for high public office I might do so but at the time I just ran away from and told no one.

If women made a big deal out of every guy who made unwanted advances or groped them, we’d be spending all of our time filing police reports. Sad but true. You have to pick your battles and when I was growing up the he said/she said wasn’t one you could win.
We need to elect child molester Roy Moore so we can make the debt Obama left us even bigger!
The goal is to get the democrat elected. The ends justify the means. Roy Moore is no pervert and never raped anyone.

I have a 56 year old friend whose wife was 29 when they married. He's older than both her mom and dad. So no. I don't see anything wrong with older men dating young women.
40 years, 8 major campaigns including TWO for Chief Justice of the State Supreme court and not a word until the Washington Post waved money under their noses.

WaPo waved money under their noses?

Oh - you must have believed Bernie Bernstein :cool-45:

Yet another lie. And there you go with your lie again and so soon after you had it shoved down your throat. Pleas show where the Govrener of Alabama said Roy Moore liked to date teens. Bet you don’t.

I posted the interview in this thread - go see it for yourself. She has "no reason not to believe" the minors - but more crazy judges who will overturn Roe v Wade are more important to her.

There are NO minors! There are middle aged women who have had a lifetime to speak up and didn't until the Washington Post tickled their clits.
Quite a lot of assault victims NEVER speak out. Asshole.

That's why the fuckers who attack them get away with it, and continue to attack other women.

I've taught my daughters that if they are attacked and remain silent, they are encouraging the attacker to do it again to another victm.

Moore is a textbook example. He went on to attack SEVERAL women because none of his victims ever spoke out.

40 years, 8 major campaigns including TWO for Chief Justice of the State Supreme court and not a word until the Washington Post waved money under their noses.

The Washington Post did NOT waive money under their noses. The WP NEVER pays sources. That was reiterated last week in their article about robot callers offering payment for accusations. If you received such a call, it wasn't from the Post.

He said he was a Washington Post reporter offering a reward for dirt on Roy Moore. It wasn’t true.

Once again you’re lying.
Hold the fuck on, Huntsville Times you say? That clinches it, mother fucker must pay.

I figure Creepy Roy has about a 60% chance of winning. Hey i'm good with it - he'll embarrass the holy snot out of the Republican Party .. :)
How so? Only fools like you act upon unsubstantiated rumor.

I never spoke up about the college guy who kissed and groped me when I was 10. If he was running for high public office I might do so but at the time I just ran away from and told no one.

If women made a big deal out of every guy who made unwanted advances or groped them, we’d be spending all of our time filing police reports. Sad but true. You have to pick your battles and when I was growing up the he said/she said wasn’t one you could win.

You can explain this to idiots but they don't understand - they might believe such an accusation from their own underage daughter - that's about it.

When i was around 5 years old in the mid-60s, my sister had a birthday party. She would have been 7-ish and they were mostly other little girls invited who were around same age. So this middle-aged neighbor dude one street over came walking naked naked as a jay bird along a brick wall in our backyard.

At the point he saw that he had the girls attention - he started masturbating. Girls giggled, but were pretty freaked out and everyone came inside. Mom witnessed it too and called the cops. Do you know what they did? Nothing. In fact, they kind of snickered about it. Called him a "weenie-wagger".

They gave the jerk a warning and went their merry way. That's the way things were even in "liberal" coastal SoCal until probably 15-20 years later. Alabama to this day remains mired in the 60s & 70s.
Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.

That is the most disgusting of all. I almost understand the people saying this is a political hatchet job. They are misguided, but it makes more sense.

For a governor to say they believe the accusers, but will be voting for Moore anyway? That is sick. For it to be a woman saying that? It is the worst sort of partisan, party-politics-above-all-else, slimy, hateful things ever in the history of Alabama politics. And that is saying something.

You don't understand. What these women are saying is that they believe the accusers and if everything the accusers say is true, Roy Moore STILL did nothing wrong. This has nothing to do with partisanship or political parties. The women of Alabama find nothing at all wrong with an older man asking a young girl out on a date, nor giving her a kiss. I don't see anything wrong with it either. Not a single one of these women claim they were raped. The hatchet job trying to portray Moore as some kind of child molester is what's partisan politics.
They don't mind him undressing and molesting a 14 year old girl? I doubt that.
Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.

That is the most disgusting of all. I almost understand the people saying this is a political hatchet job. They are misguided, but it makes more sense.

For a governor to say they believe the accusers, but will be voting for Moore anyway? That is sick. For it to be a woman saying that? It is the worst sort of partisan, party-politics-above-all-else, slimy, hateful things ever in the history of Alabama politics. And that is saying something.

You don't understand. What these women are saying is that they believe the accusers and if everything the accusers say is true, Roy Moore STILL did nothing wrong. This has nothing to do with partisanship or political parties. The women of Alabama find nothing at all wrong with an older man asking a young girl out on a date, nor giving her a kiss. I don't see anything wrong with it either. Not a single one of these women claim they were raped. The hatchet job trying to portray Moore as some kind of child molester is what's partisan politics.
They don't mind him undressing and molesting a 14 year old girl? I doubt that.
If he'll vote against Roe, them women can eat shit and die, down there.
Alabama Conservatives: We are casting our morality aside to cast a vote on behalf of our morality.

Al-A-Bama, the American Taliban State.

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