Huntsville Times front page: Stand for decency, reject Roy Moore

Hold the fuck on, Huntsville Times you say? That clinches it, mother fucker must pay.

I figure Creepy Roy has about a 60% chance of winning. Hey i'm good with it - he'll embarrass the holy snot out of the Republican Party .. :)
How so? Only fools like you act upon unsubstantiated rumor.

UN-Americans like you clearly do not believe in innocent until proven guilty.
He didn't ask to marry them. This law makes no never mind to what he did or didn't do.

It adress the claim by another poster that the south has an issue with old men and teenage girls. It proves that poster is an ignorant fuck.
Honestly, I don't think it proves your point, considering Alabamians' reaction to the Moore kerfluffle. A good number of them aren't hiding their heads in the sand and saying it didn't happen. But for a myriad of reasons, they don't seem to care.

Old school implied people in the south are okay with getting with kids. It was pointed out that New York has no minimum age to marry and has and does issue marriage licenses to 14 year olds.
And it would be totally appropriate for NY voters to reject anyone doing that. Period.

But I bet they don’t. Member Barney Frank?
Barney Frank? You know the difference between NY and Massachusetts? :rofl: :rofl:
Hold the fuck on, Huntsville Times you say? That clinches it, mother fucker must pay.

I figure Creepy Roy has about a 60% chance of winning. Hey i'm good with it - he'll embarrass the holy snot out of the Republican Party .. :)
How so? Only fools like you act upon unsubstantiated rumor.

UN-Americans like you clearly do not believe in innocent until proven guilty.
You are incredible. Absolutely zero self awareness. You believe the Clintons guilty of a myriad of things, all unproven. Are you so dense you don't see your glaring hypocrisy?
Alabama Conservatives: We are casting our morality aside to cast a vote on behalf of our morality.

Al-A-Bama, the American Taliban State.

Nailed it ^ ^ ^ Yep, Godly conservative immoral men are cool - Lib-rul immoral men are heathens.

And they don't see a problem with this view.
Will they reject Roy Moore? Alabamian women largely will - Men think he's the "cock of the walk" - Tribalism bay-bee .. Stay in the kitchen beotch and blow me when i issue the command. It's us against the world! :rolleyes-41:


Every day new allegations arise that illustrate a pattern of a man in his 30s strutting through town like the cock of the walk, courting and preying on young women and girls. And though Roy Moore has denied the accusations of these women, his own platform and record is hostile to so many Alabamians.

Unlike the national party, the Alabama Republican establishment has chosen to stand by him, attacking and belittling the brave women who have come forward.

As a news organization, we have independently investigated stories of several Alabama woman who have spoken to us and the Washington Post about the abuse they say they suffered at the hands of Roy Moore decades ago.

A vote for Roy Moore sends the worst kind of message to Alabamians struggling with abuse: "if you ever do tell your story, Alabama won't believe you."

Or, worse, we'll believe you but we just won't care.​


Our view: Alabama voters must reject Roy Moore; we endorse Doug Jones for U.S. Senate

Stand for decency?

Basically they'r saying it's ok to pass judgment on issues of he said/she said.

Fuck that. Voting for a Democrat does not equal being a decent person. Living your life with honesty & integrity equals being decent.

Stupid political hacks.
Stand for decency?
Basically they'r saying it's ok to pass judgment on issues of he said/she said.
Fuck that. Voting for a Democrat does not equal being a decent person. Living your life with honesty & integrity equals being decent.

It's a man who creeped on teenage girls vs. a man who prosecuted the KKK and brought the killers of teenage girls to justice.

There shouldn't even be any obstacle to choosing for whom to vote.
Hold the fuck on, Huntsville Times you say? That clinches it, mother fucker must pay.

I figure Creepy Roy has about a 60% chance of winning. Hey i'm good with it - he'll embarrass the holy snot out of the Republican Party .. :)
How so? Only fools like you act upon unsubstantiated rumor.

UN-Americans like you clearly do not believe in innocent until proven guilty.
You are incredible. Absolutely zero self awareness. You believe the Clintons guilty of a myriad of things, all unproven. Are you so dense you don't see your glaring hypocrisy?
What does being self aware have to do with convicting someone with no evidence like you are doing?
You don't understand. What these women are saying is that they believe the accusers and if everything the accusers say is true, Roy Moore STILL did nothing wrong. This has nothing to do with partisanship or political parties. The women of Alabama find nothing at all wrong with an older man asking a young girl out on a date, nor giving her a kiss. I don't see anything wrong with it either. Not a single one of these women claim they were raped. The hatchet job trying to portray Moore as some kind of child molester is what's partisan politics.

Excuse me? YOu don't see anything wrong with a 30something year old man taking a 14 year old girl parking, stripping her down to her underwear and taking all his clothes off except his underwear, rubbing her pussy thru her panties and putting her hand on his underwear and having her rub his penis???? A 14 year old?? She would have been in the 8th or 9th grade. It was 2 years before she was of the age where she could legally consent?

You see nothing wrong with that?

Did that really happen?
A lot of Alabamans believe it did, including the governor, but are voting for Moore anyways. Because down there, middle aged men fucking children is well accepted.

Yet another lie. And there you go with your lie again and so soon after you had it shoved down your throat. Pleas show where the Govrener of Alabama said Roy Moore liked to date teens. Bet you don’t.
Hey pervert, post where she said she doesn’t believe the accusers. Oops you can’t, because she does. Along millions of others of Alabamans. But, of course, in the deep south, fucking children is a proud tradition.
Part of that "southern heritage" the con-federate flag flyers talk about.
Excuse me? YOu don't see anything wrong with a 30something year old man taking a 14 year old girl parking, stripping her down to her underwear and taking all his clothes off except his underwear, rubbing her pussy thru her panties and putting her hand on his underwear and having her rub his penis???? A 14 year old?? She would have been in the 8th or 9th grade. It was 2 years before she was of the age where she could legally consent?

You see nothing wrong with that?

Did that really happen?
A lot of Alabamans believe it did, including the governor, but are voting for Moore anyways. Because down there, middle aged men fucking children is well accepted.

Yet another lie. And there you go with your lie again and so soon after you had it shoved down your throat. Pleas show where the Govrener of Alabama said Roy Moore liked to date teens. Bet you don’t.
Hey pervert, post where she said she doesn’t believe the accusers. Oops you can’t, because she does. Along millions of others of Alabamans. But, of course, in the deep south, fucking children is a proud tradition.
Part of that "southern heritage" the con-federate flag flyers talk about.

So you agree then?
Excuse me? YOu don't see anything wrong with a 30something year old man taking a 14 year old girl parking, stripping her down to her underwear and taking all his clothes off except his underwear, rubbing her pussy thru her panties and putting her hand on his underwear and having her rub his penis???? A 14 year old?? She would have been in the 8th or 9th grade. It was 2 years before she was of the age where she could legally consent?

You see nothing wrong with that?

Did that really happen?
A lot of Alabamans believe it did, including the governor, but are voting for Moore anyways. Because down there, middle aged men fucking children is well accepted.

Yet another lie. And there you go with your lie again and so soon after you had it shoved down your throat. Pleas show where the Govrener of Alabama said Roy Moore liked to date teens. Bet you don’t.
Hey pervert, post where she said she doesn’t believe the accusers. Oops you can’t, because she does. Along millions of others of Alabamans. But, of course, in the deep south, fucking children is a proud tradition.
Part of that "southern heritage" the con-federate flag flyers talk about.
Must be another one of your lies. I never see that flag flying anywhere.
I figure Creepy Roy has about a 60% chance of winning. Hey i'm good with it - he'll embarrass the holy snot out of the Republican Party .. :)
How so? Only fools like you act upon unsubstantiated rumor.

UN-Americans like you clearly do not believe in innocent until proven guilty.
You are incredible. Absolutely zero self awareness. You believe the Clintons guilty of a myriad of things, all unproven. Are you so dense you don't see your glaring hypocrisy?
What does being self aware have to do with convicting someone with no evidence like you are doing?
It adress the claim by another poster that the south has an issue with old men and teenage girls. It proves that poster is an ignorant fuck.
Honestly, I don't think it proves your point, considering Alabamians' reaction to the Moore kerfluffle. A good number of them aren't hiding their heads in the sand and saying it didn't happen. But for a myriad of reasons, they don't seem to care.

Old school implied people in the south are okay with getting with kids. It was pointed out that New York has no minimum age to marry and has and does issue marriage licenses to 14 year olds.
And it would be totally appropriate for NY voters to reject anyone doing that. Period.

But I bet they don’t. Member Barney Frank?
Barney Frank? You know the difference between NY and Massachusetts? :rofl: :rofl:

See? So you agree then? Should be easy right? Or you skeert?
That's why Roy Moore the child molester is a big hero down there. He's one of them.

The evangelicals worship a President who has attacked women, committed serial adultery, owned casinos, and is a bigot. They think he's been sent by God.

And the hicks in Alabama worship a child molester who rants about how America is being ruined by perverts.

And I bet you did the same during your undercover operator wet dreams.
Yet another lie. And there you go with your lie again and so soon after you had it shoved down your throat. Pleas show where the Govrener of Alabama said Roy Moore liked to date teens. Bet you don’t.

I posted the interview in this thread - go see it for yourself. She has "no reason not to believe" the minors - but more crazy judges who will overturn Roe v Wade are more important to her.

There are NO minors! There are middle aged women who have had a lifetime to speak up and didn't until the Washington Post tickled their clits.
Quite a lot of assault victims NEVER speak out. Asshole.

That's why the fuckers who attack them get away with it, and continue to attack other women.

I've taught my daughters that if they are attacked and remain silent, they are encouraging the attacker to do it again to another victm.

Moore is a textbook example. He went on to attack SEVERAL women because none of his victims ever spoke out.

On what do you base this opinion?
It's Alabama. Finding a male who has not diddled a kid is nearly impossible.

Moore's got a lock on the Child Molester voting bloc.

Did you run around under cover with the diders to ? Like you said you did with the Klan? Shit, were you in Alabama?
I was stationed in the Deep South, and was married to a woman from the Mobile area.

I never said I was undercover with the Klan, fuckwad.

However, I had Klan in-laws.

Almost every woman I met in the Deep South had lost their virginity when they were underaged to a much older male. Oftentimes a preacher.

It's rampant down there. And it is no big secret, either.

It's rare to find a woman who did not have a kid before they were 18.

That’s completely different from what you said when everyone was a racist. I know, you married an Asian woman and have seven kids of each ethnicity as well. Your a liar.
My kids and I look more Aryan than you probably do, dipshit.

I know you have to tell yourself little fantasies when you are getting your ass kicked. I understand. It's what your type always does.

Funny. Post what you said then liar.
How so? Only fools like you act upon unsubstantiated rumor.

UN-Americans like you clearly do not believe in innocent until proven guilty.
You are incredible. Absolutely zero self awareness. You believe the Clintons guilty of a myriad of things, all unproven. Are you so dense you don't see your glaring hypocrisy?
What does being self aware have to do with convicting someone with no evidence like you are doing?
Classic libtard. Run and deflect to avoid having to be truthful.
A child molester was the best person the Alabama GOP could find to run for US Senator.

Excuse me? YOu don't see anything wrong with a 30something year old man taking a 14 year old girl parking, stripping her down to her underwear and taking all his clothes off except his underwear, rubbing her pussy thru her panties and putting her hand on his underwear and having her rub his penis???? A 14 year old?? She would have been in the 8th or 9th grade. It was 2 years before she was of the age where she could legally consent?

You see nothing wrong with that?

Did that really happen?
A lot of Alabamans believe it did, including the governor, but are voting for Moore anyways. Because down there, middle aged men fucking children is well accepted.

Yet another lie. And there you go with your lie again and so soon after you had it shoved down your throat. Pleas show where the Govrener of Alabama said Roy Moore liked to date teens. Bet you don’t.
Hey pervert, post where she said she doesn’t believe the accusers. Oops you can’t, because she does. Along millions of others of Alabamans. But, of course, in the deep south, fucking children is a proud tradition.

What a plonker .All this time your stupid ass has been on google looking for some print to back yet another lie, and again you can’t . You gonna melt down again and gimme a twofer? I don’t even think the melt down queen has ever gotten a twofer.
Not seeing any pertinent thread content in your post......can't address the topic?

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