Huntsville Times front page: Stand for decency, reject Roy Moore

That's why Roy Moore the child molester is a big hero down there. He's one of them.

The evangelicals worship a President who has attacked women, committed serial adultery, owned casinos, and is a bigot. They think he's been sent by God.

And the hicks in Alabama worship a child molester who rants about how America is being ruined by perverts.
Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.

That is the most disgusting of all. I almost understand the people saying this is a political hatchet job. They are misguided, but it makes more sense.

For a governor to say they believe the accusers, but will be voting for Moore anyway? That is sick. For it to be a woman saying that? It is the worst sort of partisan, party-politics-above-all-else, slimy, hateful things ever in the history of Alabama politics. And that is saying something.

"For a governor to say they believe the accusers, but will be voting for Moore anyway? "

McConnell provided cover to all of them, when he said he would support kicking Moore out of the Senate. Now they can vote for him anyway, with the hedge that he'll be kicked out and replaced by another republican.

Gotta eat a crow leg.

Alabama’s GOP governor says she plans to vote for Roy Moore

She attributed her decision to a desire to preserve the advantage Republicans hold over Democrats in the Senate, which has enabled them to advance key judicial nominations and other elements of the GOP agenda.

“We need to have a Republican in the United States Senate to vote on the things like Supreme Court justices,” Ivey said.
Will they reject Roy Moore? Alabamian women largely will - Men think he's the "cock of the walk" - Tribalism bay-bee .. Stay in the kitchen beotch and blow me when i issue the command. It's us against the world! :rolleyes-41:


Every day new allegations arise that illustrate a pattern of a man in his 30s strutting through town like the cock of the walk, courting and preying on young women and girls. And though Roy Moore has denied the accusations of these women, his own platform and record is hostile to so many Alabamians.

Unlike the national party, the Alabama Republican establishment has chosen to stand by him, attacking and belittling the brave women who have come forward.

As a news organization, we have independently investigated stories of several Alabama woman who have spoken to us and the Washington Post about the abuse they say they suffered at the hands of Roy Moore decades ago.

A vote for Roy Moore sends the worst kind of message to Alabamians struggling with abuse: "if you ever do tell your story, Alabama won't believe you."

Or, worse, we'll believe you but we just won't care.​


Our view: Alabama voters must reject Roy Moore; we endorse Doug Jones for U.S. Senate

I have full faith that Alabamans will vote for the guy who hates homos and loves Jesus
It's Alabama. Finding a male who has not diddled a kid is nearly impossible.

Moore's got a lock on the Child Molester voting bloc.

Did you run around under cover with the diders to ? Like you said you did with the Klan? Shit, were you in Alabama?
I was stationed in the Deep South, and was married to a woman from the Mobile area.

I never said I was undercover with the Klan, fuckwad.

However, I had Klan in-laws.

Almost every woman I met in the Deep South had lost their virginity when they were underaged to a much older male. Oftentimes a preacher.

It's rampant down there. And it is no big secret, either.

It's rare to find a woman who did not have a kid before they were 18.

That’s completely different from what you said when everyone was a racist. I know, you married an Asian woman and have seven kids of each ethnicity as well. Your a liar.
Middle aged men fucking teenagers is too well accepted in the south. So Moore will win. Look at their evil whore of a governor, who believes the women but said she’s voting for Moore anyways. There’s a reason for all those Alabama stereotypes.

That is the most disgusting of all. I almost understand the people saying this is a political hatchet job. They are misguided, but it makes more sense.

For a governor to say they believe the accusers, but will be voting for Moore anyway? That is sick. For it to be a woman saying that? It is the worst sort of partisan, party-politics-above-all-else, slimy, hateful things ever in the history of Alabama politics. And that is saying something.

"For a governor to say they believe the accusers, but will be voting for Moore anyway? "

McConnell provided cover to all of them, when he said he would support kicking Moore out of the Senate. Now they can vote for him anyway, with the hedge that he'll be kicked out and replaced by another republican.

Gotta eat a crow leg.

Alabama’s GOP governor says she plans to vote for Roy Moore

She attributed her decision to a desire to preserve the advantage Republicans hold over Democrats in the Senate, which has enabled them to advance key judicial nominations and other elements of the GOP agenda.

“We need to have a Republican in the United States Senate to vote on the things like Supreme Court justices,” Ivey said.
Yep. Pseudocons chucked their morals and their principles out the window a long, long time ago.

Now it is all about winning for winning's sake. Pseudocons would vote for Satan if he put an R after his name.
So the word of a cop who said that everybody in town knew about Creepy Roy's charming habit of badgering high school girls at the mall not good enough for ya eh?

--------------------------------------- MALL MANAGER says that Moore was not banned from MALL !! --- WATCH: Former Alabama Mall Manager Says Roy Moore WASN'T Banned Over Harassment Claims ---

The mall manager is a close personal friend of Moore’s. There are a couple of store managers who have said that they asked Roy to leave and stay out of their stores because he was bothering and upsetting their staff. Coworkers who said they warned girls when Roy was headed their way so the girls could hide in back.

Moore has never denied dating these women but claimed to have their parents permission. The girls and their parents say otherwise.
------------------------ all boils down to , what is best for Alabama Americans and then the rest of the Americans in the USA . That answer is , RoyMoore is best and thats it DLady !!
Well, with the "Southern Heritage" of 30+ somethings dating teen girls, etc......I could see why you'd think that.

Of course, the Democrat with his record of successfully prosecuting the church bombers cannot be abided.

Already proven a lie. Alabama has more strict laws on getting with yungns (or marrying them) then NewYork. And many states are much more lax. Feeble try.
And even with those stricter laws...look who Alabama voters are willing to vote for.

Show us NY voters willing to do the same.
Yet another lie. And there you go with your lie again and so soon after you had it shoved down your throat. Pleas show where the Govrener of Alabama said Roy Moore liked to date teens. Bet you don’t.

I posted the interview in this thread - go see it for yourself. She has "no reason not to believe" the minors - but more crazy judges who will overturn Roe v Wade are more important to her.

There are NO minors! There are middle aged women who have had a lifetime to speak up and didn't until the Washington Post tickled their clits.
Will they reject Roy Moore? Alabamian women largely will - Men think he's the "cock of the walk" - Tribalism bay-bee .. Stay in the kitchen beotch and blow me when i issue the command. It's us against the world! :rolleyes-41:


Every day new allegations arise that illustrate a pattern of a man in his 30s strutting through town like the cock of the walk, courting and preying on young women and girls. And though Roy Moore has denied the accusations of these women, his own platform and record is hostile to so many Alabamians.

Unlike the national party, the Alabama Republican establishment has chosen to stand by him, attacking and belittling the brave women who have come forward.

As a news organization, we have independently investigated stories of several Alabama woman who have spoken to us and the Washington Post about the abuse they say they suffered at the hands of Roy Moore decades ago.

A vote for Roy Moore sends the worst kind of message to Alabamians struggling with abuse: "if you ever do tell your story, Alabama won't believe you."

Or, worse, we'll believe you but we just won't care.​


Our view: Alabama voters must reject Roy Moore; we endorse Doug Jones for U.S. Senate


"bama voters ain't gonna be scared by none of this PC bullcrap! Judge Moore will go to Washington TO DRAIN THAT LIBERAL SWAMP!

It’s not “scared” in Alabama, it’s “skeert”.
It's Alabama. Finding a male who has not diddled a kid is nearly impossible.

Moore's got a lock on the Child Molester voting bloc.

Did you run around under cover with the diders to ? Like you said you did with the Klan? Shit, were you in Alabama?
I was stationed in the Deep South, and was married to a woman from the Mobile area.

I never said I was undercover with the Klan, fuckwad.

However, I had Klan in-laws.

Almost every woman I met in the Deep South had lost their virginity when they were underaged to a much older male. Oftentimes a preacher.

It's rampant down there. And it is no big secret, either.

It's rare to find a woman who did not have a kid before they were 18.

That’s completely different from what you said when everyone was a racist. I know, you married an Asian woman and have seven kids of each ethnicity as well. Your a liar.
My kids and I look more Aryan than you probably do, dipshit.

I know you have to tell yourself little fantasies when you are getting your ass kicked. I understand. It's what your type always does.
Yet another lie. And there you go with your lie again and so soon after you had it shoved down your throat. Pleas show where the Govrener of Alabama said Roy Moore liked to date teens. Bet you don’t.

I posted the interview in this thread - go see it for yourself. She has "no reason not to believe" the minors - but more crazy judges who will overturn Roe v Wade are more important to her.

There are NO minors! There are middle aged women who have had a lifetime to speak up and didn't until the Washington Post tickled their clits.

Lol, and even the info sluts on foux keep going on and on. This is yummy.
It's Alabama. Finding a male who has not diddled a kid is nearly impossible.

Moore's got a lock on the Child Molester voting bloc.

Did you run around under cover with the diders to ? Like you said you did with the Klan? Shit, were you in Alabama?
I was stationed in the Deep South, and was married to a woman from the Mobile area.

I never said I was undercover with the Klan, fuckwad.

However, I had Klan in-laws.

Almost every woman I met in the Deep South had lost their virginity when they were underaged to a much older male. Oftentimes a preacher.

It's rampant down there. And it is no big secret, either.

It's rare to find a woman who did not have a kid before they were 18.

That’s completely different from what you said when everyone was a racist. I know, you married an Asian woman and have seven kids of each ethnicity as well. Your a liar.
My kids and I look more Aryan than you probably do, dipshit.

I know you have to tell yourself little fantasies when you are getting your ass kicked. I understand. It's what your type always does.

Look at you. So weak. I give two fucks dickhead. You just a clown.
Yet another lie. And there you go with your lie again and so soon after you had it shoved down your throat. Pleas show where the Govrener of Alabama said Roy Moore liked to date teens. Bet you don’t.

I posted the interview in this thread - go see it for yourself. She has "no reason not to believe" the minors - but more crazy judges who will overturn Roe v Wade are more important to her.

There are NO minors! There are middle aged women who have had a lifetime to speak up and didn't until the Washington Post tickled their clits.
Quite a lot of assault victims NEVER speak out. Asshole.

That's why the fuckers who attack them get away with it, and continue to attack other women.

I've taught my daughters that if they are attacked and remain silent, they are encouraging the attacker to do it again to another victm.

Moore is a textbook example. He went on to attack SEVERAL women because none of his victims ever spoke out.
It's Alabama. Finding a male who has not diddled a kid is nearly impossible.

Moore's got a lock on the Child Molester voting bloc.

Did you run around under cover with the diders to ? Like you said you did with the Klan? Shit, were you in Alabama?
I was stationed in the Deep South, and was married to a woman from the Mobile area.

I never said I was undercover with the Klan, fuckwad.

However, I had Klan in-laws.

Almost every woman I met in the Deep South had lost their virginity when they were underaged to a much older male. Oftentimes a preacher.

It's rampant down there. And it is no big secret, either.

It's rare to find a woman who did not have a kid before they were 18.

That’s completely different from what you said when everyone was a racist. I know, you married an Asian woman and have seven kids of each ethnicity as well. Your a liar.
My kids and I look more Aryan than you probably do, dipshit.

I know you have to tell yourself little fantasies when you are getting your ass kicked. I understand. It's what your type always does.

Look at you. So weak. I give two fucks dickhead. You just a clown.
Psychological projection
Will they reject Roy Moore? Alabamian women largely will - Men think he's the "cock of the walk" - Tribalism bay-bee .. Stay in the kitchen beotch and blow me when i issue the command. It's us against the world! :rolleyes-41:


Every day new allegations arise that illustrate a pattern of a man in his 30s strutting through town like the cock of the walk, courting and preying on young women and girls. And though Roy Moore has denied the accusations of these women, his own platform and record is hostile to so many Alabamians.

Unlike the national party, the Alabama Republican establishment has chosen to stand by him, attacking and belittling the brave women who have come forward.

As a news organization, we have independently investigated stories of several Alabama woman who have spoken to us and the Washington Post about the abuse they say they suffered at the hands of Roy Moore decades ago.

A vote for Roy Moore sends the worst kind of message to Alabamians struggling with abuse: "if you ever do tell your story, Alabama won't believe you."

Or, worse, we'll believe you but we just won't care.​


Our view: Alabama voters must reject Roy Moore; we endorse Doug Jones for U.S. Senate

Asking red states to stand up for decency is just pissing in the wind. When the ministers and other clergy stand up for a pedophile, they’re beyond hope.
That's why Roy Moore the child molester is a big hero down there. He's one of them.

The evangelicals worship a President who has attacked women, committed serial adultery, owned casinos, and is a bigot. They think he's been sent by God.

And the hicks in Alabama worship a child molester who rants about how America is being ruined by perverts.

Yes, apparently the "moral decline" started when Clinton had a consensual affair with an adult.

They're still good with raping minors.
Verily, years ago we were driving my daughter somewhere, and we stopped in Gasden because their was a chain bookstore with a Starbucks, and I'd forgotten to get a book I was supposed to be reading, and the kid wanted a coffee-thing (whatever happened to real coffee? btw) and I looked around the parking lot seeing the fellow shoppers and told her if she brought home a boy from Alabama, just don't bother coming back. LOL
That's why Roy Moore the child molester is a big hero down there. He's one of them.

The evangelicals worship a President who has attacked women, committed serial adultery, owned casinos, and is a bigot. They think he's been sent by God.

And the hicks in Alabama worship a child molester who rants about how America is being ruined by perverts.

Yes, apparently the "moral decline" started when Clinton had a consensual affair with an adult.
We didn't vote fer them after Bill molested that poor child!
That's why Roy Moore the child molester is a big hero down there. He's one of them.

The evangelicals worship a President who has attacked women, committed serial adultery, owned casinos, and is a bigot. They think he's been sent by God.

And the hicks in Alabama worship a child molester who rants about how America is being ruined by perverts.

Yes, apparently the "moral decline" started when Clinton had a consensual affair with an adult.

They're still good with raping minors.
After electing Trump and supporting Roy Moore, the Republican Party has completely abdicated its moral authority.

Yet another lie. And there you go with your lie again and so soon after you had it shoved down your throat. Pleas show where the Govrener of Alabama said Roy Moore liked to date teens. Bet you don’t.

I posted the interview in this thread - go see it for yourself. She has "no reason not to believe" the minors - but more crazy judges who will overturn Roe v Wade are more important to her.

There are NO minors! There are middle aged women who have had a lifetime to speak up and didn't until the Washington Post tickled their clits.
Quite a lot of assault victims NEVER speak out. Asshole.

That's why the fuckers who attack them get away with it, and continue to attack other women.

I've taught my daughters that if they are attacked and remain silent, they are encouraging the attacker to do it again to another victm.

Moore is a textbook example. He went on to attack SEVERAL women because none of his victims ever spoke out.

40 years, 8 major campaigns including TWO for Chief Justice of the State Supreme court and not a word until the Washington Post waved money under their noses.

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