Hurricane Irma update from Florida.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
In Liberal minds, rent free.
Hurricane update from Florida:
We are now certain that there is a hurricane, it is somewhere between a cat. 1 and cat. 5. We are sure it may or may not bring rain to all or some areas totaling .01 inches to 10 feet. We also know it will be impacting none or all of Florida, coming ashore on the east, northeast, center, west, northwest or Alabama side of the state sometime on Saturday, Sunday or Monday but still not ruling out Tuesday. And you might put your valuables in the dishwasher, which may or may not keep them safe and dry. And you might fill up your washer with water or valuables that may or may not be secured to a cabinet against the wall. We have also downloaded an app to our phones allowing us to use them as walkie-talkies that may or may not work. In short, we are prepared for all of the above and we will be just fine.
But seriously, it's 8:46 am Monday. Irma has passed though I still hear some wind gusts. I have no visible damage to my house or property and I still have power.

Checking in with friends and family that live here, many do no0t have power but are otherwise OK. I think this city will be fully operational in 24-36 hours. Unless it's really bad somewhere else in Fla. that I haven't heard, it's time to focus back on Texas.

I am fortunate that I bought a house in a subdivision that was built after hurricane Andrew. It was built up in elevation so we don't flood, and all of the power lines and transformers are under ground. I also never liked huge picture windows so we don't have them and never really need to board them up. I have two oak tress in my front yard, one I was worried about falling on my house, the other I WANTED to fall because I hate it, but alas, it didn't. Anyway, Irma, the huge monster storm, not really all that bad here.
This pic of the church will give everyone an idea how bad the storm surge was at Chokoloskee Island and the Everglades City area. A report came in that the Goodland area also received extreme damage. We have some good friends down there. The locals that have lived in that area treated us like family when we used to go down there in the winters. They even put son to work on the air boats and the alligator show in Everglades City one year. They also took him out frogging with them in the glades and filled him full of lofty tales about alligator hunting. They told son they were not really serious but that wasn't until he jumped off the boat and tackled a six foot gator out frogging in the swamp one night they had invited him along. Son was 19 back then and full of that I can do anything attitude. Anyhow from the pictures online the storm hit a lot of their homes, fishing boats and equipment hard.
(the Daniels, Wootens, Henry Clark, the McMillin's and the Smallwood family members all are a great bunch of peeps that have been there in that area for generations). The generosity of all of the families I mentioned is amazing. Smallwood's grand daughter Lynn McMillin has kept the historic landmark the Smallwood store alive as a museum for everyone can see the history of the area. Her dad A.C. was a sheriff there for many years (long before we met them all) and her mom Nancy always had a smile for me when I would go see how she was doing. As high as the surge was down there I can imagine Lynn and her family will need some help cleaning up the store and all of its historical contents. I don't think it set high enough as high as the water got this round. I have not seen any pictures of it yet to see if it got damaged too. When we stayed down there the old barn was still standing. Our little trailer was just a little ways away from it. I found a small tortoise there living in the moss in the barn once that fit into the palm of my hand. I have looked and looked to find out what kind of tortoise it was but have never seen anything like it anywhere. Gary McMillian and his dad Ray (now passed) ran a stone crabbing boat and every year. The McMillian's would hold a harvest dinner at their home on the bay where they kept their boat that was awesome. Musicians from all over would come and play magically into the night as everyone feasted on crab and other yummy food prepared by the families.

Chokloskee church yesterday
church at Chokoloskee.jpg

Smallwood Store before storm surge

Smallwood store.jpg

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