Hussein and his Admisntration have been hacked by Russia

Impossible! Bush looked into Putin's eyes, and saw his soul! He would never!


!@#$%^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
go Russia~ show that idiot Hussein how it's done.
Impossible! Bush looked into Putin's eyes, and saw his soul! He would never!


I cannot tell a lie, it wasn't the was me...I lucked out guessing a username and password.

Username: Barrack Obama

Password: IMDGr8TestPrezEvah
I cannot tell a lie, it wasn't the was me...I lucked out guessing a username and password.

Username: Barrack Obama

Password: IMDGr8TestPrezEvah

I really hope if Hillary gets the nomination she cackles like that during the debates because that'll cost her the election. How f*ing irritating that bitch's voice is.
The incompetence of this administration knows no bounds. The Secret Service are a bunch of fools. Now this. There will be zero consequences and Obozo will deny it even happened.
Russia hacked the useless Obama administration. The Obama pole polishers come out in droves. Wonder what classified information Obama let them have. With the support of Obama on this looks like the usual suspects are supporting Putin.

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