Hussein and his Admisntration have been hacked by Russia

You know, that was the bill the ACLU fought against.
Best thread LOL

Impossible! Bush looked into Putin's eyes, and saw his soul! He would never!


!@#$%^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
go Russia~ show that idiot Hussein how it's done.
Is this girl retarded or what?

And she thinks she's insulting him by calling him by his middle name. Pretty funny. :)
She's evidently too stupid to be embarrassed about how stupid she is.
No matter then name this president fucked up this country plain and simple.
Maybe the Hussein gave Putin his login info. You know, to be more "flexible".



No matter how this turns out, Barry, I’ll R-S-P-E-C-T you in the morning - says Putin!.:lmao::lmao:

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