Hypocrisy of Free Speech

In the wake of Colin Kaepernick's "protests", Leftists have been shouting the same justification for his ungrateful actions. "It's his 1st Amemdment Right!" they cry. Yet, when Trump, for instance, calls one fat girl fat, he is universally condemned by those same Liberals. Shouldn't we ALL be held to the same standard? We are, after all, created equal under God. If Trump wants to call O'Donnel fat then it should be well within his rights to do so without being criticized. Again, compare him to Kaepernick.
Trump calls an overweight girl fat, gets called a women-hater.
Kaepernick disrespects the flag of our great nation and all those -white and black- who sacrificed their lives to defend his rights, gets hailed as a hero and patriot.
Those who believe that the Constitution freedoms only apply to their particular beliefs -Left AND Right- need to pick up a copy and read it. The 1st is for ALL American citizens, not just Liberals.
This is as ignorant as it is wrong.

Many ‘liberals’ disagree with Kaepernick, but acknowledge he’s at liberty to express himself in a free and democratic society.

‘Liberals’ also support Trump’s right to freely express himself, and consistent with a free and democratic society, appropriately denounce Trump’s hate and stupidity.

To oppose the ignorant, hateful things Trump says is not to seek to ‘deny’ him the ability to express his ignorance, stupidity, and hate.

You’re confusing opposing that which is expressed with seeking to deny someone the means by which to engage in free expression, and your ridiculous thread premise fails as a consequence.
Everyone has their first amendment right to be as nasty, stupid, etc. as they want as long as they aren't directly contributing to the harm of others (like yelling fire in a crowded room). As well citizens have the right to call them out and protest or boycott them, etc.

What is wrong is actively preventing or trying to prevent one from exercising their first amendment right. Example:trying to force the NFL to prohibit players from kneeling.
Exactly. I despise Kaepernick's action, but I have never believed for an instant he should be forbidden to do so.
And the same is true with ‘liberals’ – they despise Trump’s ignorance, hate, and bigotry, but have never believed for an instant he should be forbidden to express his ignorance, hate, and bigotry.
Kapernick's kneeling during the National Anthem is not constitutionally protected and is at the descretion of the NBA and the team.
Kapernick's kneeling during the National Anthem is not constitutionally protected and is at the descretion of the NBA and the team.
Of course its constitutionally protected. He cant be imprisoned for kneeling. Its obvious from your post you are really confused. Kap doesnt play in the NBA.
Kap has the right to protest and The Donald has the right to tweet.

I have the right to call Kap a jerk for the showboating and I have the right to call The Donald an embarrassment for his tweets.

That is what free speech is all about.
In the wake of Colin Kaepernick's "protests", Leftists have been shouting the same justification for his ungrateful actions. "It's his 1st Amemdment Right!" they cry. Yet, when Trump, for instance, calls one fat girl fat, he is universally condemned by those same Liberals. Shouldn't we ALL be held to the same standard? We are, after all, created equal under God. If Trump wants to call O'Donnel fat then it should be well within his rights to do so without being criticized. Again, compare him to Kaepernick.
Trump calls an overweight girl fat, gets called a women-hater.
Kaepernick disrespects the flag of our great nation and all those -white and black- who sacrificed their lives to defend his rights, gets hailed as a hero and patriot.
Those who believe that the Constitution freedoms only apply to their particular beliefs -Left AND Right- need to pick up a copy and read it. The 1st is for ALL American citizens, not just Liberals.
I don't understand why Clinton's supporters condemned what Trump said.
If that girl is fat, she's fat.
It's just a fact nothing more...
(ok maybe he should have said "overweight" instead of fat)
Kapernick's kneeling during the National Anthem is not constitutionally protected and is at the descretion of the NBA and the team.
Of course its constitutionally protected. He cant be imprisoned for kneeling. Its obvious from your post you are really confused. Kap doesnt play in the NBA.

There is no constitutionally protected speech in the private sector.
Kapernick's kneeling during the National Anthem is not constitutionally protected and is at the descretion of the NBA and the team.
Of course its constitutionally protected. He cant be imprisoned for kneeling. Its obvious from your post you are really confused. Kap doesnt play in the NBA.

There is no constitutionally protected speech in the private sector.
The government isnt the private sector.
So sorry, Fault_Asscentdunce, there's a difference between a person exercising their First Amendment rights and a person being a rude and nasty lout.
Kapernick's kneeling during the National Anthem is not constitutionally protected and is at the descretion of the NBA and the team.
Of course its constitutionally protected. He cant be imprisoned for kneeling. Its obvious from your post you are really confused. Kap doesnt play in the NBA.

There is no constitutionally protected speech in the private sector.
The government isnt the private sector.

The 49's are not a government agency.
In the wake of Colin Kaepernick's "protests", Leftists have been shouting the same justification for his ungrateful actions. "It's his 1st Amemdment Right!" they cry. Yet, when Trump, for instance, calls one fat girl fat, he is universally condemned by those same Liberals. Shouldn't we ALL be held to the same standard? We are, after all, created equal under God. If Trump wants to call O'Donnel fat then it should be well within his rights to do so without being criticized. Again, compare him to Kaepernick.
Trump calls an overweight girl fat, gets called a women-hater.
Kaepernick disrespects the flag of our great nation and all those -white and black- who sacrificed their lives to defend his rights, gets hailed as a hero and patriot.
Those who believe that the Constitution freedoms only apply to their particular beliefs -Left AND Right- need to pick up a copy and read it. The 1st is for ALL American citizens, not just Liberals.

You same something, someone disagrees and says so, and so on and so on. That is what has happened to all these people, you just wear butthurt colored glasses.
Kapernick's kneeling during the National Anthem is not constitutionally protected and is at the descretion of the NBA and the team.
Of course its constitutionally protected. He cant be imprisoned for kneeling. Its obvious from your post you are really confused. Kap doesnt play in the NBA.

There is no constitutionally protected speech in the private sector.
The government isnt the private sector.

The 49's are not a government agency.
Nor does Kap play in the NBA. Since youre wrong on both counts explain to me again how he isnt constitutionally protected? Are you saying since he plays football he has lost his 1rst amendment rights to be free of prosecution by the government for expressing his views?
Kapernick's kneeling during the National Anthem is not constitutionally protected and is at the descretion of the NBA and the team.
Of course its constitutionally protected. He cant be imprisoned for kneeling. Its obvious from your post you are really confused. Kap doesnt play in the NBA.

There is no constitutionally protected speech in the private sector.
The government isnt the private sector.

The 49's are not a government agency.
Nor does Kap play in the NBA. Since youre wrong on both counts explain to me again how he isnt constitutionally protected? Are you saying since he plays football he has lost his 1rst amendment rights to be free of prosecution by the government for expressing his views?

Obviously I meant the NFL.

The Bill of Rights do not protect speech in the private sector. There is not one Supreme Court case that you can cite that supports your views.
In the wake of Colin Kaepernick's "protests", Leftists have been shouting the same justification for his ungrateful actions. "It's his 1st Amemdment Right!" they cry. Yet, when Trump, for instance, calls one fat girl fat, he is universally condemned by those same Liberals. Shouldn't we ALL be held to the same standard? We are, after all, created equal under God. If Trump wants to call O'Donnel fat then it should be well within his rights to do so without being criticized. Again, compare him to Kaepernick.
Trump calls an overweight girl fat, gets called a women-hater.
Kaepernick disrespects the flag of our great nation and all those -white and black- who sacrificed their lives to defend his rights, gets hailed as a hero and patriot.
Those who believe that the Constitution freedoms only apply to their particular beliefs -Left AND Right- need to pick up a copy and read it. The 1st is for ALL American citizens, not just Liberals.

There's a BIG difference between saying someone CAN say something and someone SHOULD say something.

Trump has the right to say it, but shouldn't be president because he does say it.
Of course its constitutionally protected. He cant be imprisoned for kneeling. Its obvious from your post you are really confused. Kap doesnt play in the NBA.

There is no constitutionally protected speech in the private sector.
The government isnt the private sector.

The 49's are not a government agency.
Nor does Kap play in the NBA. Since youre wrong on both counts explain to me again how he isnt constitutionally protected? Are you saying since he plays football he has lost his 1rst amendment rights to be free of prosecution by the government for expressing his views?

Obviously I meant the NFL.

The Bill of Rights do not protect speech in the private sector. There is not one Supreme Court case that you can cite that supports your views.
My view is that Kap still has his first amendment rights. You are the one claiming that since he works for the NFL he no longer has them. Can you show us that exception?
There is no constitutionally protected speech in the private sector.
The government isnt the private sector.

The 49's are not a government agency.
Nor does Kap play in the NBA. Since youre wrong on both counts explain to me again how he isnt constitutionally protected? Are you saying since he plays football he has lost his 1rst amendment rights to be free of prosecution by the government for expressing his views?

Obviously I meant the NFL.

The Bill of Rights do not protect speech in the private sector. There is not one Supreme Court case that you can cite that supports your views.
My view is that Kap still has his first amendment rights. You are the one claiming that since he works for the NFL he no longer has them. Can you show us that exception?

He works for the 49's. It is not my job to produce something that does not exist. The Bill of Rights applies to the government. That is the most basic concept and purpose of the Bill of Rights.
The government isnt the private sector.

The 49's are not a government agency.
Nor does Kap play in the NBA. Since youre wrong on both counts explain to me again how he isnt constitutionally protected? Are you saying since he plays football he has lost his 1rst amendment rights to be free of prosecution by the government for expressing his views?

Obviously I meant the NFL.

The Bill of Rights do not protect speech in the private sector. There is not one Supreme Court case that you can cite that supports your views.
My view is that Kap still has his first amendment rights. You are the one claiming that since he works for the NFL he no longer has them. Can you show us that exception?

He works for the 49's. It is not my job to produce something that does not exist. The Bill of Rights applies to the government. That is the most basic concept and purpose of the Bill of Rights.
Youre not making sense. How is working for the 49ers in any way something that takes your 1rst amendment rights from you?

thats like saying you are not an american citizen when you go to canada.
The 49's are not a government agency.
Nor does Kap play in the NBA. Since youre wrong on both counts explain to me again how he isnt constitutionally protected? Are you saying since he plays football he has lost his 1rst amendment rights to be free of prosecution by the government for expressing his views?

Obviously I meant the NFL.

The Bill of Rights do not protect speech in the private sector. There is not one Supreme Court case that you can cite that supports your views.
My view is that Kap still has his first amendment rights. You are the one claiming that since he works for the NFL he no longer has them. Can you show us that exception?

He works for the 49's. It is not my job to produce something that does not exist. The Bill of Rights applies to the government. That is the most basic concept and purpose of the Bill of Rights.
Youre not making sense. How is working for the 49ers in any way something that takes your 1rst amendment rights from you?

thats like saying you are not an american citizen when you go to canada.

Do you know what the Bill of Rights is and its stated purpose?

Read the preamble and the first sentence of the Bill of Rights and tell me what you get from it.
Nor does Kap play in the NBA. Since youre wrong on both counts explain to me again how he isnt constitutionally protected? Are you saying since he plays football he has lost his 1rst amendment rights to be free of prosecution by the government for expressing his views?

Obviously I meant the NFL.

The Bill of Rights do not protect speech in the private sector. There is not one Supreme Court case that you can cite that supports your views.
My view is that Kap still has his first amendment rights. You are the one claiming that since he works for the NFL he no longer has them. Can you show us that exception?

He works for the 49's. It is not my job to produce something that does not exist. The Bill of Rights applies to the government. That is the most basic concept and purpose of the Bill of Rights.
Youre not making sense. How is working for the 49ers in any way something that takes your 1rst amendment rights from you?

thats like saying you are not an american citizen when you go to canada.

Do you know what the Bill of Rights is and its stated purpose?

Read the preamble and the first sentence of the Bill of Rights and tell me what you get from it.
I know much more about it than you obviously.

I already read it and explained it to you. What do you get when you read it? What is confusing you about its meaning?

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