HYPOCRISY, Thy Name Is 'DEMOCRAT': Democrats Leave Capitol To March For Gun Control With Students

Aside from the NRA, there was nothing preventing the GOP from joining the students.
These kids are being manipulated and used by Liberals, just like how the 'Dreamers' realized they were being manipulated and used by them.

These kids should be in school, not egged on by the hypocrites who do not give a damn about them but who only want to use them to push their gun-grabbing agenda.
It's easier to refute the kids and their message than join in a constructive debate to address the issue.

There is no debate. Did Trump give in to the left and pass any serious firearms legislation?
Sooner or later you're going to realize this isn't a "Left" or "Right" things. Conservatives are vulnerable to gun violence just as, sadly, every other American. There is massive support for banning bump stocks, and comprehensive universal background checks. Lowering the buying age was aspiring, but unconstitutional, even by me.

Trump cannot be trusted by either side. It would all depend on what the last voice in the room had to say.

1. 'Never let a tragedy go to waste.'

2. 'Never let a PHOTO OP go to waste.'

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest

"Democratic leaders in the House and Senate exited the Capitol on Wednesday to march with and speak to students protesting gun violence on the one-month anniversary of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting.

Senior members of Democratic leadership joined other lawmakers from the House and Senate on Capitol Hill as thousands of students marched while others around the country walked out of classes or staged other protests."

Forget for a minute that Barry's pushed liberal agenda made it possible for the shooter to buy a gun...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats who refused to pass Kate's law...

Forget for a minute that Schumer and these Democrats are the same ones who chose to stand with MS13 gang members and violent illegals - who have victimized / murdered Americans and who are now being protected in law-violating Sanctuary Cities - instead of Americans in order to shut the US government down not long ago...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats just berated by illegals who recognized how Democrats were using them for political gain, much like they are now using the Parkland Florida shooting victims and students and this photo op for political gain...

If you can forget all of that then you could possible fall for this DNC politically-motivated theatrical performance designed to play on the emotions of all the suckers out there. designed to create emotion-based support for their gun-grabbing agenda....

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest

How is this hypocrisy? The Democrats have made it abundantly clear they are an anti-gun party.

What you are saying just proves you to be a troll.
Dems want gun controls. Like every other advanced country in the world. IN ORDER TO STOP THE DEATHS OF STUDENTS AND OTHER.
Republicans are simply tools of the NRA. They want to do nothing, except make gun makers and amo makers richer.
So, there you go. Dems want to help the people, repubs want to help the gun corporations and the NRA. No one, me poor ignorant con, is anti gun. Anti assault rifle, yep. But anti gun overall, no way.

Not trying to be nasty, but what you typed should be proofread because it is, at times, hard to understand. But let's be honest:

1) Are the Democrats anti-gun? The answer is yes. Hillary Clinton wasn't satisfied until she declared war on the NRA which is a major reason she lost

2) You cannot ban so - called "assault weapons" because:

A) No such weapon is on the market to be outlawed. The only "assault weapons" might be the fully autos that got grandfathered in back in pre-1986. NONE of those are used in crimes

B) The Second Amendment has been ruled by the United States Supreme Court to guarantee an individual Right to keep and bear Arms

C) Semi automatic firearms make up, most likely, three quarters of the entire firearm market. Everything from a .22 caliber squirrel gun made in the 1960s to shotguns to the most commonly used deer rifles are semi-automatic fire. Any magazine fed weapon is capable of semi - auto fire and, again, that's probably two thirds of all the weapons being built

D) The weapons MOST PROTECTED by the Second Amendment are semi-automatic weapons.

When families are mowed down by DUI drivers, we don't rush to outlaw booze OR automobiles. So, we should approach this issue with the same solutions that we do for everything else. The fact is, as the leaders in Broward County said about Nickolas Cruz and his ultimate act: "it was a multi-system failure." Had the government done their job, Cruz would have been somewhere getting the help he needed after a life of violent outbursts. All the laws you can pass are worth a fart in wild whirlwind if you don't follow up on them. So, unless you're willing to ban cars and booze for DUIs, you don't have much of a good legal argument on this one.

Don't have too. You posted an article 4 months old and which doesn't include all travel costs which the Obama total does after 8 years.

Your just pissed that the orange occupier cheats at golf and drives on the greens.
The most fun today was seeing Governor Cuomo join the "die in" protest for gun control surrounded by ARMED guards.

The most fun today was seeing Governor Cuomo join the "die in" protest for gun control surrounded by ARMED guards.


Well, given that the goal here is to disarm the people, not the leftist elite, it does fit the bill perfectly.

Don't have too. You posted an article 4 months old and which doesn't include all travel costs which the Obama total does after 8 years.

Your just pissed that the orange occupier cheats at golf and drives on the greens.
Hehe, not pissed at all. Just comparing. Stop assuming go know everyone's motives.
They're protesting "gun violence".
I guess they don't buy the idea that the only antidote to gun violence is more gun violence.

Pacifism never stopped violence. The only way to stop that with an equal or superior opposite force.
Great bumper sticker but lousy history. There have been numerous examples from Jesus to Gandhi to MLK.

Jesus has one of disciples go buy a sword. He even cursed a perfectly good fig bush and made it die, because figs were out of season. Then there was that incident in the temple where threw a fit, overturned a bunch of tables, and whipped some Joos with a knotted rope.

Gandhi said: “Among the many misdeeds of the British rule in India, history will look upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest. If we want the Arms Act to be repealed, if we want to learn the use of arms, here is a golden opportunity. If the middle classes render voluntary help to Government in the hour of its trial, distrust will disappear, and the ban on possessing arms will be withdrawn.”

And MLK kept firearms for self-protection. In fact, he even applied for a permit to carry a concealed weapon...

MLK and His Guns | HuffPost
But Robert Kennedy had him put on the FBI watch list, and we all know how well the FBI watch list was?

FBI tracked King's every move - CNN.com

1. 'Never let a tragedy go to waste.'

2. 'Never let a PHOTO OP go to waste.'

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest

"Democratic leaders in the House and Senate exited the Capitol on Wednesday to march with and speak to students protesting gun violence on the one-month anniversary of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting.

Senior members of Democratic leadership joined other lawmakers from the House and Senate on Capitol Hill as thousands of students marched while others around the country walked out of classes or staged other protests."

Forget for a minute that Barry's pushed liberal agenda made it possible for the shooter to buy a gun...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats who refused to pass Kate's law...

Forget for a minute that Schumer and these Democrats are the same ones who chose to stand with MS13 gang members and violent illegals - who have victimized / murdered Americans and who are now being protected in law-violating Sanctuary Cities - instead of Americans in order to shut the US government down not long ago...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats just berated by illegals who recognized how Democrats were using them for political gain, much like they are now using the Parkland Florida shooting victims and students and this photo op for political gain...

If you can forget all of that then you could possible fall for this DNC politically-motivated theatrical performance designed to play on the emotions of all the suckers out there. designed to create emotion-based support for their gun-grabbing agenda....

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest

How is this hypocrisy? The Democrats have made it abundantly clear they are an anti-gun party.

What you are saying just proves you to be a troll.
Dems want gun controls. Like every other advanced country in the world. IN ORDER TO STOP THE DEATHS OF STUDENTS AND OTHER.
Republicans are simply tools of the NRA. They want to do nothing, except make gun makers and amo makers richer.
So, there you go. Dems want to help the people, repubs want to help the gun corporations and the NRA. No one, me poor ignorant con, is anti gun. Anti assault rifle, yep. But anti gun overall, no way.

Not trying to be nasty, but what you typed should be proofread because it is, at times, hard to understand. But let's be honest:

1) Are the Democrats anti-gun? The answer is yes. Hillary Clinton wasn't satisfied until she declared war on the NRA which is a major reason she lost

2) You cannot ban so - called "assault weapons" because:

A) No such weapon is on the market to be outlawed. The only "assault weapons" might be the fully autos that got grandfathered in back in pre-1986. NONE of those are used in crimes

B) The Second Amendment has been ruled by the United States Supreme Court to guarantee an individual Right to keep and bear Arms

C) Semi automatic firearms make up, most likely, three quarters of the entire firearm market. Everything from a .22 caliber squirrel gun made in the 1960s to shotguns to the most commonly used deer rifles are semi-automatic fire. Any magazine fed weapon is capable of semi - auto fire and, again, that's probably two thirds of all the weapons being built

D) The weapons MOST PROTECTED by the Second Amendment are semi-automatic weapons.

When families are mowed down by DUI drivers, we don't rush to outlaw booze OR automobiles. So, we should approach this issue with the same solutions that we do for everything else. The fact is, as the leaders in Broward County said about Nickolas Cruz and his ultimate act: "it was a multi-system failure." Had the government done their job, Cruz would have been somewhere getting the help he needed after a life of violent outbursts. All the laws you can pass are worth a fart in wild whirlwind if you don't follow up on them. So, unless you're willing to ban cars and booze for DUIs, you don't have much of a good legal argument on this one.
Most shootings are happening in Chicago, but mostly pistols are used, yet there isn't an outcry of such violence. Why?

1. 'Never let a tragedy go to waste.'

2. 'Never let a PHOTO OP go to waste.'

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest

"Democratic leaders in the House and Senate exited the Capitol on Wednesday to march with and speak to students protesting gun violence on the one-month anniversary of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting.

Senior members of Democratic leadership joined other lawmakers from the House and Senate on Capitol Hill as thousands of students marched while others around the country walked out of classes or staged other protests."

Forget for a minute that Barry's pushed liberal agenda made it possible for the shooter to buy a gun...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats who refused to pass Kate's law...

Forget for a minute that Schumer and these Democrats are the same ones who chose to stand with MS13 gang members and violent illegals - who have victimized / murdered Americans and who are now being protected in law-violating Sanctuary Cities - instead of Americans in order to shut the US government down not long ago...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats just berated by illegals who recognized how Democrats were using them for political gain, much like they are now using the Parkland Florida shooting victims and students and this photo op for political gain...

If you can forget all of that then you could possible fall for this DNC politically-motivated theatrical performance designed to play on the emotions of all the suckers out there. designed to create emotion-based support for their gun-grabbing agenda....

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest

How is this hypocrisy? The Democrats have made it abundantly clear they are an anti-gun party.

What you are saying just proves you to be a troll.
Dems want gun controls. Like every other advanced country in the world. IN ORDER TO STOP THE DEATHS OF STUDENTS AND OTHER.
Republicans are simply tools of the NRA. They want to do nothing, except make gun makers and amo makers richer.
So, there you go. Dems want to help the people, repubs want to help the gun corporations and the NRA. No one, me poor ignorant con, is anti gun. Anti assault rifle, yep. But anti gun overall, no way.

Not trying to be nasty, but what you typed should be proofread because it is, at times, hard to understand. But let's be honest:

1) Are the Democrats anti-gun? The answer is yes. Hillary Clinton wasn't satisfied until she declared war on the NRA which is a major reason she lost

2) You cannot ban so - called "assault weapons" because:

A) No such weapon is on the market to be outlawed. The only "assault weapons" might be the fully autos that got grandfathered in back in pre-1986. NONE of those are used in crimes

B) The Second Amendment has been ruled by the United States Supreme Court to guarantee an individual Right to keep and bear Arms

C) Semi automatic firearms make up, most likely, three quarters of the entire firearm market. Everything from a .22 caliber squirrel gun made in the 1960s to shotguns to the most commonly used deer rifles are semi-automatic fire. Any magazine fed weapon is capable of semi - auto fire and, again, that's probably two thirds of all the weapons being built

D) The weapons MOST PROTECTED by the Second Amendment are semi-automatic weapons.

When families are mowed down by DUI drivers, we don't rush to outlaw booze OR automobiles. So, we should approach this issue with the same solutions that we do for everything else. The fact is, as the leaders in Broward County said about Nickolas Cruz and his ultimate act: "it was a multi-system failure." Had the government done their job, Cruz would have been somewhere getting the help he needed after a life of violent outbursts. All the laws you can pass are worth a fart in wild whirlwind if you don't follow up on them. So, unless you're willing to ban cars and booze for DUIs, you don't have much of a good legal argument on this one.
Most shootings are happening in Chicago, but mostly pistols are used, yet there isn't an outcry of such violence. Why?

I'll be honest with you. I don't know why. I could only speculate and say that if America were faced with examining the fact that Chicago is ruled by black people from city government all the way up to their federal legislators, it might focus on the black people and their inability to adapt to our culture.

I mean, Chicago is the most violent city in America. It is ruled by blacks from top to bottom. Sunnyvale, California is the safest city in America having less crime than any city over-all in the United States. Blacks are less than two percent of the population. Asians and whites are over three quarters of the residents there.

Again, that is the fundamental difference I see. But, it is speculative. Why does the media give so much coverage to liberals, overall, when have a message, but have done all they can to censor whites? I realize that we're on a way one street to a globalist / one race / one religion society, but for your question, there may not be an easy answer.
That’s ok Bob Mueller probably has Trump’s tax returns and I’m pretty sure there is proof of money laundering via Russia.
he either has them, or will toward the end of the investigation.

It already is "toward the end of the investigation". In fact, it's pretty much over and they're waiting for the fat lady to sing.

And have they found one shred of evidence to substantiate their idiotic claim that Trump somehow "colluded" with Russia?
There is no indication that the investigation is near over. They are still bringing in new people to interview, and expert opinion is that it is a ways from being over.

Stay tuned, me boy. Mueller will let us know when he is ready. At this point, it looks like they have found a lot of collusion, but the question is whether or not the collusion rises to the level of being illegal. And, like you, I am not on the list of people that Mueller is filling in on the facts.
Really, you need to stop listening to Trump. And his lawyers. They have been saying it is pretty much over for months.

Sherm, you just keep on living that dream. Apparently, you had a psychotic break around 11/2016.
Yet all accomplished their goals without force of arms. There are alternatives.
Well you go right ahead and practice your "alternative". I will continue to strap on my Glock 19 and two spare magazines whenever I leave the house.

Good luck.
Fine. I hope that Glock never gets involved in one of the 2,000 unintentional shootings (about 1/2 are children) we have every year in this country. Statistically there are more unintentional shootings than there are self-defense shootings.

Be careful.
Yet all accomplished their goals without force of arms. There are alternatives.
Well you go right ahead and practice your "alternative". I will continue to strap on my Glock 19 and two spare magazines whenever I leave the house.

Good luck.
Fine. I hope that Glock never gets involved in one of the 2,000 unintentional shootings (about 1/2 are children) we have every year in this country. Statistically there are more unintentional shootings than there are self-defense shootings.

Be careful.

Typically you don't need to shoot the perp to defend yourself with a gun. Simply pointing it is sufficient.

Your argument is just another sleazy leftwing fallacy.
Last edited:

1. 'Never let a tragedy go to waste.'

2. 'Never let a PHOTO OP go to waste.'

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest

"Democratic leaders in the House and Senate exited the Capitol on Wednesday to march with and speak to students protesting gun violence on the one-month anniversary of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting.

Senior members of Democratic leadership joined other lawmakers from the House and Senate on Capitol Hill as thousands of students marched while others around the country walked out of classes or staged other protests."

Forget for a minute that Barry's pushed liberal agenda made it possible for the shooter to buy a gun...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats who refused to pass Kate's law...

Forget for a minute that Schumer and these Democrats are the same ones who chose to stand with MS13 gang members and violent illegals - who have victimized / murdered Americans and who are now being protected in law-violating Sanctuary Cities - instead of Americans in order to shut the US government down not long ago...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats just berated by illegals who recognized how Democrats were using them for political gain, much like they are now using the Parkland Florida shooting victims and students and this photo op for political gain...

If you can forget all of that then you could possible fall for this DNC politically-motivated theatrical performance designed to play on the emotions of all the suckers out there. designed to create emotion-based support for their gun-grabbing agenda....

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest

another political stunt
Fine. I hope that Glock never gets involved in one of the 2,000 unintentional shootings (about 1/2 are children) we have every year in this country. Statistically there are more unintentional shootings than there are self-defense shootings.

Be careful.
Typically you don't need to shoot the perp to defend yourself with a gun. Simply pointing it is sufficient.

Your argument is just another sleazy leftwing fallacy.
Do you have any statistics on how many times a gun is pointed in self defense? You may be correct about self defense but that doesn't make my facts any the less correct. How many times are guns accidentally discharged but don't injure anyone so they never get reported?
That’s ok Bob Mueller probably has Trump’s tax returns and I’m pretty sure there is proof of money laundering via Russia.
he either has them, or will toward the end of the investigation.

It already is "toward the end of the investigation". In fact, it's pretty much over and they're waiting for the fat lady to sing.

And have they found one shred of evidence to substantiate their idiotic claim that Trump somehow "colluded" with Russia?

And the only ones with proven association with the Kremlin are Democrats.
Fine. I hope that Glock never gets involved in one of the 2,000 unintentional shootings (about 1/2 are children) we have every year in this country. Statistically there are more unintentional shootings than there are self-defense shootings.

Be careful.
Typically you don't need to shoot the perp to defend yourself with a gun. Simply pointing it is sufficient.

Your argument is just another sleazy leftwing fallacy.
Do you have any statistics on how many times a gun is pointed in self defense? You may be correct about self defense but that doesn't make my facts any the less correct. How many times are guns accidentally discharged but don't injure anyone so they never get reported?

CDC Gun Research Backfires on Obama - Guns & Ammo

In the wake of the Sandy Hook tragedy, President Obama issued a list of Executive Orders. Notably among them, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) was given $10 million to research gun violence.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

So, the NRA and Congress took action. But with the ban lifted, what does the CDC’s first major gun research in 17 years reveal? Not exactly what Obama and anti-gun advocates expected. In fact, you might say Obama’s plan backfired.

Here are some key findings from the CDC report, “Priorities for Research to Reduce the Threat of Firearm-Related Violence,” released in June:

1. Armed citizens are less likely to be injured by an attacker:
“Studies that directly assessed the effect of actual defensive uses of guns (i.e., incidents in which a gun was ‘used’ by the crime victim in the sense of attacking or threatening an offender) have found consistently lower injury rates among gun-using crime victims compared with victims who used other self-protective strategies.”

2. Defensive uses of guns are common:
“Almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year…in the context of about 300,000 violent crimes involving firearms in 2008.”
Aside from the NRA, there was nothing preventing the GOP from joining the students.
These kids are being manipulated and used by Liberals, just like how the 'Dreamers' realized they were being manipulated and used by them.

These kids should be in school, not egged on by the hypocrites who do not give a damn about them but who only want to use them to push their gun-grabbing agenda.

You're right. They just think they are fed up with kids being killed at school. Thanks for pointing that out.......idiot.
It was liberal policy that got those kids killed.

1. 'Never let a tragedy go to waste.'

2. 'Never let a PHOTO OP go to waste.'

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest

"Democratic leaders in the House and Senate exited the Capitol on Wednesday to march with and speak to students protesting gun violence on the one-month anniversary of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting.

Senior members of Democratic leadership joined other lawmakers from the House and Senate on Capitol Hill as thousands of students marched while others around the country walked out of classes or staged other protests."

Forget for a minute that Barry's pushed liberal agenda made it possible for the shooter to buy a gun...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats who refused to pass Kate's law...

Forget for a minute that Schumer and these Democrats are the same ones who chose to stand with MS13 gang members and violent illegals - who have victimized / murdered Americans and who are now being protected in law-violating Sanctuary Cities - instead of Americans in order to shut the US government down not long ago...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats just berated by illegals who recognized how Democrats were using them for political gain, much like they are now using the Parkland Florida shooting victims and students and this photo op for political gain...

If you can forget all of that then you could possible fall for this DNC politically-motivated theatrical performance designed to play on the emotions of all the suckers out there. designed to create emotion-based support for their gun-grabbing agenda....

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest

I think it's backwards.

Students leave schools to join Democrat gun protest.

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