HYPOCRISY, Thy Name Is 'DEMOCRAT': Democrats Leave Capitol To March For Gun Control With Students

The study I sited was conducted by the CDC, the government agency officially charged with compiling statistics about such things. You'll have to excuse us if we don't accept a study conducted at Harvard University. It wold be just as credible as an investigation of Hillary Clinton conducted by James Comey and Peter Strzok.
Not quite. You cited a report by the CDC that referenced a study by Gary Kleck. It made no evaluation of the validity of the study. Luckily others have evaluated it.

The Contradictions of the Kleck Study
In a 1992 survey, Gary Kleck, a Florida State University criminologist, found that there are 2.5 million defensive gun uses (DGU's) per year by “law-abiding” citizens in the United States. Another study from the same period, the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), estimated 65,000 DGUs annually. The NCVS survey differed from Kleck’s study in that it only interviewed those who reported a threatened, attempted, or completed victimization for one of six crimes: rape, robbery, assault, burglary, non-business larceny, and motor vehicle theft. That accounts for the discrepancy in the two results. A National Research Council report said that Kleck's estimates appeared to be exaggerated and that it was almost certain that "some of what respondents designate[d] as their own self-defense would be construed as aggression by others" (Understanding and Preventing Violence, 266, Albert J. Reiss, Jr. & Jeffrey A. Roth, eds., 1992).

Sorry, but that's just bullshit. You think everyone who chases off a burgler reports it to the police? I was robbed 7 times when I lived in Baltimore, but I never reported it to the police. Why not? Because it was a big hassle and the upshot would be that nothing was done.

Allow me to quote the CDC: The Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council released the results of their research through the CDC last month. Researchers compiled data from previous studies in order to guide future research on gun violence, noting that “almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year.”

You expect us to accept a study conducted by a couple of pinko Harvard professors over one performed by the CDC?

Sorry, but that dog won't hunt.
Neither side is asking WHY we don't hold government accountable for allowing dangerous people to run amok in a free society.
Obama brought the ex-President of Mexico to the US and allowed him to lecture the US on our right to enforce out own Immigration laws and to complain about the guns being shipped from the US into his country that are / were used to kill people.

Not long after that the scandal was broken about how Obama and his administration gave Mexican Drug Cartels automatic weapons and grenades. Accountability?
- No one was ever charged with a crime.
- No one was ever fired.
- US AG Eric Holder was caught perpetrating 3 Felony counts of perjury and never charged with his crimes
*** 4 Americans were murdered with those weapons

Obama ordered his FBI to take 500,000 violent felons off the background check database

The FBI just admitted it F*ed up regarding the Parkland shooting - no one is being charged or fired....

'Accountability' has almost been reduced to the point where it is not acknowledged any more by federal politicians / Liberals
It is neither side doing something proactive. Unlike DUIs, both sides focus on the guns with the gun rights crowd being defensive about gun control.

Neither side is asking WHY we don't hold government accountable for allowing dangerous people to run amok in a free society.
The US began by overthrowing a tyrannical gov't and has made personal freedom and the subjugating of gov't to its citizens a priority. It that attitude that fuels conservative be pro-gun and liberals to support to alternative styles.
Those prayers to stop the killing haven't worked any better than my prayers for a million dollars did.

How do you know / how can you say that? Since the Parkland shooting 2 other school shootings have been prevented. We don't know how many more....

Still a lot of dead kids. Thanks Trump.
Pacifism never stopped violence. The only way to stop that with an equal or superior opposite force.

'Speak softly and carry a big stick', not 'Bend over' or 'Get on your knees'! :p
Pacifism never stopped violence. The only way to stop that with an equal or superior opposite force.

'Speak softly and carry a big stick', not 'Bend over' or 'Get on your knees'! :p

Yes and no JGalt easyt65
You just have to intervene sooner, not wait until violence or aggression escalates
and yes you can prevent violence and abuse without force.
This requires building healthy respectful relations IN ADVANCE of conflict,
not threatening people with fear and coercion where it's already too late.

The problem is liberals want to use govt, but govt can only intervene
at the point crime has been committed, there is due process and CONVICTION
before depriving people of rights and liberties. That's too late, so of course
FORCE is necessary when you wait until the point of physical aggression, abuse or security threats.

Then the solution is clearly to intervene BEFORE mental illness causes criminal behavior.
But guess what? Liberals don't want religious or spiritual solutions to be institutionalized through govt,
and they can't be anyway since this only works by individual free choice on that level of prevention.

So the only way to intervene soon enough in advance to prevent violence
is by free choice, not by force of law which isn't applicable at that point nor does it work.

You want nonviolence and freedom of choice, then we have to intervene sooner.
And that's what Christian counselors practice and offer, if we would work
together instead of against each other on this.

It fails every time to reject solutions, but then yell about the problems!
You reject cures for criminal illness, then cry out when sick people shoot, rob rape and kill others
because they didn't get help in time.

Then blame govt and politicians with no authority to push solutions that require free choice in the first place
in order to be effective.

JGalt similar to how voluntary counseling has helped turn sick, addicted even violent people
back to normal, this can be done and can only be done without force.
Nonviolence and noncoercion is the only way to undo the root causes of criminal abuse and violence.

But that's not what the state does, so when it comes to intervening into an
already dangerous situation, of course it takes force of law and armed defense.

Liberals already working with Catholics and other Christians already know they have allies.
But the liberals who are conditioned to reject, discredit and censor Christians
may be surprised to find the solutions they are looking for are right there in the
very camp they were too busy kicking out of schools, convinced that prayer was fraud.
When it turns out the natural and voluntary healing prayer and therapy practiced
and taught by Christians holds the very cure to mental and physical illness addictions and abuse,
to end school shootings, drug problems and wars, and prison abuses,
and will free up costs to allow sustainable universal health care that liberals lobby for.

All by nonviolent noncoercive means.
And yes this does end the cycles of abuse and oppression that otherwise cause war and violence.
Allow me to quote the CDC: The Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council released the results of their research through the CDC last month. Researchers compiled data from previous studies in order to guide future research on gun violence, noting that “almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year.”

You expect us to accept a study conducted by a couple of pinko Harvard professors over one performed by the CDC?

Sorry, but that dog won't hunt.
Also from the CDC: On the other hand, some scholars point to a radically lower estimate of only 108,000 annual defensive uses

How exactly do you know the Harvard professors are pinkos while the writers of the CDC report are not? I'd hate to think you were biased in any way.
Liberals want to take the guns out of the hands of citizens and have the govt provide the law enforcement and protection?! Ask the parents and loved one of the victims of the Parkland shooting how that worked out.....
Neither side is asking WHY we don't hold government accountable for allowing dangerous people to run amok in a free society.
Obama brought the ex-President of Mexico to the US and allowed him to lecture the US on our right to enforce out own Immigration laws and to complain about the guns being shipped from the US into his country that are / were used to kill people.

Not long after that the scandal was broken about how Obama and his administration gave Mexican Drug Cartels automatic weapons and grenades. Accountability?
- No one was ever charged with a crime.
- No one was ever fired.
- US AG Eric Holder was caught perpetrating 3 Felony counts of perjury and never charged with his crimes
*** 4 Americans were murdered with those weapons

Obama ordered his FBI to take 500,000 violent felons off the background check database

The FBI just admitted it F*ed up regarding the Parkland shooting - no one is being charged or fired....

'Accountability' has almost been reduced to the point where it is not acknowledged any more by federal politicians / Liberals

And we bitch about it, but do nothing proactive about it.

How many on this board do you think ever joined a civilian militia?

How many here are holding weekly / monthly meetings somewhere and discussing, face to face, the strategies and options they need to be using?

How many people do you know that have suggested a protocol that the system can use whereby people don't "fall through the cracks" and become murderers?

How many options can you think of where we can reduce gun violence without gun control?

How many here are donating their time to a child in a one parent home to make sure they have a big brother (or in rare cases sister and / or mentor?

How many of you meet with at least one of your congresscritters (state and federal) on a regular basis and educate them?

Do you even write them? Do call in radio shows? Challenge local preachers, pastors, rabbis, etc. on issue of public concern?

OR do you show up on the Internet on a regular basis and complain about the situation? If you don't have some alternative ideas and options; if you are not lobbying everyone from your relatives to your elected representatives in Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption, then you are losing this fight by default.

1. 'Never let a tragedy go to waste.'

2. 'Never let a PHOTO OP go to waste.'

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest

"Democratic leaders in the House and Senate exited the Capitol on Wednesday to march with and speak to students protesting gun violence on the one-month anniversary of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting.

Senior members of Democratic leadership joined other lawmakers from the House and Senate on Capitol Hill as thousands of students marched while others around the country walked out of classes or staged other protests."

Forget for a minute that Barry's pushed liberal agenda made it possible for the shooter to buy a gun...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats who refused to pass Kate's law...

Forget for a minute that Schumer and these Democrats are the same ones who chose to stand with MS13 gang members and violent illegals - who have victimized / murdered Americans and who are now being protected in law-violating Sanctuary Cities - instead of Americans in order to shut the US government down not long ago...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats just berated by illegals who recognized how Democrats were using them for political gain, much like they are now using the Parkland Florida shooting victims and students and this photo op for political gain...

If you can forget all of that then you could possible fall for this DNC politically-motivated theatrical performance designed to play on the emotions of all the suckers out there. designed to create emotion-based support for their gun-grabbing agenda....

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest

I think it's backwards.

Students leave schools to join Democrat gun protest.

that's because you've never been particularly bright.

Unlike you, bright enough to see students being used as political props.

That's not what YOU See, it is an echo of the propaganda being passed along by those who profit from the sale of guns and ammo, an industry which enables the murder of children and young adults in schools, at church, at concerts and movie theaters.

No one needed to manipulate these students, in fact they are the leaders of tomorrow and are exercising their First Amendment Rights and to speak, and peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Sadly Ryan and McConnell have yet to act, but sure as can be that they hear and fear the message of these soon to be voters. It's past time for The Members of Congress to put every dollar given them by the NRA into our nation's school systems, directed to more school counselors and not a penny to purchase firearms for teachers.

And while they are at it, they need to share the largess they are giving to the Military Industrial Complex with local LE, and to put pairs of armed officers with specialized training*** to protect every campus in America.

*** trained in defending against an active shooter, and trained in leading discussion among students on issues such a bullying, Domestic Violence, and the dangers inherent in drunk driving.

Anyone who saw Signal 30 understands its impact, maybe a film of those wounds from gun fire of those murdered or maimed would increase intelligence between student and these Deputies and their agency.

Very graphic movie which I saw in driving training my Jr. Year in High School

I have come to the conclusion that they think these kids are somehow faking because they're just so much smarter than anyone of the same age the trumploons come into contact with in their communities.

they simply aren't used to successful, privileged, educated, driven kids who are on track for the best colleges in the country.

so to diminish them, like they try to diminish anyone smarter and better and more successful than they are, they try to ridicule them and destroy their credibility. which is why the tards keep talking about eating tidepods which they saw some ijits do on youtube. but not THESE kids. and, not for nothing, even if some had been eating tide pods, being shot at and watching 17 of your friends, schoolmates and teachers die makes you grow up fast.

anyone decent would say "I disagree with what they want. but damn, they're impressive".

but trumploons aren't decent.
Neither side is asking WHY we don't hold government accountable for allowing dangerous people to run amok in a free society.
Obama brought the ex-President of Mexico to the US and allowed him to lecture the US on our right to enforce out own Immigration laws and to complain about the guns being shipped from the US into his country that are / were used to kill people.

Not long after that the scandal was broken about how Obama and his administration gave Mexican Drug Cartels automatic weapons and grenades. Accountability?
- No one was ever charged with a crime.
- No one was ever fired.
- US AG Eric Holder was caught perpetrating 3 Felony counts of perjury and never charged with his crimes
*** 4 Americans were murdered with those weapons

Obama ordered his FBI to take 500,000 violent felons off the background check database

The FBI just admitted it F*ed up regarding the Parkland shooting - no one is being charged or fired....

'Accountability' has almost been reduced to the point where it is not acknowledged any more by federal politicians / Liberals

And we bitch about it, but do nothing proactive about it.

How many on this board do you think ever joined a civilian militia?

How many here are holding weekly / monthly meetings somewhere and discussing, face to face, the strategies and options they need to be using?

How many people do you know that have suggested a protocol that the system can use whereby people don't "fall through the cracks" and become murderers?

How many options can you think of where we can reduce gun violence without gun control?

How many here are donating their time to a child in a one parent home to make sure they have a big brother (or in rare cases sister and / or mentor?

How many of you meet with at least one of your congresscritters (state and federal) on a regular basis and educate them?

Do you even write them? Do call in radio shows? Challenge local preachers, pastors, rabbis, etc. on issue of public concern?

OR do you show up on the Internet on a regular basis and complain about the situation? If you don't have some alternative ideas and options; if you are not lobbying everyone from your relatives to your elected representatives in Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption, then you are losing this fight by default.

to reduce that to a sentence, you might want to ask how many of them engaged in an overt act of treason by establishing a militia to fight the US government.
Those prayers to stop the killing haven't worked any better than my prayers for a million dollars did.

How do you know / how can you say that? Since the Parkland shooting 2 other school shootings have been prevented. We don't know how many more....

Still a lot of dead kids. Thanks Trump.

And how many dead babies by abortion are blamed on other presidents?

Do you know how "unconscionable" the liberals appear to the prolife believers,
from not recognizing this as loss of life, but acting like it's ACCEPTABLE?

It's beyond comprehension on the right, why the left wants the public to
recognize internal genders THEY believe in, but when it comes to the lives of unborn individuals
that the right believes in, these aren't counted as REAL.

I wish you could take this feeling you have, of seeing dead schoolchildren and
feeling that the NRA and president and politicans on the right "just don't care enough to stop these losses"
and connect that with how
prolife people see liberals like you and me who support Prochoice Democrats
and politicans keeping laws in place that allow abortions to continue while others count this as murder!

Do you have any idea that
this you are feeling is how the rightwing
feels about prochoice policies and abortion killing unborn babies?

It doesn't solve the problem, but it puts it in perspective.
Being prochoice is not "causing" or "enabling" abortion
but it's true that nobody in or out of office is doing enough
to prevent abortion 100% so it is still happening.

Are you going to blame the prochoice or prolife politicians
more? Aren't we all equally responsible for "not doing more to prevent abortion 100%."
Who do you want to blame more?
Or if you don't care to count those aborted individuals as lives,
can you grasp how inhuman that appears to people who do???
Those prayers to stop the killing haven't worked any better than my prayers for a million dollars did.

How do you know / how can you say that? Since the Parkland shooting 2 other school shootings have been prevented. We don't know how many more....

Dear easyt65 see my previous post to BULLDOG above,
comparing loss of individuals to abortion and/or not counting those lives as real.

Your argument above falls as flat on left leaning ears
as the argument that Planned Parenthood prevents more
abortions by distributing low cost birth control. All the numbers
in the world can show that, and it still doesn't outweigh the
outrage and losses from abortions that are "enabled"

You can prevent a million but if you allow 10 abortions,
those 10 matter MORE than a million cases you claim you prevented
because those "didn't happen" but the 10 abortions did! Only those are REAL!

Similar with how many school shootings were prevented.
You can prevent millions across the country, but if they didn't happen, those don't count.
Only the 2-3 that you didn't prevent are the ones that weigh in and get all the attention.

the left tries this argument with PP and it falls just as flat on rightleaning ears....
Don't feel bad, at least the problem is mutual!!!
Neither side is asking WHY we don't hold government accountable for allowing dangerous people to run amok in a free society.
Obama brought the ex-President of Mexico to the US and allowed him to lecture the US on our right to enforce out own Immigration laws and to complain about the guns being shipped from the US into his country that are / were used to kill people.

Not long after that the scandal was broken about how Obama and his administration gave Mexican Drug Cartels automatic weapons and grenades. Accountability?
- No one was ever charged with a crime.
- No one was ever fired.
- US AG Eric Holder was caught perpetrating 3 Felony counts of perjury and never charged with his crimes
*** 4 Americans were murdered with those weapons

Obama ordered his FBI to take 500,000 violent felons off the background check database

The FBI just admitted it F*ed up regarding the Parkland shooting - no one is being charged or fired....

'Accountability' has almost been reduced to the point where it is not acknowledged any more by federal politicians / Liberals

And we bitch about it, but do nothing proactive about it.

How many on this board do you think ever joined a civilian militia?

How many here are holding weekly / monthly meetings somewhere and discussing, face to face, the strategies and options they need to be using?

How many people do you know that have suggested a protocol that the system can use whereby people don't "fall through the cracks" and become murderers?

How many options can you think of where we can reduce gun violence without gun control?

How many here are donating their time to a child in a one parent home to make sure they have a big brother (or in rare cases sister and / or mentor?

How many of you meet with at least one of your congresscritters (state and federal) on a regular basis and educate them?

Do you even write them? Do call in radio shows? Challenge local preachers, pastors, rabbis, etc. on issue of public concern?

OR do you show up on the Internet on a regular basis and complain about the situation? If you don't have some alternative ideas and options; if you are not lobbying everyone from your relatives to your elected representatives in Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption, then you are losing this fight by default.

How many are being responsible parents engaged in their kids' lives?

How many are holding govt accountable instead of defending partisan failures and gun-grabbers who manipulate people on emotion?

Just got a letter back from my Senator, btw....how about you?
Those prayers to stop the killing haven't worked any better than my prayers for a million dollars did.

How do you know / how can you say that? Since the Parkland shooting 2 other school shootings have been prevented. We don't know how many more....

Dear easyt65 see my previous post to BULLDOG above,
comparing loss of individuals to abortion and/or not counting those lives as real.

Your argument above falls as flat on left leaning ears
as the argument that Planned Parenthood prevents more
abortions by distributing low cost birth control. All the numbers
in the world can show that, and it still doesn't outweigh the
outrage and losses from abortions that are "enabled"

You can prevent a million but if you allow 10 abortions,
those 10 matter MORE than a million cases you claim you prevented
because those "didn't happen" but the 10 abortions did! Only those are REAL!

Similar with how many school shootings were prevented.
You can prevent millions across the country, but if they didn't happen, those don't count.
Only the 2-3 that you didn't prevent are the ones that weigh in and get all the attention.

the left tries this argument with PP and it falls just as flat on rightleaning ears....
Don't feel bad, at least the problem is mutual!!!
Libs claim to want to save lives, walk out and join marches while manipulating people's emotions to push their agenda and while rabidly defending barbaric late term abortions. 'Hypocrisy' fits the Left.
Those prayers to stop the killing haven't worked any better than my prayers for a million dollars did.

How do you know / how can you say that? Since the Parkland shooting 2 other school shootings have been prevented. We don't know how many more....

Still a lot of dead kids. Thanks Trump.
Pacifism never stopped violence. The only way to stop that with an equal or superior opposite force.

'Speak softly and carry a big stick', not 'Bend over' or 'Get on your knees'! :p
Pacifism never stopped violence. The only way to stop that with an equal or superior opposite force.

'Speak softly and carry a big stick', not 'Bend over' or 'Get on your knees'! :p

Yes and no JGalt easyt65
You just have to intervene sooner, not wait until violence or aggression escalates
and yes you can prevent violence and abuse without force.
This requires building healthy respectful relations IN ADVANCE of conflict,
not threatening people with fear and coercion where it's already too late.

The problem is liberals want to use govt, but govt can only intervene
at the point crime has been committed, there is due process and CONVICTION
before depriving people of rights and liberties. That's too late, so of course
FORCE is necessary when you wait until the point of physical aggression, abuse or security threats.

Then the solution is clearly to intervene BEFORE mental illness causes criminal behavior.
But guess what? Liberals don't want religious or spiritual solutions to be institutionalized through govt,
and they can't be anyway since this only works by individual free choice on that level of prevention.

So the only way to intervene soon enough in advance to prevent violence
is by free choice, not by force of law which isn't applicable at that point nor does it work.

You want nonviolence and freedom of choice, then we have to intervene sooner.
And that's what Christian counselors practice and offer, if we would work
together instead of against each other on this.

It fails every time to reject solutions, but then yell about the problems!
You reject cures for criminal illness, then cry out when sick people shoot, rob rape and kill others
because they didn't get help in time.

Then blame govt and politicians with no authority to push solutions that require free choice in the first place
in order to be effective.

JGalt similar to how voluntary counseling has helped turn sick, addicted even violent people
back to normal, this can be done and can only be done without force.
Nonviolence and noncoercion is the only way to undo the root causes of criminal abuse and violence.

But that's not what the state does, so when it comes to intervening into an
already dangerous situation, of course it takes force of law and armed defense.

Liberals already working with Catholics and other Christians already know they have allies.
But the liberals who are conditioned to reject, discredit and censor Christians
may be surprised to find the solutions they are looking for are right there in the
very camp they were too busy kicking out of schools, convinced that prayer was fraud.
When it turns out the natural and voluntary healing prayer and therapy practiced
and taught by Christians holds the very cure to mental and physical illness addictions and abuse,
to end school shootings, drug problems and wars, and prison abuses,
and will free up costs to allow sustainable universal health care that liberals lobby for.

All by nonviolent noncoercive means.
And yes this does end the cycles of abuse and oppression that otherwise cause war and violence.

I could not disagree with your solutions more even if I joined the left.

Your solutions will be opposed by the left due to that fanatical "separation of church and state" crowd. Let's work with what we got and let me show you how to fix this once and for all.

Here are our options at the end of the day:

* Give up your guns
* Keep those you know or have good reason to believe will do harm to others off the streets

There is no in between. So, what can you do? What could you do with the federal grant money that the law is now going to provide? Keep better records on guns? Train personnel? To do what, exactly?

Virtually every mass shooting in America is done by someone on a schedule of drugs called SSRIs... unless they are a political jihadist. These are psychotropic drugs administered for anxiety and depression. So, the simple answer would be to get rid of SSRIs. That won't work any better than gun control. But, we know there is a connection. We begin there. SSRIs are over-prescribed in America and their KNOWN side effects are homicidal and suicidal thoughts.

Our first problem is with our own government that had rather give people a pill and ignore them rather than to get the help they need. Kids are given pills for non-existent conditions and they grow up relying on pills rather than problem solving skills. Then most of the guys who commit the mass shootings come from broken homes. In all, I came up with a list one time. It contained fourteen identifying characteristics of a mass shooter. If a person has any seven of those characteristics, they will commit an act of violence in their lifetime.

I have a plan that could be implemented without spending a lot of money and you could find the Nickolas Cruzs, Adam Lanzas, etc. and deal with them before they become a problem... and it's not a criminal process; it won't deny them Due Process; we already have the technology, manpower, money and ever reason to do it. Yet we never talk about it. Why?
Neither side is asking WHY we don't hold government accountable for allowing dangerous people to run amok in a free society.
Obama brought the ex-President of Mexico to the US and allowed him to lecture the US on our right to enforce out own Immigration laws and to complain about the guns being shipped from the US into his country that are / were used to kill people.

Not long after that the scandal was broken about how Obama and his administration gave Mexican Drug Cartels automatic weapons and grenades. Accountability?
- No one was ever charged with a crime.
- No one was ever fired.
- US AG Eric Holder was caught perpetrating 3 Felony counts of perjury and never charged with his crimes
*** 4 Americans were murdered with those weapons

Obama ordered his FBI to take 500,000 violent felons off the background check database

The FBI just admitted it F*ed up regarding the Parkland shooting - no one is being charged or fired....

'Accountability' has almost been reduced to the point where it is not acknowledged any more by federal politicians / Liberals

And we bitch about it, but do nothing proactive about it.

How many on this board do you think ever joined a civilian militia?

How many here are holding weekly / monthly meetings somewhere and discussing, face to face, the strategies and options they need to be using?

How many people do you know that have suggested a protocol that the system can use whereby people don't "fall through the cracks" and become murderers?

How many options can you think of where we can reduce gun violence without gun control?

How many here are donating their time to a child in a one parent home to make sure they have a big brother (or in rare cases sister and / or mentor?

How many of you meet with at least one of your congresscritters (state and federal) on a regular basis and educate them?

Do you even write them? Do call in radio shows? Challenge local preachers, pastors, rabbis, etc. on issue of public concern?

OR do you show up on the Internet on a regular basis and complain about the situation? If you don't have some alternative ideas and options; if you are not lobbying everyone from your relatives to your elected representatives in Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption, then you are losing this fight by default.

to reduce that to a sentence, you might want to ask how many of them engaged in an overt act of treason by establishing a militia to fight the US government.

That shows ignorance on your part to suggest such a thing. Civilian militias are the last line of defense in a free nation. I don't know if we have a fully operational one at the current time, but I spent over twenty years on one and there was never a conversation (public or private) about any overt act to commit treason by any act of offense or war against any branch of the government.

Do you even know what / when / where the main event that brought America into being was all about?
Liberal politicians protected by arm guards and who live in gated estates telling Americans they don't need and should not have weapons for protection...

Liberals claim the government can and will protect people...only to have the Parkland Fl shooting demonstrate you can't rely on anyone but yourself for your defense at times....then completely ignore the failure by the govt to do their job in preventing the attacks

Liberals walk out of their offices to go join a gun-grabbing march organized by the same cop killers and violent murderers who organized the Woman's march....

Liberals demanding peace after their violent rhetoric inspired the assassination attempt of GOP politicians by a leftist extremist

Liberals claiming they care about people yet run to the podium to push their gun-grabbing agenda while victims have not even gotten out of surgery after being shot...

Neither side is asking WHY we don't hold government accountable for allowing dangerous people to run amok in a free society.
Obama brought the ex-President of Mexico to the US and allowed him to lecture the US on our right to enforce out own Immigration laws and to complain about the guns being shipped from the US into his country that are / were used to kill people.

Not long after that the scandal was broken about how Obama and his administration gave Mexican Drug Cartels automatic weapons and grenades. Accountability?
- No one was ever charged with a crime.
- No one was ever fired.
- US AG Eric Holder was caught perpetrating 3 Felony counts of perjury and never charged with his crimes
*** 4 Americans were murdered with those weapons

Obama ordered his FBI to take 500,000 violent felons off the background check database

The FBI just admitted it F*ed up regarding the Parkland shooting - no one is being charged or fired....

'Accountability' has almost been reduced to the point where it is not acknowledged any more by federal politicians / Liberals

And we bitch about it, but do nothing proactive about it.

How many on this board do you think ever joined a civilian militia?

How many here are holding weekly / monthly meetings somewhere and discussing, face to face, the strategies and options they need to be using?

How many people do you know that have suggested a protocol that the system can use whereby people don't "fall through the cracks" and become murderers?

How many options can you think of where we can reduce gun violence without gun control?

How many here are donating their time to a child in a one parent home to make sure they have a big brother (or in rare cases sister and / or mentor?

How many of you meet with at least one of your congresscritters (state and federal) on a regular basis and educate them?

Do you even write them? Do call in radio shows? Challenge local preachers, pastors, rabbis, etc. on issue of public concern?

OR do you show up on the Internet on a regular basis and complain about the situation? If you don't have some alternative ideas and options; if you are not lobbying everyone from your relatives to your elected representatives in Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption, then you are losing this fight by default.

How many are being responsible parents engaged in their kids' lives?

How many are holding govt accountable instead of defending partisan failures and gun-grabbers who manipulate people on emotion?

Just got a letter back from my Senator, btw....how about you?

I spoke via e mail about three days ago with a state senator. We're meeting in two more weeks to discuss a proposed law I wrote regarding prison reform. It's mostly about forcing inmates to get a GED, some job training skills, etc. before they can be considered for early release. No GED, no early release. There are twenty pages, but that's the beginning point.

I was a DFACS asset and have taken in foster kids and I'm proud of them.

I called legislators on a weekly basis and tell their flunkies how I really feel and give them ideas that nobody else will address. Also trying to get our church on board with supporting ideas that will eliminate the chances of mass shootings without implementing gun control... and if anyone wants to donate their expertise, I'm trying to get into doing podcasts.

Back to you.
Those prayers to stop the killing haven't worked any better than my prayers for a million dollars did.

How do you know / how can you say that? Since the Parkland shooting 2 other school shootings have been prevented. We don't know how many more....

Still a lot of dead kids. Thanks Trump.

And how many dead babies by abortion are blamed on other presidents?

Do you know how "unconscionable" the liberals appear to the prolife believers,
from not recognizing this as loss of life, but acting like it's ACCEPTABLE?

It's beyond comprehension on the right, why the left wants the public to
recognize internal genders THEY believe in, but when it comes to the lives of unborn individuals
that the right believes in, these aren't counted as REAL.

I wish you could take this feeling you have, of seeing dead schoolchildren and
feeling that the NRA and president and politicans on the right "just don't care enough to stop these losses"
and connect that with how
prolife people see liberals like you and me who support Prochoice Democrats
and politicans keeping laws in place that allow abortions to continue while others count this as murder!

Do you have any idea that
this you are feeling is how the rightwing
feels about prochoice policies and abortion killing unborn babies?

It doesn't solve the problem, but it puts it in perspective.
Being prochoice is not "causing" or "enabling" abortion
but it's true that nobody in or out of office is doing enough
to prevent abortion 100% so it is still happening.

Are you going to blame the prochoice or prolife politicians
more? Aren't we all equally responsible for "not doing more to prevent abortion 100%."
Who do you want to blame more?
Or if you don't care to count those aborted individuals as lives,
can you grasp how inhuman that appears to people who do???

There is no comparison between a legal abortion and dead school kids. You're sick to try to claim there is. Right wingers act as if every abortion ends the life of a child that could almost walk out of the delivery room and sign his own birth certificate. That's not how it is, and you know it. NOBODY supports late term abortions for convenience sake, and you know it. Nobody sells baby parts, and you know it. The fact that those fake claims are made is proof that any reasonable opposition to legal needed abortions is pretty weak.
Liberal politicians protected by arm guards and who live in gated estates telling Americans they don't need and should not have weapons for protection...

Liberals claim the government can and will protect people...only to have the Parkland Fl shooting demonstrate you can't rely on anyone but yourself for your defense at times....then completely ignore the failure by the govt to do their job in preventing the attacks

Liberals walk out of their offices to go join a gun-grabbing march organized by the same cop killers and violent murderers who organized the Woman's march....

Liberals demanding peace after their violent rhetoric inspired the assassination attempt of GOP politicians by a leftist extremist

Liberals claiming they care about people yet run to the podium to push their gun-grabbing agenda while victims have not even gotten out of surgery after being shot...


We should get together, donate some money and put that post in major newspapers across the country.
Those prayers to stop the killing haven't worked any better than my prayers for a million dollars did.

How do you know / how can you say that? Since the Parkland shooting 2 other school shootings have been prevented. We don't know how many more....

Still a lot of dead kids. Thanks Trump.

And how many dead babies by abortion are blamed on other presidents?

Do you know how "unconscionable" the liberals appear to the prolife believers,
from not recognizing this as loss of life, but acting like it's ACCEPTABLE?

It's beyond comprehension on the right, why the left wants the public to
recognize internal genders THEY believe in, but when it comes to the lives of unborn individuals
that the right believes in, these aren't counted as REAL.

I wish you could take this feeling you have, of seeing dead schoolchildren and
feeling that the NRA and president and politicans on the right "just don't care enough to stop these losses"
and connect that with how
prolife people see liberals like you and me who support Prochoice Democrats
and politicans keeping laws in place that allow abortions to continue while others count this as murder!

Do you have any idea that
this you are feeling is how the rightwing
feels about prochoice policies and abortion killing unborn babies?

It doesn't solve the problem, but it puts it in perspective.
Being prochoice is not "causing" or "enabling" abortion
but it's true that nobody in or out of office is doing enough
to prevent abortion 100% so it is still happening.

Are you going to blame the prochoice or prolife politicians
more? Aren't we all equally responsible for "not doing more to prevent abortion 100%."
Who do you want to blame more?
Or if you don't care to count those aborted individuals as lives,
can you grasp how inhuman that appears to people who do???

There is no comparison between a legal abortion and dead school kids. You're sick to try to claim there is. Right wingers act as if every abortion ends the life of a child that could almost walk out of the delivery room and sign his own birth certificate. That's not how it is, and you know it. NOBODY supports late term abortions for convenience sake, and you know it. Nobody sells baby parts, and you know it. The fact that those fake claims are made is proof that any reasonable opposition to legal needed abortions is pretty weak.

This is really not my area of expertise, but I heard the allegations. Care to tell me what source we should be getting our "truth" from:

Top abortionist confesses: I sell dead babies

It's not like someone quoting Alex Jones on this one. I'm just asking.

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