HYPOCRISY, Thy Name Is 'DEMOCRAT': Democrats Leave Capitol To March For Gun Control With Students

Those prayers to stop the killing haven't worked any better than my prayers for a million dollars did.

How do you know / how can you say that? Since the Parkland shooting 2 other school shootings have been prevented. We don't know how many more....

Still a lot of dead kids. Thanks Trump.

And how many dead babies by abortion are blamed on other presidents?

Do you know how "unconscionable" the liberals appear to the prolife believers,
from not recognizing this as loss of life, but acting like it's ACCEPTABLE?

It's beyond comprehension on the right, why the left wants the public to
recognize internal genders THEY believe in, but when it comes to the lives of unborn individuals
that the right believes in, these aren't counted as REAL.

I wish you could take this feeling you have, of seeing dead schoolchildren and
feeling that the NRA and president and politicans on the right "just don't care enough to stop these losses"
and connect that with how
prolife people see liberals like you and me who support Prochoice Democrats
and politicans keeping laws in place that allow abortions to continue while others count this as murder!

Do you have any idea that
this you are feeling is how the rightwing
feels about prochoice policies and abortion killing unborn babies?

It doesn't solve the problem, but it puts it in perspective.
Being prochoice is not "causing" or "enabling" abortion
but it's true that nobody in or out of office is doing enough
to prevent abortion 100% so it is still happening.

Are you going to blame the prochoice or prolife politicians
more? Aren't we all equally responsible for "not doing more to prevent abortion 100%."
Who do you want to blame more?
Or if you don't care to count those aborted individuals as lives,
can you grasp how inhuman that appears to people who do???

There is no comparison between a legal abortion and dead school kids. You're sick to try to claim there is. Right wingers act as if every abortion ends the life of a child that could almost walk out of the delivery room and sign his own birth certificate. That's not how it is, and you know it. NOBODY supports late term abortions for convenience sake, and you know it. Nobody sells baby parts, and you know it. The fact that those fake claims are made is proof that any reasonable opposition to legal needed abortions is pretty weak.

This is really not my area of expertise, but I heard the allegations. Care to tell me what source we should be getting our "truth" from:

Top abortionist confesses: I sell dead babies

It's not like someone quoting Alex Jones on this one. I'm just asking.

You think that Okeefe idiot and World Nut Daily are credible sources? HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa
You think that Okeefe idiot and World Nut Daily are credible sources? HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa
You can tell who the snowflakes are because they always attempt to make fun of the source but never do attempt to address the facts being reported.

How do you know / how can you say that? Since the Parkland shooting 2 other school shootings have been prevented. We don't know how many more....

Still a lot of dead kids. Thanks Trump.

And how many dead babies by abortion are blamed on other presidents?

Do you know how "unconscionable" the liberals appear to the prolife believers,
from not recognizing this as loss of life, but acting like it's ACCEPTABLE?

It's beyond comprehension on the right, why the left wants the public to
recognize internal genders THEY believe in, but when it comes to the lives of unborn individuals
that the right believes in, these aren't counted as REAL.

I wish you could take this feeling you have, of seeing dead schoolchildren and
feeling that the NRA and president and politicans on the right "just don't care enough to stop these losses"
and connect that with how
prolife people see liberals like you and me who support Prochoice Democrats
and politicans keeping laws in place that allow abortions to continue while others count this as murder!

Do you have any idea that
this you are feeling is how the rightwing
feels about prochoice policies and abortion killing unborn babies?

It doesn't solve the problem, but it puts it in perspective.
Being prochoice is not "causing" or "enabling" abortion
but it's true that nobody in or out of office is doing enough
to prevent abortion 100% so it is still happening.

Are you going to blame the prochoice or prolife politicians
more? Aren't we all equally responsible for "not doing more to prevent abortion 100%."
Who do you want to blame more?
Or if you don't care to count those aborted individuals as lives,
can you grasp how inhuman that appears to people who do???

There is no comparison between a legal abortion and dead school kids. You're sick to try to claim there is. Right wingers act as if every abortion ends the life of a child that could almost walk out of the delivery room and sign his own birth certificate. That's not how it is, and you know it. NOBODY supports late term abortions for convenience sake, and you know it. Nobody sells baby parts, and you know it. The fact that those fake claims are made is proof that any reasonable opposition to legal needed abortions is pretty weak.

This is really not my area of expertise, but I heard the allegations. Care to tell me what source we should be getting our "truth" from:

Top abortionist confesses: I sell dead babies

It's not like someone quoting Alex Jones on this one. I'm just asking.

You think that Okeefe idiot and World Nut Daily are credible sources? HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa

They linked to an MSM source. Do you think Connie Chung is reputable?
Allow me to quote the CDC: The Institute of Medicine and the National Research Council released the results of their research through the CDC last month. Researchers compiled data from previous studies in order to guide future research on gun violence, noting that “almost all national survey estimates indicate that defensive gun uses by victims are at least as common as offensive uses by criminals, with estimates of annual uses ranging from about 500,000 to more than 3 million per year.”

You expect us to accept a study conducted by a couple of pinko Harvard professors over one performed by the CDC?

Sorry, but that dog won't hunt.
Also from the CDC: On the other hand, some scholars point to a radically lower estimate of only 108,000 annual defensive uses

How exactly do you know the Harvard professors are pinkos while the writers of the CDC report are not? I'd hate to think you were biased in any way.

"Some scholars" means some leftwing gun control kranks.

The fact that some gun control kranks came up with a smaller number proves nothing. That's what leftists do: generate fake data to contradict reality.
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Still a lot of dead kids. Thanks Trump.

And how many dead babies by abortion are blamed on other presidents?

Do you know how "unconscionable" the liberals appear to the prolife believers,
from not recognizing this as loss of life, but acting like it's ACCEPTABLE?

It's beyond comprehension on the right, why the left wants the public to
recognize internal genders THEY believe in, but when it comes to the lives of unborn individuals
that the right believes in, these aren't counted as REAL.

I wish you could take this feeling you have, of seeing dead schoolchildren and
feeling that the NRA and president and politicans on the right "just don't care enough to stop these losses"
and connect that with how
prolife people see liberals like you and me who support Prochoice Democrats
and politicans keeping laws in place that allow abortions to continue while others count this as murder!

Do you have any idea that
this you are feeling is how the rightwing
feels about prochoice policies and abortion killing unborn babies?

It doesn't solve the problem, but it puts it in perspective.
Being prochoice is not "causing" or "enabling" abortion
but it's true that nobody in or out of office is doing enough
to prevent abortion 100% so it is still happening.

Are you going to blame the prochoice or prolife politicians
more? Aren't we all equally responsible for "not doing more to prevent abortion 100%."
Who do you want to blame more?
Or if you don't care to count those aborted individuals as lives,
can you grasp how inhuman that appears to people who do???

There is no comparison between a legal abortion and dead school kids. You're sick to try to claim there is. Right wingers act as if every abortion ends the life of a child that could almost walk out of the delivery room and sign his own birth certificate. That's not how it is, and you know it. NOBODY supports late term abortions for convenience sake, and you know it. Nobody sells baby parts, and you know it. The fact that those fake claims are made is proof that any reasonable opposition to legal needed abortions is pretty weak.

This is really not my area of expertise, but I heard the allegations. Care to tell me what source we should be getting our "truth" from:

Top abortionist confesses: I sell dead babies

It's not like someone quoting Alex Jones on this one. I'm just asking.

You think that Okeefe idiot and World Nut Daily are credible sources? HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa

They linked to an MSM source. Do you think Connie Chung is reputable?

Don't be silly. That particular story was discredited a long time ago.
And how many dead babies by abortion are blamed on other presidents?

Do you know how "unconscionable" the liberals appear to the prolife believers,
from not recognizing this as loss of life, but acting like it's ACCEPTABLE?

It's beyond comprehension on the right, why the left wants the public to
recognize internal genders THEY believe in, but when it comes to the lives of unborn individuals
that the right believes in, these aren't counted as REAL.

I wish you could take this feeling you have, of seeing dead schoolchildren and
feeling that the NRA and president and politicans on the right "just don't care enough to stop these losses"
and connect that with how
prolife people see liberals like you and me who support Prochoice Democrats
and politicans keeping laws in place that allow abortions to continue while others count this as murder!

Do you have any idea that
this you are feeling is how the rightwing
feels about prochoice policies and abortion killing unborn babies?

It doesn't solve the problem, but it puts it in perspective.
Being prochoice is not "causing" or "enabling" abortion
but it's true that nobody in or out of office is doing enough
to prevent abortion 100% so it is still happening.

Are you going to blame the prochoice or prolife politicians
more? Aren't we all equally responsible for "not doing more to prevent abortion 100%."
Who do you want to blame more?
Or if you don't care to count those aborted individuals as lives,
can you grasp how inhuman that appears to people who do???

There is no comparison between a legal abortion and dead school kids. You're sick to try to claim there is. Right wingers act as if every abortion ends the life of a child that could almost walk out of the delivery room and sign his own birth certificate. That's not how it is, and you know it. NOBODY supports late term abortions for convenience sake, and you know it. Nobody sells baby parts, and you know it. The fact that those fake claims are made is proof that any reasonable opposition to legal needed abortions is pretty weak.

This is really not my area of expertise, but I heard the allegations. Care to tell me what source we should be getting our "truth" from:

Top abortionist confesses: I sell dead babies

It's not like someone quoting Alex Jones on this one. I'm just asking.

You think that Okeefe idiot and World Nut Daily are credible sources? HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa

They linked to an MSM source. Do you think Connie Chung is reputable?

Don't be silly. That particular story was discredited a long time ago.

I told you it's not my thing. So, who discredited it? Details.
There is no comparison between a legal abortion and dead school kids. You're sick to try to claim there is. Right wingers act as if every abortion ends the life of a child that could almost walk out of the delivery room and sign his own birth certificate. That's not how it is, and you know it. NOBODY supports late term abortions for convenience sake, and you know it. Nobody sells baby parts, and you know it. The fact that those fake claims are made is proof that any reasonable opposition to legal needed abortions is pretty weak.

This is really not my area of expertise, but I heard the allegations. Care to tell me what source we should be getting our "truth" from:

Top abortionist confesses: I sell dead babies

It's not like someone quoting Alex Jones on this one. I'm just asking.

You think that Okeefe idiot and World Nut Daily are credible sources? HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa

They linked to an MSM source. Do you think Connie Chung is reputable?

Don't be silly. That particular story was discredited a long time ago.

I told you it's not my thing. So, who discredited it? Details.

Everybody. Congress investigated the accusations of selling baby body parts. Look it up.
Fine. I hope that Glock never gets involved in one of the 2,000 unintentional shootings (about 1/2 are children) we have every year in this country. Statistically there are more unintentional shootings than there are self-defense shootings.

Be careful.
Typically you don't need to shoot the perp to defend yourself with a gun. Simply pointing it is sufficient.

Your argument is just another sleazy leftwing fallacy.
Do you have any statistics on how many times a gun is pointed in self defense? You may be correct about self defense but that doesn't make my facts any the less correct. How many times are guns accidentally discharged but don't injure anyone so they never get reported?

There are no statistics because if I have to draw down on some shithead and he backs off, it doesn't get reported to the police. he certainly isn't going to report that I stopped him from committing a crime, and I certainly am not going to report it because I didn't have to perforate his carcass.

And the majority of accidental discharges are done by people who shouldn't have firearms in the first place. They rarely ever happen to someone who is part of the "gun culture" or is a member of the NRA because most of those individuals have pretty much memorized the four basic rules of firearms safety.

If you know those rules and live by them, you'll never ever have an accidental discharge.
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Yet all accomplished their goals without force of arms. There are alternatives.
Well you go right ahead and practice your "alternative". I will continue to strap on my Glock 19 and two spare magazines whenever I leave the house.

Good luck.
Fine. I hope that Glock never gets involved in one of the 2,000 unintentional shootings (about 1/2 are children) we have every year in this country. Statistically there are more unintentional shootings than there are self-defense shootings.

Be careful.

Competent and knowledgeable firearms users shouldn't be held responsible for 2,000 idiots in this country.
You think that Okeefe idiot and World Nut Daily are credible sources? HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa
You can tell who the snowflakes are because they always attempt to make fun of the source but never do attempt to address the facts being reported.


No need to address Okeefe, or World Nut Daily. They have been known fruitcakes for quite a while. Right up there with Alex Jones.
It wasn't the FBI or the local police who put that gun in the hands of the FL killer.
No, it was an Obama administration agenda item that prevented the killer's information being reported and eventually denying him the right to buy the weapons he used.

No, it was the local police who responded to his home / to complaints against him more than 30 times, who did not exercise warrants and search his home for the weapons he used.

No, it was the local sheriff who ordered his deputies NOT to go into harm's way to protect kids being gunned down, who reprimanded SWAT team members for running in to try to save lives, who also ordered his deputies to defend him and what went down.

No, it was the FBI who has ADMITTED publicly they f*ed up by not following protocol and not investigating the case, allowing it to happen without any scrutiny from them beforehand.

And yet is was the gun, something you leave out of your spin.

Guns don't kill people on their own. In the case of the Florida shooter, it was liberal Democratic policies that enabled him.
It wasn't the FBI or the local police who put that gun in the hands of the FL killer.
No, it was an Obama administration agenda item that prevented the killer's information being reported and eventually denying him the right to buy the weapons he used.

No, it was the local police who responded to his home / to complaints against him more than 30 times, who did not exercise warrants and search his home for the weapons he used.

No, it was the local sheriff who ordered his deputies NOT to go into harm's way to protect kids being gunned down, who reprimanded SWAT team members for running in to try to save lives, who also ordered his deputies to defend him and what went down.

No, it was the FBI who has ADMITTED publicly they f*ed up by not following protocol and not investigating the case, allowing it to happen without any scrutiny from them beforehand.

And yet is was the gun, something you leave out of your spin.

Guns don't kill people on their own. In the case of the Florida shooter, it was liberal Democratic policies that enabled him.

You keep saying that. Sooner or later, you will find someone as nuts as you, and you will both feel warm and fuzzy.
Neither side is asking WHY we don't hold government accountable for allowing dangerous people to run amok in a free society.
Obama brought the ex-President of Mexico to the US and allowed him to lecture the US on our right to enforce out own Immigration laws and to complain about the guns being shipped from the US into his country that are / were used to kill people.

Not long after that the scandal was broken about how Obama and his administration gave Mexican Drug Cartels automatic weapons and grenades. Accountability?
- No one was ever charged with a crime.
- No one was ever fired.
- US AG Eric Holder was caught perpetrating 3 Felony counts of perjury and never charged with his crimes
*** 4 Americans were murdered with those weapons

Obama ordered his FBI to take 500,000 violent felons off the background check database

The FBI just admitted it F*ed up regarding the Parkland shooting - no one is being charged or fired....

'Accountability' has almost been reduced to the point where it is not acknowledged any more by federal politicians / Liberals

And we bitch about it, but do nothing proactive about it.

How many on this board do you think ever joined a civilian militia?

How many here are holding weekly / monthly meetings somewhere and discussing, face to face, the strategies and options they need to be using?

How many people do you know that have suggested a protocol that the system can use whereby people don't "fall through the cracks" and become murderers?

How many options can you think of where we can reduce gun violence without gun control?

How many here are donating their time to a child in a one parent home to make sure they have a big brother (or in rare cases sister and / or mentor?

How many of you meet with at least one of your congresscritters (state and federal) on a regular basis and educate them?

Do you even write them? Do call in radio shows? Challenge local preachers, pastors, rabbis, etc. on issue of public concern?

OR do you show up on the Internet on a regular basis and complain about the situation? If you don't have some alternative ideas and options; if you are not lobbying everyone from your relatives to your elected representatives in Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption, then you are losing this fight by default.

to reduce that to a sentence, you might want to ask how many of them engaged in an overt act of treason by establishing a militia to fight the US government.

You're an idiot. No organized militia including the one I'm a member of, is actively training to "overthrow" or "fight" the United States government.

The reason we arm and train ourselves is because we are the last line of defense in the protection of this American constitutional republic. Should our nation's law-enforcement and military somehow fail, the armed American citizen and the organized militia are the only people standing between order and complete chaos.

You might find this "quaint" or "humorous". You'll probably also mark this post as "funny", which you always do when your brain refuses to conjure up a response. I would anticipate that, seeing as how you believe that your precious "government" will save your sorry ass if everything should happen to go to shit. But look at those poor fuckers who believed the same thing you do, during Hurricane Katrina: They put their faith in the all-seeing, all-knowing "government", and what became of them?

They fucking died.

1. 'Never let a tragedy go to waste.'

2. 'Never let a PHOTO OP go to waste.'

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest

"Democratic leaders in the House and Senate exited the Capitol on Wednesday to march with and speak to students protesting gun violence on the one-month anniversary of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting.

Senior members of Democratic leadership joined other lawmakers from the House and Senate on Capitol Hill as thousands of students marched while others around the country walked out of classes or staged other protests."

Forget for a minute that Barry's pushed liberal agenda made it possible for the shooter to buy a gun...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats who refused to pass Kate's law...

Forget for a minute that Schumer and these Democrats are the same ones who chose to stand with MS13 gang members and violent illegals - who have victimized / murdered Americans and who are now being protected in law-violating Sanctuary Cities - instead of Americans in order to shut the US government down not long ago...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats just berated by illegals who recognized how Democrats were using them for political gain, much like they are now using the Parkland Florida shooting victims and students and this photo op for political gain...

If you can forget all of that then you could possible fall for this DNC politically-motivated theatrical performance designed to play on the emotions of all the suckers out there. designed to create emotion-based support for their gun-grabbing agenda....

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest
Why not? It's better than sitting on republican controlled committees. Votes are just a formality. For the party out of power in congress, their primary job is opposing the opposition in the media and laying a foundation for the next campaign.
It wasn't the FBI or the local police who put that gun in the hands of the FL killer.
No, it was an Obama administration agenda item that prevented the killer's information being reported and eventually denying him the right to buy the weapons he used.

No, it was the local police who responded to his home / to complaints against him more than 30 times, who did not exercise warrants and search his home for the weapons he used.

No, it was the local sheriff who ordered his deputies NOT to go into harm's way to protect kids being gunned down, who reprimanded SWAT team members for running in to try to save lives, who also ordered his deputies to defend him and what went down.

No, it was the FBI who has ADMITTED publicly they f*ed up by not following protocol and not investigating the case, allowing it to happen without any scrutiny from them beforehand.

And yet is was the gun, something you leave out of your spin.

Guns don't kill people on their own. In the case of the Florida shooter, it was liberal Democratic policies that enabled him.

You keep saying that. Sooner or later, you will find someone as nuts as you, and you will both feel warm and fuzzy.

We don't have to walk out of schools and stand around looking stupid while holding some insipid sign in order to feel all warm and fuzzy about ourselves.

We don't have to wear pink pussy-shaped hats on our heads, or commit acts of vandalism, assault, or crap on the sidewalks like you leftards do, in order to make us feel all "warm and fuzzy" inside.

You left-wing moonbats are the crazy ones.
Neither side is asking WHY we don't hold government accountable for allowing dangerous people to run amok in a free society.
Obama brought the ex-President of Mexico to the US and allowed him to lecture the US on our right to enforce out own Immigration laws and to complain about the guns being shipped from the US into his country that are / were used to kill people.

Not long after that the scandal was broken about how Obama and his administration gave Mexican Drug Cartels automatic weapons and grenades. Accountability?
- No one was ever charged with a crime.
- No one was ever fired.
- US AG Eric Holder was caught perpetrating 3 Felony counts of perjury and never charged with his crimes
*** 4 Americans were murdered with those weapons

Obama ordered his FBI to take 500,000 violent felons off the background check database

The FBI just admitted it F*ed up regarding the Parkland shooting - no one is being charged or fired....

'Accountability' has almost been reduced to the point where it is not acknowledged any more by federal politicians / Liberals

And we bitch about it, but do nothing proactive about it.

How many on this board do you think ever joined a civilian militia?

How many here are holding weekly / monthly meetings somewhere and discussing, face to face, the strategies and options they need to be using?

How many people do you know that have suggested a protocol that the system can use whereby people don't "fall through the cracks" and become murderers?

How many options can you think of where we can reduce gun violence without gun control?

How many here are donating their time to a child in a one parent home to make sure they have a big brother (or in rare cases sister and / or mentor?

How many of you meet with at least one of your congresscritters (state and federal) on a regular basis and educate them?

Do you even write them? Do call in radio shows? Challenge local preachers, pastors, rabbis, etc. on issue of public concern?

OR do you show up on the Internet on a regular basis and complain about the situation? If you don't have some alternative ideas and options; if you are not lobbying everyone from your relatives to your elected representatives in Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption, then you are losing this fight by default.

to reduce that to a sentence, you might want to ask how many of them engaged in an overt act of treason by establishing a militia to fight the US government.

You're an idiot. No organized militia including the one I'm a member of, is actively training to "overthrow" or "fight" the United States government.

The reason we arm and train ourselves is because we are the last line of defense in the protection of this American constitutional republic. Should our nation's law-enforcement and military somehow fail, the armed American citizen and the organized militia are the only people standing between order and complete chaos.

You might find this "quaint" or "humorous". You'll probably also mark this post as "funny", which you always do when your brain refuses to conjure up a response. I would anticipate that, seeing as how you believe that your precious "government" will save your sorry ass if everything should happen to go to shit. But look at those poor fuckers who believed the same thing you do, during Hurricane Katrina: They put their faith in the all-seeing, all-knowing "government", and what became of them?

They fucking died.

It's comforting to know that after the enemy defeats our military

your militia will be there to protect us
Neither side is asking WHY we don't hold government accountable for allowing dangerous people to run amok in a free society.
Obama brought the ex-President of Mexico to the US and allowed him to lecture the US on our right to enforce out own Immigration laws and to complain about the guns being shipped from the US into his country that are / were used to kill people.

Not long after that the scandal was broken about how Obama and his administration gave Mexican Drug Cartels automatic weapons and grenades. Accountability?
- No one was ever charged with a crime.
- No one was ever fired.
- US AG Eric Holder was caught perpetrating 3 Felony counts of perjury and never charged with his crimes
*** 4 Americans were murdered with those weapons

Obama ordered his FBI to take 500,000 violent felons off the background check database

The FBI just admitted it F*ed up regarding the Parkland shooting - no one is being charged or fired....

'Accountability' has almost been reduced to the point where it is not acknowledged any more by federal politicians / Liberals

And we bitch about it, but do nothing proactive about it.

How many on this board do you think ever joined a civilian militia?

How many here are holding weekly / monthly meetings somewhere and discussing, face to face, the strategies and options they need to be using?

How many people do you know that have suggested a protocol that the system can use whereby people don't "fall through the cracks" and become murderers?

How many options can you think of where we can reduce gun violence without gun control?

How many here are donating their time to a child in a one parent home to make sure they have a big brother (or in rare cases sister and / or mentor?

How many of you meet with at least one of your congresscritters (state and federal) on a regular basis and educate them?

Do you even write them? Do call in radio shows? Challenge local preachers, pastors, rabbis, etc. on issue of public concern?

OR do you show up on the Internet on a regular basis and complain about the situation? If you don't have some alternative ideas and options; if you are not lobbying everyone from your relatives to your elected representatives in Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption, then you are losing this fight by default.

to reduce that to a sentence, you might want to ask how many of them engaged in an overt act of treason by establishing a militia to fight the US government.

You're an idiot. No organized militia including the one I'm a member of, is actively training to "overthrow" or "fight" the United States government.

The reason we arm and train ourselves is because we are the last line of defense in the protection of this American constitutional republic. Should our nation's law-enforcement and military somehow fail, the armed American citizen and the organized militia are the only people standing between order and complete chaos.

You might find this "quaint" or "humorous". You'll probably also mark this post as "funny", which you always do when your brain refuses to conjure up a response. I would anticipate that, seeing as how you believe that your precious "government" will save your sorry ass if everything should happen to go to shit. But look at those poor fuckers who believed the same thing you do, during Hurricane Katrina: They put their faith in the all-seeing, all-knowing "government", and what became of them?

They fucking died.

It's comforting to know that after the enemy defeats our military
View attachment 182851

your militia will be there to protect us

You'll be happy to know that most organized militia in this country are made up of former military or law-enforcement personnel. We are armed and equipped with pretty much the same gear available to the police and military.

Obama brought the ex-President of Mexico to the US and allowed him to lecture the US on our right to enforce out own Immigration laws and to complain about the guns being shipped from the US into his country that are / were used to kill people.

Not long after that the scandal was broken about how Obama and his administration gave Mexican Drug Cartels automatic weapons and grenades. Accountability?
- No one was ever charged with a crime.
- No one was ever fired.
- US AG Eric Holder was caught perpetrating 3 Felony counts of perjury and never charged with his crimes
*** 4 Americans were murdered with those weapons

Obama ordered his FBI to take 500,000 violent felons off the background check database

The FBI just admitted it F*ed up regarding the Parkland shooting - no one is being charged or fired....

'Accountability' has almost been reduced to the point where it is not acknowledged any more by federal politicians / Liberals

And we bitch about it, but do nothing proactive about it.

How many on this board do you think ever joined a civilian militia?

How many here are holding weekly / monthly meetings somewhere and discussing, face to face, the strategies and options they need to be using?

How many people do you know that have suggested a protocol that the system can use whereby people don't "fall through the cracks" and become murderers?

How many options can you think of where we can reduce gun violence without gun control?

How many here are donating their time to a child in a one parent home to make sure they have a big brother (or in rare cases sister and / or mentor?

How many of you meet with at least one of your congresscritters (state and federal) on a regular basis and educate them?

Do you even write them? Do call in radio shows? Challenge local preachers, pastors, rabbis, etc. on issue of public concern?

OR do you show up on the Internet on a regular basis and complain about the situation? If you don't have some alternative ideas and options; if you are not lobbying everyone from your relatives to your elected representatives in Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption, then you are losing this fight by default.

to reduce that to a sentence, you might want to ask how many of them engaged in an overt act of treason by establishing a militia to fight the US government.

You're an idiot. No organized militia including the one I'm a member of, is actively training to "overthrow" or "fight" the United States government.

The reason we arm and train ourselves is because we are the last line of defense in the protection of this American constitutional republic. Should our nation's law-enforcement and military somehow fail, the armed American citizen and the organized militia are the only people standing between order and complete chaos.

You might find this "quaint" or "humorous". You'll probably also mark this post as "funny", which you always do when your brain refuses to conjure up a response. I would anticipate that, seeing as how you believe that your precious "government" will save your sorry ass if everything should happen to go to shit. But look at those poor fuckers who believed the same thing you do, during Hurricane Katrina: They put their faith in the all-seeing, all-knowing "government", and what became of them?

They fucking died.

It's comforting to know that after the enemy defeats our military
View attachment 182851

your militia will be there to protect us

You'll be happy to know that most organized militia in this country are made up of former military or law-enforcement personnel. We are armed and equipped with pretty much the same gear available to the police and military.


Nut jobs with guns. Now I feel safe.
Obama brought the ex-President of Mexico to the US and allowed him to lecture the US on our right to enforce out own Immigration laws and to complain about the guns being shipped from the US into his country that are / were used to kill people.

Not long after that the scandal was broken about how Obama and his administration gave Mexican Drug Cartels automatic weapons and grenades. Accountability?
- No one was ever charged with a crime.
- No one was ever fired.
- US AG Eric Holder was caught perpetrating 3 Felony counts of perjury and never charged with his crimes
*** 4 Americans were murdered with those weapons

Obama ordered his FBI to take 500,000 violent felons off the background check database

The FBI just admitted it F*ed up regarding the Parkland shooting - no one is being charged or fired....

'Accountability' has almost been reduced to the point where it is not acknowledged any more by federal politicians / Liberals

And we bitch about it, but do nothing proactive about it.

How many on this board do you think ever joined a civilian militia?

How many here are holding weekly / monthly meetings somewhere and discussing, face to face, the strategies and options they need to be using?

How many people do you know that have suggested a protocol that the system can use whereby people don't "fall through the cracks" and become murderers?

How many options can you think of where we can reduce gun violence without gun control?

How many here are donating their time to a child in a one parent home to make sure they have a big brother (or in rare cases sister and / or mentor?

How many of you meet with at least one of your congresscritters (state and federal) on a regular basis and educate them?

Do you even write them? Do call in radio shows? Challenge local preachers, pastors, rabbis, etc. on issue of public concern?

OR do you show up on the Internet on a regular basis and complain about the situation? If you don't have some alternative ideas and options; if you are not lobbying everyone from your relatives to your elected representatives in Washington Wonderland, District of Corruption, then you are losing this fight by default.

to reduce that to a sentence, you might want to ask how many of them engaged in an overt act of treason by establishing a militia to fight the US government.

You're an idiot. No organized militia including the one I'm a member of, is actively training to "overthrow" or "fight" the United States government.

The reason we arm and train ourselves is because we are the last line of defense in the protection of this American constitutional republic. Should our nation's law-enforcement and military somehow fail, the armed American citizen and the organized militia are the only people standing between order and complete chaos.

You might find this "quaint" or "humorous". You'll probably also mark this post as "funny", which you always do when your brain refuses to conjure up a response. I would anticipate that, seeing as how you believe that your precious "government" will save your sorry ass if everything should happen to go to shit. But look at those poor fuckers who believed the same thing you do, during Hurricane Katrina: They put their faith in the all-seeing, all-knowing "government", and what became of them?

They fucking died.

It's comforting to know that after the enemy defeats our military
View attachment 182851

your militia will be there to protect us

You'll be happy to know that most organized militia in this country are made up of former military or law-enforcement personnel. We are armed and equipped with pretty much the same gear available to the police and military.


We used to offer the SPIKE program here.

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