HYPOCRISY, Thy Name Is 'DEMOCRAT': Democrats Leave Capitol To March For Gun Control With Students

Aside from the NRA, there was nothing preventing the GOP from joining the students.
These kids are being manipulated and used by Liberals, just like how the 'Dreamers' realized they were being manipulated and used by them.

These kids should be in school, not egged on by the hypocrites who do not give a damn about them but who only want to use them to push their gun-grabbing agenda.
It's easier to refute the kids and their message than join in a constructive debate to address the issue.

There is no debate. Did Trump give in to the left and pass any serious firearms legislation?
That’s ok Bob Mueller probably has Trump’s tax returns and I’m pretty sure there is proof of money laundering via Russia.
he either has them, or will toward the end of the investigation.

It already is "toward the end of the investigation". In fact, it's pretty much over and they're waiting for the fat lady to sing.

And have they found one shred of evidence to substantiate their idiotic claim that Trump somehow "colluded" with Russia?
There is no indication that the investigation is near over. They are still bringing in new people to interview, and expert opinion is that it is a ways from being over.

Stay tuned, me boy. Mueller will let us know when he is ready. At this point, it looks like they have found a lot of collusion, but the question is whether or not the collusion rises to the level of being illegal. And, like you, I am not on the list of people that Mueller is filling in on the facts.
Really, you need to stop listening to Trump. And his lawyers. They have been saying it is pretty much over for months.

Keep livin' the dream. It doesn't make one bit of difference to me.

That’s ok Bob Mueller probably has Trump’s tax returns and I’m pretty sure there is proof of money laundering via Russia.
he either has them, or will toward the end of the investigation.

It already is "toward the end of the investigation". In fact, it's pretty much over and they're waiting for the fat lady to sing.

And have they found one shred of evidence to substantiate their idiotic claim that Trump somehow "colluded" with Russia?
Asshole once again using ESP to conjure up what he thinks the evidence Mueller has.
Obviously you don’t know how these investigations go..
I am with my tax dollars and glad to do it. But I’m not happy with your POS president living a life of total luxury at the taxpayers expense.

Trump lost $400 million in the last year according to Forbes, you fucking dumbass.
Do they have his tax returns? You are a gullible little trump whore

Why should I need his tax returns? I told you what Forbes published. Take it up with them.
You are literally illiterate. I clearly asked how Forbes would know if they don’t have his tax returns.
Bribart is a congenital idiot. Do not, under any circumstance, think he is able to make sense.
Agreed. I only address him to embarrass him with his tomfoolery.

1. 'Never let a tragedy go to waste.'

2. 'Never let a PHOTO OP go to waste.'

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest

"Democratic leaders in the House and Senate exited the Capitol on Wednesday to march with and speak to students protesting gun violence on the one-month anniversary of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting.

Senior members of Democratic leadership joined other lawmakers from the House and Senate on Capitol Hill as thousands of students marched while others around the country walked out of classes or staged other protests."

Forget for a minute that Barry's pushed liberal agenda made it possible for the shooter to buy a gun...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats who refused to pass Kate's law...

Forget for a minute that Schumer and these Democrats are the same ones who chose to stand with MS13 gang members and violent illegals - who have victimized / murdered Americans and who are now being protected in law-violating Sanctuary Cities - instead of Americans in order to shut the US government down not long ago...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats just berated by illegals who recognized how Democrats were using them for political gain, much like they are now using the Parkland Florida shooting victims and students and this photo op for political gain...

If you can forget all of that then you could possible fall for this DNC politically-motivated theatrical performance designed to play on the emotions of all the suckers out there. designed to create emotion-based support for their gun-grabbing agenda....

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest
If this be hypocrisy make the most of it
Gee I wonder who the American people wil side with. The children who have been slaughtered in their schools or the death merchants for the NRA and their sheep. My money is on the side of sanity ( the children)
You must have failed math in Middle School, if you can’t figure out the difference between 8 years and one year proportionately.
Your link proves trump is way surpassing Obama in money spent.
What hypocrisy?

Please don’t tell me Cons don’t “use tragedy “ for thier benefit .

Who is the con that said, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before". What a con.
Gee I wonder who the American people wil side with. The children who have been slaughtered in their schools or the death merchants for the NRA and their sheep. My money is on the side of sanity ( the children)
Only a profound moron would imply that those groups are opposed to each other.
JGalt thinks saving Meals on Wheels makes America a “ shithole country.”
No actually it makes you a shithole. You need to jump in and bury yourself.

Here’s more of Trump “ greatening America” just in seconds ago:

Exclusive: Defense Dept. charged nearly $140,000 at Trump branded properties - CNN Politics Exclusive: Defense Dept. charged nearly $140,000 at Trump branded properties — CNN Politics
Do you think Trump should provide them with free lodging and free meals?

There's no scandal here unless you're a dumbass snowflake.
I see how u disingenuously put in LODGING.
So.... you think it’s fine and dandy for your POS president to cut Meals on Wheels that helps the elderly that would cost the same amount as one day him playing golf?
No... no scandal there. Let them starve so fat boi can play more golf.

Whether meals on wheels should be funded is a policy discussion, not a scandal. The money you accuse Trump of getting from the military is for lodging and meals in Trump owned hotels. Only an idiot believes that Trump should be required to pay for that out of his own pocket.

Funding Meals for Wheels is a morality issue of which this prez keeps failing every day of his presidency.
Imagine you dirtballs thinking feeding our seniors should be debatable.
If it's a morallity issue, it's the issue of whether it's moral for dirtbags like you to loot others to support your pet causes.

No one is stopping you from feeding seniors. Spend all your money on it. No one will get in your way..
Do you think Trump should provide them with free lodging and free meals?

There's no scandal here unless you're a dumbass snowflake.
I see how u disingenuously put in LODGING.
So.... you think it’s fine and dandy for your POS president to cut Meals on Wheels that helps the elderly that would cost the same amount as one day him playing golf?
No... no scandal there. Let them starve so fat boi can play more golf.

Whether meals on wheels should be funded is a policy discussion, not a scandal. The money you accuse Trump of getting from the military is for lodging and meals in Trump owned hotels. Only an idiot believes that Trump should be required to pay for that out of his own pocket.

Funding Meals for Wheels is a morality issue of which this prez keeps failing every day of his presidency.
Imagine you dirtballs thinking feeding our seniors should be debatable.

Then you feed them.
I am with my tax dollars and glad to do it. But I’m not happy with your POS president living a life of total luxury at the taxpayers expense.
He isn't, dumbass. He doesn't keep a dime of his salary.

1. 'Never let a tragedy go to waste.'

2. 'Never let a PHOTO OP go to waste.'

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest

"Democratic leaders in the House and Senate exited the Capitol on Wednesday to march with and speak to students protesting gun violence on the one-month anniversary of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting.

Senior members of Democratic leadership joined other lawmakers from the House and Senate on Capitol Hill as thousands of students marched while others around the country walked out of classes or staged other protests."

Forget for a minute that Barry's pushed liberal agenda made it possible for the shooter to buy a gun...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats who refused to pass Kate's law...

Forget for a minute that Schumer and these Democrats are the same ones who chose to stand with MS13 gang members and violent illegals - who have victimized / murdered Americans and who are now being protected in law-violating Sanctuary Cities - instead of Americans in order to shut the US government down not long ago...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats just berated by illegals who recognized how Democrats were using them for political gain, much like they are now using the Parkland Florida shooting victims and students and this photo op for political gain...

If you can forget all of that then you could possible fall for this DNC politically-motivated theatrical performance designed to play on the emotions of all the suckers out there. designed to create emotion-based support for their gun-grabbing agenda....

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest

How is this hypocrisy? The Democrats have made it abundantly clear they are an anti-gun party.
Brifart has now hit rock bottom thinking it’s fine and dandy to cut Meals on Wheels.
Damn those seniors for wanting to eat.
It’s the least they can do is go hungry so this piece of shit prez can bilk taxpayers for his weekly golf game.

Thanks for the great post. I have nothing to add, but it does show how stupid some people are.
When you're praising "Reasonable," you've reached rock bottom in the intelligence and good judgement categories.
Brit- fart thinks starving seniors is “ good judgement” but Trump bilking tax payers so he can stay at his own resort is reasonable.
Yes you have hit rock bottom in your defense of the indefensible.
How is he "bilking taxpayers" if he charges the military the same rate as any other customer?
he’s charging taxpayers to stay at his own resort. Lmao
It’s rather embarrassing the way you defend anything and everything this prez is doing that is making most Americans gag.

They would get charged no matter where they stay. You still haven't explained why Trump is obligated to pay for their lodging and meals.

1. 'Never let a tragedy go to waste.'

2. 'Never let a PHOTO OP go to waste.'

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest

"Democratic leaders in the House and Senate exited the Capitol on Wednesday to march with and speak to students protesting gun violence on the one-month anniversary of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting.

Senior members of Democratic leadership joined other lawmakers from the House and Senate on Capitol Hill as thousands of students marched while others around the country walked out of classes or staged other protests."

Forget for a minute that Barry's pushed liberal agenda made it possible for the shooter to buy a gun...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats who refused to pass Kate's law...

Forget for a minute that Schumer and these Democrats are the same ones who chose to stand with MS13 gang members and violent illegals - who have victimized / murdered Americans and who are now being protected in law-violating Sanctuary Cities - instead of Americans in order to shut the US government down not long ago...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats just berated by illegals who recognized how Democrats were using them for political gain, much like they are now using the Parkland Florida shooting victims and students and this photo op for political gain...

If you can forget all of that then you could possible fall for this DNC politically-motivated theatrical performance designed to play on the emotions of all the suckers out there. designed to create emotion-based support for their gun-grabbing agenda....

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest

How is this hypocrisy? The Democrats have made it abundantly clear they are an anti-gun party.

It was a story covered world wide !

Meanwhile the cons make hay out of a hit and run death because the driver was an illegal . Now that’s jumping on tradgety .

1. 'Never let a tragedy go to waste.'

2. 'Never let a PHOTO OP go to waste.'

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest

"Democratic leaders in the House and Senate exited the Capitol on Wednesday to march with and speak to students protesting gun violence on the one-month anniversary of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting.

Senior members of Democratic leadership joined other lawmakers from the House and Senate on Capitol Hill as thousands of students marched while others around the country walked out of classes or staged other protests."

Forget for a minute that Barry's pushed liberal agenda made it possible for the shooter to buy a gun...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats who refused to pass Kate's law...

Forget for a minute that Schumer and these Democrats are the same ones who chose to stand with MS13 gang members and violent illegals - who have victimized / murdered Americans and who are now being protected in law-violating Sanctuary Cities - instead of Americans in order to shut the US government down not long ago...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats just berated by illegals who recognized how Democrats were using them for political gain, much like they are now using the Parkland Florida shooting victims and students and this photo op for political gain...

If you can forget all of that then you could possible fall for this DNC politically-motivated theatrical performance designed to play on the emotions of all the suckers out there. designed to create emotion-based support for their gun-grabbing agenda....

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest
Aside from the NRA, there was nothing preventing the GOP from joining the students.
The Constitutional right to bear arms prevented the GOP from joining the students. Fix your post your welcome.

Early numbers. Later numbers show Trump expenses a fair amount higher than Obama expenses. But we need to wait a couple months to get true costs for the first year for trump. But both are lower than those for W. Not really much of a big deal.
Last edited:

1. 'Never let a tragedy go to waste.'

2. 'Never let a PHOTO OP go to waste.'

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest

"Democratic leaders in the House and Senate exited the Capitol on Wednesday to march with and speak to students protesting gun violence on the one-month anniversary of the Parkland, Fla., school shooting.

Senior members of Democratic leadership joined other lawmakers from the House and Senate on Capitol Hill as thousands of students marched while others around the country walked out of classes or staged other protests."

Forget for a minute that Barry's pushed liberal agenda made it possible for the shooter to buy a gun...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats who refused to pass Kate's law...

Forget for a minute that Schumer and these Democrats are the same ones who chose to stand with MS13 gang members and violent illegals - who have victimized / murdered Americans and who are now being protected in law-violating Sanctuary Cities - instead of Americans in order to shut the US government down not long ago...

Forget for a minute that these are the same Democrats just berated by illegals who recognized how Democrats were using them for political gain, much like they are now using the Parkland Florida shooting victims and students and this photo op for political gain...

If you can forget all of that then you could possible fall for this DNC politically-motivated theatrical performance designed to play on the emotions of all the suckers out there. designed to create emotion-based support for their gun-grabbing agenda....

Democrats leave Capitol to join student gun protest

How is this hypocrisy? The Democrats have made it abundantly clear they are an anti-gun party.

What you are saying just proves you to be a troll.
Dems want gun controls. Like every other advanced country in the world. IN ORDER TO STOP THE DEATHS OF STUDENTS AND OTHER.
Republicans are simply tools of the NRA. They want to do nothing, except make gun makers and amo makers richer.
So, there you go. Dems want to help the people, repubs want to help the gun corporations and the NRA. No one, me poor ignorant con, is anti gun. Anti assault rifle, yep. But anti gun overall, no way.

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