HYPOCRISY, Thy Name Is 'DEMOCRAT': Democrats Leave Capitol To March For Gun Control With Students

Then you feed them.
I am with my tax dollars and glad to do it. But I’m not happy with your POS president living a life of total luxury at the taxpayers expense.

Trump lost $400 million in the last year according to Forbes, you fucking dumbass.
Do they have his tax returns? You are a gullible little trump whore

Why should I need his tax returns? I told you what Forbes published. Take it up with them.

Hell, they all saw them when that shit for brains Rachel Maddow showed them awhile back. And what did they prove? That yes indeed, he did pay taxes.

That was the biggest dry hand-job since Geraldo Rivera opened up Al Capone's "Hidden tomb".
Rachel ‘s IQ doubles yours.
She had that short copy of his tax returns dropped into her mailbox, probably by someone from the T administration because it was the last time he actually paid taxes.
T refuses to release his current tax returns and bonehead loyalists like you aren’t the least suspicious
The butt-hurtedness among the leftards here is epic. They thought for sure this time there would be some kind of gun-legislation passes, but did it happen?

I can see why they've turned into a bunch of poop-flinging monkeys. :laughing0301:
Not under this cowardly congress. It will have to wait until the dems take over Congress in Nov

Never heard of the Presidential power of "veto"?

Good luck, asswipes. :laughing0301:
Ever heard of an override?
No probably not.
Once Trump gets indicted it will be necessary to have a D House to hold him accountable.

JGalt: FOR cutting Meals on Wheels in blind devotion to the most unpopular prez inhistory.

"Indicted"? :21:

Do you also believe in unicorns?
That’s ok Bob Mueller probably has Trump’s tax returns and I’m pretty sure there is proof of money laundering via Russia.
The butt-hurtedness among the leftards here is epic. They thought for sure this time there would be some kind of gun-legislation passes, but did it happen?

I can see why they've turned into a bunch of poop-flinging monkeys. :laughing0301:
Not under this cowardly congress. It will have to wait until the dems take over Congress in Nov

Never heard of the Presidential power of "veto"?

Good luck, asswipes. :laughing0301:
Ever heard of an override?
No probably not.
Once Trump gets indicted it will be necessary to have a D House to hold him accountable.

JGalt: FOR cutting Meals on Wheels in blind devotion to the most unpopular prez inhistory.

"Indicted"? :21:

Do you also believe in unicorns?
Moron hasn’t been following the Russian investigation if you think this criminal is innocent..
Just look at his entire business career defrauding everyone he could get away with.
But u think he became honest when he ran for prez.
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Republican motto. When students are being gunned down in their classrooms DO NOTHING until you check with your masters the NRA.

I applaud the Dems for marching with the students. Both groups are on the right side of history.

I applaud those worthless Democrats too. That's the most work they've done since being elected.

If they put out half that much effort into President Trump's Greatening of America, they might even be earning what you pay them.
Is that the new meme: Greatening of America?
Does it greaten America to neuter the enforcement part of the EPA catching and fining polluters?
Is it greatening America watching all the industrialized countries of the world surge pass us in alternative energy?
Is it greatening America to continue to line the pockets of the 1%ers?
Is it greatening America to fucking cut Meals on Wheels for seniors?
Is it greatening of America watching trump try to stop his porn mistress from telling the truth on 60mins?

Your America and my America are two different countries. Mine is here: The land of the free, the land of the brave.

Your America is some third-world shithole on the other side of the planet.

Please keep your America out of my America, ok, sweetheart?
You are a brainwashed functional moron... For 35 years now GOP Pander to the rich tax rates and policy have been raping the non rich and the country... Cut the stupid crap. And you have no evidence for your beliefs that Democrats are corrupt or evil. Just b*******, Dupe.

There you go again with the "brainwashed functional moron" retort. Is that the only one one you? You surely are a one tick pony.

The idea that the Republican Party "panders" to the rich tax rates and policies is a worn-out phrase that you leftards have been parroting, ever since the great Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

Get this, you non-functional idiot who was born without a brain and merely a brain-stem: This is not 19 fucking 17. This is 2018. Your pubescent retarded fantasies about a Marxist wonderland are purely bullshit.

Democrats are evil. They are little Neo-Marists Wanna-Be's who march around in Che Guevara tshirts babbling such nonsense as "economic equality" but in reality emotionally-retarded cocksuckers like yourself are nothing more than useful idiots for the real Communist shitheads who would end up lining your sorry asses up against the wall anyways.
Your fear of Communists who don't exist is hilarious, super dupe. Taxing the rich and investing in America and Americans is not communism. Neither is good pay, good vacations, good daycare, paid parental leave. You are a brainwashed functional moron like all GOP voters except the pure scumbags.
The butt-hurtedness among the leftards here is epic. They thought for sure this time there would be some kind of gun-legislation passes, but did it happen?

I can see why they've turned into a bunch of poop-flinging monkeys. :laughing0301:
Not under this cowardly congress. It will have to wait until the dems take over Congress in Nov

Never heard of the Presidential power of "veto"?

Good luck, asswipes. :laughing0301:
Ever heard of an override?
No probably not.
Once Trump gets indicted it will be necessary to have a D House to hold him accountable.

JGalt: FOR cutting Meals on Wheels in blind devotion to the most unpopular prez inhistory.

"Indicted"? :21:

Do you also believe in unicorns?
Adam Schiff who has seen the evidence said yesterday there is proof T colluded with Russia. But I’m sure you know more than he does..
JGalt thinks saving Meals on Wheels makes America a “ shithole country.”
No actually it makes you a shithole. You need to jump in and bury yourself.

Here’s more of Trump “ greatening America” just in seconds ago:

Exclusive: Defense Dept. charged nearly $140,000 at Trump branded properties - CNN Politics Exclusive: Defense Dept. charged nearly $140,000 at Trump branded properties — CNN Politics
Do you think Trump should provide them with free lodging and free meals?

There's no scandal here unless you're a dumbass snowflake.
I see how u disingenuously put in LODGING.
So.... you think it’s fine and dandy for your POS president to cut Meals on Wheels that helps the elderly that would cost the same amount as one day him playing golf?
No... no scandal there. Let them starve so fat boi can play more golf.

Whether meals on wheels should be funded is a policy discussion, not a scandal. The money you accuse Trump of getting from the military is for lodging and meals in Trump owned hotels. Only an idiot believes that Trump should be required to pay for that out of his own pocket.

Funding Meals for Wheels is a morality issue of which this prez keeps failing every day of his presidency.
Imagine you dirtballs thinking feeding our seniors should be debatable.

Then you feed them.
Enjoy hell, brainwashed functional scumbag.
Getting back to the op... still no one can explain how the Dems were “ hypocrites” by marching with these students who favor gun control when many of them also support gun control.
Typical crickets.
That’s ok Bob Mueller probably has Trump’s tax returns and I’m pretty sure there is proof of money laundering via Russia.

You're "pretty sure"? Not "absolutely sure", or "without question sure"?

Do yourself a favor sweetheart: Stay away from the horse race track and gambling casinos.
I am with my tax dollars and glad to do it. But I’m not happy with your POS president living a life of total luxury at the taxpayers expense.

Trump lost $400 million in the last year according to Forbes, you fucking dumbass.
Do they have his tax returns? You are a gullible little trump whore

Why should I need his tax returns? I told you what Forbes published. Take it up with them.
You are literally illiterate. I clearly asked how Forbes would know if they don’t have his tax returns.
The same way they did it the first time: they estimated it by the value of his various businesses and properties.

A tax return doesn't tell you how much someone is worth. It only tells you how much the earned.
Remember when you called the League of Conservation Voters the “‘League of Communist voters?”
You’ll never live that one down.
The butt-hurtedness among the leftards here is epic. They thought for sure this time there would be some kind of gun-legislation passes, but did it happen?

I can see why they've turned into a bunch of poop-flinging monkeys. :laughing0301:
Not under this cowardly congress. It will have to wait until the dems take over Congress in Nov

Never heard of the Presidential power of "veto"?

Good luck, asswipes. :laughing0301:
Ever heard of an override?
No probably not.
Once Trump gets indicted it will be necessary to have a D House to hold him accountable.

JGalt: FOR cutting Meals on Wheels in blind devotion to the most unpopular prez inhistory.

"Indicted"? :21:

Do you also believe in unicorns?
Moron hasn’t been following the Russian investigation if you think this criminal is innocent..
Just look at his entire business career defrauding everyone he could get away with.
But u think he became honest when he ran for prez.

There is no longer any "Russian investigation." It's only a matter of a very short time before the whole thing collapses upon itself.

Sorry that wasted a whole year wishing and hoping that it would all come true, what can I say?

That’s ok Bob Mueller probably has Trump’s tax returns and I’m pretty sure there is proof of money laundering via Russia.

You're "pretty sure"? Not "absolutely sure", or "without question sure"?

Do yourself a favor sweetheart: Stay away from the horse race track and gambling casinos.
I get my info from people who have inside info
Your guy is fucked but I think you already know that but don’t have the balls to admit it.
That’s ok Bob Mueller probably has Trump’s tax returns and I’m pretty sure there is proof of money laundering via Russia.

You're "pretty sure"? Not "absolutely sure", or "without question sure"?

Do yourself a favor sweetheart: Stay away from the horse race track and gambling casinos.
I get my info from people who have inside info
Your guy is fucked but I think you already know that but don’t have the balls to admit it.

You're full of shit. You're a child pretending to matter. You never answered my question son, you stated that the "insurrection" was starting....will you be picking up a weapon?

Tell us what security Clearance you have?
View attachment 182645
I applaud those worthless Democrats too. That's the most work they've done since being elected.

If they put out half that much effort into President Trump's Greatening of America, they might even be earning what you pay them.
Is that the new meme: Greatening of America?
Does it greaten America to neuter the enforcement part of the EPA catching and fining polluters?
Is it greatening America watching all the industrialized countries of the world surge pass us in alternative energy?
Is it greatening America to continue to line the pockets of the 1%ers?
Is it greatening America to fucking cut Meals on Wheels for seniors?
Is it greatening of America watching trump try to stop his porn mistress from telling the truth on 60mins?

Your America and my America are two different countries. Mine is here: The land of the free, the land of the brave.

Your America is some third-world shithole on the other side of the planet.

Please keep your America out of my America, ok, sweetheart?
You are a brainwashed functional moron... For 35 years now GOP Pander to the rich tax rates and policy have been raping the non rich and the country... Cut the stupid crap. And you have no evidence for your beliefs that Democrats are corrupt or evil. Just b*******, Dupe.

There you go again with the "brainwashed functional moron" retort. Is that the only one one you? You surely are a one tick pony.

The idea that the Republican Party "panders" to the rich tax rates and policies is a worn-out phrase that you leftards have been parroting, ever since the great Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.

Get this, you non-functional idiot who was born without a brain and merely a brain-stem: This is not 19 fucking 17. This is 2018. Your pubescent retarded fantasies about a Marxist wonderland are purely bullshit.

Democrats are evil. They are little Neo-Marists Wanna-Be's who march around in Che Guevara tshirts babbling such nonsense as "economic equality" but in reality emotionally-retarded cocksuckers like yourself are nothing more than useful idiots for the real Communist shitheads who would end up lining your sorry asses up against the wall anyways.
Your fear of Communists who don't exist is hilarious, super dupe. Taxing the rich and investing in America and Americans is not communism. Neither is good pay, good vacations, good daycare, paid parental leave. You are a brainwashed functional moron like all GOP voters except the pure scumbags.

I don't "fear" communists, I hate them. Actually, it's you leftards who are living in mortal fear that they somehow fucked up your little dream of seeing Hillary or Bernie in the White House.

You non-functional brainless morons are all climbing the walls of your little monkey cages and flinging monkey feces at each other because you truly believe that Putin "hacked" your precious little election.

What a bunch of dopes you people are. :laugh:
That’s ok Bob Mueller probably has Trump’s tax returns and I’m pretty sure there is proof of money laundering via Russia.

You're "pretty sure"? Not "absolutely sure", or "without question sure"?

Do yourself a favor sweetheart: Stay away from the horse race track and gambling casinos.
I get my info from people who have inside info
Your guy is fucked but I think you already know that but don’t have the balls to admit it.

"inside info" ???

Stop it you silly fucker, you're killing me. :laughing0301:

Your "inside info" is most likely late-night comedians and left-wing propaganda websites.

Do you think people are stupid or something? Nobody's buying your idiotic paranoid conspiracy theories any more. Even Alex Jones thinks the wheels have fallen completely off of you people's little red wagon.
That’s ok Bob Mueller probably has Trump’s tax returns and I’m pretty sure there is proof of money laundering via Russia.

You're "pretty sure"? Not "absolutely sure", or "without question sure"?

Do yourself a favor sweetheart: Stay away from the horse race track and gambling casinos.
I get my info from people who have inside info
Your guy is fucked but I think you already know that but don’t have the balls to admit it.

You're full of shit. You're a child pretending to matter. You never answered my question son, you stated that the "insurrection" was starting....will you be picking up a weapon?

Tell us what security Clearance you have?

He's full of crap. Whatever "insurrection" has talking about will be nothing more than marching around holding a sign and yelling obscenities, until the cops give him a blast of pepper spray to the face and haul his ass off to jail.
Brifart has now hit rock bottom thinking it’s fine and dandy to cut Meals on Wheels.
Damn those seniors for wanting to eat.
It’s the least they can do is go hungry so this piece of shit prez can bilk taxpayers for his weekly golf game.

Thanks for the great post. I have nothing to add, but it does show how stupid some people are.
When you're praising "Reasonable," you've reached rock bottom in the intelligence and good judgement categories.
No, no no, no. You have bottom and top mixed up again, me con troll. YOU are at rock bottom.
Then you feed them.
I am with my tax dollars and glad to do it. But I’m not happy with your POS president living a life of total luxury at the taxpayers expense.

Trump lost $400 million in the last year according to Forbes, you fucking dumbass.
Do they have his tax returns? You are a gullible little trump whore

Why should I need his tax returns? I told you what Forbes published. Take it up with them.
You are literally illiterate. I clearly asked how Forbes would know if they don’t have his tax returns.
Bribart is a congenital idiot. Do not, under any circumstance, think he is able to make sense.
STUDENTS = young people that still need to be EDUCATED, and they're being educated alright, by the left, taught how to PROTEST and WHINE and BITCH and CRY... and SCREAM HELPLESSLY AT THE SKY while wearing their SISSY PINK PUSSY HATS, then go back to your PETTING PUPPIES and PLAY DOUGH in your SAFE PLACE.

This is the modern day DEMOCRATS, folks. Nothing but the scum of society, the PERVERTS, the ILLEGALS, the WHINERS, the CORRUPT and the FASCISTS... that's the modern day DEMOCRATS.

And if one of those kids was MY kid, and these ass clown radical democrats egged them on to SKIP SCHOOL to go PROTEST, I'd SUE the school and give the kid an ASS WHIPPIN'.
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