Hypocrite business owner bemoans "didn't build that" while taking govt. loans


Gold Member
May 11, 2011
This is just a perfect example of right wing hypocrisy and inconsistency. This business owner, Melissa Ball, whines

"The one phrase wasn't even as bad as the whole together,"

when the President points out that government helps business to succeed. Yet she her hypocritical little self saw no problem with getting a $600,000 loan guaranteed by the taxpayer.

The battle over "You didn't build that" - wave3.com-Louisville News, Weather & Sports

I personally take exception that this ungrateful little bitch took out a loan guaranteed by the People's tax dollars and - rather than thank the taxpayer for guaranteeing the loan - she acts insulted at the suggestion that we helped her out in the first place!
This is just a perfect example of right wing hypocrisy and inconsistency. This business owner, Melissa Ball, whines

"The one phrase wasn't even as bad as the whole together,"

when the President points out that government helps business to succeed. Yet she her hypocritical little self saw no problem with getting a $600,000 loan guaranteed by the taxpayer.

The battle over "You didn't build that" - wave3.com-Louisville News, Weather & Sports

I personally take exception that this ungrateful little bitch took out a loan guaranteed by the People's tax dollars and - rather than thank the taxpayer for guaranteeing the loan - she acts insulted at the suggestion that we helped her out in the first place!

Did the government loan her the money or just secure the loan ?
This is just a perfect example of right wing hypocrisy and inconsistency. This business owner, Melissa Ball, whines

"The one phrase wasn't even as bad as the whole together,"

when the President points out that government helps business to succeed. Yet she her hypocritical little self saw no problem with getting a $600,000 loan guaranteed by the taxpayer.

The battle over "You didn't build that" - wave3.com-Louisville News, Weather & Sports

I personally take exception that this ungrateful little bitch took out a loan guaranteed by the People's tax dollars and - rather than thank the taxpayer for guaranteeing the loan - she acts insulted at the suggestion that we helped her out in the first place!

Did the government loan her the money or just secure the loan ?

The government secures the loan, and in doing so, the People take all the risk (with the secured portion of the loan) while the bank takes none. This enables her to borrow at lower interest rates. I don't hear her complaining about that.
This is just a perfect example of right wing hypocrisy and inconsistency. This business owner, Melissa Ball, whines

"The one phrase wasn't even as bad as the whole together,"

when the President points out that government helps business to succeed. Yet she her hypocritical little self saw no problem with getting a $600,000 loan guaranteed by the taxpayer.

The battle over "You didn't build that" - wave3.com-Louisville News, Weather & Sports

I personally take exception that this ungrateful little bitch took out a loan guaranteed by the People's tax dollars and - rather than thank the taxpayer for guaranteeing the loan - she acts insulted at the suggestion that we helped her out in the first place!

Did the government loan her the money or just secure the loan ?

The government secures the loan, and in doing so, the People take all the risk (with the secured portion of the loan) while the bank takes none. This enables her to borrow at lower interest rates. I don't hear her complaining about that.

Kinda like Solyndra....only that money came from us....it wasn't secured against other cash.

There should not be loans secured by the federal government. If a state wants to do that...fine.

Here is one other thing you might consider while you are in the bathroom looking at porno.

Banks are not going to take those risks if they can push small businesses in this direction. It allows them to be sloppy and probably makes for bad loans (again Solyndra).

If there were no government loans, banks might be more prone to grab their balls and do the work necessary to help small businesses succeed. That is really how they should be making their money.

Maybe she couldn't get another loan and had to do this....like I said...banks are going to drive people to this if it is out there.

Maybe the problem is that the government offers them at all.
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This is just a perfect example of right wing hypocrisy and inconsistency. This business owner, Melissa Ball, whines

"The one phrase wasn't even as bad as the whole together,"

when the President points out that government helps business to succeed. Yet she her hypocritical little self saw no problem with getting a $600,000 loan guaranteed by the taxpayer.

The battle over "You didn't build that" - wave3.com-Louisville News, Weather & Sports

I personally take exception that this ungrateful little bitch took out a loan guaranteed by the People's tax dollars and - rather than thank the taxpayer for guaranteeing the loan - she acts insulted at the suggestion that we helped her out in the first place!

You know what a Loan is right? It's not a hand out you fucktard.
Ball Office Products, which Melissa Ball owns, received a $600 thousand loan from the Small Business Administration, and a more than $50 thousand dollar government contract. Both are big boosts directly from the government.

so much for her doing it on her own ...
You know what a Loan is right? It's not a hand out you fucktard.

In the end that is right.

However, because it is government secured, the bank is less likely to go over her businessplan and work to help her succceed. They have no skin in the game.

If she fails, she fails. We pay the price and the bank skates.

Somehow that kind of system seems a bit screwed up.

I can see Harry Ried with Bernie Sanders nose up his ass saying that we need to support small businesses. Often times, by trying to help....you hurt.
Look these clowns have nothing, they think they everyone who dips their tool in the government pool should bow down, NOPE. Fact is who gives a shit if they got a loan. Maybe if they got rid of regulation that makes business hard to startup and own, we wouldnt need the loans. It's just a racket like student loans, the Govt jacks up books and tuition then you have to gravel to them so you can pay for this shit.
Did the government loan her the money or just secure the loan ?

The government secures the loan, and in doing so, the People take all the risk (with the secured portion of the loan) while the bank takes none. This enables her to borrow at lower interest rates. I don't hear her complaining about that.

Kinda like Solyndra....only that money came from us....it wasn't secured against other cash.

Both the Solyndra loan and the loan to the ingrate rightie business person are secured by cash - the taxpayer's cash.

There should not be loans secured by the federal government. If a state wants to do that...fine.

Sure if you want to bring the housing market to its knees (again), reduce drastically the numbers of people who can afford college, wreak havoc on the economy, and fail to provide the government help that ingrate right wingers needs to start businesses so they can later complain about the government help that everyone else is getting - sure. Just please don't pretend like you can oppose the primary activity of the Small Business Administration and at the same time be supporting small businesses - we aren't that stupid.

Here is one other thing you might consider while you are in the bathroom looking at porno.

Banks are not going to take those risks if they can push small businesses in this direction. It allows them to be sloppy and probably makes for bad loans (again Solyndra).

If there were no government loans, banks might be more prone to grab their balls and do the work necessary to help small businesses succeed. That is really how they should be making their money.

I'm not sure whose grabbing whose balls here, but banks will charge higher interest if they actually have to put their own money at risk, that's econ 101.

Maybe she couldn't get another loan and had to do this....like I said...banks are going to drive people to this if it is out there.

Yeah - banks "drive" people to getting a government backed loan because the ones that the banks themselves offer charge more interest.

Maybe the problem is that the government offers them at all.

If by "problem" you mean "making loans available to folks who might not otherwise get them or would have to pay higher interest if they could get them" - then sure. Its funny how right wingers don't consider government backed loans a "problem" when they are enjoying the benefits of them.
The government produces NOTHING!

It is NOTHING without us... the tax payers.

And without government, civilazation turns into the "mob"

That is true, in fact both statements are correct, that's why I laugh at liberals who think we want no government, nope just a small weak one that does just enough. For if there is no government, liberals call it socialist utopia and conservatives call it anarchy (we like a little order, which is why we're big with police and punishments of criminals)
This is just a perfect example of right wing hypocrisy and inconsistency. This business owner, Melissa Ball, whines

"The one phrase wasn't even as bad as the whole together,"

when the President points out that government helps business to succeed. Yet she her hypocritical little self saw no problem with getting a $600,000 loan guaranteed by the taxpayer.

The battle over "You didn't build that" - wave3.com-Louisville News, Weather & Sports

I personally take exception that this ungrateful little bitch took out a loan guaranteed by the People's tax dollars and - rather than thank the taxpayer for guaranteeing the loan - she acts insulted at the suggestion that we helped her out in the first place!

You know what a Loan is right? It's not a hand out you fucktard.

The interest rates on government backed loans are lower than those on non-government backed loans. Its very much a handout to get to pay lower than market interest because the taxpayer is taking the risk on your loan.
This is just a perfect example of right wing hypocrisy and inconsistency. This business owner, Melissa Ball, whines

"The one phrase wasn't even as bad as the whole together,"

when the President points out that government helps business to succeed. Yet she her hypocritical little self saw no problem with getting a $600,000 loan guaranteed by the taxpayer.

The battle over "You didn't build that" - wave3.com-Louisville News, Weather & Sports

I personally take exception that this ungrateful little bitch took out a loan guaranteed by the People's tax dollars and - rather than thank the taxpayer for guaranteeing the loan - she acts insulted at the suggestion that we helped her out in the first place!

You know what a Loan is right? It's not a hand out you fucktard.

The interest rates on government backed loans are lower than those on non-government backed loans. Its very much a handout to get to pay lower than market interest because the taxpayer is taking the risk on your loan.

we frankly dont care man....if little johnny gets a loand to run his lemonade stand, who cares, now if it's a money laundering scheme to say Solyndra....then maybe we'll perk up abit.
This is just a perfect example of right wing hypocrisy and inconsistency. This business owner, Melissa Ball, whines

"The one phrase wasn't even as bad as the whole together,"

when the President points out that government helps business to succeed. Yet she her hypocritical little self saw no problem with getting a $600,000 loan guaranteed by the taxpayer.

The battle over "You didn't build that" - wave3.com-Louisville News, Weather & Sports

I personally take exception that this ungrateful little bitch took out a loan guaranteed by the People's tax dollars and - rather than thank the taxpayer for guaranteeing the loan - she acts insulted at the suggestion that we helped her out in the first place!

You know what a Loan is right? It's not a hand out you fucktard.

You know what a Loan is right? It's not a hand out you fucktard.

The interest rates on government backed loans are lower than those on non-government backed loans. Its very much a handout to get to pay lower than market interest because the taxpayer is taking the risk on your loan.

we frankly dont care man....
Of course you don't, the Koch brothers haven't instructed you to care.
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This is just a perfect example of right wing hypocrisy and inconsistency. This business owner, Melissa Ball, whines

"The one phrase wasn't even as bad as the whole together,"

when the President points out that government helps business to succeed. Yet she her hypocritical little self saw no problem with getting a $600,000 loan guaranteed by the taxpayer.

The battle over "You didn't build that" - wave3.com-Louisville News, Weather & Sports

I personally take exception that this ungrateful little bitch took out a loan guaranteed by the People's tax dollars and - rather than thank the taxpayer for guaranteeing the loan - she acts insulted at the suggestion that we helped her out in the first place!

You know what a Loan is right? It's not a hand out you fucktard.

The interest rates on government backed loans are lower than those on non-government backed loans. Its very much a handout to get to pay lower than market interest because the taxpayer is taking the risk on your loan.

And government needs to get of the loaning business, no student loans, no housing loans, no business loans, they have no business in being there.
This is just a perfect example of right wing hypocrisy and inconsistency. This business owner, Melissa Ball, whines

"The one phrase wasn't even as bad as the whole together,"

when the President points out that government helps business to succeed. Yet she her hypocritical little self saw no problem with getting a $600,000 loan guaranteed by the taxpayer.

The battle over "You didn't build that" - wave3.com-Louisville News, Weather & Sports

I personally take exception that this ungrateful little bitch took out a loan guaranteed by the People's tax dollars and - rather than thank the taxpayer for guaranteeing the loan - she acts insulted at the suggestion that we helped her out in the first place!

You know what a Loan is right? It's not a hand out you fucktard.

The interest rates on government backed loans are lower than those on non-government backed loans. Its very much a handout to get to pay lower than market interest because the taxpayer is taking the risk on your loan.

we frankly dont care man....
Of course you don't, the Koch brothers haven't instructed you to care.

Nope I dont take order bro, I'm not a liberal that follows blindly, I've never seen you disagree with Obama, so who is the sheep? Yeah you and your liberal "Obama is never wrong" buddies. I bet you know his song by heart, because I know you dont know history.
You know what a Loan is right? It's not a hand out you fucktard.

The interest rates on government backed loans are lower than those on non-government backed loans. Its very much a handout to get to pay lower than market interest because the taxpayer is taking the risk on your loan.

And government needs to get of the loaning business, no student loans, no housing loans, no business loans, they have no business in being there.

Yeah, let's sink the economy. What fun that would be. Hey do you think we can make it retroactive and take back all the loans we gave to right wing ingrates like the businessperson in the OP - or do they get to keep it all since they got theirs so fuck everyone else?
You know what a Loan is right? It's not a hand out you fucktard.

we frankly dont care man....
Of course you don't, the Koch brothers haven't instructed you to care.

Nope I dont take order bro, I'm not a liberal that follows blindly, I've never seen you disagree with Obama, so who is the sheep? Yeah you and your liberal "Obama is never wrong" buddies. I bet you know his song by heart, because I know you dont know history.

I disagree with Obama on a number of issues.

You disagree with Crossraods GPS and your wealthy owners that pay for it on several issues.

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