Hysteria over 8 deaths a year vs "yawn" 1.5 million abortions..something is not right

Pull out of the middle east, cut wasteful defense spending, invest in our economy, tax everyone and all businesses fairly and equally, adopt a zero tolerance policy against banks, businesses, corporations, wallstreet, senators, house members, and republicans.

With that, you would have cut billions, increased your income, and helped the economy flourish.

Wow you cut a few billion, maybe, not nearly enough, then you regulate buisness out of business, wow you cant be that stupid.

Get out of the middle east? Awesome plan, lets just let em kill each other and develope nukes...good call
What is fairly?

Zero tolerance against banks? Ok so what if most of the blacks who apply for the loan dont qualify? What should the bank do? I cant wait to hear this answer.

Invest in our economy? How? sounds like spending MORE money? Do you not understand what a cut is? really?

how would the economy flourish? you would have banks loaning to people who cant pay, then bitch because they did loan the money. Then you would regulate everything a business does increasing costs and causes businesses to fail....not a great plan.

Profits At High, Wages At Low - Business Insider

Profits Just Hit Another All-Time High, Wages Just Hit Another All-Time Low

Read more: Profits At High, Wages At Low - Business Insider

So what? First Obama is president....Second lets raise the min wage to $100/hour

Whats funny is liberals dont have jobs, yet they know everything, because they're professors or are in school at the age of 40 working on the 8th masters degree.
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Apples and oranges.

maybe, but the left was only upset of Newtown, so they could try and get guns laws jammed throught, they've neve been for kids safety, unless they could take away rights or fuck over business.......The left loves people like Richard Allen Davis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why is this guy not dead?

No ‘maybe.’

Apples and oranges it is.

No it's not, you want to allow these freaks to live and get out of jail....and then you wonder why this stuff happens.....if he only didnt have a gun.....what a joke.

Tsuyama massacre - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The authorities were concerned, and his gun license was revoked. He however prepared swords and guns secretly.

No shit??? Really????
8 deaths a year over 30 years...

Since 1982 there have been at least 62 mass shootings* across the country, with the killings unfolding in 30 states from Massachusetts to Hawaii. Twenty-five of these mass shootings have occurred since 2006, and 7 of them have taken place in 2012. We've mapped them below, including details on the shooters' identities, the types of weapons they used, and the number of victims they injured and killed.

The shooter took the lives of at least four people. An FBI crime classification report identifies an individual as a mass murderer—versus a spree killer or a serial killer—if he kills four or more people in a single incident (not including himself), typically in a single location.
A Guide to Mass Shootings in America | Mother Jones

average number of deaths by abortions of 1.535 million a year
Abortions In America

Since the same time period 1982 at 1.535 million abortions a year 46,050,000 deaths.

Folks something is really fundamentally wrong with the majority of you if you are all hysterical about Sandy Hook and want all guns banned...
YET YOU have no problem with 46 million terminations of life.
What makes those 8 deaths per year over 31 years MORE important then the 46 million abortions?

There are not 46 million 'deaths' of human beings due to abortion because an abortion is not the death of a human being. You are imposing your religious or personal viewpoint on the rest of the world. All around the world, in most countries, abortion is legal with various restrictions. Restrictions vary from country to country. Other countries do not have the controversy over abortion that exists in the US. The anti-abortion group in the US is a miniscule minority compared to the entire world. The vast majority of human beings on this earth do not believe that a fetus is a human being, that abortion means killing humans. It is a medical procedure to prevent a full blown pregnancy.

In other words, the comparison between the murder or killing of a living, breathing human being and a fetus is a logical fallacy, it is a false analogy. They don't compare They are not analogous. All modern people who understand biology, modern science and modern medicine realize this. If you have religious views to the contrary, they are your views and cannot be imposed on others. No one will force you to have an abortion. It is like people who do not believe in war. Such a person can become a conscientious objector and not be forced to go to war, but as the majority of the world believes in war, it will continue to happen.
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So the unborn child isn't innocent?

Not relevant. Since when do cons care about putting an innocent person to death? They support the death penalty, which has potentially killed hundreds of innocent people.

uh we'd rather have Richard Allen Davis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia DEAD Noomi, but you want him alive....I love that "Potentially"...show me some examples and then ask your self, what about the people killed by these morons you people let out.....why not kill them....and be done with it.

You didn't read past the first paragraph did you? He KILLED HIMSELF 7 years ago, you fool!
Not relevant. Since when do cons care about putting an innocent person to death? They support the death penalty, which has potentially killed hundreds of innocent people.

uh we'd rather have Richard Allen Davis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia DEAD Noomi, but you want him alive....I love that "Potentially"...show me some examples and then ask your self, what about the people killed by these morons you people let out.....why not kill them....and be done with it.

You didn't read past the first paragraph did you? He KILLED HIMSELF 7 years ago, you fool!

8 deaths a year over 30 years...

Sorry, champ, but you don't get to only count the deaths from mass shootings. thousands of people have died from gun violence since the Newtown shooting alone.

Try again.
As much as you want it to be, abortion is not the same as murder
So the unborn child isn't innocent?

Not relevant. Since when do cons care about putting an innocent person to death? They support the death penalty, which has potentially killed hundreds of innocent people.

Yawn....."potentially" hundreds versus VERIFIED 45 million aborted.

..... as babies necks are snipped while Obama with our tax dollars uses Sandy hook props!
Again.. where is the outrage over 45 million versus 248 over 31 years in mass shootings??

Just so we get our terms straight...
Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo prior to viability.
Some FACTS about abortion..
  • 36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
  • 8.1% were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
  • 44.7% or nearly half by women who are either stupid, definitely don't use birth control AND SHOULD BE STERILIZED if they
continue to act as animals!

Black women are more than 4.8 times more likely than non-Hispanic white women to have an abortion, and Hispanic women are 2.7 times as likely (AGI).

REASONS for killing 1.5 million a year..

12% of women included a physical problem with their health among reasons for having an abortion (NAF).
1%(of aborting women) reported that they were the survivors of rape (NAF).
The remaining 87% of reasons for having killing 1.5 million people a year:
3 reasons for ELECTING abortion:
-- say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or other responsibilities; about
-- say they cannot afford a child; and
-- say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner (AGI).
Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics
Right wingers going on about abortions when *yawn* we are in debt and they don't give one shit about fixing it, or the economy.

LOL says the guy that wants to spend trillions more than we have........and pretends to like children.......take somewhere else, phony!!

:eusa_hand: I'm in favor of cuts in wasteful areas and stricter rules.

But women should have the right to choose whether to abort or not.
If you don't like getting an abortion or don't want to have one, then don't get one.
If you don't like others making their own choices, then go choke on a dick and fuck off.

It's too bad you don't apply that demand to yourself.

You don't want a gun, then don't buy one. But don't demand that I can't buy one.
You are right.

Abortion is much, much worse. 85% of the time abortion is not medically required yet it takes a human life.
No it is not, not in the US and not in the majority of the world

Even when abortion was illegal it was not treated as murder

Abortion takes an innocent human life and destroys it.

It is not yet considered human so it does not meet the standard of murder

Not in the US or anywhere

Are you suggesting that women who get abortions be charged with murder?
You are another example of why I can not bring myself to oppose abortion. In fact you inspire me to endorse retroactive abortion. If you were sucked into a sewer the collective value of mankind would go up a notch.

You seem to like posting that same quote in multiple threads.

I seem to run into criminally insane leftist parasites like you in multiple threads.

Never mind the fact you're on an island nation the UK used for a fucking prison to house criminally insane sociopaths the "liberals" of GB didn't want to execute out of "humanitarian" concerns. It's no wonder you're a commie, you're genetic garbage to begin with.

I just don't understand what gives you a sense moral concern what we here in the US do. Who asked you for your opinion on the smell of our shit? Why don't you stick your nose up the gapping ass of your own pathetic "country" and suck our collective balls since we prop up what you call a "military" that wears pajamas and carries paintball guns into combat?

I'm just saying "go fuck yourself" in the most polite way I can.
So the unborn child isn't innocent?

Not relevant. Since when do cons care about putting an innocent person to death? They support the death penalty, which has potentially killed hundreds of innocent people.

Yawn....."potentially" hundreds versus VERIFIED 45 million aborted.

..... as babies necks are snipped while Obama with our tax dollars uses Sandy hook props!
Again.. where is the outrage over 45 million versus 248 over 31 years in mass shootings??

Just so we get our terms straight...
Abortion is the termination of pregnancy by the removal or expulsion from the uterus of a fetus or embryo prior to viability.
Some FACTS about abortion..
  • 36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and
  • 8.1% were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).
  • 44.7% or nearly half by women who are either stupid, definitely don't use birth control AND SHOULD BE STERILIZED if they
continue to act as animals!

Black women are more than 4.8 times more likely than non-Hispanic white women to have an abortion, and Hispanic women are 2.7 times as likely (AGI).

REASONS for killing 1.5 million a year..

12% of women included a physical problem with their health among reasons for having an abortion (NAF).
1%(of aborting women) reported that they were the survivors of rape (NAF).
The remaining 87% of reasons for having killing 1.5 million people a year:
3 reasons for ELECTING abortion:
-- say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or other responsibilities; about
-- say they cannot afford a child; and
-- say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner (AGI).
Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics

Cherry picking?

Why did you exclude these facts?

In 2008, approximately 1.21 million abortions took place in the U.S., down from an estimated 1.29 million in 2002, 1.31 million in 2000 and 1.36 million in 1996.

he annual number of legal induced abortions in the United States doubled between 1973 and 1979, and peaked in 1990. There was a slow but steady decline through the 1990's. Overall, the number of annual abortions decreased by 6% between 2000 and 2009, with temporary spikes in 2002 and 2006 (CDC).
The US abortion rate is similar to those of Australia, New Zealand, and Sweden but higher than those of other Western European countries (NAF).

In 2009, 85% of all abortions were performed on unmarried women (CDC).

In 2009, 55.3% of abortions were performed on women who had not aborted in the past; 36.6% were performed on women with one or two prior abortions, and 8.1% were performed on women with three or more prior abortions (CDC).

Among women who obtained abortions in 2009, 40.2% had no prior live births; 46.3% had one or two prior live births, and 13.6% had three or more prior live births (CDC).

37% of women obtaining abortions identify themselves as Protestant, and 28% identify themselves as Catholic (AGI).

At current rates, nearly one-third of American women will have an abortion (AGI).

On average, women give at least 3 reasons for choosing abortion: 3/4 say that having a baby would interfere with work, school or other responsibilities; about 3/4 say they cannot afford a child; and 1/2 say they do not want to be a single parent or are having problems with their husband or partner (AGI).

88-92% of all abortions happen during the first trimester, prior to the 13th week of gestation (AGI/CDC).
In 2009, 7% of all abortions were performed at 14-20 weeks' gestation; 1.3% were performed at ≥21 weeks' gestation (CDC).

Induced abortions usually result from unintended pregnancies, which often occur despite the use of contraception (CDC).

54% of women having abortions used a contraceptive method during the month they became pregnant. Among those women, 76% of pill users and 49% of condom users reported using the methods inconsistently, while 13% of pill users and 14% of condom users reported correct use (AGI).
8% of women having abortions have never used a method of birth control (AGI).
9 in 10 women at risk of unintended pregnancy are using a contraceptive method (AGI).
Oral contraceptives, the most widely used reversible method of contraception, carry failure rates of 6 to 8% in actual practice (NAF).
Condom use confers protection against STIs, but it does not provide top-tier protection from pregnancy because of breakage, slippage, inconsistent use, and low continuation rates (NAF).
You are another example of why I can not bring myself to oppose abortion. In fact you inspire me to endorse retroactive abortion. If you were sucked into a sewer the collective value of mankind would go up a notch.

You seem to like posting that same quote in multiple threads.

I seem to run into criminally insane leftist parasites like you in multiple threads.

Never mind the fact you're on an island nation the UK used for a fucking prison to house criminally insane sociopaths the "liberals" of GB didn't want to execute out of "humanitarian" concerns. It's no wonder you're a commie, you're genetic garbage to begin with.

I just don't understand what gives you a sense moral concern what we here in the US do. Who asked you for your opinion on the smell of our shit? Why don't you stick your nose up the gapping ass of your own pathetic "country" and suck our collective balls since we prop up what you call a "military" that wears pajamas and carries paintball guns into combat?

I'm just saying "go fuck yourself" in the most polite way I can.

Australia did end up with those who couldn't afford justice in the UK at the time whereas America ended up with religious fundamentalists who committed genocide against the original inhabitants of this land.

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