Hysteria over 8 deaths a year vs "yawn" 1.5 million abortions..something is not right

Australia did end up with those who couldn't afford justice in the UK at the time whereas America ended up with religious fundamentalists who committed genocide against the original inhabitants of this land.

Oh cry me a fucking river about what the limies did 200 years ago. Keep wetting your bed about what some religious assholes did 2 centuries ago. SOMEHOW, in spite of natural selection, your inferior DNA managed to survive and force the rest of us to tolerate YOU.

And get a grip about the reality of the fucking scraelings you call "natives" in North America.

Even if you used your imagination and considered what would have happened if euroweenies "discovered" the western hemisphere and decided to leave it alone, never allow a eroweenie to step foot on the 2 continents, what would they be right now? NOTHING. They made absolutely zero innovations after centuries of isolation. They belonged in a zoo, and we conquered them fair and square. I like AC and toilet paper. FUCK THE "INDIANS"
In the depths of South American jungles there are tribes that have had little or no contact with modern humans. Look it up, I'm not bullshiting you.

Uncontacted peoples - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

That's where the "natives" would still be if not for the invasion of western civilization, and since I exist due to that endeavor, I have little respect for the douchebags who decry that event.

Well, isn't this fascinating......:eusa_whistle:
Pull out of the middle east, cut wasteful defense spending, invest in our economy, tax everyone and all businesses fairly and equally, adopt a zero tolerance policy against banks, businesses, corporations, wallstreet, senators, house members, and republicans.

And what about Democrats? It's a little hard to take you seriously when you turn it into a partisan argument. Apparently it's escaped your attention that many of the largest companies in this country, particularly those on Wall Street, have Democrat CEOs,
Like killing abortion doctors in church?

Course not.

But abortion doctors kill babies, and all you are doing is stopping that doctor from killing even more babies - what is wrong with that?

Abortion isn't illegal. If it was, I would have no problem sentencing some doctors that perform them to the death penality, depending on the nature and circumstances of the crime.
Course not.

But abortion doctors kill babies, and all you are doing is stopping that doctor from killing even more babies - what is wrong with that?

Abortion isn't illegal. If it was, I would have no problem sentencing some doctors that perform them to the death penality, depending on the nature and circumstances of the crime.

So even though you think abortion is murder, and killing babies, you wouldn't kill an abortion doctor for killing babies because abortion is legal?

What a nice gentleman you are.:doubt:
But abortion doctors kill babies, and all you are doing is stopping that doctor from killing even more babies - what is wrong with that?

Abortion isn't illegal. If it was, I would have no problem sentencing some doctors that perform them to the death penality, depending on the nature and circumstances of the crime.

So even though you think abortion is murder, and killing babies, you wouldn't kill an abortion doctor for killing babies because abortion is legal?

What a nice gentleman you are.:eek:ubt:

I happen to believe abortion is uneqivocally murder, but I do understand that I live in a society where my beliefs are not the only beliefs that matter, and I respect that we live in a society of laws.

Would you consider me more of a gentleman if I went out and killed for my belifes?
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Has abortion been designated murder now?

If you don't think it should be, you're just as criminally insane as every other son of a bitch who should be retroactively aborted.

Sorry. But abortion is NOT murder...even when it was illegal it was not charged as murder.

But your post is amusingly ironic.

Ma'am... (may I call you ma'am?)

If you can not see that a developing human being pulled out of a uterus as anything other than a life I don't know what to tell you.

I think of myself as a "tough guy". I've seen and done shit that most "men" aren't willing or capable of doing, and some of them have bought me lunch and said so.

When I saw my wife's first sonogram, 9 weeks into my little girl's existence I was floored. I can deal with dead people. I can stand up on a burned up corpse behind a defilade and return fire.

I can't deal with someone doing harm to such a fragile life.

I could personally strangle every asshole on earth, no matter how long it took, that has performed an abortion. Such barbaric mother fuckers should have had their own parents snuffed out. There aren't words that can be used to articulate the contempt I have for "people" who view abortion as anything less sinister than murder.

Yet I tolerate "people" making that horrible "choice" because the world we live in makes supporting all life that survives Roe vs. Wade mandatory.

A whole bunch of those assholes are in our prison population and our obama voters.

So through having seen my own precious daughter on a green screen no bigger than the middle finger I give to "people" like you, and having the joy ever since then and the 20 months she has enriched my life I can't find words strong enough that could tell you to go fuck yourself and the horse you rode out of hell on.

So...how many pregnancies did you have where you CHOOSE to not have an abortion?

Dumbest question I've been asked in a while. Do you have a point? No you don't.

I'm looking for personal experience on your part of having turned down the abortion choice. So...when have you personally turned down the option of aborting your pregnancy (s)?

You don't get it. There's another person involved. That person is the fetus. Yes, only a woman can get pregnant and give birth. That doesn't mean that woman has a right to kill.
Dumbest question I've been asked in a while. Do you have a point? No you don't.

I'm looking for personal experience on your part of having turned down the abortion choice. So...when have you personally turned down the option of aborting your pregnancy (s)?

You don't get it. There's another person involved. That person is the fetus. Yes, only a woman can get pregnant and give birth. That doesn't mean that woman has a right to kill.

A fetus is a person now? Or a potential person.

If a fetus is a person, a woman cannot drive because that's two PEOPLE behind the wheel. If a fetus is a person, a pregnant woman has to pay for two in the movies, two on a plane, etc.

A fetus is not yet a person.
I'm looking for personal experience on your part of having turned down the abortion choice. So...when have you personally turned down the option of aborting your pregnancy (s)?

You don't get it. There's another person involved. That person is the fetus. Yes, only a woman can get pregnant and give birth. That doesn't mean that woman has a right to kill.

A fetus is a person now? Or a potential person.

If a fetus is a person, a woman cannot drive because that's two PEOPLE behind the wheel. If a fetus is a person, a pregnant woman has to pay for two in the movies, two on a plane, etc.

A fetus is not yet a person.

No, the fetus is a person, you're a criminally insane sociopath without a soul. YOU belong in a sewage grinder, not the fetus who should have the chance to exceed your status.

The best part of your existence was the placenta, and for some reason they threw that part away as a "biohazard", while what was left has resulted into a parasite.
I'm looking for personal experience on your part of having turned down the abortion choice. So...when have you personally turned down the option of aborting your pregnancy (s)?

You don't get it. There's another person involved. That person is the fetus. Yes, only a woman can get pregnant and give birth. That doesn't mean that woman has a right to kill.

A fetus is a person now? Or a potential person.

If a fetus is a person, a woman cannot drive because that's two PEOPLE behind the wheel. If a fetus is a person, a pregnant woman has to pay for two in the movies, two on a plane, etc.

A fetus is not yet a person.

I believe it is. Can you respect my opinion while disagreeing with it?

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