I Admit To Calling Democrat Voters Stupid.....


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
.....I realize now that I was far too kind.

1. There are all sorts of taxes of which you are aware..... Federal taxes, state taxes, local taxes, sales tax, parking fees, license fees, speed cameras, hidden taxes of all sorts......

....and the insidious tax, inflation.........

2. While inflation is disastrous tax on workers, the poor, students, among others.....it is a blessing to corporations and big business.
The latter accrue as much debt as they can when Democrat inflation is on the horizon.....because it allows them to pay back the debt with far cheaper money.

3. Do you imagine that this is unknown and unconsidered by Democrat politicians???
Of course not.....those rich are the donors to the Democrats, the party of the wealthy.
If you aren't one of those rich, and voted Democrat......Lenin correctly identified you: useful idiots.

4. Bet you voted for this one, too: Obama.
"But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.” Education of a President (Published 2010)

5. "The Biden Inflation Tax, Made Clear in One Chart

What is all this “Biden inflation tax” talk really about? What is the actual effect of inflation on the lives of real people?
Well, below is a chart that compares yearly wage and inflation rates for each month from 2017 through July of this year using Bureau of Labor Statistics data. Wage rates are in blue and inflation (as measured by the consumer price index) is in red. When blue is on top, as it was during the entire Trump administration, workers’ wages are beating inflation and their standards of living are improving. When red is on top, they’re not.
While President Biden claims that it is “indisputable” that his jobs plan “is working,” this chart unequivocally shows that it is not, at least not for American workers. Rather, inflation is surging, more than wiping out any wage gains those workers might have experienced."
.....I realize now that I was far too kind.

1. There are all sorts of taxes of which you are aware..... Federal taxes, state taxes, local taxes, sales tax, parking fees, license fees, speed cameras, hidden taxes of all sorts......

....and the insidious tax, inflation.........
View attachment 545651

2. While inflation is disastrous tax on workers, the poor, students, among others.....it is a blessing to corporations and big business.
The latter accrue as much debt as they can when Democrat inflation is on the horizon.....because it allows them to pay back the debt with far cheaper money.

3. Do you imagine that this is unknown and unconsidered by Democrat politicians???
Of course not.....those rich are the donors to the Democrats, the party of the wealthy.
If you aren't one of those rich, and voted Democrat......Lenin correctly identified you: useful idiots.

4. Bet you voted for this one, too: Obama.
"But he did identify what he called “tactical lessons.” He let himself look too much like “the same old tax-and-spend liberal Democrat.” Education of a President (Published 2010)

5. "The Biden Inflation Tax, Made Clear in One Chart

What is all this “Biden inflation tax” talk really about? What is the actual effect of inflation on the lives of real people?
Well, below is a chart that compares yearly wage and inflation rates for each month from 2017 through July of this year using Bureau of Labor Statistics data. Wage rates are in blue and inflation (as measured by the consumer price index) is in red. When blue is on top, as it was during the entire Trump administration, workers’ wages are beating inflation and their standards of living are improving. When red is on top, they’re not.
While President Biden claims that it is “indisputable” that his jobs plan “is working,” this chart unequivocally shows that it is not, at least not for American workers. Rather, inflation is surging, more than wiping out any wage gains those workers might have experienced."
You cant call a progressive slave a moron or imbecile because the Democrat voter is even more stupid than those two groups are...They are freaks of nature that should of been aborted by their mentally ill people, but i guess even a few seemed to fall off the abortion doctors table to survive.

Considering you lie, always. Makes Democrat voters smart.
Bwwwwwaaaaahhhhhaaaaaa.... How is biting your nose off, just to spite your face", making you smarter?

Best unemployment rate for blacks and women in early 2019. The US on its way to energy independence and low gasoline prices. Income inequality growing smaller, yet it was "Orange Man Bad" and he is a twitter meenie, so vote him out of office. Which you prog slaves obediently obeyed.

Yep the lowest of intelligence....Joe Biden Voter.

I think it's more important for Democrat supporters to cling to the illusion of what the Democratic Party USED TO BE rather than face the truth of what THEY HAVE BECOME.

This is what they've become, and what fools voted for:

That sort has certainly taken control of the party.....but if it remains so, the country is finished.

Here is Tom Perez, who served as the Chair of the Democratic National Committee, naming what they are.

DNC chairman Tom Perez s
aid Democratic Socialists of America member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez “represents the future of our party.”

DSA chapter chairs have agreed that “communism is good.”

One DSA caucus calls its members “revolutionary Marxists.”

A far-left group behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), which includes Ocasio-Cortez, is creeping its way into the mainstream of American politics.

What Perez didn’t mention is that the group behind “the future” of the Democratic Party is teeming with radicals openly dedicated to dismantling and overturning the economic and social foundations of the United States."
Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

Marxists And Extreme Radicals Seek To Take Over The Democratic Party

The Democratic Socialists of America behind rising Democratic star Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is rife with Marxists and other far-left radicals.
Considering you lie, always. Makes Democrat voters smart.

Speaking of liars.....

A Most Disturbing Phenomenon

…the Democrat voter.

1.What is the explanation for probably millions of our fellow Americans eschewing logic, experience and, most notably, truth, in support of an alien philosophy and anti-American party?

2. While this is one glaring example of the above, sadly, we have all seen numerous posts on the board with other such Democrat automatons.

One such voter, you, wrote:

“I am often wrong and am more than willing to admit my mistakes.”

I wrote:

“Let's check: did you make a mistake voting for Biden?”

The response:


post 58

"Inflation Punishes the Unprotected

The Labor Department reported Wednesday that consumer prices have risen in the past year by 5.4%. Prices have risen at an annualized rate of 7.1% in 2021 and 8.4% in the past three months. The underlying drivers of consumer inflation are rising at least as fast, with the annual Producer Price Index for 2021 up 10.6% through June and the Import Price Index up 15.8%.

... a growing number of Americans fear is a building crisis? Congress is readying another $4 trillion to $5 trillion of spending fuel for the fire, the White House urges lawmakers to do more and do it sooner, and the Federal Reserve advocates, aids and abets.

In America, those who work and sweat for a living gather around their kitchen tables trying to make ends meet as their dreams of homeownership or a new truck slip away. Is it possible that Washington and its principal constituencies are now so protected from inflation that to the president, House speaker and Senate majority leader a new wave of inflation is a small price to pay for the progressive dream of an America dominated by government?"

Speaking of liars.....

A Most Disturbing Phenomenon

…the Democrat voter.

1.What is the explanation for probably millions of our fellow Americans eschewing logic, experience and, most notably, truth, in support of an alien philosophy and anti-American party?

2. While this is one glaring example of the above, sadly, we have all seen numerous posts on the board with other such Democrat automatons.

One such voter, you, wrote:

“I am often wrong and am more than willing to admit my mistakes.”

I wrote:

“Let's check: did you make a mistake voting for Biden?”

The response:


post 58

Say Stinky, that's a nice rehash of some of your lies.
Say Stinky, that's a nice rehash of some of your lies.


Most Disturbing Phenomenon

…the Democrat voter.

1.What is the explanation for probably millions of our fellow Americans eschewing logic, experience and, most notably, truth, in support of an alien philosophy and anti-American party?

2. While this is one glaring example of the above, sadly, we have all seen numerous posts on the board with other such Democrat automatons.

One such voter, you, wrote:

“I am often wrong and am more than willing to admit my mistakes.”

I wrote:

“Let's check: did you make a mistake voting for Biden?”

The response:


No Price Too High

Awe poor thing. Queef out some more boot licking insults to prologue your lies with and you'll get more of the same. Central to that idea is how much government aims to steal from those who earn it: What if you find that based on Federal taxes, state taxes, local taxes, sales tax...
post 58
View attachment 545694

Most Disturbing Phenomenon

…the Democrat voter.

1.What is the explanation for probably millions of our fellow Americans eschewing logic, experience and, most notably, truth, in support of an alien philosophy and anti-American party?

2. While this is one glaring example of the above, sadly, we have all seen numerous posts on the board with other such Democrat automatons.

One such voter, you, wrote:

“I am often wrong and am more than willing to admit my mistakes.”

I wrote:

“Let's check: did you make a mistake voting for Biden?”

The response:


No Price Too High

Awe poor thing. Queef out some more boot licking insults to prologue your lies with and you'll get more of the same. Central to that idea is how much government aims to steal from those who earn it: What if you find that based on Federal taxes, state taxes, local taxes, sales tax...
post 58

Poor Stinky! Reduced to false comparisons again. It's really is all you have.
I make fun of them all the time and proud of it. Of course, you are more generous than i am. "stupid" doesnt come close to cutting it.
Poor Stinky! Reduced to false comparisons again. It's really is all you have.

I must send my appreciation to you as you have effortlessly become a tool to embarrass you and all the other fools who pretend to still be enamored of the failure party, the Democrats.

And I will be using you as a tool well into the future.

One more time: pleased with the stolen election, and Biden over Trump?

C'mon.....you can do it.
I must send my appreciation to you as you have effortlessly become a tool to embarrass you and all the other fools who pretend to still be enamored of the failure party, the Democrats.

And I will be using you as a tool well into the future.

One more time: pleased with the stolen election, and Biden over Trump?

C'mon.....you can do it.

As punch.
"While virtually every aspect of the federal budget is to some degree protected from inflation, either automatically or under the rules of government budgeting, if you work for a living in the private economy you are largely unprotected from inflation. Those who run the government, and those who are protected by the government from inflation, may be confused about the threat posed by current price increases, but nobody needs to tell American workers that they have an inflation problem.

Perhaps the greatest insult that is added to the injury of inflation is how the people pulling the wagon are so much less protected than those riding in it.

....those who are working see inflation erode the value of their wages. Their life savings also suffer as inflation eats into the purchasing power of their savings accounts. With a one-year certificate of deposit earning roughly 0.2%, a $50,000 nest egg has lost almost $2,000 of purchasing power in the past seven months."

And in this very thread we have a full-scale moron who proclaims how 'proud as punch' that he has Biden in office rather than Trump.
Just wait until Potatohead's tobacco tax hits all these filthy ass low class ghetto shitheads that voted for him. They will be pissed!


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