I Almost Died Today and My Thoughts On Cops May Have Changed

Not sure why we would of expected anything different from the police at a crash scene. Wasn't like they were responding to a robbery at a liquor store.

Cops are good people for the most part

According to some research done years ago, the statistics were (at that time) less than 1/2 of 1% of police officers dishonor their badge. At the time they had a better record than ministers. It is a very special person that decides to become a police officer. Every day they go to work not knowing if they will come home that evening. Something many people do not consider.

1/2 of 1% is virtually a non issue unless you happen to be the victim of those particular cops. At that point the number changes to 100% of the cops beating your ass.
That is the difference between doing it alone and letting God help you. You should have asked God to help you with that, De. It didn't need to be the toughest thing in your life. When I quit smoking I told the LORD I had made up my mind to quit and wanted him to help me get through it. I never even felt any withdraw symptoms. Nothing. It was as if I had never smoked in my life...

God helps those who help themselves and there's more than one way to skin a cat.

I too quit a 2 pack/day habit cold turkey and not only never looked back, I lost 10 pounds.

It was as if I had never smoked and I did not pray for God's help.

I figure She's way too busy helping those who need it more than me.
Sayit, I'm very happy to hear that you quit. Jesus Christ is God. He died for our sins on the cross and He rose from the grave on the 3rd day and is seated at the right hand of the Father. Thank God that He has offered us redemption, healing, deliverance, all at the cross of Calvary (Isaiah 53).

God helps us every single day of our lives - whether we acknowledge it or not.
Not sure why we would of expected anything different from the police at a crash scene. Wasn't like they were responding to a robbery at a liquor store.

Cops are good people for the most part

According to some research done years ago, the statistics were (at that time) less than 1/2 of 1% of police officers dishonor their badge. At the time they had a better record than ministers. It is a very special person that decides to become a police officer. Every day they go to work not knowing if they will come home that evening. Something many people do not consider.

1/2 of 1% is virtually a non issue unless you happen to be the victim of those particular cops. At that point the number changes to 100% of the cops beating your ass.

Which is why it is good to remind people that although what happened to them was wrong, it is actually 1/2 of 1 % (or was) that are the problem. That is a very good record and I am very grateful for the law enforcement in our country. I think they do a great job.
You're a lucky man Blue...glad you are ok :)

I had something similar...I passed out while driving, crossed the other side of the interstate and hit an abandoned car...fortunately. Car totaled, but I hit no person, I was ok and my dog was ok.

One you experience it you can understand it. One moment you are perfectly fine, and suddenly you hear a KA_BANG and you look around thinking "what just happened and how did I get here?" You are shaking like crazy and your mouth dries up like cotton...and you have no idea how you went from point A (where you were totally fine) to point B wondering what just happened.

I have tried to explain it to my family and they simply don't understand the experience.

That's very much like it was for me...it was like waking up from a dream with a "bang" and I thought what the fuck. I was damn damn lucky. I know now what caused it but you, sweetheart, need to get checked out :)

That's it exactly. It was like a dream. I staggered out of the car and looked at it and thought "how did I get here? Is this real? I feel like this isn't real." You totally nailed it

I'm glad you're alright. God protected your life (and Coyote's in her accident too) and kept you through it. Thank God you are both alright!
Not sure why we would of expected anything different from the police at a crash scene. Wasn't like they were responding to a robbery at a liquor store.

Cops are good people for the most part

According to some research done years ago, the statistics were (at that time) less than 1/2 of 1% of police officers dishonor their badge. At the time they had a better record than ministers. It is a very special person that decides to become a police officer. Every day they go to work not knowing if they will come home that evening. Something many people do not consider.

1/2 of 1% is virtually a non issue unless you happen to be the victim of those particular cops. At that point the number changes to 100% of the cops beating your ass.

Which is why it is good to remind people that although what happened to them was wrong, it is actually 1/2 of 1 % (or was) that are the problem. That is a very good record and I am very grateful for the law enforcement in our country. I think they do a great job.

No doubt that most do. That doesn't excuse the ones that don't.
My brother just had this start happening to him, passed out during a football game and scared his wife who immediately scheduled a Dr visit

There is definitely something wrong. Healthy people don't just pass out for no reason. i know what it was. i smoke a lot and I have coughing fits in the mornings to clear my lungs. When that happens it's just like hyperventilating. You lose oxygen to your brain and you black out. That's what happened.

Couldn't it have happened when I was doing something other than driving though? LOL. Everyone knows smoking will kill you but to have this happen because of smoking? I never would have thought it

He's a heavy smoker too.......let ya know what the doc says
I've never heard of this before. Do you think it is possible that they are putting something in the tobacco now that is causing people to have such a reaction? I've seen people have a coughing fit before but I've never heard of someone passing out over it.

They are not putting anything new in cigarettes. My lifestyle is to blame. When i get home from work I chain smoke and go through a little less than two packs a day. Most of that comes after work so I hammer my lungs with smoke. Then I go to sleep and all that sits in my lungs overnight so when I wake up I can't breathe and I have to clear my lungs out while I am having my morning cigarettes.

So my "waking up ritual" is coffee, morning smokes, and hacking up all the crap that has built up in my lungs overnight. The coughing can be violent. It's a deep, raspy, hacking cough that produces phlegm that I have to spit out. Sometimes I cough so hard that I get a little dizzy because I am exhaling and I can't inhale. So I get no oxygen to my brain and it makes me light headed. This was the first time I actually blacked out but that's what happened.

They aren't doing anything new with tobacco. I just smoke WAY too much
My brother just had this start happening to him, passed out during a football game and scared his wife who immediately scheduled a Dr visit

There is definitely something wrong. Healthy people don't just pass out for no reason. i know what it was. i smoke a lot and I have coughing fits in the mornings to clear my lungs. When that happens it's just like hyperventilating. You lose oxygen to your brain and you black out. That's what happened.

Couldn't it have happened when I was doing something other than driving though? LOL. Everyone knows smoking will kill you but to have this happen because of smoking? I never would have thought it

He's a heavy smoker too.......let ya know what the doc says
I've never heard of this before. Do you think it is possible that they are putting something in the tobacco now that is causing people to have such a reaction? I've seen people have a coughing fit before but I've never heard of someone passing out over it.

They are not putting anything new in cigarettes. My lifestyle is to blame. When i get home from work I chain smoke and go through a little less than two packs a day. Most of that comes after work so I hammer my lungs with smoke. Then I go to sleep and all that sits in my lungs overnight so when I wake up I can't breathe and I have to clear my lungs out while I am having my morning cigarettes.

So my "waking up ritual" is coffee, morning smokes, and hacking up all the crap that has built up in my lungs overnight. The coughing can be violent. It's a deep, raspy, hacking cough that produces phlegm that I have to spit out. Sometimes I cough so hard that I get a little dizzy because I am exhaling and I can't inhale. So I get no oxygen to my brain and it makes me light headed. This was the first time I actually blacked out but that's what happened.

They aren't doing anything new with tobacco. I just smoke WAY too much

I had the same reaction before I cut way back. I used to joke about how smoking helped me get going in the morning. Without the coughing fit, I might roll over and go back to sleep, but after a few seconds of not being able to breath, I was wide awake. Dumb assed joke, I know.
So I had something happen last night and because of my wreck I decided to take action instead of blowing it off. Since the cops helped me I was able to help them back.

Last night I was walking from the store to my apartment. When I got home I realized I had forgotten dish soap so I got everything situated and then went back for the soap. The path crosses a side street that is pretty isolated. It's a dead end and it is pretty secluded. There was a car there that was not there when I walked that path about 20 minutes earlier. The car was trashed....I am looking at it and looking at it. Then I said "ok I will help" and I called the police.

I told them they needed to send a squad car and tow truck to get this car immediately because I felt pretty certain it was involved in a very serious crime in the previous couple hours...probably a pedestrian hit and run.

They asked if I saw the crime and I said "no, I can just tell from looking at the car". They asked me to explain.

I said "The front and rear bumpers, drivers side front door, and steering wheel have been torn off violently and this just happened. The car wasn't here 20 minutes ago. This just happened". So they said I was calling to report an abandoned vehicle or possibly stolen vehicle.

I said "No this car wasn't stolen. The owner of the car did this."

They asked how I knew.

I said "Because they have violently ripped out the front license plate, the back license plate, the VIN number on the driver's side door, and the finger prints on the steering wheel." I said "Someone is trying to conceal the identity of this car's owner. A thief wouldn't car about that. If the car was dead he would just leave it and move on. The only person who has motivation to conceal the identity of the owner is the owner."

The dispatcher asked how I knew it was involved in a crime.

I said "Jesus man, think about it. The car is in an isolated back street. The owner wasn't driving the car on the main roads because he was afraid to be spotted. This was done in a panic. They ripped the bumpers off because they didn't have the tools to simply unscrew the license plates and they were in a hurry. They had to get this done and get gone." I said "The owner of this car got surprised. Something happened that they were not expecting and it was big enough for them to be willing to trash their car, try to conceal their identity, and abandon it. My guess is they found an isolated side street, called a friend who had a truck with a wench, and that friend came and they used the wench to tear off the identifying marks because they were in a hurry and didn't have the proper tools. They tossed them in the back of the truck and got the hell out of Dodge."

There was a silence before the dispatcher asked "Why do you think it was a pedestrian hit and run?"

I said "Because there is no other damage to the car other than what was self-inflicted to hide the identity of the owner. This was done in haste and desperation to cover an accident that would get the driver in a TON of trouble. But the radiator is fine, the engine has not been pushed back. I don't see physical signs of an impact, so it hit SOMETHING but it wasn't hard enough to do damage to the car. There is only one thing I can think of that fits all these variables....a person." I continued "The problem is I am betting that in their panic they forgot the VIN tag on the dashboard under the hood so if you pop the hood, I am guessing you will be able to find your suspect."

There was another pause. "Sir would this car happen to be a red convertible sports car such as a Mazda Miata?"

"Yes it is" I answered.

"A car matching that description was reported in a pedestrian hit and run 90 minutes ago. " the dispatcher said. "A squad car is on the way"

What an insane week I am having!!!!

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