I Almost Died Today and My Thoughts On Cops May Have Changed

Did you have a Seizure or off Blood Sugar , glad you and all around you are ok.

I am a smoker. In the mornings I can occasionally go into coughing fits where I am trying to clear my lungs. Sometimes it causes me to hyperventilate and it makes me dizzy. That has to be what happened. I remember starting to cough. I had to have gone into a coughing fit that filled my brain with carbon dioxide and deprived it of oxygen and i blacked out.
Drop the smokes and get a check up. You may need some medical intervention and a dr. note if you are hassled with the privilege to drive.
My brother just had this start happening to him, passed out during a football game and scared his wife who immediately scheduled a Dr visit

There is definitely something wrong. Healthy people don't just pass out for no reason. i know what it was. i smoke a lot and I have coughing fits in the mornings to clear my lungs. When that happens it's just like hyperventilating. You lose oxygen to your brain and you black out. That's what happened.

Couldn't it have happened when I was doing something other than driving though? LOL. Everyone knows smoking will kill you but to have this happen because of smoking? I never would have thought it
How fast were you going and vehicle type?

2002 Toyota Camry. The speed limit was 35 and I drive very defensively...like a little old lady actually. I have had one ticket in the last 20 years. I was probably going between 30 and 40 when I blacked out
My brother just had this start happening to him, passed out during a football game and scared his wife who immediately scheduled a Dr visit

There is definitely something wrong. Healthy people don't just pass out for no reason. i know what it was. i smoke a lot and I have coughing fits in the mornings to clear my lungs. When that happens it's just like hyperventilating. You lose oxygen to your brain and you black out. That's what happened.

Couldn't it have happened when I was doing something other than driving though? LOL. Everyone knows smoking will kill you but to have this happen because of smoking? I never would have thought it

He's a heavy smoker too.......let ya know what the doc says
I have no idea how I avoided going straight into the center of that restaurant. You know how you see news stories about people who drive their cars into beauty salons, convenience stores, etc? I missed it by a foot. The cops and i looked at the tire tracks and we couldn't make sense of it. The tire tracks just turned at the last moment. There was nothing there to change my direction...for some reason I just turned at the last moment. I was heading straight for those windows and my car would have been right into the dining room with those people in there....and somehow I veered left and missed it by a foot. I smacked that rock and I had no idea how I got there.

There were so many cars...so many people around....how did i cross over two lanes, miss a telephone pole by inches, heading straight for the dining room of the restaurant and somehow veer left and hit a rock to stop me?

Hey Derideo_Te are you sure that is blind stupid luck?
There is definitely something wrong. Healthy people don't just pass out for no reason. i know what it was. i smoke a lot and I have coughing fits in the mornings to clear my lungs. When that happens it's just like hyperventilating. You lose oxygen to your brain and you black out. That's what happened.

Couldn't it have happened when I was doing something other than driving though? LOL. Everyone knows smoking will kill you but to have this happen because of smoking? I never would have thought it

BluePhantom Sorry I missed your message, I've had the flu.

Seriously, your cough has been getting worse over the months.

not to be debbie downer...but here goes....i began to pass out....they thought it was a blood pressure issue.....i would just suddenly hit the ground....then in a minute or so....i would wake up or come to....it was not a blood pressure issue.....i had a large tumor in my bladder....it was a cancer issue...

get yourself to a doctor and have a full cat scan....do it now....
for some reason you lived thru this wreck....now go find out what your body is trying to tell you and lets hope its just a warning shot....

glad you are okay....hoping you are really okay but we wont know till you have a physical....
I have no idea how I avoided going straight into the center of that restaurant. You know how you see news stories about people who drive their cars into beauty salons, convenience stores, etc? I missed it by a foot. The cops and i looked at the tire tracks and we couldn't make sense of it. The tire tracks just turned at the last moment. There was nothing there to change my direction...for some reason I just turned at the last moment. I was heading straight for those windows and my car would have been right into the dining room with those people in there....and somehow I veered left and missed it by a foot. I smacked that rock and I had no idea how I got there.

There were so many cars...so many people around....how did i cross over two lanes, miss a telephone pole by inches, heading straight for the dining room of the restaurant and somehow veer left and hit a rock to stop me?

Hey Derideo_Te are you sure that is blind stupid luck?

Glad to hear that you are OK and that no one was injured. Yes, take the advice of everyone else and give up smoking because next time you might not be so lucky. Have a full work up too and start taking care of your body. You only have this one and if you don't take care of it no one else will.

Per your question above, no, it wasn't "blind stupid luck". Instead that was your body's instinctive reaction to danger. Your conscience brain was still recovering but your reptilian brain (limbic system) was reacting instinctively via reflexes to avoid the peril posed by the oncoming building.

Many decades ago I was out with friends and I was driving. I had turned to ask one of them who was in the back seat a question when my foot reflexively jammed down on the brake pedal instinctively and I avoided hitting a car that had just pulled out into traffic right in front of me.

How did I know that was happening when I was looking the other way? I didn't know but my reptilian brain picked up his eyes widening and my body reacted instinctively by reflexively hitting the brakes as I turned around to see why I needed to stop. Now I never turn my head to look behind me unless I am backing up.

More reading on instincts and reflexes.

Top 10 Human Reflexes and Natural Instincts - Listverse

Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex

Did you ever wonder how humans are able to move their heads from left to right and still focus on visual images? The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) is a human reflex movement that stabilizes images on the retina. It accomplishes this by producing a rapid eye movement in the direction opposite to the head movement. For example, when the human head moves to the right, the eyes move to the left, and vice versa. The VOR is vital because people are constantly making small head movements. Individuals who have an impaired VOR usually can’t read because small head movements blur the image.

The VOR works in total darkness and when the eyes are closed. The reflex is one of the fastest in the human body. It has been estimated that the eye movements lag the head movements by less than 10 milliseconds. Today, the VOR can be tested by doctors with the caloric reflex test, which involves injecting cold water, warm water, or air into the ear. When you inject water into the ear, the VOR is automatically triggered. A healthy cerebellum is also essential to the VOR in order to ensure accurate eye movements. People who experience brain damage to the cerebellum often have complicated problems with visual comprehension.

Interesting Fact: Did you ever wonder why you shouldn’t drink and drive? Ethanol (alcohol) consumption can disrupt the VOR, greatly reducing your ability to see. The more intoxicated you become the more blurry your vision is.

The Intuitive Compass

You may have a really hard time for GOVT to EVER let you drive again.

Well that won't be an issue for a bit because I don't have a car anymore. :lol: It's a mangled wreck. But they didn't cite me for anything so i don't know why they wouldn't let me drive. I wasn't under the influence (and they checked me for that thoroughly). They thought I might have been smoking grass but I wasn't. I haven't done that since high school. The cop lectured me about that actually. He said that just because it's legal in Oregon now it doesn't mean you can drive stoned. I wasn't, but whatever.

Anyhow they didn't cite me for anything so I don't know why it would be a problem. Regardless, I need to go to the doctor and get checked out.
I have no idea how I avoided going straight into the center of that restaurant. You know how you see news stories about people who drive their cars into beauty salons, convenience stores, etc? I missed it by a foot. The cops and i looked at the tire tracks and we couldn't make sense of it. The tire tracks just turned at the last moment. There was nothing there to change my direction...for some reason I just turned at the last moment. I was heading straight for those windows and my car would have been right into the dining room with those people in there....and somehow I veered left and missed it by a foot. I smacked that rock and I had no idea how I got there.

There were so many cars...so many people around....how did i cross over two lanes, miss a telephone pole by inches, heading straight for the dining room of the restaurant and somehow veer left and hit a rock to stop me?

Hey Derideo_Te are you sure that is blind stupid luck?

Glad to hear that you are OK and that no one was injured. Yes, take the advice of everyone else and give up smoking because next time you might not be so lucky. Have a full work up too and start taking care of your body. You only have this one and if you don't take care of it no one else will.

Per your question above, no, it wasn't "blind stupid luck". Instead that was your body's instinctive reaction to danger. Your conscience brain was still recovering but your reptilian brain (limbic system) was reacting instinctively via reflexes to avoid the peril posed by the oncoming building.

Many decades ago I was out with friends and I was driving. I had turned to ask one of them who was in the back seat a question when my foot reflexively jammed down on the brake pedal instinctively and I avoided hitting a car that had just pulled out into traffic right in front of me.

How did I know that was happening when I was looking the other way? I didn't know but my reptilian brain picked up his eyes widening and my body reacted instinctively by reflexively hitting the brakes as I turned around to see why I needed to stop. Now I never turn my head to look behind me unless I am backing up.

More reading on instincts and reflexes.

Top 10 Human Reflexes and Natural Instincts - Listverse

Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex

Did you ever wonder how humans are able to move their heads from left to right and still focus on visual images? The vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) is a human reflex movement that stabilizes images on the retina. It accomplishes this by producing a rapid eye movement in the direction opposite to the head movement. For example, when the human head moves to the right, the eyes move to the left, and vice versa. The VOR is vital because people are constantly making small head movements. Individuals who have an impaired VOR usually can’t read because small head movements blur the image.

The VOR works in total darkness and when the eyes are closed. The reflex is one of the fastest in the human body. It has been estimated that the eye movements lag the head movements by less than 10 milliseconds. Today, the VOR can be tested by doctors with the caloric reflex test, which involves injecting cold water, warm water, or air into the ear. When you inject water into the ear, the VOR is automatically triggered. A healthy cerebellum is also essential to the VOR in order to ensure accurate eye movements. People who experience brain damage to the cerebellum often have complicated problems with visual comprehension.

Interesting Fact: Did you ever wonder why you shouldn’t drink and drive? Ethanol (alcohol) consumption can disrupt the VOR, greatly reducing your ability to see. The more intoxicated you become the more blurry your vision is.

The Intuitive Compass

Well i have to admit DT I don't know much about our "reptilian brain". I will have to look into that. I guess you would have had to have seen it. right by the telephone pole there was only one set of tire tracks which means somehow I got up on two wheels to the driver's side but there was nothing there to bounce me up. There wasn't a curb or anything because I crossed through the entrance to the parking lot. On the other side of the driveway there was shrubs and I missed them too.

So I was on two wheels leaning to the left and the angle and distance to the front windows and dining room was MAYBE ten feet. Then suddenly the tire tracks pivoted left immediately after the pole. My conscious brain didn't recover until it was over.
You're a lucky man Blue...glad you are ok :)

I had something similar...I passed out while driving, crossed the other side of the interstate and hit an abandoned car...fortunately. Car totaled, but I hit no person, I was ok and my dog was ok.
You're a lucky man Blue...glad you are ok :)

I had something similar...I passed out while driving, crossed the other side of the interstate and hit an abandoned car...fortunately. Car totaled, but I hit no person, I was ok and my dog was ok.

Once you experience it you can understand it. One moment you are perfectly fine, and suddenly you hear a KA_BANG and you look around thinking "what just happened and how did I get here?" You are shaking like crazy and your mouth dries up like cotton...and you have no idea how you went from point A (where you were totally fine) to point B wondering what just happened.

I have tried to explain it to my family and they simply don't understand the experience. It was a VERY powerful experience which is why I keep talking about it and trying to explain it. I haven't yet wrapped my brain around it
You're a lucky man Blue...glad you are ok :)

I had something similar...I passed out while driving, crossed the other side of the interstate and hit an abandoned car...fortunately. Car totaled, but I hit no person, I was ok and my dog was ok.

One you experience it you can understand it. One moment you are perfectly fine, and suddenly you hear a KA_BANG and you look around thinking "what just happened and how did I get here?" You are shaking like crazy and your mouth dries up like cotton...and you have no idea how you went from point A (where you were totally fine) to point B wondering what just happened.

I have tried to explain it to my family and they simply don't understand the experience.

That's very much like it was for me...it was like waking up from a dream with a "bang" and I thought what the fuck. I was damn damn lucky. I know now what caused it but you, sweetheart, need to get checked out :)
You're a lucky man Blue...glad you are ok :)

I had something similar...I passed out while driving, crossed the other side of the interstate and hit an abandoned car...fortunately. Car totaled, but I hit no person, I was ok and my dog was ok.

One you experience it you can understand it. One moment you are perfectly fine, and suddenly you hear a KA_BANG and you look around thinking "what just happened and how did I get here?" You are shaking like crazy and your mouth dries up like cotton...and you have no idea how you went from point A (where you were totally fine) to point B wondering what just happened.

I have tried to explain it to my family and they simply don't understand the experience.

That's very much like it was for me...it was like waking up from a dream with a "bang" and I thought what the fuck. I was damn damn lucky. I know now what caused it but you, sweetheart, need to get checked out :)

That's it exactly. It was like a dream. I staggered out of the car and looked at it and thought "how did I get here? Is this real? I feel like this isn't real." You totally nailed it
You're a lucky man Blue...glad you are ok :)

I had something similar...I passed out while driving, crossed the other side of the interstate and hit an abandoned car...fortunately. Car totaled, but I hit no person, I was ok and my dog was ok.

One you experience it you can understand it. One moment you are perfectly fine, and suddenly you hear a KA_BANG and you look around thinking "what just happened and how did I get here?" You are shaking like crazy and your mouth dries up like cotton...and you have no idea how you went from point A (where you were totally fine) to point B wondering what just happened.

I have tried to explain it to my family and they simply don't understand the experience.

That's very much like it was for me...it was like waking up from a dream with a "bang" and I thought what the fuck. I was damn damn lucky. I know now what caused it but you, sweetheart, need to get checked out :)

That's it exactly. It was like a dream. I staggered out of the car and looked at it and thought "how did I get here? Is this real? I feel like this isn't real." You totally nailed it

Ya...that is how it was. Years ago and I still remember the unreality and the sound of the car hitting. Thank goodness everyone was really really nice.
I was raised in Lewiston, Idaho and taught to respect the police....and I did. Then I moved to Phoenix, Arizona and got a very different taste about what the police were all about. I grew to hate them because they were just another gang in a battle against gangbangers and us law abiding people were caught in between.

I used to tell my friends from out of state that Arizona cops do not discriminate. That's total bullshit. They don't harass Mexicans, falsify evidence against Hispanics, lie on the stand against Hispanics...they do that to EVERYONE whether you are Hispanic or not.

Then I moved to Oregon and my hatred of the police followed me.

Then this morning I got into a car wreck....a bad one. On other threads I have posted about "God moments" where there is no other explanation but divine intervention. I have no idea how I am alive right now and I have no idea how someone didn't get killed.

I just blacked out. I was driving perfectly fine just like any other day. I wasn't drunk,I wasn't hung over, I was fully rested so I wasn't tired....I was coughing...I started coughing very hard and it wouldn't stop....then I just passed out.

My next memory is the airbag in my face and me shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. I have no idea what happened.

By the grace of God I survived and no one else was hurt. My car is totally destroyed but I am alive and no one else was hurt.

The cops at the scene were AWESOME. They took care of me, took care of the situation. They didn't understand why I would just black out like that so they tested me...I blew a 0.0 LOL I wasn't under the influence. But they were really incredible.

I am glad to be alive today. i am glad I didn't kill anyone today. And the police were so awesome....maybe I don't hate them anymore.

Thank you to the Portland Oregon Police Department
Ive had braunchitis and caughed myself into passing out. One time I was in the middle of a 3 lane road and it happened. I just put on the breaks and drove 5 miles an hour till I came out of it.

Probably you and I cut off oxygen to the brain. Head rush.

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