‘I Am A Muslim First, Then A Government Representative

Fuck your thread

A government minister in Pakistan has personally offered a $100,000 reward for anyone who kills the man behind an anti-Islam film as deadly riots continue throughout the Arab world.

“I announce today that this blasphemer, this sinner who has spoken nonsense about the holy prophet, anyone who murders him, I will reward him with $100,000,” Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour announced during a news conference Saturday, according to Reuters.

“I invite the Taliban brothers and the Al-Qaeda brothers to join me in this blessed mission,” he said.

$100,000 huh? Where do you sign up? :lol:

A government minister in Pakistan has personally offered a $100,000 reward for anyone who kills the man behind an anti-Islam film as deadly riots continue throughout the Arab world.

“I announce today that this blasphemer, this sinner who has spoken nonsense about the holy prophet, anyone who murders him, I will reward him with $100,000,” Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour announced during a news conference Saturday, according to Reuters.

“I invite the Taliban brothers and the Al-Qaeda brothers to join me in this blessed mission,” he said.

What you fail to understand beretta, is you are little different than those you hate. Extremists hate and you've demonstrated - at the very least - bigotry toward all who hold opinions which differ from your own.
A government minister in Pakistan has personally offered a $100,000 reward for anyone who kills the man behind an anti-Islam film as deadly riots continue throughout the Arab world.

“I announce today that this blasphemer, this sinner who has spoken nonsense about the holy prophet, anyone who murders him, I will reward him with $100,000,” Railways Minister Ghulam Ahmad Bilour announced during a news conference Saturday, according to Reuters.

“I invite the Taliban brothers and the Al-Qaeda brothers to join me in this blessed mission,” he said.

How would this minister feel if ministers in predominantly Christian countries offered $100,000 reward for blaspheming the name Of Jesus Christ?

Like equating Him to Mohammed, by referring to Him as a prophet?

To this minister and probably to all Muslims: Jesus is NOT a prophet like your Mohammed. Jesus never raped children. Jesus was never a wife-abuser. Jesus never commanded troops to kill in order to spread his religion. Jesus died for something He believed in, not in splendor, with belly-dancers teasing his testasterones. Jesus told His followers to LOVE their enemies, not to kill them.

When you refer to the Son of God and refer to Him as a prophet, you are committing the greatest blasphemy.
Do they have $100,000? I mean outside of Saudi.

Money sent home by undercover occupiers, masquarading as regular working folks.

BTW, how do American youths find their way to the Taliban/AlQuaeda?

They attend the local mosque.
Do they have $100,000? I mean outside of Saudi.

Money sent home by undercover occupiers, masquarading as regular working folks.

BTW, how do American youths find their way to the Taliban/AlQuaeda?

They attend the local mosque.

Blah...Blah...Blah... The FBI and Homeland Insecurity are on this guy like white on rice.

There is no way in hell (Christian or Muslim) that he will be able to make good on his offer.

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