I am going to debate Donald Trump - Biden

I wouldn't miss it. Pure comedy gold!
First the bloviating..then the endless spew of dog whistles.
After it's over, we get to listen to the 'splainers, who'll 'splain what we really heard.
then 12 people will regurgitate it all right here.
For days.

I'll likely cry through the whole thing.

The day Joe Biden became president is the day I knew we really were degrading as a country.

Donald Trump(et) is better (if less smelly s**t is better than more smelly s**t), but still smelly.

Really....this is the best we can do ?
I wouldn't miss it. Pure comedy gold!
First the bloviating..then the endless spew of dog whistles.
After it's over, we get to listen to the 'splainers, who'll 'splain what we really heard.
then 12 people will regurgitate it all right here.
For days.
Yeah. I think I'm gonna be gone that day.
Trump will make the same mistake he made before by shouting over Biden like the bully he is.

He should have just kept his mouth shut and let the idiot dotard bury himself.
I don't know . . . I'd love for it to happen, but I'm not getting my hopes up. I look for Biden to have a sudden need to check into a hospital the day before the first debate. They're clearly returning to the Hiden' Biden strategy again. Even at his juiced up best, Biden is nowhere near a match for Trump, that's why Team Biden wants CNN controlling Trump's microphone.
Trump is going to get destroyed.
I'm not so sure about that. Biden has had a LOT of trouble with routine speeches in the past and the last time he debated Trump Biden didn't do well. Of course Trump didn't get professional coaching (too much ego) and flubbed some perfect opportunities to clean Biden's clock....so I wouldn't agree with your assessment.

Then there's the Biden invitation with 15 cuts in a 20 second video. (Not good)
Then comes Trump's video with the huge crowds cheering Trump and a video of Biden at the beach....Trump has the better team and material to work with...just saying.

Trump's and Biden's downfall will be the exact same thing (huge egos) . Which one can keep theirs in check better than the other will determine the "winner" of the debate.

As far as "winning" a debate Clinton won his against Dole. Reagan won against Mondale. Bush barely eeked out against Gore but neither was a mental giant...Gore was just dumber. Otherwise nobody has really won a debate. Cheney did win his VP debate better than Bush won his Presidential debate....which was really funny.

So I expect that the MSM will say Biden won no matter how bad he loses it. And you might believe it...but the truth will come in November. And there's a huge amount of buyers remorse running through the country.
Yes, I do. I wouldn't trust either of these schmucks to walk my dog, much less run my government.

Then what did you mean by "I tried that, it doesn't work."?
And who would you trust to do better? Because when you look at the actual record, it's going to be hard to find someone who could have done better than Biden.
And who would you trust to do better? Because when you look at the actual record, it's going to be hard to find someone who could have done better than Biden.
Well, Biden sure gets the prize for best screw-ups.

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