"I am going to win”, Herschel tells Larry Elder/Warnock: "He was a great running back" *boos* "we're sending him running back to Texas" *crowd cheers*

The Repubs do not get as low and dirty in most cases.
Pubs created BS about Pelosi’s attacked husband. They distribute dick pics

Progs have no answers. Just agendas.
They have a platform and had one of the most successful legislative sessions ever.

I spew on not what is but what will be. At some point people will reduce the quality of their work because of the wages/income extruded from them to pay for others.
Democrats raise taxes on those who can pay not give the rich and companies tax breaks. Democrats support you, not your handlers.
Americans simply do not like political agendas which keep attacking fellow Americans. That's all the Republican party is anymore; they promote ignorance and hatred.
Wow the mother of all Dem projection posts. ^^^
The red wave is blood, all right. A big open gushing wound.

The New Right never learns. They just keep doubling down and doubling down on the sadism and hypocrisy.
Trump had answers. There is no perfection. The first lesson.... A Nation with borders, common language and unique American culture. Nothing hateful about that. Most people come here and assimilate. It takes a little time to do so.
Mexico paying for the Wall, right? Balance the budget right away. Get rid of Obamacare on day one, right?
Mexico paying for the Wall, right? Balance the budget right away. Get rid of Obamacare on day one, right?

This time I really, really will repeal and replace Obamacare, pay off the debt, reduce the trade deficit with China and Mexico, build the Wall, bring back coal jobs, remove all illegal aliens, and grow the economy by 4 to 6 percent every year! Bleev me, folks. Bleev me. Bleev me. That I can tell you.
Mexico paying for the Wall, right? Balance the budget right away. Get rid of Obamacare on day one, right?
The person you are talking to has never considered all the unintended consequences that his " perfect " world would bring. It would only create more problems and not solve anything.
Wow the mother of all Dem projection posts. ^^^
Whatever, however you want to spin it you can't ignore the truth. The Republicans have an agenda of hatred and ignorance. Try to prove me wrong. They've held us backs for so long pursuing renewables we are headed towards the crisis of planetary proportions. Abortion and same-sex marriages were finally settled issues, but no the Republicans keep dragging their hatred and ignorance into the picture and resurrecting the what they perceive as a problem. The list goes on and on. It's almost like self-hatred, because all of these people exist in the Republican ranks too. It's just a terribly sad situation.

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