‘I AM NOT SUICIDAL,’ Says Man Who Exposed Hillary’s Ties to Google


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
That’s exactly what all suicidal people say - CNN reporting on his suicide from shooting himself in the head twice and falling off a 12 story roof.

On Monday, President Donald Trump tweeted out a study on Google bias from Ph.D. psychologist Robert Epstein. Epstein supported Hillary Clinton in the 2016 election, but after the Trump tweet, Clinton attacked his professional reputation. Epstein responded with a tweet storm exposing Clinton's ties to Google. At the suggestion of many conservatives online, the psychologist posted a statement in the unlikely (?) event he gets "suicided" by Hillary Clinton.

"Okay, this is sort of funny.... It's been suggested that I remind people that I AM NOT SUICIDAL!!! I love my life, wife, 3 awesome sons, 2 awesome daughters, my research, etc. etc. Everyone got that???" Epstein tweeted.

'I AM NOT SUICIDAL,' Says Man Who Exposed Hillary's Ties to Google

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