I am really beginning to beleive some Jews wrote the Quran

Read it, the Quran. Even talks about Moses parting the red sea, and the jews being slaves in Egypt, King David and Goliath. Maybe Muhammad use to be a jew and became a muslim. On an On about the Jews.

On and on about STUPID!!!

Like I told you, muhamhead sold all of arabias's local imbeciles on the idea that while he was having a seizure he "talked to God" and started a cult based on slavery and death.

Now having been to Arabia myself and having see how these women are built to fuck, only satan himself could motivate someone to create a cult that forces these split tails to dress like ninjas.

If I started a cult in arabia 700 years ago the women would be dressed in bikinis and Miller Lite would be a sacramental drink.

Although Sanskrit like other holy books carries some similar revelation and the religion shares the holy name, there is no similar window to events showing it can only come from the place those events occured already. I've read the books of all the faiths.
I'm really beginning to believe that liberals are born without temporal lobes because their parents consumed too much LSD.

The fuckin Q-rap was regurgitated by a flea bitten warlord thief and pedophile who used established religion to further his desire for world domination. So of course he stole parts of the Torah and Bible you sniveling imbecile.

If it wasn't for child proof lids your dumbass would have been found dead under a kitchen sink with a gut full of Drano and the genepool would be better off.

Pedophile, Benjamin according to Jewish sources, got married at the age of 10, ever wonder how old his wife was? How old to you think Hagar was when she had to sleep with almost 100 year old Abraham?

Name calling means you can't debate, I think its obvious who wrote it, like it or not.

You of course have a source or can cite this bullshit. Ha ha ha.

Read it, the Quran. Even talks about Moses parting the red sea, and the jews being slaves in Egypt, King David and Goliath. Maybe Muhammad use to be a jew and became a muslim. On an On about the Jews.

Penny dear-------I read the koran before I reached age 20 (that means I was 19)
------I read a translation that gave no clue as to WHEN the koran was written-----
so I checked. It was written about 12 to 13 centuries ago------whereas the book
about jews to which you refer was written more like 30 centuries ago. -----ie
LONG BEFORE. Also---there were jews living in Mecca and in what is today
called "Medina" -----at the time that the koran was written. There were
Christians and Zoroastrians too. Zoroastrians and Jews had already been
familiar with each other for more than 1000 years by then. The koran also alludes to Jesus. Now try to use your noodle. (you need not consult the
encyclopedia Britannica as I did back then-------you have google)
Read it, the Quran. Even talks about Moses parting the red sea, and the jews being slaves in Egypt, King David and Goliath. Maybe Muhammad use to be a jew and became a muslim. On an On about the Jews.

The messengers claimed to come to them
don't change religions...therefore Michael and Gabriel are still?
And where are they?
And who left the rock in Mecca as a secret to be revealed and told them to circle 7 (Sheva) times?
All religions have portions of the same central source and broadcast, but only one can best hold these truths thus called chosen to hold them to their time to be revealed (when we reach the advancement of that process as being common knowledge).

You just helped validate "the chosen ones" argument you were so arrogantly opposed to.
Read it, the Quran. Even talks about Moses parting the red sea, and the jews being slaves in Egypt, King David and Goliath. Maybe Muhammad use to be a jew and became a muslim. On an On about the Jews.

The messengers claimed to come to them
don't change religions...therefore Michael and Gabriel are still?
And where are they?
And who left the rock in Mecca as a secret to be revealed and told them to circle 7 (Sheva) times?
All religions have portions of the same central source and broadcast, but only one can best hold these truths thus called chosen to hold them to their time to be revealed (when we reach the advancement of that process as being common knowledge).

You just helped validate "the chosen ones" argument you were so arrogantly opposed to.

No because Hanif's arabs were before Muhammad, and that is proof the Jews were involved with the compilation of the Quran. The Jews wear the little Saturn square on their forehead when praying. I do not believe Gabriel dictated anything, if I did I'd have to believe Joseph Smith , wouldn't I? We know many many Jews settled the area of Medina before any Arabs, and the Hanif's were really monotheistic, the Jews were not and the Christians thought Jesus was divine, of which Muslms do not believe and neither do Jews.
Read it, the Quran. Even talks about Moses parting the red sea, and the jews being slaves in Egypt, King David and Goliath. Maybe Muhammad use to be a jew and became a muslim. On an On about the Jews.

The messengers claimed to come to them
don't change religions...therefore Michael and Gabriel are still?
And where are they?
And who left the rock in Mecca as a secret to be revealed and told them to circle 7 times?
All religions have portions of the same central souce and broadcast b7t only one can best hold these truths thus xall3d chosen to hold them to their time to be revealed (when we reach the advancement of that process as being common knowledge).

You just helped the chosen one argument you were so arrogantly opposed to.

I know that Muhummad claimed to have spoken to GABRIEL-----but do not
recall that he spoke to MICHAEL
Read it, the Quran. Even talks about Moses parting the red sea, and the jews being slaves in Egypt, King David and Goliath. Maybe Muhammad use to be a jew and became a muslim. On an On about the Jews.

The messengers claimed to come to them
don't change religions...therefore Michael and Gabriel are still?
And where are they?
And who left the rock in Mecca as a secret to be revealed and told them to circle 7 (Sheva) times?
All religions have portions of the same central source and broadcast, but only one can best hold these truths thus called chosen to hold them to their time to be revealed (when we reach the advancement of that process as being common knowledge).

You just helped validate "the chosen ones" argument you were so arrogantly opposed to.

No because Hanif's arabs were before Muhammad, and that is proof the Jews were involved with the compilation of the Quran. The Jews wear the little Saturn square on their forehead when praying. I do not believe Gabriel dictated anything, if I did I'd have to believe Joseph Smith , wouldn't I? We know many many Jews settled the area of Medina before any Arabs, and the Hanif's were really monotheistic, the Jews were not and the Christians thought Jesus was divine, of which Muslms do not believe and neither do Jews.

Penelope what is your mother tongue? your post makes no sense in English. There is no "proof" that the jews were involved in the compilation of the Koran----
what there IS-----is clear evidence that muhummad lifted his religion from ----prior sources and screwed it up badly
As usual Penelope gets half truthes but uses them to push her agenda...Once again rolling my eyes.....There were jewish kingdoms in the area where Islam started one of them was called Himyar....The symbols for Islam were taken from this kingdom once it wasconquered so it would not be out of line to imagen that the stories were copied and incorporated into the koran....It should be noted that Abraham did have 6 more sons afterIshmael and Isaac so it is also not a stretch that their decsendents ended up in Arabia somewhere plus the fact that some esp on the Michael sanders board are pushing Kadesh Barnea as either Mecca and Medina.posibly Medina...
I'm really beginning to believe that liberals are born without temporal lobes because their parents consumed too much LSD.

The fuckin Q-rap was regurgitated by a flea bitten warlord thief and pedophile who used established religion to further his desire for world domination. So of course he stole parts of the Torah and Bible you sniveling imbecile.

If it wasn't for child proof lids your dumbass would have been found dead under a kitchen sink with a gut full of Drano and the genepool would be better off.

Pedophile, Benjamin according to Jewish sources, got married at the age of 10, ever wonder how old his wife was? How old to you think Hagar was when she had to sleep with almost 100 year old Abraham?

Name calling means you can't debate, I think its obvious who wrote it, like it or not.

You of course have a source or can cite this bullshit. Ha ha ha.

Read it, the Quran. Even talks about Moses parting the red sea, and the jews being slaves in Egypt, King David and Goliath. Maybe Muhammad use to be a jew and became a muslim. On an On about the Jews.

What, you just found that out, you ignorant fuckin' moron? The Koran also gives Israel to the Jews, and no mention whatsoever of the Palestinians. Wake up and smell the jihad, your whole Palestinian cause is a hoax.

"To Moses We [Allah] gave nine clear signs. Ask the Israelites how he [Moses] first appeared amongst them. Pharoah said to him: 'Moses, I can see that you are bewitched.' 'You know full well,' he [Moses] replied, 'that none but the Lord of the heavens and the earth has revealed these visible signs. Pharoah, you are doomed.'"

"Pharoah sought to scare them [the Israelites] out of the land [of Israel]: but We [Allah] drowned him [Pharoah] together with all who were with him. Then We [Allah] said to the Israelites: 'Dwell in this land [the Land of Israel]. When the promise of the hereafter [End of Days] comes to be fulfilled, We [Allah] shall assemble you [the Israelites] all together [in the Land of Israel]."

"We [Allah] have revealed the Qur'an with the truth, and with the truth it has come down. We have sent you [Muhammed] forth only to proclaim good news and to give warning."

[Qur'an, "Night Journey," chapter 17:100-104]

"And [remember] when Moses said to his people: 'O my people, call in remembrance the favour of God unto you, when he produced prophets among you, made you kings, and gave to you what He had not given to any other among the peoples. O my people, enter the Holy Land which God has assigned unto you, and turn not back ignominiously, for then will ye be overthrown, to your own ruin.'" [Qur'an 5:20-21]
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Read it, the Quran. Even talks about Moses parting the red sea, and the jews being slaves in Egypt, King David and Goliath. Maybe Muhammad use to be a jew and became a muslim. On an On about the Jews.

The messengers claimed to come to them
don't change religions...therefore Michael and Gabriel are still?
And where are they?
And who left the rock in Mecca as a secret to be revealed and told them to circle 7 (Sheva) times?
All religions have portions of the same central source and broadcast, but only one can best hold these truths thus called chosen to hold them to their time to be revealed (when we reach the advancement of that process as being common knowledge).

You just helped validate "the chosen ones" argument you were so arrogantly opposed to.

No because Hanif's arabs were before Muhammad, and that is proof the Jews were involved with the compilation of the Quran. The Jews wear the little Saturn square on their forehead when praying. I do not believe Gabriel dictated anything, if I did I'd have to believe Joseph Smith , wouldn't I? We know many many Jews settled the area of Medina before any Arabs, and the Hanif's were really monotheistic, the Jews were not and the Christians thought Jesus was divine, of which Muslms do not believe and neither do Jews.

We also know that Mohammad the terrorist prophet slaughtered all the Jews and committed ethnic cleansing on the ancient Jews of Medina.
There will be many suprises coming to many as we enter the messianic age certain things that have been hidden will come to the forefront... For example Penelope in her ignorance mentioned Benjamin who was one of the sons of Jacob... If you read carefully there was actually a war between this tribe and their kin long ago they were decimated but their numbers were brought back... Now where did this tribe go.....It would be interesting to note that although Yeminites speak arabic they are not considered arabs but wink to Penelope in hebrew the tribe of benjamin was known as ben(son in hebrew) yameen(yemen today) or son of my old age....Now sometimes people in their ignorance bring out things that might or might not be what they seem...A simple dna test could determine if this is true methinks it will be proven in the not to distant future...
Um Penelope you are saying (using your standard) that you puting squere pegs in square holes means you are a saturnist.
You worship saturn everytime you mail a box package, your box car is proof you worship saturn and your square chin is proof you are the daughter of Saturn.
=argument fails.
I'm really beginning to believe that liberals are born without temporal lobes because their parents consumed too much LSD.

The fuckin Q-rap was regurgitated by a flea bitten warlord thief and pedophile who used established religion to further his desire for world domination. So of course he stole parts of the Torah and Bible you sniveling imbecile.

If it wasn't for child proof lids your dumbass would have been found dead under a kitchen sink with a gut full of Drano and the genepool would be better off.

Pedophile, Benjamin according to Jewish sources, got married at the age of 10, ever wonder how old his wife was? How old to you think Hagar was when she had to sleep with almost 100 year old Abraham?

Name calling means you can't debate, I think its obvious who wrote it, like it or not.

You of course have a source or can cite this bullshit. Ha ha ha.

Read it, the Quran. Even talks about Moses parting the red sea, and the jews being slaves in Egypt, King David and Goliath. Maybe Muhammad use to be a jew and became a muslim. On an On about the Jews.

"Maybe Muhammad used to be a jew and became a muslim. On an On about the Jews."



"I am really beginning to beleive some Jews wrote the Quran"



"Muslims are taught that God gave the land of Canaan to the Jews and Christians as well. Gee Christians even worship a jew as God (some) (which is a Greek thing)."


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Leave Penelope alone-----she did not invent the shit she posts------she parrots it from
islamo Nazi websites
Who needs the words of Muslims, when you can read it on Christian Zionist sites, Jewish sites, and even on the message board Zionist quote parts of the Quran which says how God gave the Jews the land of Canaan, as proof that the jews have a right to the land of Palestine.:rolleyes:
Leave Penelope alone-----she did not invent the shit she posts------she parrots it from
islamo Nazi websites

He explains that this position, which meets opposition from all Arab countries, the United Nations and even the majority of Israelis, is clearly supported in the Qur’an.

In Sura 5:21 Moses, who is also a Muslim prophet, invites the children of Israel: “My people! Enter the Holy Land which Allah has ordained for you.

Do not turn back in your tracks and so become transformed into losers.’” In Sura 2, Allah affirms the Jews’ right to rule over the place, and in the same Sura, according to a Zionist reading, Allah even grants them the right to fight for their state with physical force. “Might it be that if fighting is prescribed for you [the children of Israel], you will not fight?” Muhammad Abu-Laylah, co-editor of the London Journal of Qur’anic Studies and professor of Islamic Studies in Al- Azhar University in Cairo, gets upset when he hears about Muslim Zionists.

Now for an intelligent Muslim- (my opinion here), he knows the difference between Zionism and judasim

Zionism, he says, is “an aggressive political agenda aimed at suppressing the Palestinian people.” He is quick to add: “We understand very well that there is a difference between Judaism and Zionism.

This is not about Jewish presence. It’s about an ideology of DNA-based superiority. Zionism knows two categories – inferior humans, Palestinians, and superior humans, Jews, that rule the first.

This is unacceptable according to both Islam and international human rights.”


The only inferior person is your inferior propaganda skills, as you said Palestinians and Israelis are all sons of Shem, so calling one inferior to another is your counter argument. But worse admiting YOU think that in your mind and it's because people who chose death and destruction and violence over peace are total idiots who don't get what life on the other side of the spectrum(stability/construction/progress) is like.
The only inferior person is your inferior propaganda skills, as you said Palestinians and Israelis are all sons of Shem, so calling one inferior to another is your counter argument. But worse admiting YOU think that in your mind and it's because people who chose death and destruction and violence over peace are total idiots who don't get what life on the other side of the spectrum(stability/construction/progress) is like.

I never said that. I have never said one is inferior to the other, but the Zionist and Jew believe they are "the chosen ones" and have other convinced as well. Not me.

Well gee, how the Palestinians of acted when something like the Stern Gang came in groves to take their land and homes. Same way I'd act if a swarm of wasps got in my house I imagine.
Penelope said " same as a swarm of WASPS got into my house" Interesting after Penelope has insulted all Israelis of jewish descent which were called also palestinians by other countries when they settled in what is now Israel today by calling them the stern gang she follows this up by inadvertently attacking white anglo saxon protestants by referring to WASPS....Can this be because Penelope in her ignorance lashes out at all peoples who are different then her and her strangely held beliefs one can only conjecture.....Why doesnt Penelope call the jews by the derogatory term the british had for them calling them WOGS or white oriental gentlemen.... Where does this end hmmmm...The palestinians really have never exsisted but there were jews who never left the land and in order to stay there under waves of islamic pressures might have converted to islam but they are still the same people who belong on this land as those that are emigrating there as jews.... People like Penelope are confussed but in the messianic age all will be revealed in due course...wink...
Leave Penelope alone-----she did not invent the shit she posts------she parrots it from
islamo Nazi websites

He explains that this position, which meets opposition from all Arab countries, the United Nations and even the majority of Israelis, is clearly supported in the Qur’an.

In Sura 5:21 Moses, who is also a Muslim prophet, invites the children of Israel: “My people! Enter the Holy Land which Allah has ordained for you.

Do not turn back in your tracks and so become transformed into losers.’” In Sura 2, Allah affirms the Jews’ right to rule over the place, and in the same Sura, according to a Zionist reading, Allah even grants them the right to fight for their state with physical force. “Might it be that if fighting is prescribed for you [the children of Israel], you will not fight?” Muhammad Abu-Laylah, co-editor of the London Journal of Qur’anic Studies and professor of Islamic Studies in Al- Azhar University in Cairo, gets upset when he hears about Muslim Zionists.

Now for an intelligent Muslim- (my opinion here), he knows the difference between Zionism and judasim

Zionism, he says, is “an aggressive political agenda aimed at suppressing the Palestinian people.” He is quick to add: “We understand very well that there is a difference between Judaism and Zionism.

This is not about Jewish presence. It’s about an ideology of DNA-based superiority. Zionism knows two categories – inferior humans, Palestinians, and superior humans, Jews, that rule the first.

This is unacceptable according to both Islam and international human rights.”


Bullshit-------Zionism is not based on "DNA" in any way. There is no DNA test for being a jew--------the dog parroted a typical islamo Nazi libel. Zionism is as
much JUDAISM as "trinity" is Catholicism and the cesspit Mecca is related to islam

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