I am really beginning to beleive some Jews wrote the Quran

Penelope said " same as a swarm of WASPS got into my house" Interesting after Penelope has insulted all Israelis of jewish descent which were called also palestinians by other countries when they settled in what is now Israel today by calling them the stern gang she follows this up by inadvertently attacking white anglo saxon protestants by referring to WASPS....Can this be because Penelope in her ignorance lashes out at all peoples who are different then her and her strangely held beliefs one can only conjecture.....Why doesnt Penelope call the jews by the derogatory term the british had for them calling them WOGS or white oriental gentlemen.... Where does this end hmmmm...The palestinians really have never exsisted but there were jews who never left the land and in order to stay there under waves of islamic pressures might have converted to islam but they are still the same people who belong on this land as those that are emigrating there as jews.... People like Penelope are confussed but in the messianic age all will be revealed in due course...wink...

Penelope is a congenital Nazi------she knew "dirty jew" by the time she was four years old
Who needs the words of Muslims, when you can read it on Christian Zionist sites, Jewish sites, and even on the message board Zionist quote parts of the Quran which says how God gave the Jews the land of Canaan, as proof that the jews have a right to the land of Palestine.:rolleyes:

right Penelope I read the koran more than 45 years ago--------I was a bit surprised
that it included statements acknowledging the fact that "JEWS OWN JUDEA" since by that time I did already know-----from muslims I had encountered right here in the
conclusion----that "MOST MUSLIMS NEVER READ THE KORAN"-----and it turns out that I was right----------Ask an Iranian if he ever read the koran ----and he wil
LAUGH----------I moved on and realized that most Christians ------are like you-----never read the bible. Both you and muslims simply PARROT islamo Nazi
"citations" thereof-----sophist distortions of the writings
The only inferior person is your inferior propaganda skills, as you said Palestinians and Israelis are all sons of Shem, so calling one inferior to another is your counter argument. But worse admiting YOU think that in your mind and it's because people who chose death and destruction and violence over peace are total idiots who don't get what life on the other side of the spectrum(stability/construction/progress) is like.

I never said that. I have never said one is inferior to the other, but the Zionist and Jew believe they are "the chosen ones" and have other convinced as well. Not me.

Well gee, how the Palestinians of acted when something like the Stern Gang came in groves to take their land and homes. Same way I'd act if a swarm of wasps got in my house I imagine.

you, Penelope----seem to imagine that you "know" what other people "believe"----
and you seem to believe----everything that the catechism whore told you----you even "IMAGINE" an attack by "wasps". Did the catechism whore provide you
with any more information on these "attacks by the stern gang on arab groves".
The Stern gang was an organization devoted to saving jewish babies from being
murdered because of the policies of the British owners of the 'PALESTINE MANDATE' ------------as such the brits labeled them criminals----just as they
regarded George Washington and Mahatma Gandhi as criminals. Long ago---
I came into contact with muslims from Pakistan and a few from India. Their concepts of Mahatma Gandhi were something like yours of STERN
Who needs the words of Muslims, when you can read it on Christian Zionist sites, Jewish sites, and even on the message board Zionist quote parts of the Quran which says how God gave the Jews the land of Canaan, as proof that the jews have a right to the land of Palestine.:rolleyes:

Poor Penelope the asylum escapee, she just found out that all three faiths including Islam, which is the faith Palestinians practice, agree that the land of Israel belongs to the Jews. One of these days she'll also realize that the entire Palestinian cause is a hoax and a fraud designed by Arabs to bring out the destruction of the Jewish state (after many military failures), and that the Israelis / Jews have been better to the so called Palestinians than the Arab states ever will be.
Penelope said " same as a swarm of WASPS got into my house" Interesting after Penelope has insulted all Israelis of jewish descent which were called also palestinians by other countries when they settled in what is now Israel today by calling them the stern gang she follows this up by inadvertently attacking white anglo saxon protestants by referring to WASPS....Can this be because Penelope in her ignorance lashes out at all peoples who are different then her and her strangely held beliefs one can only conjecture.....Why doesnt Penelope call the jews by the derogatory term the british had for them calling them WOGS or white oriental gentlemen.... Where does this end hmmmm...The palestinians really have never exsisted but there were jews who never left the land and in order to stay there under waves of islamic pressures might have converted to islam but they are still the same people who belong on this land as those that are emigrating there as jews.... People like Penelope are confussed but in the messianic age all will be revealed in due course...wink...

Penelope is a mentally ill rabid Jew hater that has managed to escape an asylum for the criminally insane, and take refugee among some Palestinian supporters. No one takes her laughable claims regarding Israel and Palestine seriously on this board. Just imagine, she is so ignorant and illiterate she JUST FOUND OUT the truth about what is in the Koran about the Jews and the land of Israel.

Well, let's at least give her credit for telling the truth.
Penelope said " same as a swarm of WASPS got into my house" Interesting after Penelope has insulted all Israelis of jewish descent which were called also palestinians by other countries when they settled in what is now Israel today by calling them the stern gang she follows this up by inadvertently attacking white anglo saxon protestants by referring to WASPS....Can this be because Penelope in her ignorance lashes out at all peoples who are different then her and her strangely held beliefs one can only conjecture.....Why doesnt Penelope call the jews by the derogatory term the british had for them calling them WOGS or white oriental gentlemen.... Where does this end hmmmm...The palestinians really have never exsisted but there were jews who never left the land and in order to stay there under waves of islamic pressures might have converted to islam but they are still the same people who belong on this land as those that are emigrating there as jews.... People like Penelope are confussed but in the messianic age all will be revealed in due course...wink...

Penelope is a mentally ill rabid Jew hater that has managed to escape an asylum for the criminally insane, and take refugee among some Palestinian supporters. No one takes her laughable claims regarding Israel and Palestine seriously on this board. Just imagine, she is so ignorant and illiterate she JUST FOUND OUT the truth about what is in the Koran about the Jews and the land of Israel.

Well, let's at least give her credit for telling the truth.

Penelope is, simply, an American white trash congenital islamo Nazi-.
You did not grow up with such people, roudy----but I did. In her social
group--------"jew" is a kind of dirty word. -----in her social group------be calm---
do not jump-----IN HER SOCIAL GROUP-----(do not get upset) ------women drink
beer--------like, regularly--------like your aunt drinks tea. Little children------in her
social group---------are EAGER for their 18th birthday-------so they can drink -----beer. ------before 18-----they never taste anything with alcohol-----so they
CRAVE IT ------------when they are about nine years old------they begin to question
the existence of santa claus.--------but they never give up KNOWIING that
DA JJOOOOOOOOS KILLED JESUS (and regularly ate clams on the half shell whilst drinking beer) Penelope knew----from age four------that DA JOOOS
is so weird-------that they do not eat clams on the half shell (clams on the half
shell is a raw opened claim------lying on one side of the shell -----with some
sauce on top. It comes whole like that-------and one SLURPS it down one's
throat in one SLURP directly from the shell. I have nothing against this strange
culinary custom-------but early one realized that it is something-------unique to
Christianity. Thus-----I am also a racist. HOWEVER-----I attribute the BITTERNESS expresse by Penelope-----to the stress of her life------imagine facing
a whole plateful of raw clams------after being denied a taste of sweet kosher wine
Penelope said " same as a swarm of WASPS got into my house" Interesting after Penelope has insulted all Israelis of jewish descent which were called also palestinians by other countries when they settled in what is now Israel today by calling them the stern gang she follows this up by inadvertently attacking white anglo saxon protestants by referring to WASPS....Can this be because Penelope in her ignorance lashes out at all peoples who are different then her and her strangely held beliefs one can only conjecture.....Why doesnt Penelope call the jews by the derogatory term the british had for them calling them WOGS or white oriental gentlemen.... Where does this end hmmmm...The palestinians really have never exsisted but there were jews who never left the land and in order to stay there under waves of islamic pressures might have converted to islam but they are still the same people who belong on this land as those that are emigrating there as jews.... People like Penelope are confussed but in the messianic age all will be revealed in due course...wink...

Penelope said " same as a swarm of WASPS got into my house" Interesting after Penelope has insulted all Israelis of jewish descent which were called also palestinians by other countries when they settled in what is now Israel today by calling them the stern gang she follows this up by inadvertently attacking white anglo saxon protestants by referring to WASPS....Can this be because Penelope in her ignorance lashes out at all peoples who are different then her and her strangely held beliefs one can only conjecture.....Why doesnt Penelope call the jews by the derogatory term the british had for them calling them WOGS or white oriental gentlemen.... Where does this end hmmmm...The palestinians really have never exsisted but there were jews who never left the land and in order to stay there under waves of islamic pressures might have converted to islam but they are still the same people who belong on this land as those that are emigrating there as jews.... People like Penelope are confussed but in the messianic age all will be revealed in due course...wink...

Is Bald Faced hornets better for you. Topic at hand, why is the Quran so Jew friendly in a weird sort of way, like the NT? Any ideas. The Quran is only good to Jesus, and Mary, but they deny Jesus is divine and call both Jews and Christians heretics, and idol worshippers.
Penelope: you already blundered the Chosen one argument.
This Topic post just reveals that
1) instead of using your argument to bring some propaganda influenced predjudiced Muslims to stop hating Jews through similarities in texts, you decide to try and use it to bring hate to Jews from Christians.
Nice twist!
2) this reveals that you are a divider instead of a uniter. Messenger of Hate instead of Love=poor representative of your faith or philosophy and upbringing.
3) notice not one of your posts ever solve or offer anything of value to society.
No inspiration, no advancement, no love or hope....nada...nothing....nunca....zilch...absolutely hold no value not even to propaganda because it's been outted every step of the way.
RCC offered absolutely nothing to your spiritual growth and if you asked an avg Catholic they'd agree or make excuses.
Penelope said " same as a swarm of WASPS got into my house" Interesting after Penelope has insulted all Israelis of jewish descent which were called also palestinians by other countries when they settled in what is now Israel today by calling them the stern gang she follows this up by inadvertently attacking white anglo saxon protestants by referring to WASPS....Can this be because Penelope in her ignorance lashes out at all peoples who are different then her and her strangely held beliefs one can only conjecture.....Why doesnt Penelope call the jews by the derogatory term the british had for them calling them WOGS or white oriental gentlemen.... Where does this end hmmmm...The palestinians really have never exsisted but there were jews who never left the land and in order to stay there under waves of islamic pressures might have converted to islam but they are still the same people who belong on this land as those that are emigrating there as jews.... People like Penelope are confussed but in the messianic age all will be revealed in due course...wink...

Penelope said " same as a swarm of WASPS got into my house" Interesting after Penelope has insulted all Israelis of jewish descent which were called also palestinians by other countries when they settled in what is now Israel today by calling them the stern gang she follows this up by inadvertently attacking white anglo saxon protestants by referring to WASPS....Can this be because Penelope in her ignorance lashes out at all peoples who are different then her and her strangely held beliefs one can only conjecture.....Why doesnt Penelope call the jews by the derogatory term the british had for them calling them WOGS or white oriental gentlemen.... Where does this end hmmmm...The palestinians really have never exsisted but there were jews who never left the land and in order to stay there under waves of islamic pressures might have converted to islam but they are still the same people who belong on this land as those that are emigrating there as jews.... People like Penelope are confussed but in the messianic age all will be revealed in due course...wink...

Is Bald Faced hornets better for you. Topic at hand, why is the Quran so Jew friendly in a weird sort of way, like the NT? Any ideas. The Quran is only good to Jesus, and Mary, but they deny Jesus is divine and call both Jews and Christians heretics, and idol worshippers.

so? "bald faced....." ??? Penelope-------what is your mother tongue-----
you do not get, even, American slang right. I have worked with lots of
new comers to the USA-----some highly educated and some as illiterate as
are you. It is obvious to me English is a foreign language to you. What does
"bald faced" mean? no mustache?
Penelope: you already blundered the Chosen one argument.
This Topic post just reveals that
1) instead of using your argument to bring some propaganda influenced predjudiced Muslims to stop hating Jews through similarities in texts, you decide to try and use it to bring hate to Jews from Christians.
Nice twist!
2) this reveals that you are a divider instead of a uniter. Messenger of Hate instead of Love=poor representative of your faith or philosophy and upbringing.
3) notice not one of your posts ever solve or offer anything of value to society.
No inspiration, no advancement, no love or hope....nada...nothing....nunca....zilch...absolutely hold no value not even to propaganda because it's been outted every step of the way.
RCC offered absolutely nothing to your spiritual growth and if you asked an avg Catholic they'd agree or make excuses.

hashev-----you missed a very important feature-------Penelope actually claims to
have READ A BOOK-------chances are that she did not really read the koran----
she simply read some allusions to this or that verse in the propaganda that she
gobbles. Somewhere along the line she got to parts of the koran. She is a scholar of religion (her claim) but knows nothing about the development of islam----
she will try to come up with some more crap from islamo Nazi sites now
Penelope said " same as a swarm of WASPS got into my house" Interesting after Penelope has insulted all Israelis of jewish descent which were called also palestinians by other countries when they settled in what is now Israel today by calling them the stern gang she follows this up by inadvertently attacking white anglo saxon protestants by referring to WASPS....Can this be because Penelope in her ignorance lashes out at all peoples who are different then her and her strangely held beliefs one can only conjecture.....Why doesnt Penelope call the jews by the derogatory term the british had for them calling them WOGS or white oriental gentlemen.... Where does this end hmmmm...The palestinians really have never exsisted but there were jews who never left the land and in order to stay there under waves of islamic pressures might have converted to islam but they are still the same people who belong on this land as those that are emigrating there as jews.... People like Penelope are confussed but in the messianic age all will be revealed in due course...wink...

Penelope said " same as a swarm of WASPS got into my house" Interesting after Penelope has insulted all Israelis of jewish descent which were called also palestinians by other countries when they settled in what is now Israel today by calling them the stern gang she follows this up by inadvertently attacking white anglo saxon protestants by referring to WASPS....Can this be because Penelope in her ignorance lashes out at all peoples who are different then her and her strangely held beliefs one can only conjecture.....Why doesnt Penelope call the jews by the derogatory term the british had for them calling them WOGS or white oriental gentlemen.... Where does this end hmmmm...The palestinians really have never exsisted but there were jews who never left the land and in order to stay there under waves of islamic pressures might have converted to islam but they are still the same people who belong on this land as those that are emigrating there as jews.... People like Penelope are confussed but in the messianic age all will be revealed in due course...wink...

Is Bald Faced hornets better for you. Topic at hand, why is the Quran so Jew friendly in a weird sort of way, like the NT? Any ideas. The Quran is only good to Jesus, and Mary, but they deny Jesus is divine and call both Jews and Christians heretics, and idol worshippers.

so? "bald faced....." ??? Penelope-------what is your mother tongue-----
you do not get, even, American slang right. I have worked with lots of
new comers to the USA-----some highly educated and some as illiterate as
are you. It is obvious to me English is a foreign language to you. What does
"bald faced" mean? no mustache?

Google Bald faced Hornets. Believe me , they are real. I had a nest the size of a watermelon in my crabapple tree this year.
fellow posters----for insight into how Penelope gets her material-----google "jews invented islam" or "jews wrote the koran"
fellow posters----for insight into how Penelope gets her material-----google "jews invented islam" or "jews wrote the koran"

I have given you a art. from the JPost. I have read many articles on this. I am convinced of this theory.
Penelope said " same as a swarm of WASPS got into my house" Interesting after Penelope has insulted all Israelis of jewish descent which were called also palestinians by other countries when they settled in what is now Israel today by calling them the stern gang she follows this up by inadvertently attacking white anglo saxon protestants by referring to WASPS....Can this be because Penelope in her ignorance lashes out at all peoples who are different then her and her strangely held beliefs one can only conjecture.....Why doesnt Penelope call the jews by the derogatory term the british had for them calling them WOGS or white oriental gentlemen.... Where does this end hmmmm...The palestinians really have never exsisted but there were jews who never left the land and in order to stay there under waves of islamic pressures might have converted to islam but they are still the same people who belong on this land as those that are emigrating there as jews.... People like Penelope are confussed but in the messianic age all will be revealed in due course...wink...

Penelope said " same as a swarm of WASPS got into my house" Interesting after Penelope has insulted all Israelis of jewish descent which were called also palestinians by other countries when they settled in what is now Israel today by calling them the stern gang she follows this up by inadvertently attacking white anglo saxon protestants by referring to WASPS....Can this be because Penelope in her ignorance lashes out at all peoples who are different then her and her strangely held beliefs one can only conjecture.....Why doesnt Penelope call the jews by the derogatory term the british had for them calling them WOGS or white oriental gentlemen.... Where does this end hmmmm...The palestinians really have never exsisted but there were jews who never left the land and in order to stay there under waves of islamic pressures might have converted to islam but they are still the same people who belong on this land as those that are emigrating there as jews.... People like Penelope are confussed but in the messianic age all will be revealed in due course...wink...

Is Bald Faced hornets better for you. Topic at hand, why is the Quran so Jew friendly in a weird sort of way, like the NT? Any ideas. The Quran is only good to Jesus, and Mary, but they deny Jesus is divine and call both Jews and Christians heretics, and idol worshippers.

so? "bald faced....." ??? Penelope-------what is your mother tongue-----
you do not get, even, American slang right. I have worked with lots of
new comers to the USA-----some highly educated and some as illiterate as
are you. It is obvious to me English is a foreign language to you. What does
"bald faced" mean? no mustache?

Google Bald faced Hornets. Believe me , they are real. I had a nest the size of a watermelon in my crabapple tree this year.

oh----in the town of my childhood----the firemen would remove such manifestations---------now tell us about the attacks by the stern gang of the arab hills and dales
fellow posters----for insight into how Penelope gets her material-----google "jews invented islam" or "jews wrote the koran"



Just like I imagine bald faced hornets.
PS---Penelope-----I read your J.Post citation------no one says that the koran was
written by jews --------the muslim you quoted who decided that Judaism is not Zionism --------proved himself an idiot by claiming that the existence of a jewish country
PROVES that jews consider themselves genetically (DNA) 'superior'-----
you found someone who is as idiotic as are you
fellow posters----for insight into how Penelope gets her material-----google "jews invented islam" or "jews wrote the koran"

I have given you a art. from the JPost. I have read many articles on this. I am convinced of this theory.

what theory? that jews wrote the koran? or that jews invented islam?------
I read the article from the J. post--------it supports neither of your theories.
There are some articles in the islamo Nazi literature claiming that jews invented
islam for the purpose of destroying Christianity and white "culture"
Your early Catholic Vatican leaders & servants of Catholicism helped to pave the way for the invention Islam (including Augustine) and assisted in the indoctrination of Mohammad via his faithful Catholic Wife and her faithful Catholic cousin who interpreted his dreams for him. That is why he named one of his daughters, "Fatima"... The Jews had nothing to do with Islam or the creation of the Koran, Penelope.
Last edited:
Your early Catholic Vatican leaders & servants of Catholicism helped to pave the way for the invention Islam (including Augustine) and assisted in the indoctrination of Mohammad via his faithful Catholic Wife and her faithful Catholic cousin who interpreted his dreams for him. That is why he named one of his daughters, "Fatima"... The Jews had nothing to do with Islam or the creation of the Koran, Penelope.

Fatima is an Arabic name-------
Your early Catholic Vatican leaders & servants of Catholicism helped to pave the way for the invention Islam (including Augustine) and assisted in the indoctrination of Mohammad via his faithful Catholic Wife and her faithful Catholic cousin who interpreted his dreams for him. That is why he named one of his daughters, "Fatima"... The Jews had nothing to do with Islam or the creation of the Koran, Penelope.

Fatima is an Arabic name-------

Yes, how convenient that their Queen of heaven is also known as "Our Lady of Fatima"..

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