I am sick of this shit

The right wing didn't bring us Michelle Fields, Trump's publicist, Miss Venezuela, Visa Hustler Khan, and a tape of a private conversation. That's Democratic distraction and gutter politics at it's worst.

No, The right wing's presidential candidate brought us all of that.

Come again?

It all started over a pubic hair on a coke can and escalated from there.
Thomas is a democrat? I did not know that.
All day long nothing but Trump bashing. Even on my favorite rock station. When wasn't Trump it was Hillary.
This election has flipped the lid and I'm sick of it. I'm tired of hearing about all of it.

If I was a wealthy person I would absolutely move to a tropical location & avoid radio & tv.

This shit was entertaining for awhile but people are taking it too far. Trump is no conservative. He will cause the debt to rise. Hillary doesn't care about the debt. Most of the public is oblivious about the debt. IMO the debt is the biggest threat to our country. Bad guys and evil motherfuckers will ALWAYS be a threat to us in some fashion and short of a nuclear bomb we will ALWAYS overcome.
The debt is an entirely different type of threat and at some point if not put in check it will cause the complete collapse of our nation.

Everyone wants to piss and moan about the injustice of Christopher Columbus or Trumps asinine mouth or Bill Clintons blow jobs but NO ONE is talking about the gun barrel pointed directly at out temples, THE DEBT


You are 100% correct. The rising debt is a serious issue and no one cares. People are protesting ans rioting over false narratives instead of tackling the real issue. This country is headed in the wrong direction.
All day long nothing but Trump bashing. Even on my favorite rock station. When wasn't Trump it was Hillary.
This election has flipped the lid and I'm sick of it. I'm tired of hearing about all of it.

If I was a wealthy person I would absolutely move to a tropical location & avoid radio & tv.

This shit was entertaining for awhile but people are taking it too far. Trump is no conservative. He will cause the debt to rise. Hillary doesn't care about the debt. Most of the public is oblivious about the debt. IMO the debt is the biggest threat to our country. Bad guys and evil motherfuckers will ALWAYS be a threat to us in some fashion and short of a nuclear bomb we will ALWAYS overcome.
The debt is an entirely different type of threat and at some point if not put in check it will cause the complete collapse of our nation.

Everyone wants to piss and moan about the injustice of Christopher Columbus or Trumps asinine mouth or Bill Clintons blow jobs but NO ONE is talking about the gun barrel pointed directly at out temples, THE DEBT



RW's wanted it, they got it, now they can't get rid of it.

I think the worst part of this whole debate is how Trumping is now the norm. Trumping, I say, is when you cant remember details only labels. So you say lie, lied, liar, dishonest (and keep using the Thesaurus) but about what they dont really know. To attack anyone who disagrees with you and when called on it say they deserved it the whole time. Dont claim responsibility for acting just claim you were reacting to someone. They pluck you and you throw a grenade. Or they dont pluck you and you claim they did and STILL throw the grenade.

The name calling, the violence, the meanness, the lack of intellectual curiosity, facts dont matter and who has the facts are fakers. Rely on only your gut or what Trump tells you then strike down anyone who questions it. We've been here before during the Iraq debate. Everyone ran to their corners and called names when people questioned the Iraq war....NOW everyone agrees it was a bad idea and all it took was 12 years and thousands of lives.

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