I Call Upon All USMB Liberals To Answer This Question >>>

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They didn't give him a choice. They pointed guns at him and told him to submit to arrest. He ignored them and walked to his car. And that's the cops fault?

Blake had a choice. If he made the right one, the woman assaulter you're defending would have walked away

Because it was excessive force. You know, the kind you "Libertarians" always complain about when it involves white people.

LOL, falling asleep in the drive thru window lane is a "parking violation." When you're so dishonest, you're proving you know something is wrong with the shit you're peddling.

Car wasn't moving... so it was a parking violation. Point was, they took a simple situation and escalated it into a lethal force scenario.

Here's a scenario. He tries to run away. You let him go. You have his car, you have his id, it really wouldn't be a big problem to track him down later when he sobers up and realized how bad he screwed up.
Wrong again because if I were there this fart would not have gotten back to his car in the first place. I am not the ball less piggy that was there

Are you, would you shoot a man 7 times in the back because he was not armed

You are changing nothing with your hate shithead

Go have a coon hanging party Adolph
Yes, I would shoot a man in the back, or in the front, or in the side, whether he was armed or not. None of those things have anything to do with a shooting of a person whose hands have gone out of the shooter's view.

I shouldn't even be talking to you. You have no idea what's going on here. Try a thread about knitting or needlepoint. And your laughable race card isn't doing anything for you either.
Now, on a tangent, part of the reason why we have all these shootings now is because after those four cops got reemed for beating Rodney King, they all figured it was less trouble to just shoot them.
No, that's NOT what they figured.
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They could just as easily have put him in restraints and placed him in the back seat of a cruiser which is the accepted method today.
Man, you just DON'T LISTEN. In the past, cops have been shot dead, doing what you just prescribed here. That's how the shoot when hands disappear policy became adopted, entirely throughout the US.

THAT is the "accepted method" today, and for the past 60 years.
If the Taze doesn't work, you take him down. NEVER give him a chance. You just want to follow him with your gun drawn until it gets to the point of no return and you can waste him. I guess doing it when he was in the front of the vehicle would have been even harder to explain as in really, really bad PR. Again, there is no doubt in my mind that they allowed it to go that far because they just had to shoot him and didn't take any other option. Really, Really piss poor Police Procedure and that is exactly what the Protests are about.
1. Have you ever answered the question of the OP ?

2. The protests are about ignorant fools who don't know what police policy is, or why it is that policy.
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...it’s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he “raced around the car” and that the cops had a “bad angle” to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Don’t hate the player hate the game. Police officers aren’t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Don’t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...

Bu-bu-but that's not what Slade saw on Walker Texas Ranger ...
What I see is you making claim after claim that you can’t back up when called out.... why can’t you just be honest when you debate. You don’t need to make shit up like you tend to do

Right, I didn't provide a link to you idiots who didn't provide a link to back up your claims 99 pound police women are as effective as men because of the personal testimony that someone knew a chick ...

And you call me not honest and making shit up, LOL.

You aren’t honest and you do make shit up. In this thread a few examples have been “raced to the car” “bad angle” “ Cavalierly walked through to tasers“

Raced to the car was true

I said bad angle and you denied being behind him is a bad angle. That's a matter of opinion

If you do any research, then they describe him as being unaffected by the tasers.

That's the Democrat way. If you don't like something, it's somehow dishonest and making shit up. Facts don't care about your feelings, no nuts
He didn’t race to the car he walked it’s on video. I’ve seen the reports that he was tazed twice. No other details. Was the connection made? How long before the video that we all saw? I certainly have not seen anybody but you say he Cavalierly walked through to tasers like you claimed. So I can only assume you are making that up
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...it’s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he “raced around the car” and that the cops had a “bad angle” to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Don’t hate the player hate the game. Police officers aren’t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Don’t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...
I’ve answered it several times now. Stop trolling
You said “tackle” and then ran it back and then said they need more training. Which is it?
All of the above
I don't know why the 2 cops didn't just take him to the ground and cuff him they certainly had plenty of time to
Plenty of time ? All within a 1/2 second, huh ?

There are many posts within this thread that answer your question.
You think that the video captured the entire event?

I keep asking people who say what you do that the cops could have taken the woman beater who ignored the court order to stay away from her down from behind while he raced to the car if they saw video that I didn't, but all of you have said no. Did you?
Raced to the car? Can you point out the section of the video where he “raced to the car.“ Let me know the time code where he did anything but walk and I’ll check it out
He walked briskly. If the officers were trained in H2H combat they would not have had to draw their weapons. Also, why send a woman officer there? Makes no sense.
That made me laugh out loud. Thank you.
1. He didn’t walk briskly, he walked, watch the video
2. You really think cops with guns aren’t trained to apprehend and arrest subjects?! Are you serious?
3. Why not send a woman officer? Don’t be a dick

You're just word parsing and bickering now, you couldn't be more clear you have nothing
No I’m it word parsing I’m calling out the BS spin you all are trying to use to justify this shooting. THERES A VIDEO WE CAN ALL SEE WHAT HAPPENED!! Stop lying about what happened. You said he “raced to the car” that’s a straight up lie. He clearly walked

Right, there's a video. Yet you keep contradicting the video as if we didn't see it and we don't know you're lying. The cops were behind him.

Blake had a choice. The cops didn't. You can't hide from that

For the umpteenth time it's preferable to be behind someone if you want to put him on the ground. Only you think it's easier to put a guy on the ground from in front of him

For the umpteenth time, taking him down isn't the challenge. That's like 5% of it
no it's more like 95% of it
No...it’s like 5% of it and not as easy as you think. Ever been in a fight? Real tough fight?

Yeah I've been in fights. I grew up in the shit end of a city and am well acquainted with violence. I know that 2 guys can almost always take down one unarmed guy.

2 cops armed with various weapons and trained to physically subdue people should always be able to take down one unarmed guy.

You're obviously lying since you take two guys fighting a wanted felon who had walked through two taser shots so cavalierly. Anyone who had been in a real fight would have realized how risky and dangerous that is
Haha. How do you know he cavalierly walked through two tasers?! Did you get that from the same source that told you he “raced around the car” and that the cops had a “bad angle” to take him down when they were directly behind him?
You still have yet to state what you would do if you were one of the police officers. Don’t hate the player hate the game. Police officers aren’t trained to wrestle suspects. They are actually trained not to. Don’t allow facts in the way of your moral thinking...

Bu-bu-but that's not what Slade saw on Walker Texas Ranger ...
What I see is you making claim after claim that you can’t back up when called out.... why can’t you just be honest when you debate. You don’t need to make shit up like you tend to do
Are you talking to yourself? The cops had two options. Allowing him to flee and or grab a weapon and use it on the cops or shoot him. They shot him.
If the cops didn’t have guns... would their only option have been to let him go?
He was out of line for sure. I don’t know what people are thinking when they fight back against cops. Being respectful is always the best way to go. With that said, Blake did not deserve 7 shots in the back. The situation was mishandled by the police from what we can see on the video
Not a question of "deserve" It was a self-defense shooting. Justifiable.
I don’t see it that way. They never saw a weapon so what were they defending themselves from?
Kenosha Eyewitness: Police Told Jacob Blake to ‘Drop the Knife’ Before Shooting; Did Not See Knife
The man who said he made the cellphone video, 22-year-old Raysean White, said he saw Blake scuffling with three officers and heard them yell, “Drop the knife! Drop the knife!” before the gunfire erupted. He said he didn’t see a knife in Blake’s hands.
If he had a knife and the cops said to drop it and he didn’t then the shooting would be justified. That’s not what looked to have happened from the video but we shall see
If he had a knife and the cops said to drop it and he didn’t then the shooting would be justified. That’s not what looked to have happened from the video but we shall see
You haven't learned a thing in this thread. You are a weird, hopeless, deeply programmed ROBOT, of loony, leftist, anti-police propaganda.

So hypothetically, if you were a cop, you wouldn't shoot a suspect who reaches into a car, reached behind him, or reaches into a pocket or jacket (hands disappearing from view) ? How long do you think you would live ? 5 years ? 2 years ? 1 year ? 1 month ? :rolleyes:
If he had a knife and the cops said to drop it and he didn’t then the shooting would be justified. That’s not what looked to have happened from the video but we shall see
You haven't learned a thing in this thread. You are a weird, hopeless, deeply programmed ROBOT, of loony, leftist, anti-police propaganda.

So hypothetically, if you were a cop, you wouldn't shoot a suspect who reaches into a car, reached behind him, or reaches into a pocket or jacket (hands disappearing from view) ? How long do you think you would live ? 5 years ? 2 years ? 1 year ? 1 month ? :rolleyes:
Yes I wouldn’t shoot unless I see a weapon or unless im being attacked. I don’t shoot somebody in the back who is trying to run away from me
I think if I'm liberal, I tell the guy how much I admire black people as he's racing to his door. I apologize for our ancestors, and white people in general, and I offer reparations in exchange for my life.
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I think if I'm liberal, I tell the guy how much I admire black people as he's racing to his door. I apologize for our ancestors, and I offer reparations in exchange for my life.
Was he racing to his door or walking? Why don’t you watch the video again
I think if I'm liberal, I tell the guy how much I admire black people as he's racing to his door. I apologize for our ancestors, and white people in general, and I offer reparations in exchange for my life.
He's getting "reparations"... Gofundme.com
Screen Shot 2020-09-04 at 10.05.28 PM.png
I think if I'm liberal, I tell the guy how much I admire black people as he's racing to his door. I apologize for our ancestors, and I offer reparations in exchange for my life.
Was he racing to his door or walking? Why don’t you watch the video again

I forgot, you'd have jumped on his back so he could reach his knife.

Did you happen to notice the cop was holding a pistol? You'd have run up on the guy though huh, because the safest space for your gun is nearest a thug, PROGS are so smart. I'll bet you'd go all Clint Eastwood on him huh Slade, just like in the movies? What's it gonna be punk, reach into your car or this 45? Then you'd remember he's black before he puts a 12" knife into your crotch, but at least you'd be taking one for the team. You should be a cop Slade, it's going to be awesome.
I think if I'm liberal, I tell the guy how much I admire black people as he's racing to his door. I apologize for our ancestors, and I offer reparations in exchange for my life.
Was he racing to his door or walking? Why don’t you watch the video again

I forgot, you'd have jumped on his back so he could reach his knife.

Did you happen to notice the cop was holding a pistol? You'd have run up on the guy though huh, because the safest space for your gun is nearest a thug, PROGS are so smart. I'll bet you'd go all Clint Eastwood on him huh Slade, just like in the movies? What's it gonna be punk, reach into your car or this 45? Then you'd remember he's black before he puts a 12" knife into your crotch, but at least you'd be taking one for the team. You should be a cop Slade, it's going to be awesome.
I know Clint... Good dude. I’m too much of a pussy to be a cop
I think if I'm liberal, I tell the guy how much I admire black people as he's racing to his door. I apologize for our ancestors, and I offer reparations in exchange for my life.
Was he racing to his door or walking? Why don’t you watch the video again

I forgot, you'd have jumped on his back so he could reach his knife.

Did you happen to notice the cop was holding a pistol? You'd have run up on the guy though huh, because the safest space for your gun is nearest a thug, PROGS are so smart. I'll bet you'd go all Clint Eastwood on him huh Slade, just like in the movies? What's it gonna be punk, reach into your car or this 45? Then you'd remember he's black before he puts a 12" knife into your crotch, but at least you'd be taking one for the team. You should be a cop Slade, it's going to be awesome.
I know Clint... Good dude. I’m too much of a pussy to be a cop

He's conservative, you should follow his lead
I think if I'm liberal, I tell the guy how much I admire black people as he's racing to his door. I apologize for our ancestors, and I offer reparations in exchange for my life.
Was he racing to his door or walking? Why don’t you watch the video again

I forgot, you'd have jumped on his back so he could reach his knife.

Did you happen to notice the cop was holding a pistol? You'd have run up on the guy though huh, because the safest space for your gun is nearest a thug, PROGS are so smart. I'll bet you'd go all Clint Eastwood on him huh Slade, just like in the movies? What's it gonna be punk, reach into your car or this 45? Then you'd remember he's black before he puts a 12" knife into your crotch, but at least you'd be taking one for the team. You should be a cop Slade, it's going to be awesome.
I know Clint... Good dude. I’m too much of a pussy to be a cop

He's conservative, you should follow his lead
I don’t need to follow anybody but I Like to think there something to learn from everybody
Not all women should be infantry or street cops. But those that are capable should not be denied. Yes, they MUST be able to meet or exceed the standards. In the Army, there are now women with Ranger Tabs. I don't know of any Army Rangers, but a few women have gone through the training and received the tabs. They didn't lower the standards for them.

I've seen stories where they have... now, this might be the old guard being upset.


On that same note, any man that doesn't meet those standards should NOT be in that job. And that means physical, mental and professional. Using the Rodney King episode as an example is just a bad example. They could just as easily have put him in restraints and placed him in the back seat of a cruiser which is the accepted method today. And some cops still don't follow that procedure. Once they get him in the back seat, there are no door handles, he can't get the windows down, the windows are unbreakable and the cage between the back seat and the front seat is unbreakable. Let him kick, scream, threaten, whatever all he wants at that point. Sooner or later, he's going to quiet down out of exhaustion if nothing else.

You see, again, kind of have to disagree here. King was so high on PCP that Tasers had no effect on him, and he was throwing cops off like rag dolls. The reason why he was able to sustain so many baton hits was that he was feeling no pain, because gain, PCP. I think somewhere along the line, someone said, "Um, yeah, we'll probably get in less trouble if we shoot him."

They had King on the ground. Once that is done, you put on the restraints. They weren't using life threatening hits. It was just being punishing and making a point, nothing else. And King knew what he was doing as well.

Yah, it might be easier just to shoot him. But then we have the old Spanish Fascist Gendarmes running around. Being white, I had NEVER been subjected to such a thing until that day. And guess what, that is what many Blacks or African Americans fear on a daily basis. Luckily, we were there just for a TDY of a few days and got the hell out of there. What you want is the Gendarmes for the Blacks who are courteous to us Whites. At least the Gendarmes are complete assholes to everyone.
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