I can hardly wait until the President's "State of the Union" speech. It's what comes next.

This will be one of very few SoU speeches I've missed. I can't stand trump, and I refuse to listen to him reading like an stuttering seven year old for an hour-and-a-half.

Does anyone remember how righties use to rag non-stop on President Obama for using a teleprompter? Hell, trump can't give a five minute speech without having his ugly face glued to his teleprompter. It's the only the doosh can utter a coherent sentence.
In fact they would read off the TelePrompTer that reading off a TelePrompTer was bad.
You know it's going to be full of lies. Trump can't help himself.

But it's what's comes next that will for sure be riveting.

Jimmy Kimmel announces he'll interview 'very gifted' Stormy Daniels Tuesday

Stormy Daniels to join Jimmy Kimmel in post-State of the Union chat

Jimmy Kimmel Has Booked Stormy Daniels After Trump’s State of the Union

Doesn't matter what she actually says.

This is the woman that Trump said reminded Trump of his daughter. While in a sweaty bed right after they exchanged, uh, pleasantries. But it's OK. His wife wasn't there. She was at home pregnant. So it wasn't, like, you know, kinky.

Tony Perkins: Trump Gets ‘a Mulligan’ on Life, Stormy Daniels

The Family Research Council head says that evangelical conservatives are willing to overlook Trump’s past behavior so long as he delivers for them on policy.

Later, Perkins adds, “I think the president is providing the leadership we need at this time, in our country and in our culture.”


Porn, adultery, incest? Wow, that's just the kind of leadership the Evangelicals need. Where do I sign up?

Is this BYOB? Are condoms provided? Of course not. These are Christian Evangelicals.

Viagra is for a medical dysfunction.

Birth Control is a "life style" choice.

Erections Get Insurance; Why Not the Pill?

Birth Control Likely Won't Be Covered By Republican Healthcare Plan


Looks like Republicans have plans for the country. And I thought they were terribly restrictive and were going after people's right to have "fun".

Apparently not people's right to part tae.

They are opening up the New Year with a bang.

Who knew it was the Democrats who were the providential conservatives and it was the right wing that are "part tae" animals?

You go Evangelicals. I like everything except the incest. So just stay away from that and we will be OK!

Disgust, er, I mean, discuss.
Did you ever consider since Trump is so evil, he might decide to round up every leftist critter and have them all spayed and neutered? That would be the best thing since sliced bread.
What a surprising thing for a trumpanzee to say.
You know it's going to be full of lies. Trump can't help himself.

But it's what's comes next that will for sure be riveting.

Jimmy Kimmel announces he'll interview 'very gifted' Stormy Daniels Tuesday

Stormy Daniels to join Jimmy Kimmel in post-State of the Union chat

Jimmy Kimmel Has Booked Stormy Daniels After Trump’s State of the Union

Doesn't matter what she actually says.

This is the woman that Trump said reminded Trump of his daughter. While in a sweaty bed right after they exchanged, uh, pleasantries. But it's OK. His wife wasn't there. She was at home pregnant. So it wasn't, like, you know, kinky.

Tony Perkins: Trump Gets ‘a Mulligan’ on Life, Stormy Daniels

The Family Research Council head says that evangelical conservatives are willing to overlook Trump’s past behavior so long as he delivers for them on policy.

Later, Perkins adds, “I think the president is providing the leadership we need at this time, in our country and in our culture.”


Porn, adultery, incest? Wow, that's just the kind of leadership the Evangelicals need. Where do I sign up?

Is this BYOB? Are condoms provided? Of course not. These are Christian Evangelicals.

Viagra is for a medical dysfunction.

Birth Control is a "life style" choice.

Erections Get Insurance; Why Not the Pill?

Birth Control Likely Won't Be Covered By Republican Healthcare Plan


Looks like Republicans have plans for the country. And I thought they were terribly restrictive and were going after people's right to have "fun".

Apparently not people's right to part tae.

They are opening up the New Year with a bang.

Who knew it was the Democrats who were the providential conservatives and it was the right wing that are "part tae" animals?

You go Evangelicals. I like everything except the incest. So just stay away from that and we will be OK!

Disgust, er, I mean, discuss.
Did you ever consider since Trump is so evil, he might decide to round up every leftist critter and have them all spayed and neutered? That would be the best thing since sliced bread.

You said:

round up every leftist critter and have them all spayed and neutered? That would be the best thing since sliced bread

Wow, you are one sick puppy filled with rage and hatred. Scary.

Do you have an armory?

What! You don't expect that kind of talk from trumpanzees?
This will be one of very few SoU speeches I've missed. I can't stand trump, and I refuse to listen to him reading like an stuttering seven year old for an hour-and-a-half.

Does anyone remember how righties use to rag non-stop on President Obama for using a teleprompter? Hell, trump can't give a five minute speech without having his ugly face glued to his teleprompter. It's the only the doosh can utter a coherent sentence.
It would be funny if something happened to the tele-prompter....he'd be stuck saying "I'm gonna build a wall!" and "get him out of here"
7 more years to go
Planning on skipping that pesky election in 2020?
Dems 2020: Eat the rich, fuck Americans.

Run with that
Fuk Americans? Republicans are already running with that.

Only progressive dimwits believe that sweety. So far trumps policies have helped more Americans, live better lives, in one year than all eight of obummers years years. obummers admin was only good for the rich and powerful. If you were middle class you watched your net worth drop for the first time in decades.
It's just sex
Wow, I never heard an Evangelical say that before.

That was the progressive mantra for bill clintons little sexcapades, which were legion, so I guess you just have to get used to it.
You mean the BJ?

So Clinton's BJ was worse than Trump balling a porn star four months before his son was born and after rolling off the porn star saying you remind me of my daughter?

And Republicans are positive they are the people with values and morals. No wonder they used sick children as a bargaining CHIP. They must have been raised by wolves.

I hope Trump talks about his moon and mars plans...He needs to promise to get us back to the moon within the next 2 years.

Build a goddamn colony!!!
Lets go to the moon and make Mexico pay for it!
Trumps wife is hot, Obamas is not
If Trump's wife were so hot, he wouldn't be balling a porn star four months before his son was born.

And apparently, he balled the porn star because she reminded him of his daughter, not his wife.

Republicans say "prove it". Well, I don't have to prove it. Not after $130,000.00

A payout that big proves it for me.
Trumps wife is hot, Obamas is not
If Trump's wife were so hot, he wouldn't be balling a porn star four months before his son was born.

And apparently, he balled the porn star because she reminded him of his daughter, not his wife.

Republicans say "prove it". Well, I don't have to prove it. Not after $130,000.00

A payout that big proves it for me.
It's just sex, you should try it, it will calm you down
At least Trumps not fucking them in the White House, like dirty Billy

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