I Can See Nov 2 From My Front Porch

Thanks to the Tea baggers....its not going to be as great a view as the republicans thought
I just wish that some of you red state people would get a job, and become self supporting so we blue staters did not have to support you.
Neither political party (Democrats or Republicans) are worth the powder it would take to blow them up. We need some new blood and somebody in office that cares about the American people and not just about getting re-elected or building a power base. I do believe the Democrats are going to be loosing a lot of seats and I just love it. However, the Republicans need to realize that they are gaining seats not because they are being welcomed with open arms but because the Democrats are getting essentially fired.
I just wish that some of you red state people would get a job, and become self supporting so we blue staters did not have to support you.

If you have such a problem with it then why do you keep voting for politicians who make you support them? Doesn't sound like a very logical thing to do. Sounds to me like the only person to blame is the one you see in the mirror every morning.
I just wish that some of you red state people would get a job, and become self supporting so we blue staters did not have to support you.

I forget are these states blue or red?


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