i can see this turning ugly

This is a graduate student in a social science program. "Diversity of thought" should be confined to emerging areas of treatment...not complete departures from the profession's standard of care.

When I was in my advanced degree program, I could have written a thesis that attacked the underpinings of a new law or case. I don't think I would have graduated if I wrote one claiming that judges don't need law degrees, or all jury members need not be human.
This is a graduate student in a social science program. "Diversity of thought" should be confined to emerging areas of treatment...not complete departures from the profession's standard of care.

When I was in my advanced degree program, I could have written a thesis that attacked the underpinings of a new law or case. I don't think I would have graduated if I wrote one claiming that judges don't need law degrees, or all jury members need not be human.

Why are you scared of my questions Madeline?
This is a graduate student in a social science program. "Diversity of thought" should be confined to emerging areas of treatment...not complete departures from the profession's standard of care.

When I was in my advanced degree program, I could have written a thesis that attacked the underpinings of a new law or case. I don't think I would have graduated if I wrote one claiming that judges don't need law degrees, or all jury members need not be human.

Who says Diversity of Thought should be squelched in such a way as to limit the freedom of thought? Is that your belief or someone else's?

Wow those two words "Diversity" and "Freedom" seem to mean similar things, yet in your case, you want to limit Diversity and those who defend Ms. Keeton want to expand freedom. One would think that an institute of higher education would be seeking to expand freedom of thought, not terminate it.

World Net Daily? :lol:

I guess I can post links to GLAAD, PFLAG, and the like to back up the validity of homosexuality?

I guess I can post links to NORML as an argument to legalize weeed?

No thanks, that's already been done.

World Net Daily is actually a pretty good little rag, as far as I can tell. They focus on Christian issues and write from a position of faith, but other than that I think the journalism is ok.

:lol::lol::lol::lol: True dat! My bird would love it.
if certain beliefs/actions are part of the groups ethics though why shouldn't she have to follow them to be accredited by the group even if they conflict with her religious belief?
Because schools do not have the right to force religous beliefs on or take away ones beliefs. This country was founded by christians, to say otherwise is a LIE. The founding forefathers knew that for Christianity to be excepted they had to protect the right of all religions. What this country, or certain groups or individuals, is doing is illegal according to the only documemt thaat matters, the Constitution of the United States of America.
Splatter, you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

You cannot prevent someone from getting a degree BASED ON THEIR RELIGION. There are lots of fucking counselors who are Christians.

And ps. There is no science involved in that degree.

Its not about her religion, its about the refusal to accept the facts.

She needs to know just like you can not get a degree in Anthropology if you insist the world was made in 7 days , you can not have a couseling degree if you are going to insist being gay is a crime. Its against the sceince of the field.
Problem is people do not beleive the truth in the bible. Fact is evolution has never been proven. It should not be taught in schools as fact, when it is nothing but a big lie. Being gay is not illegal, it is though a sin and condemnd in the bible in both old and new testaments.
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Splatter, you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

You cannot prevent someone from getting a degree BASED ON THEIR RELIGION. There are lots of fucking counselors who are Christians.

And ps. There is no science involved in that degree.

Christians can get the degree, but those whose beliefs go against the guidelines can't. Also her beliefes don't reflect all christians as most people now know that being gay ins't a choice and that transgender issues aren't just for druggies or sexually abused people
Being gay is a choice, nothing but a perverse sexual preferance, nothing more, period!!!!
Splatter, you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

You cannot prevent someone from getting a degree BASED ON THEIR RELIGION. There are lots of fucking counselors who are Christians.

And ps. There is no science involved in that degree.

Christians can get the degree, but those whose beliefs go against the guidelines can't. Also her beliefes don't reflect all christians as most people now know that being gay ins't a choice and that transgender issues aren't just for druggies or sexually abused people
Being gay is a choice, nothing but a perverse sexual preferance, nothing more, period!!!!

right and women are men's inferiors and should be subservient to them! the bible says so!
PS, I'm working on my Human SErvices Management degree...my best friend has a degree in psychology.

I have yet to see any fucking agreement where we are required to state we'll believe a certain way, and put aside our Christian beliefs.

And someone needs to smack whomever thinks Christians should be excluded from schools and degree programs based upon their religion need to admit they're fucking Nazi sympathizers, bigots, and deserve to have the shit knocked out of them. Regularly.

Calm down.

It has nothing to do with "believing" a certain way and everything to do with being able to fulfill the degree requirements and conduct their profession in a manner in accordance with their professions accepted standards.

Kindly point out where anyone things Christians should be excluded from schools and degree programs based on their religion? Get real!

Read the fucking thread, that's what it's about. And it is said, in this very thread, that Christians shouldn't enter into human service programs because their religion makes them unsuited.

Link please.

And a neg rep for telling me to calm down. Kiss my ass.

No thanks. You are not kissassworthy enough.
Do you ever stop lying?


how is he lying? the school doesn't deny Christians they just don't graduate people who don't fit in with their ethics system. I would hope that all professions/schools like this would have an ethics system that they are required to follow and don't just accredit anyone who comes through

And 'what if' the faculty were to change to a majority that agreed with the Christian girl? Then those who thought differently would be denied degrees?

Universities are supposed to encourage diversity of thought, not little soldiers hiding under the banner of 'ethics by majority.' Science? Not yet proven there's a gay gene or some chemical deal going on. Personally I think science hasn't discovered it yet. My opinion or the majority opinion though doesn't make it 'science.'

Even the school seems to recognize the science argument weak at best, thus they throw in wanting her writing skills to strengthen. Yet the school allowed her in based upon their criteria for grad students. So, their criteria are flawed? No GRE? Didn't vet her undergrad work? Unlikely.

Many people are admitted on the strength of their potential based on their GRE's, grade point averages, written statements, letters of recommendation. If her writing skills were weak, that alone wouldn't bar her, but if she did not show sufficient progress - that could be a mark against her.

Aside from that - the problem isn't her religion or religious views nor is it an unwillingness to entertain a diversity of thought - it's her inability or unwillingness to seperate her religious views from professional standards.

Someone else pointed out should a person who believed in faith healing over standard excepted practices be allowed to graduate with a medical degree?

When a patient see's a professional - whether it's a doctor, a social worker, a psychiatrist etc. they expect a certain level of agreement to an established set of ethics and best practices. If that isn't possible - what is the degree worth?
This is a graduate student in a social science program. "Diversity of thought" should be confined to emerging areas of treatment...not complete departures from the profession's standard of care.

When I was in my advanced degree program, I could have written a thesis that attacked the underpinings of a new law or case. I don't think I would have graduated if I wrote one claiming that judges don't need law degrees, or all jury members need not be human.

and how many years ago did the PDR list homosexuality as a mental disorder? Within that timeframe, there is no 'complete departures' from any such thing.
if certain beliefs/actions are part of the groups ethics though why shouldn't she have to follow them to be accredited by the group even if they conflict with her religious belief?

Read the First Amendment to the US Constitution.

okay and where does it say that private groups have to change their guidelines and rules to fit all religions in the world?
Splatter, you don't know what the hell you're talking about.

You cannot prevent someone from getting a degree BASED ON THEIR RELIGION. There are lots of fucking counselors who are Christians.

And ps. There is no science involved in that degree.

Its not about her religion, its about the refusal to accept the facts.

She needs to know just like you can not get a degree in Anthropology if you insist the world was made in 7 days , you can not have a couseling degree if you are going to insist being gay is a crime. Its against the sceince of the field.
Problem is people do not beleive the truth in the bible. Fact is evolution has never been proven. It should not be taught in schools as fact, when it is nothing but a big lie. Being gay is not illegal, it is though a sin and condemnd in the bible in both old and new testaments.

you fail on all levels

1) evolution is proven, abiogenisis is still being worked on
2) the bible doesn't say being gay is a sin, instead it says homosexual sex is
if certain beliefs/actions are part of the groups ethics though why shouldn't she have to follow them to be accredited by the group even if they conflict with her religious belief?
Because schools do not have the right to force religous beliefs on or take away ones beliefs. This country was founded by christians, to say otherwise is a LIE. The founding forefathers knew that for Christianity to be excepted they had to protect the right of all religions. What this country, or certain groups or individuals, is doing is illegal according to the only documemt thaat matters, the Constitution of the United States of America.

really? where does the constitution say that private groups must change their rules and ethics so that members of any and all religions must be accepted?
but its not brainwashing, its part of their guidelines as their beliefs about gays, etc don't align with her christian beliefs (although not all chritsians believe as her either)... I do agree with you that she should have left the school. I know that at least 1 christian school must have a counseling program and could also help her get a job at a christian based counseling place after graduation. that way should could have performed her eventual career without violating the guidelines of her degree and accreditation

I disagree with you, my friend.

They want to brainwash her so that they can graduate her.

That is what they mean by "remediation". They want to place her in their little camp and change her beliefs. They are supposed to teach not "re-educate" to their political way of thinking.


but what if she was becoming a doctor and didn't believe in modern science or was graduating in biology and was planning on teaching future students that evolution was fake? the profession has to hold its member to standards or how would you know who to trust?
Evilution is fake and a lie, I don't want my child taught it as fact.
I disagree with you, my friend.

They want to brainwash her so that they can graduate her.

That is what they mean by "remediation". They want to place her in their little camp and change her beliefs. They are supposed to teach not "re-educate" to their political way of thinking.


but what if she was becoming a doctor and didn't believe in modern science or was graduating in biology and was planning on teaching future students that evolution was fake? the profession has to hold its member to standards or how would you know who to trust?
Evilution is fake and a lie, I don't want my child taught it as fact.

are you just a troll? do you even know what evolution is?
but its not brainwashing, its part of their guidelines as their beliefs about gays, etc don't align with her christian beliefs (although not all chritsians believe as her either)... I do agree with you that she should have left the school. I know that at least 1 christian school must have a counseling program and could also help her get a job at a christian based counseling place after graduation. that way should could have performed her eventual career without violating the guidelines of her degree and accreditation

NO IT'S NOT, you fucking idiot.

Kindly link where it's a requirement of any degree to BELIEVE in any particular science. Or where you can have a degree denied to you based on your religion.

What a piece of shit you are.

1) its not based on her being christian. christians, like all other religions, are allowed to attend and graduate from the school. on top of that her "christian" vviews don't even fit in with accepted knowledge of many churhc members, especially in regards to being gay not being a choice, etc

2) you do have to believe in the professions code of ethics if you want to work int hat profession. see my previous post about doctors etc
Explain accepted knowledge? If you do not accept Jesus as the truth you belong to church that does not teach the truth, period. Otherwise a church that teaches a lie.
but what if she was becoming a doctor and didn't believe in modern science or was graduating in biology and was planning on teaching future students that evolution was fake? the profession has to hold its member to standards or how would you know who to trust?
Evilution is fake and a lie, I don't want my child taught it as fact.

are you just a troll? do you even know what evolution is?
Yeah, I know what evolution is. Do you know what truth is, I doubt it. Calling me names only proves your intellegance level.
NO IT'S NOT, you fucking idiot.

Kindly link where it's a requirement of any degree to BELIEVE in any particular science. Or where you can have a degree denied to you based on your religion.

What a piece of shit you are.

1) its not based on her being christian. christians, like all other religions, are allowed to attend and graduate from the school. on top of that her "christian" vviews don't even fit in with accepted knowledge of many churhc members, especially in regards to being gay not being a choice, etc

2) you do have to believe in the professions code of ethics if you want to work int hat profession. see my previous post about doctors etc
Explain accepted knowledge? If you do not accept Jesus as the truth you belong to church that does not teach the truth, period. Otherwise a church that teaches a lie.


please show me jesus said that homosexuality was curable and that people should work to revert people

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