I Can Smell The Blood


Platinum Member
Feb 20, 2015
I can and it's scent is very strong. Christian blood and Jewish blood. The blood of countries, Israeli Blood and American blood. The scent is there just try a whiff.
You can smell the blood as pressure rises.

America under manned and at it's lowest levels since WW2 HAS been and IS being set up. Our FAKE president will oversee some of greatest military losses in history. Why may you ask? Because he serves allah NOT our country and in order to serve allah proper he will direct war in such a way that we lose.

His war direction will serve a fold purpose.
1, He will demean and degrade Americans via the losses causing doubt to as if we were EVER that great.
2, He will hand Islamic history some of it's greatest recorded victories. So he gets HIS legacy.

He MIGHT be able to talk other democrats into suspending elections and IF you doubt that subject has never been brought up by democrats BEFORE or in RECENT history allow me to remind you of this.

So the idea has been out there a while, it's NOT gossip or rumor when an ELECTED member speaks of it in public and rather proudly.

We HAVE an islamic president folks, that's just FACT. And he is being a good little muslim as well. Democrats will CLAIM he converted to Christian BUT islamic faith ALLOWS him to LIE to further islam.

Even the person who "converted' him is questionable. The person who is credited with "converting him WAS also a "former" islamic preacher. You may remember him...

That's right our old buddy Rev. Wright "converted" him, but into what?
It's funny old Rev. Wright would bring up three democrat programs huh? Slavery and Reservations and Internment camps.

We are NOT being taken away from Israel so she stands alone BECAUSE Putin has ALREADY increased his imports from there AND offered them weapons. It IS being done so WE stand alone.

US may lift diplomatic shield for Israel at UN - Yahoo News

Obozo can do a lot in the next 20 months and IF Perdue AND Democrats have THEIR way far longer then that. Obama is in line to be the most productive PRO-Islamic leader in recorded history. And Hillary? The most deadly tyrant the world has ever KNOWN.

There's a lot more Islamic than Christian or Jewish blood being shed these days. You're crying "wolf".
I can smell the RW conjecture that's for sure.
Conjecture? Can you DISPROVE the statements by Perdue AND Wright? Of course not. Can you disprove history? Of course not.
BUT the islamics AND the democrats have often TRIED to RE-write history.

Even your OWN comment backs what I say and you know how? Because YOU being UNABLE to bring FACT supply STUPID instead thinking it's equal.
And Hillary? The most deadly tyrant the world has ever KNOWN.

really, what years was she the tyrant in power of a nation as it's leader???
And Hillary? The most deadly tyrant the world has ever KNOWN.

really, what years was she the tyrant in power of a nation as it's leader???
If and I say IF you were able to read you would note THAT is a prediction.
Also note PREDICTION is what may well be the future. Kind of like when other members HERE predicted you would become a drooling mindless idiot.
So one case PROVEN right and the other still possible.
And Hillary? The most deadly tyrant the world has ever KNOWN.

really, what years was she the tyrant in power of a nation as it's leader???
If and I say IF you were able to read you would note THAT is a prediction.
Also note PREDICTION is what may well be the future. Kind of like when other members HERE predicted you would become a drooling mindless idiot.
So one case PROVEN right and the other still possible.
I was an idiot before you were....
I can and it's scent is very strong. Christian blood and Jewish blood. The blood of countries, Israeli Blood and American blood. The scent is there just try a whiff.
You can smell the blood as pressure rises.

America under manned and at it's lowest levels since WW2 HAS been and IS being set up. Our FAKE president will oversee some of greatest military losses in history. Why may you ask? Because he serves allah NOT our country and in order to serve allah proper he will direct war in such a way that we lose.

His war direction will serve a fold purpose.
1, He will demean and degrade Americans via the losses causing doubt to as if we were EVER that great.
2, He will hand Islamic history some of it's greatest recorded victories. So he gets HIS legacy.

He MIGHT be able to talk other democrats into suspending elections and IF you doubt that subject has never been brought up by democrats BEFORE or in RECENT history allow me to remind you of this.

So the idea has been out there a while, it's NOT gossip or rumor when an ELECTED member speaks of it in public and rather proudly.

We HAVE an islamic president folks, that's just FACT. And he is being a good little muslim as well. Democrats will CLAIM he converted to Christian BUT islamic faith ALLOWS him to LIE to further islam.

Even the person who "converted' him is questionable. The person who is credited with "converting him WAS also a "former" islamic preacher. You may remember him...

That's right our old buddy Rev. Wright "converted" him, but into what?
It's funny old Rev. Wright would bring up three democrat programs huh? Slavery and Reservations and Internment camps.

We are NOT being taken away from Israel so she stands alone BECAUSE Putin has ALREADY increased his imports from there AND offered them weapons. It IS being done so WE stand alone.

US may lift diplomatic shield for Israel at UN - Yahoo News

Obozo can do a lot in the next 20 months and IF Perdue AND Democrats have THEIR way far longer then that. Obama is in line to be the most productive PRO-Islamic leader in recorded history. And Hillary? The most deadly tyrant the world has ever KNOWN.

Yo, you nailed it! This has been my thought for the longest time! If you ever get a chance to hear Obama say Taliban You will know where I`m coming from! It don`t matter which Muslim words, but Taliban is distinctive!!! People, this is FACT, you better wake up! You notice Obama is moving fast?

He just took Iran and Hamas off the terrorist list? Can you answer that question? Why would he do that? He is given these terrorist the go ahead and takeout Israel!!!!
"YOU BETTER WAKE UP PEOPLE" because Israel is not going down without a really good "Worldwide" fight!!!

And if you think you will not be involved? Think again!!!


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