I Can Tell You All About the Houston Shooter

Havent read or heard a thing other than the shooting happened.

But it's a male(s), feels like a victim, does not pray everyday and rarely if ever attends church, father is gone or not part of his life, lives in a middle to high income home, is a known problem that was ignored by the school and police, .... I'm sure more will surface later.

Once again, my father took his rifle to school frequently to go rabbit hunting afterwards as did his friends. So what's changed in society?

The belief we are not created in the image of God, we are less significant than moss growing on a rock, and there is no meaning or purpose in life. Mass shootings in schools began with the Waco bell tower. Just a few years prior prayer was removed from schools and the propaganda of humans being worthless began.
Totally irrelevant. 8 lives is a small price as we head towards 500 million guns in the country. Thoughts and prayers!
The truth is always irrelevant to liberals.
^ hasn’t even sent thoughts and prayers

You want to make this about the gun?

What I have read is there were also explosive devices which mean bombs, so had he used them then the casualties would be higher!

In the end the invidual is the issue and not the weapon because let say you can ban firearms those like that kid would have went the bomb route, and that is the sad reality...

Also for everyone remarking on this at this point we as a society should wait until all evidence is gathered and then pass judgment, but alas I know better!
This is why I’ve long advocated against bomb laws. Bad guys will just get them anyways.
Lying and trolling in two sentences! Excellent regressive!
Havent read or heard a thing other than the shooting happened.

But it's a male(s), feels like a victim, does not pray everyday and rarely if ever attends church, father is gone or not part of his life, lives in a middle to high income home, is a known problem that was ignored by the school and police, .... I'm sure more will surface later.

Once again, my father took his rifle to school frequently to go rabbit hunting afterwards as did his friends. So what's changed in society?

The belief we are not created in the image of God, we are less significant than moss growing on a rock, and there is no meaning or purpose in life. Mass shootings in schools began with the Waco bell tower. Just a few years prior prayer was removed from schools and the propaganda of humans being worthless began.

But it’s a male(s), feels like a victim, does not pray everyday and rarely if ever attends church, father is gone or not part of his life, lives in a middle to high income home…
Describes most of the people here…

A better path forward would likely be periodic mandatory counseling between parents/guardians and kids at the school once or twice a year with the principal, child’s teacher, or guidance counselor. Just to see “where the kid is at” on the parent’s radar. Like if the kid is flunking literature, the parents will be made aware of it. If the kid has disciplinary problems, the parents will be made aware of it, if the kid has no positive role model or exposure to a female or male influence; the teacher is made aware of it.

Couple that with teacher observations. Take Johnny or Jenny’s teachers and have their teachers rate their personality wholeness (basically how well rounded they appear to be) on a scale of 1-5; 5 being the kid who is well liked, involved, and 1 being the kid who is withdrawn. Do that 3-5 times a year.

Finally, once in a while during the standardized tests, have kids anonymously rate their classmates the same way based on their interactions.

Right now, the data point(s) that are seen are like stars in the cosmos. The guidance counselor sees one disturbing thing over here, mom sees a disturbing tick over there and his girlfriend notices there is something strange about Johnny lately. Perhaps nothing happens; perhaps you get some feedback that opens the doors to understanding and commonality of feeling alone, rejected, and bullied. But one thing that can be remedied is the “he seemed fine” mantra. When you know there is a problem, you can remedy it.
Totally irrelevant. 8 lives is a small price as we head towards 500 million guns in the country. Thoughts and prayers!
The truth is always irrelevant to liberals.
^ hasn’t even sent thoughts and prayers

You want to make this about the gun?

What I have read is there were also explosive devices which mean bombs, so had he used them then the casualties would be higher!

In the end the invidual is the issue and not the weapon because let say you can ban firearms those like that kid would have went the bomb route, and that is the sad reality...

Also for everyone remarking on this at this point we as a society should wait until all evidence is gathered and then pass judgment, but alas I know better!
This is why I’ve long advocated against bomb laws. Bad guys will just get them anyways.
Lying and trolling in two sentences! Excellent regressive!
^ typical liberal nonsense
Havent read or heard a thing other than the shooting happened.

But it's a male(s), feels like a victim, does not pray everyday and rarely if ever attends church, father is gone or not part of his life, lives in a middle to high income home, is a known problem that was ignored by the school and police, .... I'm sure more will surface later.

Once again, my father took his rifle to school frequently to go rabbit hunting afterwards as did his friends. So what's changed in society?

The belief we are not created in the image of God, we are less significant than moss growing on a rock, and there is no meaning or purpose in life. Mass shootings in schools began with the Waco bell tower. Just a few years prior prayer was removed from schools and the propaganda of humans being worthless began.
Totally irrelevant. 8 lives is a small price as we head towards 500 million guns in the country. Thoughts and prayers!
The truth is always irrelevant to liberals.
^ hasn’t even sent thoughts and prayers

You want to make this about the gun?

What I have read is there were also explosive devices which mean bombs, so had he used them then the casualties would be higher!

In the end the invidual is the issue and not the weapon because let say you can ban firearms those like that kid would have went the bomb route, and that is the sad reality...

Also for everyone remarking on this at this point we as a society should wait until all evidence is gathered and then pass judgment, but alas I know better!
This is why I’ve long advocated against bomb laws. Bad guys will just get them anyways.

Right, you find it funny that kids die because of a sick weirdo, got it!

Also let be factual the report I read on NPR said the weapon of choice was a shotgun and now you will want shotguns banned, right?

The reality is monsters kill but dead kids make those like you happy because it help you with your beat of the drum to ban firearms, but those like me know better and it will not stop monsters...

Best thing to do is stop humans from breeding unless they have a license from the government...

That would go further at preventing mass murder...
Havent read or heard a thing other than the shooting happened.

But it's a male(s), feels like a victim, does not pray everyday and rarely if ever attends church, father is gone or not part of his life, lives in a middle to high income home, is a known problem that was ignored by the school and police, .... I'm sure more will surface later.

Once again, my father took his rifle to school frequently to go rabbit hunting afterwards as did his friends. So what's changed in society?

The belief we are not created in the image of God, we are less significant than moss growing on a rock, and there is no meaning or purpose in life. Mass shootings in schools began with the Waco bell tower. Just a few years prior prayer was removed from schools and the propaganda of humans being worthless began.
Religious gobbledygook.
Facts are facts. If you wish to propose an alternative theory on what's changed in society please do.
Religion has always been teaching lowliness and the slightest fun and you are going to hell. Evolutionary theory at least teaches a free individual.

Your lack of education on the topic is common among mass murderers and fuels the hate required to carry it out.
My daughter was very popular in high school. She learned from her mom and dad to be nice to people. If one of her group tried to pick on or make fun of or whatever someone else she would stop them with”I don’t do that and the people who hang with me don’t do it either”
That’s all it really takes. Don’t bother the downtrodden, even uplift them if you can
Second in all of these cases is the parents. I’ve been one. I consider it extreme lack of attention where all these parents are blubbering later that they had no clue. Be involved and you will have all the clues you need.
Totally irrelevant. 8 lives is a small price as we head towards 500 million guns in the country. Thoughts and prayers!
The truth is always irrelevant to liberals.
^ hasn’t even sent thoughts and prayers

You want to make this about the gun?

What I have read is there were also explosive devices which mean bombs, so had he used them then the casualties would be higher!

In the end the invidual is the issue and not the weapon because let say you can ban firearms those like that kid would have went the bomb route, and that is the sad reality...

Also for everyone remarking on this at this point we as a society should wait until all evidence is gathered and then pass judgment, but alas I know better!
This is why I’ve long advocated against bomb laws. Bad guys will just get them anyways.

Right, you find it funny that kids die because of a sick weirdo, got it!

Also let be factual the report I read on NPR said the weapon of choice was a shotgun and now you will want shotguns banned, right?

The reality is monsters kill but dead kids make those like you happy because it help you with your beat of the drum to ban firearms, but those like me know better and it will not stop monsters...

Best thing to do is stop humans from breeding unless they have a license from the government...

That would go further at preventing mass murder...
You are about to sell a ton of guns on the massacre of these dead kids. So go fuck yourself with your high horse bullshit, you disgusting piece of filth. No doubt you’ll be attacking the survivors soon like you did with Parkland. You are subhuman trash, and the world will be a better place when you’re gone.
How did I know the left would jump in attacking the OP while being incapable of providing any alternate root causes?
The truth is always irrelevant to liberals.
^ hasn’t even sent thoughts and prayers

You want to make this about the gun?

What I have read is there were also explosive devices which mean bombs, so had he used them then the casualties would be higher!

In the end the invidual is the issue and not the weapon because let say you can ban firearms those like that kid would have went the bomb route, and that is the sad reality...

Also for everyone remarking on this at this point we as a society should wait until all evidence is gathered and then pass judgment, but alas I know better!
This is why I’ve long advocated against bomb laws. Bad guys will just get them anyways.

Right, you find it funny that kids die because of a sick weirdo, got it!

Also let be factual the report I read on NPR said the weapon of choice was a shotgun and now you will want shotguns banned, right?

The reality is monsters kill but dead kids make those like you happy because it help you with your beat of the drum to ban firearms, but those like me know better and it will not stop monsters...

Best thing to do is stop humans from breeding unless they have a license from the government...

That would go further at preventing mass murder...
You are about to sell a ton of guns on the massacre of these dead kids. So go fuck yourself with your high horse bullshit, you disgusting piece of filth. No doubt you’ll be attacking the survivors soon like you did with Parkland. You are subhuman trash, and the world will be a better place when you’re gone.
Yep, you have the hate typical of mass murderers.

The belief we are not created in the image of God, we are less significant than moss growing on a rock, and there is no meaning or purpose in life. Mass shootings in schools began with the Waco bell tower. Just a few years prior prayer was removed from schools and the propaganda of humans being worthless began.
By "Waco bell tower," I believe you're referring to the Tower at the University of Texas at Austin. But everything else you've said is right on.
New Atheists are designing, deceptive, and dishonest people who are determined to control what all children are taught. Is the Bible dangerous for children? Has the First Amendment been repealed? Where is all the outrage at such a dangerous, disastrous, and deadly
Totally irrelevant. 8 lives is a small price as we head towards 500 million guns in the country. Thoughts and prayers!
The truth is always irrelevant to liberals.
^ hasn’t even sent thoughts and prayers

You want to make this about the gun?

What I have read is there were also explosive devices which mean bombs, so had he used them then the casualties would be higher!

In the end the invidual is the issue and not the weapon because let say you can ban firearms those like that kid would have went the bomb route, and that is the sad reality...

Also for everyone remarking on this at this point we as a society should wait until all evidence is gathered and then pass judgment, but alas I know better!
This is why I’ve long advocated against bomb laws. Bad guys will just get them anyways.

Right, you find it funny that kids die because of a sick weirdo, got it!

Also let be factual the report I read on NPR said the weapon of choice was a shotgun and now you will want shotguns banned, right?

The reality is monsters kill but dead kids make those like you happy because it help you with your beat of the drum to ban firearms, but those like me know better and it will not stop monsters...

Best thing to do is stop humans from breeding unless they have a license from the government...

That would go further at preventing mass murder...

But you are all for ABORTIONS those are kids you care less for cause why they can't talk yet right. Clump of cells.

Guns don't kill people lunatics on prescribed meds who practice satanic religions kill people the kid was into Satanic chit stooge.

Yeah this was a REAL BIBLE THUMPER here let me tell you.


My daughter was very popular in high school. She learned from her mom and dad to be nice to people. If one of her group tried to pick on or make fun of or whatever someone else she would stop them with”I don’t do that and the people who hang with me don’t do it either”
That’s all it really takes. Don’t bother the downtrodden, even uplift them if you can
Second in all of these cases is the parents. I’ve been one. I consider it extreme lack of attention where all these parents are blubbering later that they had no clue. Be involved and you will have all the clues you need.


These mass shootings involving kids doing the killings falls on the parent and the failure of the parent!

How the hell do they not know their kid is carrying a firearm to school or bombs?


So the parent is the failure here and their denial about how they never knew, well if true then they were neglectful parents thay should never be allow to breed again!
How did I know the left would jump in attacking the OP while being incapable of providing any alternate root causes?

BC they are all ..n . assholes who think alike, act alike, would kill etc, etc......

they are all your
and omg hate those who believe in God watch them in action


Report was he is Greek Orthodox of religion. 17 years old/young. Used an AR type firearm, also called an assault rifle due to its closeness to the M16. That is why it appeals to these sorry, frustrated fringe males. They would buy the fully military weapon, but for some reason that is not for sale in firearms stores.
No info on why, but what "why" could there ever be?
A deep sickness has penetrated what passes for a U.S. culture.

Used an AR type firearm, also called an assault rifle due to its closeness to the M16.

and also had a shotgun, a handgun, and planted explosives in the area.
New Atheists are designing, deceptive, and dishonest people who are determined to control what all children are taught. Is the Bible dangerous for children? Has the First Amendment been repealed? Where is all the outrage at such a dangerous, disastrous, and deadly
The truth is always irrelevant to liberals.
^ hasn’t even sent thoughts and prayers

You want to make this about the gun?

What I have read is there were also explosive devices which mean bombs, so had he used them then the casualties would be higher!

In the end the invidual is the issue and not the weapon because let say you can ban firearms those like that kid would have went the bomb route, and that is the sad reality...

Also for everyone remarking on this at this point we as a society should wait until all evidence is gathered and then pass judgment, but alas I know better!
This is why I’ve long advocated against bomb laws. Bad guys will just get them anyways.

Right, you find it funny that kids die because of a sick weirdo, got it!

Also let be factual the report I read on NPR said the weapon of choice was a shotgun and now you will want shotguns banned, right?

The reality is monsters kill but dead kids make those like you happy because it help you with your beat of the drum to ban firearms, but those like me know better and it will not stop monsters...

Best thing to do is stop humans from breeding unless they have a license from the government...

That would go further at preventing mass murder...

But you are all for ABORTIONS those are kids you care less for cause why they can't talk yet right. Clump of cells.

Guns don't kill people lunatics on prescribed meds who practice satanic religions kill people the kid was into Satanic chit stooge.

Yeah this was a REAL BIBLE THUMPER here let me tell you.

View attachment 194172

View attachment 194170

I would have a kid aborted than raised by parents that allow them to shoot up a school...

I support your right to bear arms and so what is your issue again?
^ hasn’t even sent thoughts and prayers

You want to make this about the gun?

What I have read is there were also explosive devices which mean bombs, so had he used them then the casualties would be higher!

In the end the invidual is the issue and not the weapon because let say you can ban firearms those like that kid would have went the bomb route, and that is the sad reality...

Also for everyone remarking on this at this point we as a society should wait until all evidence is gathered and then pass judgment, but alas I know better!
This is why I’ve long advocated against bomb laws. Bad guys will just get them anyways.

Right, you find it funny that kids die because of a sick weirdo, got it!

Also let be factual the report I read on NPR said the weapon of choice was a shotgun and now you will want shotguns banned, right?

The reality is monsters kill but dead kids make those like you happy because it help you with your beat of the drum to ban firearms, but those like me know better and it will not stop monsters...

Best thing to do is stop humans from breeding unless they have a license from the government...

That would go further at preventing mass murder...
You are about to sell a ton of guns on the massacre of these dead kids. So go fuck yourself with your high horse bullshit, you disgusting piece of filth. No doubt you’ll be attacking the survivors soon like you did with Parkland. You are subhuman trash, and the world will be a better place when you’re gone.
Yep, you have the hate typical of mass murderers.
A lie, of course. But those who do can rest easy knowing there are people like you out there fighting for them to be able to get as many weapons as they want, as easily as possible.
Report was he is Greek Orthodox of religion. 17 years old/young. Used an AR type firearm, also called an assault rifle due to its closeness to the M16. That is why it appeals to these sorry, frustrated fringe males. They would buy the fully military weapon, but for some reason that is not for sale in firearms stores.
No info on why, but what "why" could there ever be?
A deep sickness has penetrated what passes for a U.S. culture.

Used an AR type firearm, also called an assault rifle due to its closeness to the M16.

and also had a shotgun, a handgun, and planted explosives in the area.

They see AR-15 and leave out the other weapons and explosives.

This is an act of terror by a domestic nutter...
Havent read or heard a thing other than the shooting happened.

But it's a male(s), feels like a victim, does not pray everyday and rarely if ever attends church, father is gone or not part of his life, lives in a middle to high income home, is a known problem that was ignored by the school and police, .... I'm sure more will surface later.

Once again, my father took his rifle to school frequently to go rabbit hunting afterwards as did his friends. So what's changed in society?

The belief we are not created in the image of God, we are less significant than moss growing on a rock, and there is no meaning or purpose in life. Mass shootings in schools began with the Waco bell tower. Just a few years prior prayer was removed from schools and the propaganda of humans being worthless began.
Totally irrelevant. 8 lives is a small price as we head towards 500 million guns in the country. Thoughts and prayers!

Considering Americans use their legal guns 2.4 million times a year to stop rapists, robbers and killers, many times killers like this......you can see which number is bigger...unless you want those people raped, robbed and murdered instead?

And as more Americans own and carry guns..our crime rates have gone down, not up as lives are saved....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in 1997...to close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
Report was he is Greek Orthodox of religion. 17 years old/young. Used an AR type firearm, also called an assault rifle due to its closeness to the M16. That is why it appeals to these sorry, frustrated fringe males. They would buy the fully military weapon, but for some reason that is not for sale in firearms stores.
No info on why, but what "why" could there ever be?
A deep sickness has penetrated what passes for a U.S. culture.

Wrong...just heard the Gov. .... he used a shotgun and a .38 revolver...
Report was he is Greek Orthodox of religion. 17 years old/young. Used an AR type firearm, also called an assault rifle due to its closeness to the M16. That is why it appeals to these sorry, frustrated fringe males. They would buy the fully military weapon, but for some reason that is not for sale in firearms stores.
No info on why, but what "why" could there ever be?
A deep sickness has penetrated what passes for a U.S. culture.

Wrong...shotgun and .38 revolver.....guess that ruins your day....right

10 Dead in Santa Fe, Texas, School Shooting; Suspect Used Shotgun and Revolver

He used a shotgun and a .38 revolver, Gov. Greg Abbott of Texas said at a news conference.

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