I cannot work up any enthusiam for this board....seems to have changed from the way it used to be.

I find it exceedingly boring now.
I see it happen to places all the time when liberalism takes over a place and they no longer care nor discriminate between good members and bad, good topics and poor, the quality of posts or threads much less the people so long as everyone follows a bunch of arcane, nonsensical rules that are arbitrary, vague, contradictory, with no focus towards attracting, encouraging nor rewarding better members, threads, topics, posts, writing, or contributions over the drivel we have now.

And don't bother talking about it because all you get back are lame rationalizations and smarmy replies. In five years, I've watched the collective IQ of this board go from about 120 down to 90, and the idiots are taking over. When "anything goes," the good get going and all you are left with are the refuse.

If this were a government, I'd say it might be time for a coup d'etat and get us some new and better leaders.
I find it exceedingly boring now.
Perfectly understandable it has been penetrated by professional ideologues who get paid to post talking points and argue down common sense when it's presented from the other side.
That type of strategy manages to funnel all of the information into a very narrow channel of vituperative dialogue that gets tired very quickly.
I see it happen to places all the time when liberalism takes over a place and they no longer care nor discriminate between good members and bad, good topics and poor, the quality of posts or threads much less the people so long as everyone follows a bunch of arcane, nonsensical rules that are arbitrary, vague, contradictory, with no focus towards attracting, encouraging nor rewarding better members, threads, topics, posts, writing, or contributions over the drivel we have now.

And don't bother talking about it because all you get back are lame rationalizations and smarmy replies. In five years, I've watched the collective IQ of this board go from about 120 down to 90, and the idiots are taking over. When "anything goes," the good get going and all you are left with are the refuse.

If this were a government, I'd say it might be time for a coup d'etat and get us some new and better leaders.
Outstanding analysis of the current situation here.
Fits both parties. I got banned from a far right forum for criticizing Trump's hiring of Barr back when it took place.
They really banned you for an opinion?

I would never do that as a Moderator to anyone it would simply be a serious break of free speech.

Unless you argued with a Moderator badly?
I see it happen to places all the time when liberalism takes over a place and they no longer care nor discriminate between good members and bad, good topics and poor, the quality of posts or threads much less the people so long as everyone follows a bunch of arcane, nonsensical rules that are arbitrary, vague, contradictory, with no focus towards attracting, encouraging nor rewarding better members, threads, topics, posts, writing, or contributions over the drivel we have now.

And don't bother talking about it because all you get back are lame rationalizations and smarmy replies. In five years, I've watched the collective IQ of this board go from about 120 down to 90, and the idiots are taking over. When "anything goes," the good get going and all you are left with are the refuse.

If this were a government, I'd say it might be time for a coup d'etat and get us some new and better leaders.
Irony can be pretty ironic
I find it exceedingly boring now.
Agreed. Sadly, the same kooks telling the same stories and never ever making any sense. Too many BIG LIES. I spent most of my time on the computer checking in and then playing chess on line.
Do you people usually come together on a thread to self-masturbate in a circle?

Because wow, you're giving each other great reaction scores!

I thought I started this shit on the INH threads. But now it's become a circle-jerk. Wacking each other off!
They really banned you for an opinion?

I would never do that as a Moderator to anyone it would simply be a serious break of free speech.

Unless you argued with a Moderator badly?
The sad fact is some boards who really believe they are conservative have no respect for free speech....i have pointed out many times that it is easier to get banned from a conservative board than from a liberal one.

Though I am a conservative I have been banned from all of the conservative boards even the one ran by a member of this board.

I attempted to initiate a conversation with her but apparantly she will not communicate unless it is on her board where she permanently bans anyone that dares disagree with her.

Are you listeining trinnity...hehheh.
I've been banned a few times. The mods here don't give a shit, as long as you don't threaten someone. Oh wait... that's not true...

The mods don't care as long as you are popular. You can say and threaten whatever the fuck you want. They don't give a shit.

But if you're not pop, be careful... Because they'll ban you for saying the truth.

That being said, I guess I'm gone for a few weeks...
Relentless, pathological denial of the 2020 presidential election results with no credible evidence - no suspects, no explanation as to how the vast imaginary scam was achieved, no proof of fraud anywhere - to justify any litigation makes for a Big Lie being pulled from a Cry Baby Loser's butt and incessant whining ensuing - not the stuff of sprightly discourse and engaging dialectic.
The sad fact is some boards who really believe they are conservative have no respect for free speech....i have pointed out many times that it is easier to get banned from a conservative board than from a liberal one.

Though I am a conservative I have been banned from all of the conservative boards even the one ran by a member of this board.

I attempted to initiate a conversation with her but apparantly she will not communicate unless it is on her board where she permanently bans anyone that dares disagree with her.

Are you listeining trinnity...hehheh.
The RINOs of Trumpery are foisting an authoritarian, big, intrusive, statism upon the nation - antithetical to conservative restraint, free-market autonomy, local governance. and individual freedom. The autocratic pols and bureaucrats are arrogating control of everything.
LOL....You could start a thread about washing socks and the TDS crowd would turn it into being about Trump. :laughing0301:

Or the rumpsters will make it about rump and tds defending their Orange Deity Blob.
The sad fact is some boards who really believe they are conservative have no respect for free speech....i have pointed out many times that it is easier to get banned from a conservative board than from a liberal one.

Though I am a conservative I have been banned from all of the conservative boards even the one ran by a member of this board.

I attempted to initiate a conversation with her but apparantly she will not communicate unless it is on her board where she permanently bans anyone that dares disagree with her.

Are you listeining trinnity...hehheh.

I don't see Trinnity as a moderator in the forum meanwhile I have long learned that hearsay claims isn't worth my trouble to ponder over.

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