I cannot work up any enthusiam for this board....seems to have changed from the way it used to be.

I still have no idea what went one between you and her which I keep telling you over and over you seeking redemption or something?

I have no problems with nearly ALL moderators in all the forums except one at one forum who was later demoted for incompetence which I kept my mouth shut at that forum.

I respect moderators everywhere I go which is why I am never in big trouble with them an idea too few here doesn't care to follow through.

I apologized to Trinnity for my error which she had nicely warned me about through the PM.

You should let it go.
Oh I will continue to go there off and on ....thought not that often.

The board has potential but they need a new owner....Trinnity simply does not know how to run a board.

I like to needle the alleged conservaties on there and I have had several scoops on there.....aka...predicting the pandemic and the loss of Trump which also got me banned.....in the Beginning Trinnity and me were friends....I helped her get the board going and then she lost her way.

One big problem she has is a fear of big brother....uderstandable though.

Thus she will allow no honest discussion of racial matters.
I think both of you needs to be banned, stripped, tied to chairs, water boarded, shipped to Gitmo and held for the next 20 some odd years.
You sound like Trinnity.....could it be? hehheh
I was perma banned as

That you have no problems with Trinnity speaks volumes.

I was permabanned with the sn PanamaJack

vBulletin Message​

You have been banned for the following reason:
No reason was specified.
Date the ban will be lifted: Never

That board has the same problem as most other boards: they cater way too much to ideologues and spammers, each with their own Thought Police and PC Nazis spamming threads with idiotic bullshit based on nothing to do with real life. Absolutists are all morons, regardless of left or right wing rubbish.
Only the boring find things boring.

Pro-Tip: Don't be boring. Make your own games.
More right-leaning boards are "dying" due to wokeness brought on by changes in site ownership....Well more of the fear of their core businesses being affected by it.

This one seems to be the exception. Each "side" is able to gore each other's ox with equal enthusiasm. :)
I came here from a far-right gun board because every time a liberal said something the mods didn't like they gave them a lifetime ban. That site was completely boring. Most threads were just one or two guys doing a full copy/paste of some recent news article.

To be interesting, a forum needs opposites and heated debate.
I came here from a far-right gun board because every time a liberal said something the mods didn't like they gave them a lifetime ban. That site was completely boring. Most threads were just one or two guys doing a full copy/paste of some recent news article.

To be interesting, a forum needs opposites and heated debate.
Same here.
Only because destroying Biden was exceedingly easy.

Dunking on him now just feels like elder abuse.

He's just faking, knowing he might get indicted later on for his extortion rackets and embezzlements, like most of the DNC; he's copying that New York City mobster's scam of pretending to be mentally ill n stuff. It worked for Saint Ronald of Reagan, too, when he got caught running interference for dealing with terrorist gangs and flunkies running dope and gun rackets.

"Uh ... Uh ... I can't remember nuttin'; I gots me some Alzheimers all of a sudden!!!! Just ask this doc I just paid a couple hundred grand!!!" lol lol lol lamest fraud ever.
Oh I will continue to go there off and on ....thought not that often.

The board has potential but they need a new owner....Trinnity simply does not know how to run a board.

I like to needle the alleged conservaties on there and I have had several scoops on there.....aka...predicting the pandemic and the loss of Trump which also got me banned.....in the Beginning Trinnity and me were friends....I helped her get the board going and then she lost her way.

One big problem she has is a fear of big brother....uderstandable though.

Thus she will allow no honest discussion of racial matters.
Never had a prob with her. I actually like her. I just don't much care for some of the members, and...it wasn't "home" like this place used to be. I rarely post anywhere anymore for the reason stated above. Too many corny thread by the same person talking to herself while the majority ignore her childish crap. Gets tiresome. Plus...just not so much in to bickering and arguing differing viewpoints with the same o same o topics. Yawn. Nobody is going to change anyone elses mind so why bother? Still...its nice to know this place is here if I ever get back to the mood of being a prolific poster as I once was.

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