‘I Can’t Believe What I’m Seeing – This is a Coup’ – Registered Democrat and Poll Watcher Details Corruption at Philly Vote Counting Center (VIDEO)


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
If you had any doubts previously, this should end them. This election is being stolen:

A registered Democrat and poll watcher at the Philadelphia Convention Center overseeing ballot counters detailed corruption at the highest levels in the city of Philadelphia.
“They will not allow us within 30 to 100 feet to supervise the ballots being counted,” poll watcher Brian Mchafferty said. “This is a coup against the President of the United States of America and I want to call out the Mayor of Philadelphia, James Kenny…the Attorney General Josh Shapiro who tweeted that there was no way that Donald Trump would win president of the United States of America….”
He continued, “I can’t believe what I’m seeing right before my eyes. This has nothing to do with Joe Biden or Donald Trump. This has to do with our democracy and I will tell you, there is corruption at the highest levels in the city of Philadelphia.”
President Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani, who is in Philly fighting the corruption, is aware of this shocking video from a Philly poll watcher.
So...he is calling it a coup because they won’t allow them closer than 30 feet of the ballots being counted? That is it?
I thought machines count the votes, not humans?

Where is this fraud that Trump has been talking about and seeding in your Trumper souls, months before the election even began?
The Trump supporter meltdown is hilarious.

Nobody cares what gatewaypundit says. Keep crying about it though.
The Trump supporter meltdown is hilarious.

Nobody cares what gatewaypundit says. Keep crying about it though.
This isn't a "Trump meltdown " as you ignorantly put it. It's being concerned about voter fraud and chaos, which should concern EVERYONE, except the ones who are involved. When Obama ran and won, I didn't fuss too much. I knew there was fraud, but I also knew that was the biggest black person turnout, based on what he is (which is ridiculous, but anyways) . Acorn had already been called out (nothing done about it...as usual) , but with THIS election, things don't add up. Biden's rallies were pathetically low in turn out (heck, 1 lady stood there waving a Trump flag? ) and videos of bold-ass people ACTUALLY showing fraud. Videos of mail being dumped on the sides of apartment buildings...etc. (and if those weren't ballots, that shit was STILL ILLEGAL...but hey, if it wasn't YOUR MAIL, so what? ) Ballots coming through the door AFTER the deadline with no postmark, not even a stamp...so, all of a sudden the rules get bent just "because "? Ballots that only have the President marked only and nothing else? ....too much fraud, chaos in this election to suit me and many others...if it was run properly, then fine. We all knew something like this was going to happen and the one's to blame are Biden cronies. He'll throw them under the bus, IF anything becomes of this...if nothing does, hmmmmm.....:eusa_think:
Demoquacks spent years claiming voter fraud is a myth.... but here we are.....

Lol bunch of clowns, this isn't 1920's Chicago....or 1960's Kennedy
The Trump supporter meltdown is hilarious.

Nobody cares what gatewaypundit says. Keep crying about it though.
You and all your leftwing moron friends are not "everybody."

You're naive if you think your gateway pundit source is going to amount to anything.

Keep crying for me. It's entertaining to watch.
We understand that you don't care if criminals stuff the ballot boxes so long as they stuff it the way you want.
It's coherent honey...and you read every...single...word....it's way past your bedtime.

The same way a toddler throwing a temper tantrum is coherent.

Go ahead and keep whining for me. You're still not getting what you want. The American people already told you no.
WAAA..they are stealing the election..waaa..there is fraud everywhere..waaa...the democrats are cheating...waaa. Who are the snowflakes now.
It's coherent honey...and you read every...single...word....it's way past your bedtime.

The same way a toddler throwing a temper tantrum is coherent.

Go ahead and keep whining for me. You're still not getting what you want. The American people already told you no.

Yeah, as if I will honor the vote of the undead.

You can go now.

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