I Can't Do It Anymore...

I think that the pro-Palestinian, anti-Jew protests have really emboldened the Muslims. They feel they’re making strong headway into taking over America, so now they scream across the aisles of the department store in Arabic to each other.

Yes, I was out shopping today. Jew-hating Muslims everywhere, inclsuing the staff. The majority of them want me dead.
I caught a bit of the kids from Ivy League schools testifying before Congress today. Frightening. Down right frightening.
I found myself a little reluctant to share with an acquaintance that I am going to a Chanukah party this Thursday. How awful is THAt?!

A woman I know had a mother AND a brother who survived the Holocaust. (Her grandparents were killed.) Her mother is now deceased, but the brother is still living and he said the “feeling” in America is very similar to Germany in the late 30s.
No, the Palestinians’ solution is to eradicate Israel, and after the barbarism their elected leaders perpetrated on innocent Jewish people, including children and babies, we are going to make sure HAMAS is eliminated.
Original Likud Party Platform

between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty.
Original Likud Party Platform

between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty.
What’s wrong with that?

1) That would give the Jews 1% of the Middle East, and the Muslims 99%.
2) The October 7th attack proved that you can’t have Jew-haters so close to your territory.

Now that we cleared that up, how about posting the platform of HAMAS, that wants to wipe Israel out of existence?

Oh right, you skipped that. More double-standards from the antidemites.
I am an easy-going guy. I don't get upset by all the horror in the world because horror has always been (and seems will always be) the human condition.

I see violence, I see suffering, I see cruelty every day in my job, I believed I was immured to it.

It turns out, there is a limit.

If you try to create a moral equivalency between Israelis defending the very lives of their citizens, if you try to rationalize the unthinkable cruelty of Hamas and their supporters among the Palestinian population, if you try to convince me there this is a two-sided conflict, I will ignore you.

I will not engage with you. I will ignore you.

I will maintain my friendships with Muslims (of which I have quite a few) and with those people of liberal persuasion, just as long as they NEVER mention the conflict in Israel.

That subject cannot be discussed in those terms and I will not pretend that it can.

If you support or defend Hamas, you want Jews dead, and that means you want me dead.

I am not afraid of those who want me dead, but I won't pay them the respect of trying to understand their reasons.

Feel free to try and sell your poison to anyone who will listen. But, I will not listen.

So that you know, I've always thought that you were one of the better posters on the board. I tend to share many of your principles. You've always seemed to be a solid proponent for the cause of Individual liberty. And genuine in your intent. Which is very important. Probably the most important characteristic in places like this, in fact.

I don't really care if you're a Jew. :dunno:

I don't really care if anybody's a Jew, really.

In fact, I get kind of tired of every other post by some people saying, hey, I'm a Jew. It's annoying.
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Wanting to cloak the 'plot' on the guise of some righteous religmo baloney is what gets me the most here....~S~
Wanting to cloak the 'plot' on the guise of some righteous religmo baloney is what gets me the most here....~S~

The reality is that people who participate in coercion understand very little of their role in it. And absolutely nothing of its consequence. It's always been that way for as long as man could reason, I imagine.

That's probably why I stay out of a lot of these threads. I see no value in them in terms of any stake that I might have as an American who just wants to be left alone. And, as I stated, my only real stake is keeping my right to say whatever I want without a government gun being shoved in my face telling me ''Shut up! Listen!"

The regular dolts on the street who are participating in the coercion and helping to establish the image that is being projected are just useful idiots in a much bigger plot. The reality is that one set of hands is likely working both sets of strings by way of the special interest NGOs and unscrupulous entities within government. They know how powerful an image can be in setting and maintaining a narrative in order that intent comes to fruition. Especially when your intended audience is often your standard USA Today type of demographic who are more prone to just running with whatever reaction it is that they are seeing being normalized on the idiot box. Same strategy as always, just a different crisis event this time around. They're not importing all of this drama from over there to over here and projecting that image onto the streets of America for nothing, sparky.

There's a pretty good quote that I'm reminded of in mentioning all of that. It says that ''Reality is coupled to perception and perception can be mediated."

Which just means that reality is mediated by perception and that perception can be mediated. You see?

And there are all sorts of outliers regarding the means of mediating perception, whether it be appealing to emotion or just the setting in which it occurs or just whatever. There's a lot of ways

As I said, I think we're gonna get pounded with something far, far more repugnant to the fabric of our Republic than the Patriot Act ever was. Watch and see. When it comes to pass, and I'm confident that it will, perhaps all whose role was crucial to its fruition might come back and give themselves a good pat on the back for a job well done and another nail in America's coffin.
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That’s a weird question. You don’t think American Jews are APPALLED by the vicious antisemitism at the forefront of liberal campuses?

Just trying to figure out where the loyalties lie.

The initial post went far beyond just being appalled by the viscous crap that has been going on in the Middle East between all those idiots for the last 3,000 years.

I am appalled by what the Russians have done to the Ukrainians but I have no loyalty to the Ukrainians.

By the way, as an American I am appalled at what the Israelis did to the crew of the USS Liberty,
Just trying to figure out where the loyalties lie.

The initial post went far beyond just being appalled by the viscous crap that has been going on in the Middle East between all those idiots for the last 3,000 years.

I am appalled by what the Russians have done to the Ukrainians but I have no loyalty to the Ukrainians.

By the way, as an American I am appalled at what the Israelis did to the crew of the USS Liberty,
1) Questioning the loyalty of AMERICAN Jews is in and of itself antisemitic.

2) Of course you have no loyalty to Ukraine. The Ukraine was not set up after 6 million of your people were murdered for being whatever religion, and the Ukraine to serve as safe Harbor. There is no parallel here.

3) You keep bringing up that incident from 30 years ago. From what I understand, it was an error, but still…..why so eager to condemn the Jew country by repeating an incident Dem a generation ago.

Your animosity toward Jews is influencing your bias against Israel.
Matthew 12:30
English Standard Version
30 Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters
"there are two kinds of people in the world, tuco...." eastwood the good the bad and the ugly

christ borrowed much of his teaching from the "three wise men from the east." the manicheism of christianity is from zoroaster. perhaps duality is an inevitable consequence of monotheism?
No Humanitarianism for Humanoids

Because of listening to a cowardly and doomed West, Israel has tried to appease the Nazislamis for decades and gotten nowhere. It must deport them all far, far away.
The problem is no Arab country wants these violent, backward, Jew-haters. That means Biden will take them in and downgrade America further while simultaneously creating even more antisemitism here.

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