I can’t imagine how Trump supporters are going to spin the next few months

300,000 infections worldwide. 5,000 deaths in Italy alone. Hundreds dead in the US. The rate of infection in the US isn’t far behind Italy’s.
So we have the same rate of infection as Italy and nowhere near the death rate? is that correct billy?...can you just post the real US numbers instead of hiding them?
For one thing, the actual infections in the US is far greater than the results we have so far. Why? Because we are drastically behind in testing in comparison to around the world. Our response has been a joke.
We all thank the Lord that Trump is President.

Can you imagine had Open Borders, the ChiComs own me Hillary had won?
i bring that up time to time. like if we had a president hillary at this time, if anything, we would of had a 5000 DOW since her election win, and Hillary would of just be sleeping about 12 hours a day, and right thru any crisis
You are a certifiable idiot...

That is precisely what social distancing is done for. If there is little person to person contact there is little infection transfer. You can not stop it all, even a total lock down will not stop a virus. If you look at the Johns Hopkins web site our curve is only at about a 15 deg slope while all others are at 35-75 deg slope. What Trump has done is working and the empirical evidence show that it is. That said, we are entering a time where the virus takes off despite all that can be done to slow it. Our ability to buy time is almost gone and we will spike. The question is how high will it go? Now that we have medications that can combat the spike it is a whole different game. The question now becomes how fast can we give the medications to the affected populace.

I did Biological Warfare trainnning in college. Most of you posters here dont have a clue about the intricacies and problems that Trump and his team are conquering right now.
Lol good god. I’m not saying that social distancing won’t be effective. It’s just stupid to think Trump has anything to do with that. It was Trump and officials In his Administration that said it was contained “airtight” would miraculously disappear. Quit pretending his dumbass didn’t say that. He is too fucking stupid to understand science.
Now your just making shit up... Trump never said we could keep this "air tight" he said that we could combat this and win, which we will.
His administration said “airtight”. Trump himself said over and over back in January and February that we should Just ignore it. He said it would just “disappear”. He said that there is no danger in his rallies. He said the disease will be dead by April but obviously that isn’t happening this close is
It? Not to mention, he ignored all of the expert advice about how to contain this early on. Your denial is so pathetic.
Keep spinning the lies.. Its all you have..

Trump acted inside 7 days to contain the contagion.. Unlike Obama who waited 6 months and over 1,437 dead before he lifted a finger... Your false outrage is duly noted. Trump followed the Military plan for biological attack to the letter and its working as it was designed.

You are a pathetic individual.
How do you just pull this shit out of your ass and expect no one to notice? Or did Sean Hannity tell you that? I suppose it could go either way.
Your a fool!

I use empirical evidence and training to make my assumptions. Along with being a police officer for 26 years I was also a Paramedic for 19 of those years. Prior to being a police Officer I spent 4 years as an EOD specialist, trained in Chemical, Nuclear and Biological warfare. I helped write some of the policies for major departments in handling a biological attack.

Good luck in your fishing expedition...
We all thank the Lord that Trump is President.

I agree!
and then 8 years of President Pence

Erp. I dunno about that.
Lol what is this evidence of yours that Trump is helping in flattening the curve?
You are a certifiable idiot...

That is precisely what social distancing is done for. If there is little person to person contact there is little infection transfer. You can not stop it all, even a total lock down will not stop a virus. If you look at the Johns Hopkins web site our curve is only at about a 15 deg slope while all others are at 35-75 deg slope. What Trump has done is working and the empirical evidence show that it is. That said, we are entering a time where the virus takes off despite all that can be done to slow it. Our ability to buy time is almost gone and we will spike. The question is how high will it go? Now that we have medications that can combat the spike it is a whole different game. The question now becomes how fast can we give the medications to the affected populace.

I did Biological Warfare trainnning in college. Most of you posters here dont have a clue about the intricacies and problems that Trump and his team are conquering right now.
Lol good god. I’m not saying that social distancing won’t be effective. It’s just stupid to think Trump has anything to do with that. It was Trump and officials In his Administration that said it was contained “airtight” would miraculously disappear. Quit pretending his dumbass didn’t say that. He is too fucking stupid to understand science.
Now your just making shit up... Trump never said we could keep this "air tight" he said that we could combat this and win, which we will.
His administration said “airtight”. Trump himself said over and over back in January and February that we should Just ignore it. He said it would just “disappear”. He said that there is no danger in his rallies. He said the disease will be dead by April but obviously that isn’t happening this close is
It? Not to mention, he ignored all of the expert advice about how to contain this early on. Your denial is so pathetic.
Keep spinning the lies.. Its all you have..

Trump acted inside 7 days to contain the contagion.. Unlike Obama who waited 6 months and over 1,437 dead before he lifted a finger... Your false outrage is duly noted. Trump followed the Military plan for biological attack to the letter and its working as it was designed.

You are a pathetic individual.

Little facts like this Billy00000000 cares not one bit for. just looking for the continuation of lets impeach Trump and looking for the latest spin from prime time news. Odds are he's a paid poster for the DNC, or completely strung out on medication to the point that reality has become a blur
Don't use the words expert opinion and the New York Times in the same paragraph. It destroys your credibility.

There are thousands dead of the flu every year. In a short while the public will get bored with the democrat led hysteria and things will start to calm down. The panic buying is certainly dying down.

Not here it ain't. The only time I've ever seen emptier shelves is when the store was closed down.

It's starting to piss me off.
According to actual EXPERTS (as in not a dumbass politician), the most realistic scenario going forward is that THOUSANDS of Americans will be dead by late summer from CO-VID.

it’ll be fascinating to see how republicans will spin that narrative. I mean even if they will pretend that Trump isn’t partly to blame for the American death toll by ignoring the start of the virus, they would still have to explain them downplaying the seriousness of the disease right now. Hell, I’m sure most of them will say “I never took it lightly!” Yeah right. Polls show most republicans think this isn’t some legitimate health crisis.

Opinion | The Best-Case Outcome for the Coronavirus, and the Worst

The above article is pretty interesting.

Worst case a year from now: about 2 million of Americans are dead and we are in the midst of a depression.

Realistic case: Thousands of Americans will be dead in the next few months but the disease will have been contained through effective social distancing and protocol.

Best case: The disease mutates and dies out on its own sooner rather than later which obviously can’t be predicted. It’s just possible it could happen.

These are scary times. We need to face the reality of how fucked things are going to get.

You know, had the Chinese government not allowed the New years festival to continue, and then allow their people to fly internationally .... people all over Europe wouldnt be dropping dead like dogs right now. They forgot to ban flights from China.
And I bet when the Chinese government puts the blame on the United States administration, you just lap it up with a good feeling.
Lol what is this evidence of yours that Trump is helping in flattening the curve?
You are a certifiable idiot...

That is precisely what social distancing is done for. If there is little person to person contact there is little infection transfer. You can not stop it all, even a total lock down will not stop a virus. If you look at the Johns Hopkins web site our curve is only at about a 15 deg slope while all others are at 35-75 deg slope. What Trump has done is working and the empirical evidence show that it is. That said, we are entering a time where the virus takes off despite all that can be done to slow it. Our ability to buy time is almost gone and we will spike. The question is how high will it go? Now that we have medications that can combat the spike it is a whole different game. The question now becomes how fast can we give the medications to the affected populace.

I did Biological Warfare trainnning in college. Most of you posters here dont have a clue about the intricacies and problems that Trump and his team are conquering right now.
Lol good god. I’m not saying that social distancing won’t be effective. It’s just stupid to think Trump has anything to do with that. It was Trump and officials In his Administration that said it was contained “airtight” would miraculously disappear. Quit pretending his dumbass didn’t say that. He is too fucking stupid to understand science.
Now your just making shit up... Trump never said we could keep this "air tight" he said that we could combat this and win, which we will.
His administration said “airtight”. Trump himself said over and over back in January and February that we should Just ignore it. He said it would just “disappear”. He said that there is no danger in his rallies. He said the disease will be dead by April but obviously that isn’t happening this close is
It? Not to mention, he ignored all of the expert advice about how to contain this early on. Your denial is so pathetic.
Keep spinning the lies.. Its all you have..

Trump acted inside 7 days to contain the contagion.. Unlike Obama who waited 6 months and over 1,437 dead before he lifted a finger... Your false outrage is duly noted. Trump followed the Military plan for biological attack to the letter and its working as it was designed.

You are a pathetic individual.
Lie. Both about tRump and Obama.
We all thank the Lord that Trump is President.

Can you imagine had Open Borders, the ChiComs own me Hillary had won?

Argumentum ad Non Sequitorium.

We can expect that Hillary would not have been running around going, "it's just a flu, it's only a hoax, and I never knew people could die from the flu, and by the way that's a nasty question because I'm all butthurt". Soooooo........ there's that.
Lol good god. I’m not saying that social distancing won’t be effective. It’s just stupid to think Trump has anything to do with that. It was Trump and officials In his Administration that said it was contained “airtight” would miraculously disappear. Quit pretending his dumbass didn’t say that. He is too fucking stupid to understand science.
Now your just making shit up... Trump never said we could keep this "air tight" he said that we could combat this and win, which we will.
His administration said “airtight”. Trump himself said over and over back in January and February that we should Just ignore it. He said it would just “disappear”. He said that there is no danger in his rallies. He said the disease will be dead by April but obviously that isn’t happening this close is
It? Not to mention, he ignored all of the expert advice about how to contain this early on. Your denial is so pathetic.
Keep spinning the lies.. Its all you have..

Trump acted inside 7 days to contain the contagion.. Unlike Obama who waited 6 months and over 1,437 dead before he lifted a finger... Your false outrage is duly noted. Trump followed the Military plan for biological attack to the letter and its working as it was designed.

You are a pathetic individual.
How do you just pull this shit out of your ass and expect no one to notice? Or did Sean Hannity tell you that? I suppose it could go either way.
Your a fool!

I use empirical evidence and training to make my assumptions. Along with being a police officer for 26 years I was also a Paramedic for 19 of those years. Prior to being a police Officer I spent 4 years as an EOD specialist, trained in Chemical, Nuclear and Biological warfare. I helped write some of the policies for major departments in handling a biological attack.

Good luck in your fishing expedition...

Got any facts?
According to actual EXPERTS (as in not a dumbass politician), the most realistic scenario going forward is that THOUSANDS of Americans will be dead by late summer from CO-VID.

it’ll be fascinating to see how republicans will spin that narrative. I mean even if they will pretend that Trump isn’t partly to blame for the American death toll by ignoring the start of the virus, they would still have to explain them downplaying the seriousness of the disease right now. Hell, I’m sure most of them will say “I never took it lightly!” Yeah right. Polls show most republicans think this isn’t some legitimate health crisis.

Opinion | The Best-Case Outcome for the Coronavirus, and the Worst

The above article is pretty interesting.

Worst case a year from now: about 2 million of Americans are dead and we are in the midst of a depression.

Realistic case: Thousands of Americans will be dead in the next few months but the disease will have been contained through effective social distancing and protocol.

Best case: The disease mutates and dies out on its own sooner rather than later which obviously can’t be predicted. It’s just possible it could happen.

These are scary times. We need to face the reality of how fucked things are going to get.

I can’t imagine what Democrats are going to come with to the table that is better than the usual, GET TRUMP. For years, they have been the party of Open Borders and not Enforcing Immigration Laws. Hey, where is the talk about shutting down ICE?

US Citizens can’t come within 6 ft of one another and are looking at financial losses. What is going to be the tolerance for accepting non-Citizens coming into the US and taking up resources such as healthcare and welfare?

The American Voter is not going to be in any mood for Democrats to be gaming around with Immigration just so they can get a few extra votes.
For one thing, the actual infections in the US is far greater than the results we have so far. Why? Because we are drastically behind in testing in comparison to around the world. Our response has been a joke.
So you have no idea what the numbers are.
Now your just making shit up... Trump never said we could keep this "air tight" he said that we could combat this and win, which we will.
His administration said “airtight”. Trump himself said over and over back in January and February that we should Just ignore it. He said it would just “disappear”. He said that there is no danger in his rallies. He said the disease will be dead by April but obviously that isn’t happening this close is
It? Not to mention, he ignored all of the expert advice about how to contain this early on. Your denial is so pathetic.
Keep spinning the lies.. Its all you have..

Trump acted inside 7 days to contain the contagion.. Unlike Obama who waited 6 months and over 1,437 dead before he lifted a finger... Your false outrage is duly noted. Trump followed the Military plan for biological attack to the letter and its working as it was designed.

You are a pathetic individual.
How do you just pull this shit out of your ass and expect no one to notice? Or did Sean Hannity tell you that? I suppose it could go either way.
Your a fool!

I use empirical evidence and training to make my assumptions. Along with being a police officer for 26 years I was also a Paramedic for 19 of those years. Prior to being a police Officer I spent 4 years as an EOD specialist, trained in Chemical, Nuclear and Biological warfare. I helped write some of the policies for major departments in handling a biological attack.

Good luck in your fishing expedition...

Got any facts?
Yes I do...

A French scientist did a study and found the following;

1. Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine stop COVID-19 FROM REPLICATING.

2. Azithromycin kills the virus as well as helps stop secondary bacterial infections.

Could the anti-malarial drug chloroquine treat COVID-19? | Live Science

French study finds anti-malarial and antibiotic combo could reduce COVID-19 duration – TechCrunch

The Nebraska University Hospital is already doing an active study/test on patients in their care. It started two days ago and it is showing massive recovery results already. There is even talk that they are going to give all of the patients the regiment due to its early results.
Last edited:
According to actual EXPERTS (as in not a dumbass politician), the most realistic scenario going forward is that THOUSANDS of Americans will be dead by late summer from CO-VID.

it’ll be fascinating to see how republicans will spin that narrative. I mean even if they will pretend that Trump isn’t partly to blame for the American death toll by ignoring the start of the virus, they would still have to explain them downplaying the seriousness of the disease right now. Hell, I’m sure most of them will say “I never took it lightly!” Yeah right. Polls show most republicans think this isn’t some legitimate health crisis.

Opinion | The Best-Case Outcome for the Coronavirus, and the Worst

The above article is pretty interesting.

Worst case a year from now: about 2 million of Americans are dead and we are in the midst of a depression.

Realistic case: Thousands of Americans will be dead in the next few months but the disease will have been contained through effective social distancing and protocol.

Best case: The disease mutates and dies out on its own sooner rather than later which obviously can’t be predicted. It’s just possible it could happen.

These are scary times. We need to face the reality of how fucked things are going to get.
The death toll will have to get over 17,000 to beat Obama's record with Swine flu. Aside from that, we are on track for over 30,000 deaths from plain old flu. This isn't a crisis. It's media generated hysteria.

The bottom line: You're a moron.
According to actual EXPERTS (as in not a dumbass politician), the most realistic scenario going forward is that THOUSANDS of Americans will be dead by late summer from CO-VID.

it’ll be fascinating to see how republicans will spin that narrative. I mean even if they will pretend that Trump isn’t partly to blame for the American death toll by ignoring the start of the virus, they would still have to explain them downplaying the seriousness of the disease right now. Hell, I’m sure most of them will say “I never took it lightly!” Yeah right. Polls show most republicans think this isn’t some legitimate health crisis.

Opinion | The Best-Case Outcome for the Coronavirus, and the Worst

The above article is pretty interesting.

Worst case a year from now: about 2 million of Americans are dead and we are in the midst of a depression.

Realistic case: Thousands of Americans will be dead in the next few months but the disease will have been contained through effective social distancing and protocol.

Best case: The disease mutates and dies out on its own sooner rather than later which obviously can’t be predicted. It’s just possible it could happen.

These are scary times. We need to face the reality of how fucked things are going to get.
Why don't you change your name to Daniel and tell us when the 7th week starts.
But not before you give me next week winning lotto numbers

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