I can’t imagine how Trump supporters are going to spin the next few months

According to actual EXPERTS (as in not a dumbass politician), the most realistic scenario going forward is that THOUSANDS of Americans will be dead by late summer from CO-VID.

it’ll be fascinating to see how republicans will spin that narrative. I mean even if they will pretend that Trump isn’t partly to blame for the American death toll by ignoring the start of the virus, they would still have to explain them downplaying the seriousness of the disease right now. Hell, I’m sure most of them will say “I never took it lightly!” Yeah right. Polls show most republicans think this isn’t some legitimate health crisis.

Opinion | The Best-Case Outcome for the Coronavirus, and the Worst

The above article is pretty interesting.

Worst case a year from now: about 2 million of Americans are dead and we are in the midst of a depression.

Realistic case: Thousands of Americans will be dead in the next few months but the disease will have been contained through effective social distancing and protocol.

Best case: The disease mutates and dies out on its own sooner rather than later which obviously can’t be predicted. It’s just possible it could happen.

These are scary times. We need to face the reality of how fucked things are going to get.
billy is cheering for the death of Americans.how does one spin the joys of hoping Americans will die just for political purposes?
According to actual EXPERTS (as in not a dumbass politician), the most realistic scenario going forward is that THOUSANDS of Americans will be dead by late summer from CO-VID.

it’ll be fascinating to see how republicans will spin that narrative.

Don't worry about it.

With Democrats is power, in a similar scenario, their actions should have had worst consequences.

This Republican administration might have made some minor errors, but surely Democrats in same situation should have carried America to the ruins. We are lucky having president Trump and his administration in charge
Can you imagine had Open Borders, the ChiComs own me Hillary had won?
Yes, I can. Her economic adviser and her child would not have been telling people to buy stock about 6,000 Dow points ago while claiming the virus was well contained. She would not have been contradicting medical experts who were giving life saving warnings by saying everything was under control. She would have paid attention to the repeated warnings from medical and national security teams in frequent meetings about how bad things would get instead of playing golf. The country would have been immeasurably better prepared.

Instead, Trumpleton's stuck us with a fool who by not being willing to accept reality left the country in an extremely vulnerable position. We knew electing Trump was one of the greatest mistakes America has ever made even before this crisis hit. That mistake becomes more evident every day.
We don't have to wait to see how the pretend doctor, Dopey Don, spins reality. It's already on tape.

This Republican administration might have made some minor errors, but surely Democrats in same situation should have carried America to the ruins. We are lucky having president Trump and his administration in charge
What "minor" mistakes were made?
Back on February 28 as fear gripped markets and share prices plunged, Larry Kudlow, the president's top economic adviser, told Fox Business that investors shouldn't "rule out more optimistic options."

There was no guarantee cases of the disease will "skyrocket" in the US, Kudlow said at the time, adding that: "Stocks looks pretty cheap to me."

In a tweet later that day Eric Trump, President Donald Trump's son, and an executive in the Trump Organization, said: "In my opinion it's a great time to buy stocks or into your 401k. I would be all in ... let's see if I'm right ..."
Republican senators quietly dumped stocks after classified coronavirus briefings, even as Trump officials were urging Americans to buy into the market
The Dow was around 25,000 when that advice was given.
According to actual EXPERTS (as in not a dumbass politician), the most realistic scenario going forward is that THOUSANDS of Americans will be dead by late summer from CO-VID.

it’ll be fascinating to see how republicans will spin that narrative. I mean even if they will pretend that Trump isn’t partly to blame for the American death toll by ignoring the start of the virus, they would still have to explain them downplaying the seriousness of the disease right now. Hell, I’m sure most of them will say “I never took it lightly!” Yeah right. Polls show most republicans think this isn’t some legitimate health crisis.

Opinion | The Best-Case Outcome for the Coronavirus, and the Worst

The above article is pretty interesting.

Worst case a year from now: about 2 million of Americans are dead and we are in the midst of a depression.

Realistic case: Thousands of Americans will be dead in the next few months but the disease will have been contained through effective social distancing and protocol.

Best case: The disease mutates and dies out on its own sooner rather than later which obviously can’t be predicted. It’s just possible it could happen.

These are scary times. We need to face the reality of how fucked things are going to get.
The death toll will have to get over 17,000 to beat Obama's record with Swine flu. Aside from that, we are on track for over 30,000 deaths from plain old flu. This isn't a crisis. It's media generated hysteria.

The bottom line: You're a moron.
Uh no it was 10,000 and it was in the span of over a year. The death toll for the Coronavirus will reach that in one or two months based on how the rate of infection is growing. The death toll in Italy alone is 5,000 and the virus has only been there for two months. 800 of those deaths were in the last 24 hours.

1) The transmission rate for Coronavirus is 2.5x higher than the flu.

2) The death rate from the flu is 0.1% vs the death rate from the Coronavirus is 3.4%. That’s a massive difference.

3) 20% of those with Coronavirus require hospitalization. That’s 10x the flu.

4) The hospital stay for Coronavirus is twice as long which will overwhelm our healthcare system.

Your dumbass couldn’t explain how it is Obama’s fault for the spread of the swine flu if your life depended it on it lol

How The Novel Coronavirus And The Flu Are Alike ... And Different

See? You’re wrong as always. That’s part of being a Trumptard.

The CDC says there were up to 18,000 deaths from Swine flu.


deaths (range: 8868-18,306) in the United States due to the (H1N1)pdm09 virus.

The number of deaths is 348. the number of reported cases is 26,000. Do the math: 348/26000 is 1.34%. Furthermore, experts estimate the 86% of cases aren't reported. That makes the actual death rate 0.187%

You so stupid and gullible that you can't even check the figures that the fake news is feeding to you
Where does the 2.5 figure come from? The CDC website says they don't know how contagious it is.

There are currently only 708 serious or critical cases of the Wuhan flue out of 26,000 reported cases. That's a hospitalization rate of 2.4%. Not 20%.

I have never seen any figures on how long someone has to be hospitalized.

In any case, it's obvious that all your claims are made-up horseshit. It's fake news.
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According to actual EXPERTS (as in not a dumbass politician), the most realistic scenario going forward is that THOUSANDS of Americans will be dead by late summer from CO-VID.

it’ll be fascinating to see how republicans will spin that narrative. I mean even if they will pretend that Trump isn’t partly to blame for the American death toll by ignoring the start of the virus, they would still have to explain them downplaying the seriousness of the disease right now. Hell, I’m sure most of them will say “I never took it lightly!” Yeah right. Polls show most republicans think this isn’t some legitimate health crisis.

Opinion | The Best-Case Outcome for the Coronavirus, and the Worst

The above article is pretty interesting.

Worst case a year from now: about 2 million of Americans are dead and we are in the midst of a depression.

Realistic case: Thousands of Americans will be dead in the next few months but the disease will have been contained through effective social distancing and protocol.

Best case: The disease mutates and dies out on its own sooner rather than later which obviously can’t be predicted. It’s just possible it could happen.

These are scary times. We need to face the reality of how fucked things are going to get.
The death toll will have to get over 17,000 to beat Obama's record with Swine flu. Aside from that, we are on track for over 30,000 deaths from plain old flu. This isn't a crisis. It's media generated hysteria.

The bottom line: You're a moron.
Uh no it was 10,000 and it was in the span of over a year. The death toll for the Coronavirus will reach that in one or two months based on how the rate of infection is growing. The death toll in Italy alone is 5,000 and the virus has only been there for two months. 800 of those deaths were in the last 24 hours.

1) The transmission rate for Coronavirus is 2.5x higher than the flu.

2) The death rate from the flu is 0.1% vs the death rate from the Coronavirus is 3.4%. That’s a massive difference.

3) 20% of those with Coronavirus require hospitalization. That’s 10x the flu.

4) The hospital stay for Coronavirus is twice as long which will overwhelm our healthcare system.

Your dumbass couldn’t explain how it is Obama’s fault for the spread of the swine flu if your life depended it on it lol

How The Novel Coronavirus And The Flu Are Alike ... And Different

See? You’re wrong as always. That’s part of being a Trumptard.

We all know, Billy, that you are always wrong. You rely 100% on fake news.

Could This Explain Why the Coronavirus Death Rate in Italy Is So High?

An adviser to Italy's minister of health, Professor Walter Ricciardi, said the coronavirus death rate in Italy may be higher than in other countries not only because of demographics -- Italy has the second oldest population in the world -- but also because of the way Italy records deaths of those who have tested positive for the coronavirus.

"The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus," Prof. Riccardi told The Telegraph.

"On re-evaluation by the National Institute of Health, only 12 percent of death certificates have shown a direct causality from coronavirus, while 88 percent of patients who have died have at least one [other] pre-morbidity [disease] sic - many had two or three," the professor explains.

The professor is not alone, as others say it's way too early to know the true mortality rate so long as the number of mild cases in the country remains unknown.

Italy's older population may also explain the large number of deaths being attributed to the coronavirus.

"The age of our patients in hospitals is substantially older - the median is 67, while in China it was 46," the professor says. "So essentially the age distribution of our patients is squeezed to an older age and this is substantial in increasing the lethality."

A study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that 87 percent of the deaths in Italy attributed to the coronavirus and 40 percent of known infections have been people 70 years of age or older.

The coronavirus obviously poses a threat to the health and well-being of people all around the world, but it's probably a good idea to balance the panic and all the dire forecasts with a little bit of critical thinking.
By having everyone stay home for two weeks they may have stopped the virus cold. How can it be transmitted if everyone is sheltering at home? No transmission for 2-3 weeks means the virus becomes extinct.
Sadly not everyone gets the message. And not everyone who is infected knows it. Thus it gets spread by people who dont know they have it or think it can not affect them. As it is an airborne contagion just walking by can get you infected. There are a lot of factors in how the virus transmits and how long it can live in the air. Its just not that simple...
All the bars and restaurants are shut down, so how are any of these people going to spread it?
They need to eat, buy fuel, go to work,etc... Then they go see grandma.... boom....
They can't eat out. The restaurants are all closed. You don't need to get withing 6 feet of anyone to buy fuel. Most people are working from home or not working. Grandma is stupid if she allows them to come visit her.
They still need to go out for food from the stores. Those who do go out must buy fuel and then go pay for it. Food must still be taken to grandma and help the elderly with day to day needs.

Its not that simple Brian. There are day to day necessary things that must happen. This limited contact will still spread the virus. Look at NY tonight.. they were limited but it has just blown up into a huge bon fire. Its the nature of viral infections.

Think of it like this. Patient zero can infect 10 people before he realizes he is contagious. Each of those can now infect 10 people 1-->10 -->100 -->1,000 -->10,000 -->100,000 We are at step 5 and there is no containment of this virus. Our time of social distancing is only helpful in the first four steps after that its a fire that can not be stopped without major interventions.

When I go to the grocery store, they have self-checkout. no one needs to touch the items I have purchased. At Samsclub they give you disinfectant wipes to clean your shopping cart handle. You can pay for your gas at the pump. I always do. However, you still have to touch the handle of the gas pump. You can avoid that by wearing gloves or using a disinfectant wipe. theoretically, the chain of events you envisage can occur, but I doubt most people infect more than their immediate family members. Once someone becomes infected the authorities can chase down anyone else he may have infected and prevent him from spreading the infection.
According to actual EXPERTS (as in not a dumbass politician), the most realistic scenario going forward is that THOUSANDS of Americans will be dead by late summer from CO-VID.

it’ll be fascinating to see how republicans will spin that narrative. I mean even if they will pretend that Trump isn’t partly to blame for the American death toll by ignoring the start of the virus, they would still have to explain them downplaying the seriousness of the disease right now. Hell, I’m sure most of them will say “I never took it lightly!” Yeah right. Polls show most republicans think this isn’t some legitimate health crisis.

Opinion | The Best-Case Outcome for the Coronavirus, and the Worst

The above article is pretty interesting.

Worst case a year from now: about 2 million of Americans are dead and we are in the midst of a depression.

Realistic case: Thousands of Americans will be dead in the next few months but the disease will have been contained through effective social distancing and protocol.

Best case: The disease mutates and dies out on its own sooner rather than later which obviously can’t be predicted. It’s just possible it could happen.

These are scary times. We need to face the reality of how fucked things are going to get.

Give an exact number on thousands?

Will it be more than the Pandemic of 2009?

If so how much more?
According to actual EXPERTS (as in not a dumbass politician), the most realistic scenario going forward is that THOUSANDS of Americans will be dead by late summer from CO-VID.

it’ll be fascinating to see how republicans will spin that narrative. I mean even if they will pretend that Trump isn’t partly to blame for the American death toll by ignoring the start of the virus, they would still have to explain them downplaying the seriousness of the disease right now. Hell, I’m sure most of them will say “I never took it lightly!” Yeah right. Polls show most republicans think this isn’t some legitimate health crisis.

Opinion | The Best-Case Outcome for the Coronavirus, and the Worst

The above article is pretty interesting.

Worst case a year from now: about 2 million of Americans are dead and we are in the midst of a depression.

Realistic case: Thousands of Americans will be dead in the next few months but the disease will have been contained through effective social distancing and protocol.

Best case: The disease mutates and dies out on its own sooner rather than later which obviously can’t be predicted. It’s just possible it could happen.

These are scary times. We need to face the reality of how fucked things are going to get.
Up until now, they have been harping that Obama’s Swine Flu epidemic was worse.

Now that it is snowballing out of control, they are making sure to call it the Chinese Virus

Next they will send people checks to buy them off
According to actual EXPERTS (as in not a dumbass politician), the most realistic scenario going forward is that THOUSANDS of Americans will be dead by late summer from CO-VID.

it’ll be fascinating to see how republicans will spin that narrative. I mean even if they will pretend that Trump isn’t partly to blame for the American death toll by ignoring the start of the virus, they would still have to explain them downplaying the seriousness of the disease right now. Hell, I’m sure most of them will say “I never took it lightly!” Yeah right. Polls show most republicans think this isn’t some legitimate health crisis.

Opinion | The Best-Case Outcome for the Coronavirus, and the Worst

The above article is pretty interesting.

Worst case a year from now: about 2 million of Americans are dead and we are in the midst of a depression.

Realistic case: Thousands of Americans will be dead in the next few months but the disease will have been contained through effective social distancing and protocol.

Best case: The disease mutates and dies out on its own sooner rather than later which obviously can’t be predicted. It’s just possible it could happen.

These are scary times. We need to face the reality of how fucked things are going to get.
billy is cheering for the death of Americans.how does one spin the joys of hoping Americans will die just for political purposes?
Please, you wackos keep trying to change the narrative that people are cheering for the deaths of Americans... sad...

All of it is a diversion, to take the heat off of Trump and his failed response.

February 24: “The Coronavirus is very much under control in the USA. … Stock Market starting to look very good to me!

February 26: “Because of all we’ve done, the risk to the American people remains very low. … When you have 15 people, and the 15 within a couple of days is going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done."

February 28: “It’s going to disappear. One day, it’s like a miracle, it will disappear.”

Trump has completely misplayed this situation and has totally failed America. This is intelligent America's worse fears come true, Trump failing America during a crisis when we need him most.

EXPLAIN TO US WHERE HE IS CHEERING FOR THE DEATH OF AMERICA? Explain to us where Trump did not downplay the seriousness of this virus...
This Republican administration might have made some minor errors, but surely Democrats in same situation should have carried America to the ruins. We are lucky having president Trump and his administration in charge
What "minor" mistakes were made?
Do you know science?

If not, then I will explain you.

When an unknown phenomenon is observed, then there is not a sure test, there is not a sure method.

How the scientific method is applied?


All the idiots who are criticizing the president are a bunch of ignorant who believe "they should have acted better" than president Trump.

What a bunch of bumps!

I have watched Meet the Press when a stupid Governor put his finger on president Trump as if the president is the one who caused the spreading of the virus.

In November, December, January, February and up to March no one knew, no "expert" in the world knew the extended spreading of the virus, and until today nobody knows it. Do you understand? NOBODY knows the right numbers, the methods this virus reached so many countries, the reasons of the different reactions of the human body to the virus.

Everything knowledge about this virus consequences in humans still is in diapers.

In similar virus spreading in the past,it took years to find out how they happened.

Only the stupid is demanding "perfect reaction to a spreading of this virus".

Question to Governors is, what was their own reaction on concern when they were aware of the virus presence in their States months ago? What they did by their own to find a solution?

You guys want to blame the president because you hate how well he has taken the country since he took the leadership of the country.
This Republican administration might have made some minor errors, but surely Democrats in same situation should have carried America to the ruins. We are lucky having president Trump and his administration in charge
What "minor" mistakes were made?
Do you know science?

If not, then I will explain you.

When an unknown phenomenon is observed, then there is not a sure test, there is not a sure method.

How the scientific method is applied?


All the idiots who are criticizing the president are a bunch of ignorant who believe "they should have acted better" than president Trump.

What a bunch of bumps!

I have watched Meet the Press when a stupid Governor put his finger on president Trump as if the president is the one who caused the spreading of the virus.

In November, December, January, February and up to March no one knew, no "expert" in the world knew the extended spreading of the virus, and until today nobody knows it. Do you understand? NOBODY knows the right numbers, the methods this virus reached so many countries, the reasons of the different reactions of the human body to the virus.

Everything knowledge about this virus consequences in humans still is in diapers.

In similar virus spreading in the past,it took years to find out how they happened.

Only the stupid is demanding "perfect reaction to a spreading of this virus".

Question to Governors is, what was their own reaction on concern when they were aware of the virus presence in their States months ago? What they did by their own to find a solution?

You guys want to blame the president because you hate how well he has taken the country since he took the leadership of the country.

FEB 25 "Virus Spread is inevitable in US"
CDC warns spread of coronavirus in U.S. is inevitable: 'It's not if, it's when'
FEB 3 "Pandemic Likely"
As coronavirus spreads, a pandemic is likely, experts warn
FEB 26 "Trump spreading misinformation"
Experts warn Trump’s misinformation about coronavirus is dangerous

Trump ignored daily intel briefings on the danger of the virus

BILL BURR SAID THIS BACK IN FEB: "There's one thing that I can tell you about this: It is much more aggressive in its transmission than anything that we have seen in recent history," said Burr, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee.

Trump ignored every early warning he got, and now we are paying the price for trump's stupidity.

Congratulations you get the award for the dumbest post of the day.

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