I can't vote for Donald Trump

Totally avoided the questions. If the child has a 40% chance of killing the mother, is an abortion legal ?

2 nd degree murder is punishable by 15 years to life…
for Both the mother who takes a pill, and the person who writes the script , correct ? Or the mother and the doctor or nurse who performs the abortion.
Now if a mother engages in a contact sport and causes a post trauma abortion, she should be found guilty of third degree or involuntary manslaughter just like or the degrees of murder ….is that correct ?

And if YOU don’t report a murder by abortion by anyone you know, that means you are an accessory after or before the fact for MURDER and subject FELONY charges yourself. So EVERYONE WHO IS INVOLVED or indirectly INVOLVED IN AN ABORTION, now becomes an accessory and faces felony possible,charges as determined by any state.

That also means that, if you know an abortion has been committed, you must witness everyone you know who might be involved if asked by a court, or face contempt of court charges.

If you start assigning felony charges to abortion you open up a whole new system of laws. This is the genesis of roe v Wade and why the govt passed on roe v Wade. And allowed choice. There are no felonies
Biggest Crime is Scum like you were neither aborted before or after birth!
Oh, not women’s health alone ? It’s fascism to let women die because they can’t have an abortion in no exception states.
Where did I say I support no exception states?
Like most Leftist Scum you can only advance you position by lying and distortion!

I've made my decision, I can't vote for Orange man.

Trump has derided Ron DeSantis for his 6-week abortion ban. Why?

Trump appointed members on SCOTUS that overturned Roe vs. Wade. Why?

Isn't really what Trump is saying is that the nation needs to return to Roe vs. Wade after he made it go away?

The man is an idiot. What a train wreck.

So vote for Biden
My morals say this. The govt has no business deciding ANY issues for women’s health.
Then the Government has no position deciding any issues regarding anyone's Health!
Good bye "Obama Care", Medicare, public health, COVID sanctions, etc.
Gawd, you are either a dumb-ass or a liar, or both!
I will vote for DeSantis.

You will to if it is not a vote for a man anymore.

If the fate of the nation depends on an elderly man who has only 4 more years, at best, as President, then we are all doomed anyway.

What, you want to see him impeached 20 more times? What exactly will he do this time he did not do last time?

Funny, he won't even debate this time.
Of course I would vote for Desantis.....or Haley, or Vivek or whoever. Like I said we are beyond he said, she said. Choose the Regime or choose to remove the Regime.
It makes Trump a 7 million vote loser to Biden.

Idiot, no one can be a 7 million vote loser when presidential elections are won or lost by electoral college votes and Trump lost because he was given about 38 electoral college votes less than that needed to win. Try to at least act like you are not a total moron.
Idiot, no one can be a 7 million vote loser when presidential elections are won or lost by electoral college votes and Trump lost because he was given about 38 electoral college votes less than that needed to win. Try to at least act like you are not a total moron.
Only a loser wouldn’t call Trump a loser. Snowflakes still complaining because the criminals are outsmarted.

I've made my decision, I can't vote for Orange man.

Trump has derided Ron DeSantis for his 6-week abortion ban. Why?

Trump appointed members on SCOTUS that overturned Roe vs. Wade. Why?

Isn't really what Trump is saying is that the nation needs to return to Roe vs. Wade after he made it go away?

The man is an idiot. What a train wreck.

So, now, the duopoly so many here serve offers us one convicted, ultimately egoistic candidate and another who, by voting for and supporting the illegal invasion and consequent "war" in Iraq is a war criminal. Some choice. This is why so many cannot vote for either.

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