“I Didn’t Have Any Advanced Notice. None. Zero.” – Biden When Asked if He Had Advance Notice on FBI’s Plan to Raid Mar-a-Lago (VIDEO)


…or he expects his people to do their jobs without a lot of micro-management.

It doesn't require much management to destroy the country. Just give a bunch of over-educated, multicultural, gender-confused, Neo-Marxist liberal chimps a bunch of jobs in an administration like Biden's, and watch how fast they make shit broken. They've been fucking up things all their lives, why would they need any mirco-management?
It doesn't require much management to destroy the country. Just give a bunch of over-educated, multicultural, gender-confused, Neo-Marxist liberal chimps a bunch of jobs in an administration like Biden's, and watch how fast they make shit broken. They've been fucking up things all their lives, why would they need any mirco-management?
Nothingburger post. Don’t have anything relevant to say, so you string together a bunch of insults! Heard it all before and frankly, you’re boring,
Tell me, how bad do you think Biden is going to be tortured in hell. For sexually abusing his daughter?
There no such thing as hell. You need to quit believing in fairy tales, like Trump being good for the country.
And how many times did they listen to him? List please.

The AG is hired by the president and works at his pleasure. The DOJ is the DOJ.

Just look at Bill Barr

When he stopped doing Trump’s bidding, he was fired
There is a hell, I'm sorry you will find out.
LOL!!! There’s nothing logical about a god that would create imperfect beings and punish them eternally for being imperfect. That doesn’t pass the smell test and, if there were such a god, would he really be worthy of worship?!?!
If true then he's not in charge of the nation.

I'm going to take him at his word on that. But, when a president appoints a lefty (or a righty) to run the DOJ they know ahead of time that that person will be using their partisan views to run the department so when the lefties in government demand Garland and the DOJ investigate Trump more and charge him, it's only natural that the lefty appointed person running the DOJ will carry through with their lefty bias and do what is best for that lefty (or righty) agenda.
LOL!!! There’s nothing logical about a god that would create imperfect beings and punish them eternally for being imperfect. That doesn’t pass the smell test and, if there were such a god, would he really be worthy of worship?!?!

For God so hated the world that he sent his only begotten son that whosoever believeth not should perish and be tortured for all eternity. God sent not his son to redeem the world, but that the great majority of the world should be tortured forever through him.

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