I didn't vote for the douchebag

I didn't vote for the douchebag
But I will support him. If he succeeds, America succeeds. My business has struggled for near a decade. It's time to try something new.
TRANSLATION: Now that the shooting is over, I don't mind coming out and trying the results.

Welcome to the party, however late you may be. The good news is, when he succeeds, America's resulting success will benefit everybody, even those who wouldn't give him the time of day when the going was rough.

Nice you finally saw the light, Gramps. Normal Americans could have used your help. But even when you hung back, the rest got it done anyway. And now here you are to partake of the benefits.

I'd thought better of you, Gramps. But we can let bygones be bygones.

P.S. Since you saw fit to start this thread on this subject, I suggest you partake quietly, and not remind people of how little you did to help when it was needed. Let that be bygone too.
What, higher taxes, min wage increases, outsourcing, illegals, and no growth didnt help? I thought Obama did all of those wonderful things
You left out doubling the amount of paperwork contractors had to fill out and doubling the payroll to secretaries to do the filling out, to inform the govt they weren't ripping people off.
Being a failing businessman is easy. All you need is money, and lack of skill.

Just like Trump.

Lol. We got a smartass over here.

Trump has been in business since the 1970's. He's business has weathered six presidential administrations and tremendous economic upheavals in between. Now he's worth billions.

You? You're just some random poster posting about things he hardly understands. If you're so good at running a business, why are you sitting here lecturing someone else about running a business instead of starting your own?
Being a failing businessman is easy. All you need is money, and lack of skill.

Just like Trump.

Lol. We got a smartass over here.

Trump has been in business since the 1970's. He's business has weathered six presidential administrations and tremendous economic upheavals in between. Now he's worth billions.

You? You're just some random poster posting about things he hardly understands. If you're so good at running a business, why are you sitting here lecturing someone else about running a business instead of starting your own?

False. He's NOT worth billions... and he won't even prove that he is (because he can't.)

Also trump has been inundated with funds again, and again... and again... and again... and again... and again to pick himself up after each massive failure. You're too stupid to actually do any digging and realize this though.
False. He's NOT worth billions... and he won't even prove that he is (because he can't.)

Can it.

trump net worth - Google Search

Also trump has been inundated with funds again, and again... and again... and again... and again... and again to pick himself up after each massive failure. You're too stupid to actually do any digging and realize this though.

Right. See the previous response. All I had to do was type three words.
How poor of a businessman does he have to be to only be able to thrive under very specific presidents.

Lol. Such utter contempt. Lets see you do better wiseass.

Being a failing businessman is easy. All you need is money, and lack of skill.

Just like Trump.

Yeah He failed to 4 billion plus, and hes president. Only liberals would spin that as failure, because true success is to live off govt your entire life
Being a failing businessman is easy. All you need is money, and lack of skill.

Just like Trump.

Lol. We got a smartass over here.

Trump has been in business since the 1970's. He's business has weathered six presidential administrations and tremendous economic upheavals in between. Now he's worth billions.

You? You're just some random poster posting about things he hardly understands. If you're so good at running a business, why are you sitting here lecturing someone else about running a business instead of starting your own?

False. He's NOT worth billions... and he won't even prove that he is (because he can't.)

Also trump has been inundated with funds again, and again... and again... and again... and again... and again to pick himself up after each massive failure. You're too stupid to actually do any digging and realize this though.

He is, and you cant take it. Even business guys who hate him agree hes in the B club
But I will support him. If he succeeds, America succeeds. My business has struggled for near a decade. It's time to try something new.
If only you Americans understood why you've been struggling. Im done trying to educate you. Now let's see trump make your life better.
if he does bobo will we see you here admitting that?.....or will you disappear for another 4-5 years?....just askin....
Are you suggesting I disappeared because bush made my life better?
did i suggest that or did you?....i asked a simple question.....
But I will support him. If he succeeds, America succeeds. My business has struggled for near a decade. It's time to try something new.
It doesn't matter whether or not one hopes he succeeds. He will fail regardless.
same question to you billy.....if he does a pretty decent job will you be here saying so,or will you disappear with bobo?.....once again just askin....
Trump's only reasonable policy ideas are fixing our nation's infrastructure and eliminating TPP. The latter would be easy to do. The former is something republicans in congress have no interest in doing. Even if they did, it's not like I trust Trump to design a reasonable infrastructure investment plan.
he does not have to design it,thats why they surround themselves with advisers and so called experts.....he just has to approve it....and you danced around my question....
But I will support him. If he succeeds, America succeeds. My business has struggled for near a decade. It's time to try something new.

"New" like running your business differently or closing up the loser and moving on? Because new president is not likely to make or break your business, sorry to rain on your parade.

People that tie their personal problems on a national election are rarely operating on a rational level.
My "personal" problems are directly linked to the economy dumbass. When the economy rises my workload rises. Likewise when it falls or stagnates the same effects occur.
But I will support him. If he succeeds, America succeeds. My business has struggled for near a decade. It's time to try something new.

"New" like running your business differently or closing up the loser and moving on? Because new president is not likely to make or break your business, sorry to rain on your parade.

People that tie their personal problems on a national election are rarely operating on a rational level.
My "personal" problems are directly linked to the economy dumbass. When the economy rises my workload rises. Likewise when it falls or stagnates the same effects occur.
You won't pay fair wages, so you don't get the good contracts.
But I will support him. If he succeeds, America succeeds. My business has struggled for near a decade. It's time to try something new.
If only you Americans understood why you've been struggling. Im done trying to educate you. Now let's see trump make your life better.
if he does bobo will we see you here admitting that?.....or will you disappear for another 4-5 years?....just askin....
Are you suggesting I disappeared because bush made my life better?
did i suggest that or did you?....i asked a simple question.....

Is that when I left? 2000 or somewhere there after? I could see me being so disgusted I stopped talking politics then. Can't imagine another time where I hated the direction America was headed. Corporations taking over America, a Justice Department that was working too closely with the President (Alberto Gonzales "I don't recall") and jobs going overseas.

Even if Trump "fixes" NAFTA he only fixes it for corporations. The whole concept is that if there are a lot of jobs then wages will go up because employers will have to compete. Well the fact is we're already pretty close to zero unemployment. Do you know what that means? That means the engineering company can't find an engineer. We need highly skilled CNC operators and designers and these are jobs young kids are going to go back to school and take but the dumb blue collar people who didn't like Obama don't realize it wasn't him who sent their jobs overseas. And it wasn't Clinton alone who did NAFTA. The GOP was behind NAFTA.

So even if you argue you were smart to elect Trump, why did you keep Republicans in power in the Senate and House? Because you were tired of the gridlock? They created the gridlock! So you rewarded the bad actors. That's what happened Harry. Foul play won the day. And you fools think you are going to benefit from it?

I'm not going away. I really got fucked in 2000 with Bush. He was HORRIBLE for Michigan. I'm doing well now and I don't want to go back to those days. But seems no matter what the Republicans want eventually they get their way. If they want to ban abortion and privatize SS they'll get it.
But I will support him. If he succeeds, America succeeds. My business has struggled for near a decade. It's time to try something new.

"New" like running your business differently or closing up the loser and moving on? Because new president is not likely to make or break your business, sorry to rain on your parade.

People that tie their personal problems on a national election are rarely operating on a rational level.
My "personal" problems are directly linked to the economy dumbass. When the economy rises my workload rises. Likewise when it falls or stagnates the same effects occur.

Gramps.....are you an alcoholic?
But I will support him. If he succeeds, America succeeds. My business has struggled for near a decade. It's time to try something new.
If only you Americans understood why you've been struggling. Im done trying to educate you. Now let's see trump make your life better.
if he does bobo will we see you here admitting that?.....or will you disappear for another 4-5 years?....just askin....
Are you suggesting I disappeared because bush made my life better?
did i suggest that or did you?....i asked a simple question.....

Is that when I left? 2000 or somewhere there after? I could see me being so disgusted I stopped talking politics then. Can't imagine another time where I hated the direction America was headed. Corporations taking over America, a Justice Department that was working too closely with the President (Alberto Gonzales "I don't recall") and jobs going overseas.

Even if Trump "fixes" NAFTA he only fixes it for corporations. The whole concept is that if there are a lot of jobs then wages will go up because employers will have to compete. Well the fact is we're already pretty close to zero unemployment. Do you know what that means? That means the engineering company can't find an engineer. We need highly skilled CNC operators and designers and these are jobs young kids are going to go back to school and take but the dumb blue collar people who didn't like Obama don't realize it wasn't him who sent their jobs overseas. And it wasn't Clinton alone who did NAFTA. The GOP was behind NAFTA.

So even if you argue you were smart to elect Trump, why did you keep Republicans in power in the Senate and House? Because you were tired of the gridlock? They created the gridlock! So you rewarded the bad actors. That's what happened Harry. Foul play won the day. And you fools think you are going to benefit from it?

I'm not going away. I really got fucked in 2000 with Bush. He was HORRIBLE for Michigan. I'm doing well now and I don't want to go back to those days. But seems no matter what the Republicans want eventually they get their way. If they want to ban abortion and privatize SS they'll get it.
bobo look i know you can dance....how about answering that simple question.....
But I will support him. If he succeeds, America succeeds. My business has struggled for near a decade. It's time to try something new.

Maybe run your business better.

Lot of people have been thriving the past 8 years. Maybe you're just a terrible businessman and you need to find another line of work.

Though I can understand you looking for a handout from Trumpy.
Many have been thriving.
If only you Americans understood why you've been struggling. Im done trying to educate you. Now let's see trump make your life better.
if he does bobo will we see you here admitting that?.....or will you disappear for another 4-5 years?....just askin....
Are you suggesting I disappeared because bush made my life better?
did i suggest that or did you?....i asked a simple question.....

Is that when I left? 2000 or somewhere there after? I could see me being so disgusted I stopped talking politics then. Can't imagine another time where I hated the direction America was headed. Corporations taking over America, a Justice Department that was working too closely with the President (Alberto Gonzales "I don't recall") and jobs going overseas.

Even if Trump "fixes" NAFTA he only fixes it for corporations. The whole concept is that if there are a lot of jobs then wages will go up because employers will have to compete. Well the fact is we're already pretty close to zero unemployment. Do you know what that means? That means the engineering company can't find an engineer. We need highly skilled CNC operators and designers and these are jobs young kids are going to go back to school and take but the dumb blue collar people who didn't like Obama don't realize it wasn't him who sent their jobs overseas. And it wasn't Clinton alone who did NAFTA. The GOP was behind NAFTA.

So even if you argue you were smart to elect Trump, why did you keep Republicans in power in the Senate and House? Because you were tired of the gridlock? They created the gridlock! So you rewarded the bad actors. That's what happened Harry. Foul play won the day. And you fools think you are going to benefit from it?

I'm not going away. I really got fucked in 2000 with Bush. He was HORRIBLE for Michigan. I'm doing well now and I don't want to go back to those days. But seems no matter what the Republicans want eventually they get their way. If they want to ban abortion and privatize SS they'll get it.
bobo look i know you can dance....how about answering that simple question.....

I'm sorry I can't answer your simple question because it's loaded. You are implying that I left because Bush was doing a good job. Lets read what you wrote again:

"if he does bobo will we see you here admitting that?.....or will you disappear for another 4-5 years?"

See Harry? You are suggesting that Bush did good and proved me wrong and I 'disappeared" rather than admit it. And your comment suggests that if Trump proves me wrong like Bush did I'll disappear again. Do you understand this about your own question? Now do you see why I can't answer your simple question? Because I'm not that simple.

And you are proving me right. You are a republican. Doesn't matter if it's Trump or Bush I've always known that about you. You're a little more willing to admit it now that Republicans are back in charge. You're just a little less embarrassed because you know you aren't alone. It's like mental patient shitting their pants. It's ok as long as you are inside the mental ward with all the other bed wetters.
But I will support him. If he succeeds, America succeeds. My business has struggled for near a decade. It's time to try something new.

"New" like running your business differently or closing up the loser and moving on? Because new president is not likely to make or break your business, sorry to rain on your parade.

People that tie their personal problems on a national election are rarely operating on a rational level.
My "personal" problems are directly linked to the economy dumbass. When the economy rises my workload rises. Likewise when it falls or stagnates the same effects occur.

Then by your definition your business rose since 2009....right?
When real smart businessmen face a harsh market... they up and relocate to a market that works.

Difficult, but better than just laying in the mud whining about your circumstances.

Sounds like you expect success to just come right at you.

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