I disagree with this article

Carter was a fool but I do not recall Carter being a liar.....

Obama is a confirmed liar. . He deserves nothing but scorn and derision.

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Carter was a fool but I do not recall Carter being a liar.....

Obama is a confirmed liar. . He deserves nothing but scorn and derision.

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You are right there. In many aspects Obama combines the worst of many presidents. He is authoritarian and disdainful of law like Abraham Lincoln. He is incompetent and buffoonish like Carter. He has delusions of grandeur like FDR. He has an understanding of the economy like RIchard Nixon. He also has the ethics of Richard Nixon. Or more closely Bill Clinton.
Obama is an unamerican, statist, idelogue; a new low for POTUS. Carter would be a big improvement, and that is really bad !
I think if you believe that doing nothing is better than doing something you disagree with
and if you disagree with what Obama has done ... then yeah, you're gonna rate Carter higher.
(Especially if you consider his inability to come up with anything for about 444 days in response to American hostages in Iran, no big deal).

Personally, I was a lot more pissed off at POTUS during Carter's administration than I am now.
Carter was a fool but I do not recall Carter being a liar.....

Obama is a confirmed liar. . He deserves nothing but scorn and derision.

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You are right there. In many aspects Obama combines the worst of many presidents. He is authoritarian and disdainful of law like Abraham Lincoln. He is incompetent and buffoonish like Carter. He has delusions of grandeur like FDR. He has an understanding of the economy like RIchard Nixon. He also has the ethics of Richard Nixon. Or more closely Bill Clinton.

Yes Obama is the worst of every bad person that ever existed. Wait for the obligatory Hitler reference coming soon
Carter was a fool but I do not recall Carter being a liar.....

Obama is a confirmed liar. . He deserves nothing but scorn and derision.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You are right there. In many aspects Obama combines the worst of many presidents. He is authoritarian and disdainful of law like Abraham Lincoln. He is incompetent and buffoonish like Carter. He has delusions of grandeur like FDR. He has an understanding of the economy like RIchard Nixon. He also has the ethics of Richard Nixon. Or more closely Bill Clinton.

Yes Obama is the worst of every bad person that ever existed. Wait for the obligatory Hitler reference coming soon

obama could not be compared with Hitler. Hitler thought Germans were the master race. Ooama wishes Americans would all die.
Carter was a fool but I do not recall Carter being a liar.....

Obama is a confirmed liar. . He deserves nothing but scorn and derision.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You are right there. In many aspects Obama combines the worst of many presidents. He is authoritarian and disdainful of law like Abraham Lincoln. He is incompetent and buffoonish like Carter. He has delusions of grandeur like FDR. He has an understanding of the economy like RIchard Nixon. He also has the ethics of Richard Nixon. Or more closely Bill Clinton.

Yes Obama is the worst of every bad person that ever existed. Wait for the obligatory Hitler reference coming soon

Hitler brought universal health care and gun control.
There. Happy now?
You are right there. In many aspects Obama combines the worst of many presidents. He is authoritarian and disdainful of law like Abraham Lincoln. He is incompetent and buffoonish like Carter. He has delusions of grandeur like FDR. He has an understanding of the economy like RIchard Nixon. He also has the ethics of Richard Nixon. Or more closely Bill Clinton.

Yes Obama is the worst of every bad person that ever existed. Wait for the obligatory Hitler reference coming soon

Hitler brought universal health care and gun control.
There. Happy now?

Good dog
I blame Obama for not changing our economic and fiscal policies.
Universal Healthcare is the result of bad policy on a State level that has risen to a Federal level.
I blame Obama for not changing our economic and fiscal policies.
Universal Healthcare is the result of bad policy on a State level that has risen to a Federal level.

Obama did change our economic and fiscal policies (whatever that means). We spend more, we have more crony capitalism, we have enshrined too big to fail, we have regulated and taxed every aspect of the economy, we have expanded federal power over things that were never subject to it.
What more do you want?

That is no longer a talking point.

It is a joke. And a bad one at that.


Eisenhower understood that bullies often cannot be deterred without threatening a response that would be catastrophic for one and all. This is especially the case when the aggressor cares much more about the victim than we do. Nikita Khrushchev could not afford to lose Hungary, just as Putin believes that he cannot afford to lose Crimea to a Western-oriented Ukrainian government. That's no secret. Crimea was historically Russian, serves as the home to Russia's Black Sea Fleet, and satisfies Moscow's age-old drive for warm-water ports. A thug like Putin responds to a threat of this magnitude the only way he knows how -- with brute force. The idea that a more resolute American president would have made Putin stay his hand seems fanciful, on the order of "Who lost China?" or all the other places weak-willed American leaders are said to have lost to the communists. Today's version is "Who lost Benghazi?" -- or Syria.

Eisenhower felt confident that, in the end, the Soviets would not dance on the grave of the West, but that it would turn out the other way around. I suspect that Obama thinks about Putin in much the same way. Those who sneer at Obama now laud Putin as a strategic mastermind, playing Risk, as FP contributing editor Will Inboden puts it, while Obama plays Candy Land. Yet Putin has turned Russia into Saudi Arabia with nukes, a petrostate incapable of exporting anything that doesn't come out of the ground. He's playing with a switchblade while the rest of the world learns how to operate a laser.

As a foreign-policy president, Obama deserves to be compared to Eisenhower at least as much as he does to Carter. Like Obama, Eisenhower inherited a vast military budget that he viewed as an unsustainable burden on the national economy. He tried, not always successfully, to do more, or as much, with less. (In Maximalist, Stephen Sestanovich describes both as "retrenchment" presidents.) Obama's great goal in foreign policy is to wind down inherited conflicts -- including the war on terror, as I wrote last week -- in order to give his activist domestic agenda a fighting chance.

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