I do not help my wife


Diamond Member
Nov 18, 2011

Interesting article about domestic chores in a modern world.

I do not help my wife clean house. I clean the house because I live here and it needs cleaning. WE clean, WE cook, and WE enjoy life more.
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Interesting article about domestic chores in a modern world.

I do not help my wife clean house. I clean the house because I live here and it needs cleaning. WE clean, WE cook, and WE enjoy life more.

And you both know that if you don't, she'll kick your ass out.

Not sure she would kick me out. But she won't tolerate a guy thinking it is "women's work".
LOL a few favorite quotes.

"A good marriage would be between a blind wife and a deaf husband." Michel de Montaigne

"A happy marriage is a long conversation which always seems too short." Andre Maurois

"The most important thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother." Theodore Hesburgh

"I love being married. It's so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life." Rita Rudner

"The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret." Henny Youngman

"Marriage is a wonderful invention: then again, so is a bicycle repair kit." Billy Connolly

"I have learned that only two things are necessary to keep one's wife happy. First, let her think she's having her own way. And second, let her have it." Lyndon B. Johnson

"Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight." Phyllis Diller

"Whenever you're wrong, admit it; Whenever you're right, shut up." Ogden Nash

"Let there be spaces in your togetherness." Khalil Gibran

Interesting article about domestic chores in a modern world.

I do not help my wife clean house. I clean the house because I live here and it needs cleaning. WE clean, WE cook, and WE enjoy life more.

And you both know that if you don't, she'll kick your ass out.

Not sure she would kick me out. But she won't tolerate a guy thinking it is "women's work".
My sister hates to cook but loves to clean up so her hubby does the cooking and she does the cleaning afterwards.

He cleans the cars and she cleans the house.

They have everything worked out.
Most of the women that I knew (in the Biblical sense) and dated (in the California/NYC sense) could not cook.

They were great at fokking but could not cook.

So I always did the cooking at home when we dined-in at home.

They could not clean either so also did the cleaning.

When I cook I clean as I go so I don't end up with a pile of pots and pans afterwards. Learned that from my mom. She was also a great cook.
For as long as I can remember, I have objected to the phrase 'my husband helps around the house'. As though he dropped in and is just visiting for 30 years or so.

I have no use for or respect for either a man or a woman who has to look down the front of their pants to see what they're capable of doing. Like WinterBorn 's wife, I can't abide a man who thinks some things are women's work because what they're really saying is that they are too good to do those things that make a house a home and keep it running smoothly.

My husband bakes all our bread. Its wonderful, what used to be called the staff of life. He also makes wonderful wine and keeps bees. He's extremely talented and makes me very happy.

OTOH, I couldn't repair a car if my life depended on it. Neither can my husband. That's why god made mechanics. Same with a lot of other jobs and no one has to be good at all things.

Interesting article about domestic chores in a modern world.

I do not help my wife clean house. I clean the house because I live here and it needs cleaning. WE clean, WE cook, and WE enjoy life more.

And you both know that if you don't, she'll kick your ass out.

Not sure she would kick me out. But she won't tolerate a guy thinking it is "women's work".
My sister hates to cook but loves to clean up so her hubby does the cooking and she does the cleaning afterwards.

He cleans the cars and she cleans the house.

They have everything worked out.

You sparked a memory from, omg, 45 years ago.

I was visiting my brother, his wife, their two kids. Wife and I were outside, scraping old paint off the house, prepping it to be repainted. I went inside and found my brother stretched out on the couch. That night, wife and I fixed dinner and while cleaning up, my brother, sitting at the table and watching us work, opined that he and his wife shared all the work and that they each did what they were good at.

Another memory - my grand daughter had an assignment in kindergarten, 1st or 2nd grade. They were to draw a picture of their house and put their family in the parts of the house they liked the best. She drew her mother in the car with shopping bags and her father laying on the couch.
My wife is a full time medical student and I'm a semi-retired cement mason. Of course I do most of the house work.
Most household chores we share. Something needs to be done and one of us just takes care of it. We do however have certain things only one of us will tackle because it's not in the other's wheelhouse. For example, I know nothing about house or outdoor plants and stuff whereas the bride has two green thumbs and enjoys the work. Anything to do with our cars though I take care of or take them in for maintenance.

Heard her on the phone the other day talking to a friend and it turns out friend's husband of 30-some years has never loaded or unloaded the dishwasher, it's woman's work to him and won't have anything to do with it. Heck, if I had a nickel for all the times I've done dishwasher duty it would be a tidy sum.
I clean up around the house. I dont see it as helping my wife.
She doesnt mind getting out in the yard either. Its not to help me. Its because its our HOME.
I simply pick up after Myself as I go through the day. When its time to do the weekly cleaning, there really isn't much to do. It can be done inside of five minutes.
Come visit me, I'll keep ya busy
Do you do windows?
Since the kids fled for their lives, our house stays pretty clean and we both work inside and out according to mood. It wouldn't be too unusual for James to ask if I wanna help stack wood and for me to answer yeah, about as much as
I wanna be tasered in the asshole.

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