I do not stand for or against the Jews


VIP Member
Oct 5, 2016
Both of these, in my opinion, are a particular form of madness, because the assumption here is that one must take a side. What the Jews themselves, and anti- and philo- semites cannot stand is indifference. Both the Jews and others who have a strong opinion of them exist in a sort of relationship where they need each other.

To me, the Jews are just another group. Live and die by your own merits. I will neither attack nor help you.
So, you hate Israel.
To me, the Jews are just another group. Live and die by your own merits. I will neither attack nor help you.

The world for 2,000+ years has never allowed the Jews to be "just another group."
But let's blame the Jews for that, too.
Both of these, in my opinion, are a particular form of madness, because the assumption here is that one must take a side. What the Jews themselves, and anti- and philo- semites cannot stand is indifference. Both the Jews and others who have a strong opinion of them exist in a sort of relationship where they need each other.

To me, the Jews are just another group. Live and die by your own merits. I will neither attack nor help you.

No, dfens the Jews are not just another group.
They are spiritually called as the Elders of a whole lineage of people.

So the spiritual leadership will come from some of these
Jewish Elders leading the way, and calling to unite the other tribes.

This includes Christians and Muslims as people of the Book
following this same lineage through different cultures and stages of growth.

When people are looking to leaders, it will come from the
faithful who lead by serving, where those who are chief of all
act as servant to all. The most humble and meek who serve God and humanity.

That kind of leadership. And yes the Jewish have a specific spiritual calling
unique to this lineage. It is already incorporated in their spiritual DNA, if you will.
To me, the Jews are just another group. ........
The world for 2,000+ years has never allowed the Jews to be "just another group."
But let's blame the Jews for that, too.
"The world"? I'd say the last 70 years is the fault of Zionists. True, Zionists are (more less) Jews, so if you want to "blame the Jews for that" I guess it's your business.
To me, the Jews are just another group. ........
The world for 2,000+ years has never allowed the Jews to be "just another group."
But let's blame the Jews for that, too.
"The world"? I'd say the last 70 years is the fault of Zionists. True, Zionists are (more less) Jews, so if you want to "blame the Jews for that" I guess it's your business.

If I had to dumb it all down for sixth graders, i'd say
Zionist is to Judaism as
Islamist is to Islam
(And as
Armageddonist is to Jihadist)

The truly faithful Jewish, Muslim and Christian lead by serving others and God, not
taking credit for politically controlling people and policies as public leaders are called to do.

So thinking the Zionists are the real spiritual leadership of the Jewish
is like trying to assess Islam by looking at Islamist oppressive leadership and govt.

The Muslims will tell you no, they do not believe in the oppressive Islamist or "Jihadist" type of practice they don't even recognize as having anything to do with true Islam.
Same with Christians who will not recognize the post-millenial dispensationalist or
Armageddonist type of Zionists as true Christians or Jews but as a CULT that is ANTICHRIST.

The real Muslims will tell you they have more freedom to practice their true faith
here in America, and not in countries with such oppressive regimes they are persecuted or worse.

The real Jewish spiritual leaders are gentle as lambs but wise as Kings.
They do not abuse their power, their obedience to God is humbling and not like the political positions of power.

In the end, I suspect the real peacemakers will serve as Counselors and Mediators
BETWEEN leaders of tribes and nations who are expected to represent and speak for mass groups.

the real leadership will be the partnership and agreements among these.
so the peacemakers will be recognized as children of God,
the meek who inherit the earth, not to control but to share and steward over.
leading by service, and teaching by example.
... thinking the Zionists are the real spiritual leadership of the Jewish is like trying to assess Islam by looking at Islamist oppressive leadership and govt.

The Muslims will tell you no, they do not believe in the oppressive Islamist or "Jihadist" type of practice they don't even recognize as having anything to do with true Islam.

Same with Christians who will not recognize the post-millenial dispensationalist or
Armageddonist type of Zionists as true Christians or Jews but as a CULT that is ANTICHRIST.

The real Jewish spiritual leaders are gentle as lambs but wise as Kings.
They do not abuse their power, their obedience to God is humbling and not like the political positions of power.
Bravo again.

In the end, I suspect the real peacemakers will serve as Counselors and Mediators
BETWEEN leaders of tribes and nations who are expected to represent and speak for mass groups.
Probably, yes.
They always make their entrance into the forum with this "neutral" post and then take a sharp turn towards antisemtism.
The Muslims will tell you no, they do not believe in the oppressive Islamist or "Jihadist" type of practice they don't even recognize as having anything to do with true Islam.
Same with Christians who will not recognize the post-millenial dispensationalist or
Armageddonist type of Zionists as true Christians or Jews but as a CULT that is ANTICHRIST.

I really do not have the time to debate this never ending subject but I will say this.I find your whole entry to be misleading. To compare a Zionist (a term I really object to) to a jihadist is an abomination, imo. To compare some Christian end times “dispensationalist” to a jihadist is also grossly in error.

What’s a Zionist anyway? To me, it’s a lie the West and media have latched onto because they do not care enough to even know the truth. It’s a term Islam falls in love with to even begin to cover all their centuries of aggression and oppression of others. Not unlike how the left in this nation likes to make the tea party or the alt-right look like some violent, selfish, uncaring movement. (bunk) The Jews in the Holy Land have never been “Zionists” in the perspective that you imply how they are aggressive stealers of land and pushed others out of the way. Ignorance or ulterior motives fuels lies like this. IMO
To me, the Jews are just another group. ........
The world for 2,000+ years has never allowed the Jews to be "just another group."
But let's blame the Jews for that, too.
"The world"? I'd say the last 70 years is the fault of Zionists. True, Zionists are (more less) Jews, so if you want to "blame the Jews for that" I guess it's your business.

Not a chance.

Israel can almost be thought of as blameless in the face of all the hatred and attacks they have had to endure and deal with since the beginning of the 20th century. IMO
Both of these, in my opinion, are a particular form of madness, because the assumption here is that one must take a side. What the Jews themselves, and anti- and philo- semites cannot stand is indifference. Both the Jews and others who have a strong opinion of them exist in a sort of relationship where they need each other.

To me, the Jews are just another group. Live and die by your own merits. I will neither attack nor help you.

No, dfens the Jews are not just another group.
They are spiritually called as the Elders of a whole lineage of people.

So the spiritual leadership will come from some of these
Jewish Elders leading the way, and calling to unite the other tribes.

This includes Christians and Muslims as people of the Book
following this same lineage through different cultures and stages of growth.

When people are looking to leaders, it will come from the
faithful who lead by serving, where those who are chief of all
act as servant to all. The most humble and meek who serve God and humanity.

That kind of leadership. And yes the Jewish have a specific spiritual calling
unique to this lineage. It is already incorporated in their spiritual DNA, if you will.

Too funny, which Jews are you talking about?
To me, the Jews are just another group. ........
The world for 2,000+ years has never allowed the Jews to be "just another group."
But let's blame the Jews for that, too.
"The world"? I'd say the last 70 years is the fault of Zionists. True, Zionists are (more less) Jews, so if you want to "blame the Jews for that" I guess it's your business.

Not a chance.

Israel can almost be thought of as blameless in the face of all the hatred and attacks they have had to endure and deal with since the beginning of the 20th century. IMO

Cry me a river. They caused WWII.
To me, the Jews are just another group. ........
The world for 2,000+ years has never allowed the Jews to be "just another group."
But let's blame the Jews for that, too.
"The world"? I'd say the last 70 years is the fault of Zionists. True, Zionists are (more less) Jews, so if you want to "blame the Jews for that" I guess it's your business.

Not a chance.

Israel can almost be thought of as blameless in the face of all the hatred and attacks they have had to endure and deal with since the beginning of the 20th century. IMO

Cry me a river. They caused WWII.

Are you hiding behind some fake Christian religion you claim? Because you do not act the part.

You seek reasons to hate Israel like a heroin addict seeks his next fix.
To me, the Jews are just another group. ........
The world for 2,000+ years has never allowed the Jews to be "just another group."
But let's blame the Jews for that, too.
"The world"? I'd say the last 70 years is the fault of Zionists. True, Zionists are (more less) Jews, so if you want to "blame the Jews for that" I guess it's your business.

Not a chance.

Israel can almost be thought of as blameless in the face of all the hatred and attacks they have had to endure and deal with since the beginning of the 20th century. IMO

Cry me a river. They caused WWII.

Are you hiding behind some fake Christian religion you claim? Because you do not act the part.

You seek reasons to hate Israel like a heroin addict seeks his next fix.

From now on those Hasidic jews in NY need to go to work, get off of welfare, food stamps and we need to quit aid to Israel, since they occupy someone else's land. Oh the Hasidic need to quit the sucking circumcision.
"The world"? I'd say the last 70 years is the fault of Zionists. True, Zionists are (more less) Jews, so if you want to "blame the Jews for that" I guess it's your business.

But in fact, there are exponentially more Christian Zionists than there are Jews on the planet.

Cry me a river. They caused WWII.

From now on those Hasidic jews in NY need to go to work, get off of welfare, food stamps and we need to quit aid to Israel, since they occupy someone else's land. Oh the Hasidic need to quit the sucking circumcision.

The existence of Nazis is why Israel exists and why it must exist.

They always make their entrance into the forum with this "neutral" post and then take a sharp turn towards antisemtism.

Except one ... RoccoR. He was once very balanced - even tilting pro-Pal (but never anti-Israel) - but his posting persona is certainly more pro-Israel now.

...What’s a Zionist anyway?

And that is the crux of the biscuit! Some use the term as a slur - a means of saying "filthy Jew" - because saying "filthy Jew" exposes their true self and agenda ... spreading their unrelenting hate.

Let's try this Merriam/Webster definition (but I'm open to other credible - not personal - ones):

ZIONISM - an international movement originally for the establishment of a Jewish national or religious community in Palestine and later for the support of modern Israel.

So according to M/W dictionary, a 21st Century Zionist is one of any faith who supports the modern state of Israel.
Count me in.
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To me, the Jews are just another group. ........
The world for 2,000+ years has never allowed the Jews to be "just another group."
But let's blame the Jews for that, too.
"The world"? I'd say the last 70 years is the fault of Zionists. True, Zionists are (more less) Jews, so if you want to "blame the Jews for that" I guess it's your business.

Not a chance.

Israel can almost be thought of as blameless in the face of all the hatred and attacks they have had to endure and deal with since the beginning of the 20th century. IMO

Cry me a river. They caused WWII.

Penny :biggrin: which year came first 1948 or 1939?
To me, the Jews are just another group. ........
The world for 2,000+ years has never allowed the Jews to be "just another group."
But let's blame the Jews for that, too.
"The world"? I'd say the last 70 years is the fault of Zionists. True, Zionists are (more less) Jews, so if you want to "blame the Jews for that" I guess it's your business.

Not a chance.

Israel can almost be thought of as blameless in the face of all the hatred and attacks they have had to endure and deal with since the beginning of the 20th century. IMO

Cry me a river. They caused WWII.

Penny :biggrin: which year came first 1948 or 1939?

Judea declared war on Germany in 1933.
The world for 2,000+ years has never allowed the Jews to be "just another group."
But let's blame the Jews for that, too.
"The world"? I'd say the last 70 years is the fault of Zionists. True, Zionists are (more less) Jews, so if you want to "blame the Jews for that" I guess it's your business.

Not a chance.

Israel can almost be thought of as blameless in the face of all the hatred and attacks they have had to endure and deal with since the beginning of the 20th century. IMO

Cry me a river. They caused WWII.

Penny :biggrin: which year came first 1948 or 1939?

Judea declared war on Germany in 1933.

Really, and other than some questionable newspaper picture, can you name the leader of Judea, chief commander or actual military actions Judea took?

Also can you please name the capital of Judea?
"The world"? I'd say the last 70 years is the fault of Zionists. True, Zionists are (more less) Jews, so if you want to "blame the Jews for that" I guess it's your business.

Not a chance.

Israel can almost be thought of as blameless in the face of all the hatred and attacks they have had to endure and deal with since the beginning of the 20th century. IMO

Cry me a river. They caused WWII.

Penny :biggrin: which year came first 1948 or 1939?

Judea declared war on Germany in 1933.

Really, and other than some questionable newspaper picture, can you name the leader of Judea, chief commander or actual military actions Judea took?

Also can you please name the capital of Judea?

google Judea declares war on Germany. Also there was no Israel in 1933, but there was a Palestine.

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