I do not want a girlfrient at the moment


Gold Member
I dont want a girlfriend right now, because i have a 37 year old support person, who is a beautiful woman. She has a car, and drives me around, we do very cool things, like hicking, going for ice cream, coffee, lunch, etc. and many other cool things, nearly everything i want. And I like her. If i had a girlfriend i guess the girlfriend would not want that i have this support person, or that woman. She is also a single, she introduced me to a friend of hers too. I dont feel lonely because i have her and i want that it stays that way, she supports me, she has a car, etc... I dont have any responisbilites and i enjoy our conversations very good communication between us. Better then having a girlfriend because then i would need to have a car, to support the girlfriend, to take responsibilites. Maybe if the support person quits her job or something and doesnt visit me anymore, then i look for a girlfriend maybe to not be lonely.

I do not want a girlfrient at the moment​

And women everywhere rejoice ...

I dont want a girlfriend right now, because i have a 37 year old support person, who is a beautiful woman. She has a car, and drives me around, we do very cool things, like hicking, going for ice cream, coffee, lunch, etc. and many other cool things, nearly everything i want. And I like her. If i had a girlfriend i guess the girlfriend would not want that i have this support person, or that woman. She is also a single, she introduced me to a friend of hers too. I dont feel lonely because i have her and i want that it stays that way, she supports me, she has a car, etc... I dont have any responisbilites and i enjoy our conversations very good communication between us. Better then having a girlfriend because then i would need to have a car, to support the girlfriend, to take responsibilites. Maybe if the support person quits her job or something and doesnt visit me anymore, then i look for a girlfriend maybe to not be lonely.
I'm happy for you Mort, everyone should have someone in their life who provides support to them even if it's in the form of a platonic relationship.
And women everywhere rejoice ...

Hey fnc---- guys mature at a slower rate than do women, some guys much slower. Morty is just one of those cases where it may take him until 50 years old to mature, or perhaps not until that support person in his life is no longer there and he is suddenly left with no choice but to grow up and take on real responsibility for himself.

Perhaps then he will discover his life come to focus finally as only it can with a real woman in his life and not just some comfortable platonic relationship, and become a man.
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I dont want a girlfriend right now, because i have a 37 year old support person, who is a beautiful woman. She has a car, and drives me around, we do very cool things, like hicking, going for ice cream, coffee, lunch, etc. and many other cool things, nearly everything i want. And I like her. If i had a girlfriend i guess the girlfriend would not want that i have this support person, or that woman. She is also a single, she introduced me to a friend of hers too. I dont feel lonely because i have her and i want that it stays that way, she supports me, she has a car, etc... I dont have any responisbilites and i enjoy our conversations very good communication between us. Better then having a girlfriend because then i would need to have a car, to support the girlfriend, to take responsibilites. Maybe if the support person quits her job or something and doesnt visit me anymore, then i look for a girlfriend maybe to not be lonely.

Yeah right...
You desperately want a girlfriend but you cant find one for obvious reasons.
I dont want a girlfriend right now, because i have a 37 year old support person, who is a beautiful woman. She has a car, and drives me around, we do very cool things, like hicking, going for ice cream, coffee, lunch, etc. and many other cool things, nearly everything i want. And I like her. If i had a girlfriend i guess the girlfriend would not want that i have this support person, or that woman. She is also a single, she introduced me to a friend of hers too. I dont feel lonely because i have her and i want that it stays that way, she supports me, she has a car, etc... I dont have any responisbilites and i enjoy our conversations very good communication between us. Better then having a girlfriend because then i would need to have a car, to support the girlfriend, to take responsibilites. Maybe if the support person quits her job or something and doesnt visit me anymore, then i look for a girlfriend maybe to not be lonely.
Sounds like a cool adventure for you to be on Mortimer, who knows where it leads .. enjoy the ride .. 😉
So he is not just a lazy , obese and attention seeking scammer who has learned how to best use people for his own convenience, and a type who knows how to get others thinking he is just a big lump of innocence ?

Not just a clever step up or two from his history ?

Tell you something ! Gullibles are his favourite friends .
After much long thought and consideration, I've decided I need a wife. Someone to share romantic time with, and help me in all the ways that wives have always helped men. I'm not too particular. She doesn't even have to be my wife. The neighbor's wife would do just fine. Just so she is willing to get frisky when I tell her to, and doesn't mind getting me a sammich and a beer every once in a while.
After much long thought and consideration, I've decided I need a wife. Someone to share romantic time with, and help me in all the ways that wives have always helped men. I'm not too particular. She doesn't even have to be my wife. The neighbor's wife would do. Just so she is willing to get frisky when I tell her to, and doesn't mind getting me a sammich and a beer every once in a while.

Do you think you are a heartthrob?
I dont want a girlfriend right now, because i have a 37 year old support person, who is a beautiful woman. She has a car, and drives me around, we do very cool things, like hicking, going for ice cream, coffee, lunch, etc. and many other cool things, nearly everything i want. And I like her. If i had a girlfriend i guess the girlfriend would not want that i have this support person, or that woman. She is also a single, she introduced me to a friend of hers too. I dont feel lonely because i have her and i want that it stays that way, she supports me, she has a car, etc... I dont have any responisbilites and i enjoy our conversations very good communication between us. Better then having a girlfriend because then i would need to have a car, to support the girlfriend, to take responsibilites. Maybe if the support person quits her job or something and doesnt visit me anymore, then i look for a girlfriend maybe to not be lonely.

Hope you get your life together

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