I don't see how it is in the gop's interest to say no to any infrastructure deal, and that appears to be where they are headed.

Wait a minute. We are dealing with "current events" and lefties are predicting where the GOP is headed. Do we have a forum for imaginary or future events? I guess it beats analyzing the DNC's plan.
Richard-H has his imagination working overtime as well. He has been grabbing fantasies out of thin air all day long.
We need to not just fix the infrastructure that was built in the 1950s, but to build an infrastructure for the year 2021 and beyond.
Amazing how that hot button issue that you commies were pushing during the campaign has slipped your mind. Infrastructure--lead pipes in Flint and Detroit, MI? Forget that, eh? Doesn't fit with illegal immigration forgiveness and free medical care for all eh? Read the definition of infrastructure again, moron.
I think you and the republicans don't understand that politicians are supposed to work for all the people they represent. Not just the rich and special interests.

So the rich and big business tells republicans they don't want taxes raised. The republicans comply and force democrats to go along with it.

The democrats propose an alternative.

The rich tell the republicans they don't want to have to pay the taxes they already owe and haven't paid so the republicans comply.

Since when did the constitution say that the rich and big business are the people who politicians work for and are the only people who get to call the shots?

The republicans and democrats need to grow spines.

I could care less about the rich and big business. They have been given everything for decades leaving nothing for the rest of us.

Our nation is falling apart. We have real problems because our government believes they work for the rich and big business.

It's about time the rest of us got something since we are the ones who are actually paying taxes. The rich get to live in their exclusive areas with the best of everything while the rest of us have to live in a nation that is falling apart and very divided.
Democrats don't work for all the people. Rich Democrats don't pay taxes either. You need to define the word 'rich' because many 'rich' folks have worked damn hard to get where they are. To say they have had everything handed to them is an insult. Big businesses in most cases started out as small businesses. The government needs to get out of corporate influence. IF you want to 'get' something, go out and WORK for it you lazy bum.
You have to gasp at the skewed logic of the hate filled left these days. Are republicans really expected to rubber stamp a bill just because it has the word "infrastructure" in it? The threat is that the media will come down on republicans if they don't vote for democrat sponsored bills. This isn't democracy anymore, it's some perverted extortion scam worthy of Stalinist Russia.
Big businesses in most cases started out as small businesses.
Great examples would be Amazon--Bezos, Microsoft--Gates and Allen, FB--Zuckerberg. All democrat heeeeroes, and you'll never hear one of those commie democrats call those guys out. Democrats worthless, miserable, perpetual victims.
Great examples would be Amazon--Bezos, Microsoft--Gates and Allen, FB--Zuckerberg. All democrat heeeeroes, and you'll never hear one of those commie democrats call those guys out. Democrats worthless, miserable, perpetual victims.
Yeah they're the 'good' rich. Those who fight, sweat and make it on their own are the 'bad' rich according to Democrats. BTW, some of the richest folks are Democrat representatives.
I think of China using the dead bodies of perished workers embedded and used in building 'The Great Wall' when I hear the term 'human infrastructure'.

That was the fate of Irish and German workers working on the levees around New Orleans and the Mississippi River; they were covered over and buried where they dropped dead. Slave were too valuable to use for that work, same with the dangerous jobs on cotton boats. Slaves were pampered compared to 'free' unrestricted immigrant labor.
Biden's infrastructure plans fit well within the definition you posted.

Back in the 1950s ideas like the 'Interstate highway System' were as progressive and futuristic as Biden's proposals are today.

Morons, like yourself, were wetting their panties over those ideas back then.

We need to not just fix the infrastructure that was built in the 1950s, but to build an infrastructure for the year 2021 and beyond.

Is that so hard to understand? (For you...probably!)

Eisenhower didn't raise taxes much to pay for it, he simply looted Social Security to pay fir, and they still do. You know pretty much nothing about it. The only taxes they raise are those on poor and working class people, like gasoline taxes and payroll taxes. Only idiots think Republicans are worse than Democrats when it comes to screwing over workers.
Being an employee is a choice, fascist fuckwad.

If you want to be a corporate plaything, that's your funeral....The State has no role whatsoever to treat the general population like we are chattel property to be "managed".
The U.S. government has been taking statistical data on the people of the U.S. since its inception. How can the U.S. Government ''Promote...the General Welfare" without statistical data? Government policies are determined by this data. That means that the U.S. government (and state governments) have always 'managed' people.
Looking at both sides, agree with Republicans on a leaner bill. maybe not on how it will be paid for, and few areas they also want to much money. Ok with a little pork from the dem plan, there are some needed areas that help regular working people. Don't have enough detail YET. Just my over view thoughts.
Quit lying. Interstate highways ARE infrastructure. Universal Guaranteed Income funded by taxpayers IS NOT! Neither is welfare, DACA, Illegal Immigration or homeless relief or the ACA you stupid fuck.

All of what you listed forms an economic and social infrastructure, and is as important to the General Welfare as the physical infrastructure that you seem to think is the only type of infrastructure.
Eisenhower didn't raise taxes much to pay for it, he simply looted Social Security to pay fir, and they still do. You know pretty much nothing about it. The only taxes they raise are those on poor and working class people, like gasoline taxes and payroll taxes. Only idiots think Republicans are worse than Democrats when it comes to screwing over workers.

In the 1950s the top marginal tax rate was 91%, so Eisenhower couldn't raise taxes any more.

Inequality is clearly worse even when individual Capitalists can keep most of their money. Proof, private charity only covers multitudes of Sin not simple poverty in our Republic.
All of what you listed forms an economic and social infrastructure, and is as important to the General Welfare as the physical infrastructure that you seem to think is the only type of infrastructure.
Well the only type of infrastructure at issue in the bipartisan bill is traditional. So complaints of dems' overreaching are pretty much just chaff or distractions from the gop's reneging on what they'd agreed to.
Richard-H has his imagination working overtime as well. He has been grabbing fantasies out of thin air all day long.

Amazing how that hot button issue that you commies were pushing during the campaign has slipped your mind. Infrastructure--lead pipes in Flint and Detroit, MI? Forget that, eh? Doesn't fit with illegal immigration forgiveness and free medical care for all eh? Read the definition of infrastructure again, moron.

1. the basic, underlying framework or features of a system or organization.
2. the fundamental facilities and systems serving a country, city, or area, as transportation and communication systems, power plants, and schools.
3. the military installations of a country.

The term 'infrastructure' is a very, very broad term.

Immigration has always been a prime factor in the American social economic infrastructure. I'm descended from immigrants, you are descended from immigrants. Without immigration THERE WOULD BE NO U.S.A. (But there would be a lot of happy Native Americans!)

Nationalized medicare would definitely be a part of the American infrastructure, as it has been part of the German infrastructure since Bismarck.

Your narrow definition of 'Infrastructure' is pure BULLSHIT and defies the Government's responsibility to 'PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELFARE'!!!
Are we going to see this attempted bullying for the next four years with a thoroughly incompetent president and a media that threatens the GOP if they don't go along with democrat demands no matter how ludicrous?

Find a poison pill in whatever deal they come up with. And even now Republicans in Ill are looking to improve the El with funding.

I lean towards not liking "human infrstructure" and building health care sites, but we really are talking about fixing broken interstate bridges and traditional infrastructure. The only way the dems can win is if people really think the gop is against most everything and don't want to make life better, or help the economy. I won't say Portman is a lying sack of shit, but even if he has good intentions, this seems another case Republicans not being able to deliver a pizza, as they were on a debt deal back in Obama's second term.


Spend! :thanks:

Spend! :thanks:

Spend! :thanks:

Spend! :thanks:

Spend! :thanks:

Spend! :thanks:

Spend! :thanks:

Spend! :thanks:

Spend! :thanks:

Spend! :thanks:

Spend! :thanks:
I see need for infrastructure spending. I expect my Republican congressman will be against it and I'll read his objection which he'll post on Facebook. Odds are I'll respond to the congressman's Facebook post by calling him an idiot if it's stictly about the money. Putting off maintenance now doesn't make it cheaper in the future. Plus as time goes on the proliferation of electric cars means continual loss of funds coming in through the federal gasoline tax. They need to replace this gasoline tax as it becomes more-and-more a loophole for liberals.
All of what you listed forms an economic and social infrastructure, and is as important to the General Welfare as the physical infrastructure that you seem to think is the only type of infrastructure.
For the final time, READ THE DEFINITION, DUMBASS. There is no such thing as an expanded definition except in your and Biden's mind.

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