‘I Don’t Think It’s Needed’: Trump Says Widespread, Nationwide Testing Isn’t Necessary

Neil Austen

Gold Member
Jun 5, 2019

Trump wants to open the economy to help his re-election chances but he's too incompetent to get the testing levels up to where it is needed. So he tells his ignorant base that testing is not important. At the same time, he and the White House are being tested everyday. So what he is really saying is that testing is not important for YOU, because you are EXPENDABLE.
Yet, he has been tested almost daily....Evidently us low class members are not worthy....Plus Trump is afraid of the numbers being bad for his reelection...How do you like being an expendable asset to the wealthy?
So what he is really saying is that testing is not important for YOU, because you are EXPENDABLE.
No, what he's saying is that this virus is about as deadly as the normal flu. Are you tested before work for the normal flu? How but before visiting an elderly home? Before entering a store? Ever?

Trump realizes we MASSIVELY overreacted to this as the danger it poses is limited to a small segment of the population.
I predict a surge of tea bagger trumpoholic excuses and deflections for this thread.
So what he is really saying is that testing is not important for YOU, because you are EXPENDABLE.
No, what he's saying is that this virus is about as deadly as the normal flu. Are you tested before work for the normal flu? How but before visiting an elderly home? Before entering a store? Ever?

Trump realizes we MASSIVELY overreacted to this as the danger it poses is limited to a small segment of the population.
Everyone in contact with Trump is tested every day for COVID 19.

Do they do that for the normal flu?
The funny thing is, is if tests were widely available the truth about how weak this virus is would be common knowledge for everyone.
So what he is really saying is that testing is not important for YOU, because you are EXPENDABLE.
No, what he's saying is that this virus is about as deadly as the normal flu. Are you tested before work for the normal flu? How but before visiting an elderly home? Before entering a store? Ever?

Trump realizes we MASSIVELY overreacted to this as the danger it poses is limited to a small segment of the population.
Everyone in contact with Trump is tested every day for COVID 19.

Do they do that for the normal flu?
They are also surrounded by people with guns. You gonna promote that for all of us too? How but bullet proof cars? Helicopters on our front lawns? Snipers on our roofs?

Anymore ridiculous analogies?
So what he is really saying is that testing is not important for YOU, because you are EXPENDABLE.
No, what he's saying is that this virus is about as deadly as the normal flu. Are you tested before work for the normal flu? How but before visiting an elderly home? Before entering a store? Ever?

Trump realizes we MASSIVELY overreacted to this as the danger it poses is limited to a small segment of the population.
So, how many Americans died last year in 12 months of regular yearly flu compared to how many have died in these first few months of this year? You guys keep using this lame excuse and reflection and never confront the question with an answer. Which reflection will you use this time?

Trump wants to open the economy to help his re-election chances but he's too incompetent to get the testing levels up to where it is needed. So he tells his ignorant base that testing is not important. At the same time, he and the White House are being tested everyday. So what he is really saying is that testing is not important for YOU, because you are EXPENDABLE.
He's right....It's not needed.....So many of us have been exposed and are immune that testing would be a waste on us.

But I guess whatever it takes to keep the ORANGE MAN BAD! narrative up and running.....
Are people who actually need testing for this being denied? How many people do these libs think need tested anyhow? And how often?
So what he is really saying is that testing is not important for YOU, because you are EXPENDABLE.
No, what he's saying is that this virus is about as deadly as the normal flu. Are you tested before work for the normal flu? How but before visiting an elderly home? Before entering a store? Ever?

Trump realizes we MASSIVELY overreacted to this as the danger it poses is limited to a small segment of the population.
So, how many Americans died last year in 12 months of regular yearly flu compared tO how many have died in these first few months of this year? You guys keep using this lame excuse and reflection and never confront the question with an answer. Which reflection will you use this time?
It isn't the total deaths. It is total deaths based on those infected. Big money says at least half the population has the antibodies for this.
You make tests widely available and the mortality rate will plummet
I predict a surge of tea bagger trumpoholic excuses and deflections for this thread.
To deflect, I'd need to care, which I don't.

Now go wash your hands and crawl back into your hidey-hole, you cowering little pussy.
Yep. Get used to hearing the phrases "Expendable" and "Acceptable Losses". All in the name of saving their lord and master. Cause for some reason, to them, this idiot has some sort of value.
Until, you have 1) A verified course of treatment for the virus, 2) An effective test for the virus that is available to the masses, 3) An effective antibody test that can identify who's already had it, 4) More research into how the virus spreads, who can spread it, how long are you contagious? Until you can have an answer to these four issues, life can never go back to the "normal" it was before. I won't even talk about a vaccine because it's unclear if one will even be possible.

Widespread testing is necessary, despite what you hear from Trump. He stopped caring about the public health aspect of this a few weeks ago. He is just hoping people can go back to work long enough for him to start campaigning again and holding his pep rallies. He's just looking to get past the conventions and get re-elected.
So what he is really saying is that testing is not important for YOU, because you are EXPENDABLE.
No, what he's saying is that this virus is about as deadly as the normal flu. Are you tested before work for the normal flu? How but before visiting an elderly home? Before entering a store? Ever?

Trump realizes we MASSIVELY overreacted to this as the danger it poses is limited to a small segment of the population.
So, how many Americans died last year in 12 months of regular yearly flu compared to how many have died in these first few months of this year? You guys keep using this lame excuse and reflection and never confront the question with an answer. Which reflection will you use this time?

Testing isn't given that frequently for Influenza, even when do go to the doctor.

As far as how many people have died from COVID this year in America? No one really knows. Any death is many locations is being attributed to the virus. From what I've seen in America, and the pictures I've seen of the previous pandemic in the 1340's, this whole event seems to be pretty mild.
So what he is really saying is that testing is not important for YOU, because you are EXPENDABLE.
No, what he's saying is that this virus is about as deadly as the normal flu. Are you tested before work for the normal flu? How but before visiting an elderly home? Before entering a store? Ever?

Trump realizes we MASSIVELY overreacted to this as the danger it poses is limited to a small segment of the population.
The normal flu that is twice a deadly....Yeah, let's ignore it while Trump gets tested almost daily....
Yep. Get used to hearing the phrases "Expendable" and "Acceptable Losses". All in the name of saving their lord and master. Cause for some reason, to them, this idiot has some sort of value.
Until, you have 1) A verified course of treatment for the virus, 2) An effective test for the virus that is available to the masses, 3) An effective antibody test that can identify who's already had it, 4) More research into how the virus spreads, who can spread it, how long are you contagious? Until you can have an answer to these four issues, life can never go back to the "normal" it was before. I won't even talk about a vaccine because it's unclear if one will even be possible.

Widespread testing is necessary, despite what you hear from Trump. He stopped caring about the public health aspect of this a few weeks ago. He is just hoping people can go back to work long enough for him to start campaigning again and holding his pep rallies. He's just looking to get past the conventions and get re-elected.
But, it's a war according to Trump....A war to stop corporate profits..
Yep. Get used to hearing the phrases "Expendable" and "Acceptable Losses". All in the name of saving their lord and master. Cause for some reason, to them, this idiot has some sort of value.
Until, you have 1) A verified course of treatment for the virus, 2) An effective test for the virus that is available to the masses, 3) An effective antibody test that can identify who's already had it, 4) More research into how the virus spreads, who can spread it, how long are you contagious? Until you can have an answer to these four issues, life can never go back to the "normal" it was before. I won't even talk about a vaccine because it's unclear if one will even be possible.

Widespread testing is necessary, despite what you hear from Trump. He stopped caring about the public health aspect of this a few weeks ago. He is just hoping people can go back to work long enough for him to start campaigning again and holding his pep rallies. He's just looking to get past the conventions and get re-elected.

Why is "widespread testing" needed at all? There is no FDA approved treatment for it. I guess knowing about it would give the diseased a chance to be referred to a good mortician, but they aren't having proper funerals due to the Lockdown anyhow. So how good of a mortician do you really need to have just to chuck your body into a mass grave?
It isn't need dumb ass this is all so they can spy on you useful idiots who help get the government shoved real far up everyones backend because -ussies fear the little man i nthe desert who lives inn a shit hole but couuld destroy a nnation Mmmk.




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