I don't understand the fascination with being a world superpower


Gold Member
Mar 4, 2015
this is really a throwback to the coldwar when America was the only country who could provide pressure against the Soviet Union. I think it was needed for a time but I don't see the fascination of being one now. It is not needed and not wanted by the rest of the world and it may make us feel good about our country but I don't see how our status as a world super power actually trickles down to my own private life. I don't see what is wrong with cutting the military down a bit. It's the one government expenditure that I consider a complete waste considering the threats we face today are not nearly as large as they were during the Cold War. I know i am going to get some hate for this but someone has to say it.
this is really a throwback to the coldwar when America was the only country who could provide pressure against the Soviet Union. I think it was needed for a time but I don't see the fascination of being one now. It is not needed and not wanted by the rest of the world and it may make us feel good about our country but I don't see how our status as a world super power actually trickles down to my own private life. I don't see what is wrong with cutting the military down a bit. It's the one government expenditure that I consider a complete waste considering the threats we face today are not nearly as large as they were during the Cold War. I know i am going to get some hate for this but someone has to say it.
if we were not a super power during the cold war, where would we be now?
It is not a fascination. It is a necessity.
this is really a throwback to the coldwar when America was the only country who could provide pressure against the Soviet Union. I think it was needed for a time but I don't see the fascination of being one now. It is not needed and not wanted by the rest of the world and it may make us feel good about our country but I don't see how our status as a world super power actually trickles down to my own private life. I don't see what is wrong with cutting the military down a bit. It's the one government expenditure that I consider a complete waste considering the threats we face today are not nearly as large as they were during the Cold War. I know i am going to get some hate for this but someone has to say it.
You have two choices prepare to fight.. or die.
I have mixed feelings on it, I don't like to be the world police, but if we aren't then who fills the void?

I do think we need to get out of the middle east. Let them kill each other, I only see a net gain there.

I do think we can reduce our footprint in europe, and just stay out of africa.

We don't need to slash the budget, but we do need to spend the money more efficiently and continue to conduct research on better weapons and equipment. We could be just as effective with less bases in foriegn countries, but some of those places depend on the bases for their economy.

It's not a simple issue.

Look, man. I can go to a Mickey D's in New York and a Mickey D's in Tucson and a Mickey D's in Los Angeles and a Mickey D's in Paris, France and a Mickey D's in London, England and order a Big Mac and they will all be IDENTICAL.

This doesn't happen unless you are a superpower, mm-kay? Can you name a single fast food chain by any other country that does that? Huh? Huh? Huh?

Didn't think so.

When I am globetrotting and some guy in funny native clothes is trying to offer me some fish he buried for three days in god knows what kind of fetid spices, I like to know I have the alternative of asking where the nearest Mickey D's is, and there will be one no further than five kilometers three miles away.
Inches, feet, miles, ounces, pounds, quarts, and gallons. This is why we MUST remain a superpower.
You fly around the world, and what language does the Chinese guy in the control tower in Bejing speak?


What language does the guy in the control tower in Nairobi speak?

I have mixed feelings on it, I don't like to be the world police, but if we aren't then who fills the void?

I do think we need to get out of the middle east. Let them kill each other, I only see a net gain there.

I do think we can reduce our footprint in europe, and just stay out of africa.

We don't need to slash the budget, but we do need to spend the money more efficiently and continue to conduct research on better weapons and equipment. We could be just as effective with less bases in foriegn countries, but some of those places depend on the bases for their economy.

It's not a simple issue.

its like we got a tiger by the tail and we can't let go.
this is really a throwback to the coldwar when America was the only country who could provide pressure against the Soviet Union. I think it was needed for a time but I don't see the fascination of being one now. It is not needed and not wanted by the rest of the world and it may make us feel good about our country but I don't see how our status as a world super power actually trickles down to my own private life. I don't see what is wrong with cutting the military down a bit. It's the one government expenditure that I consider a complete waste considering the threats we face today are not nearly as large as they were during the Cold War. I know i am going to get some hate for this but someone has to say it.
Yes, we are spending as much on defense, in real dollars, as we were spending in WWII when we ran our debt-to-GDP ratio the highest it has ever been.

We are not in a World War, no matter what Fox News says.

So, yeah. We can trim the Defense budget. But just try to get any of the current crop of GOP candidates to say this.

But I'm serious about the McDonald's thing. Burgers, not bullets. That's how you win their hearts and minds.
oh, bs, the rest of the world's nations don't bother, so why should we, hmm? the fact is that you're brainwashed into being a wannebe Hitler, that's all. Yes, we DO need to slash the military's budget by 90%. NO nation is ever going to attack anybody who has nuke missile subs and our military doesn't do a damned thing to stop small, rogue groups. The only thing that can do that is a double fence at the border and rifle towers every 1/4 mile.

who says that anyone has to be the "world cop", hmm? let them kill each other. why gas?

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