I don't understand why republicans reject both a minimum wage hike and welfare for the poor

It's amazing how much common sense is disregarded in favor of a government report.

If the minimum wage was applied directly to you, you would grasp this instinctively. You hire someone to mow your lawn for $25 a mow, and the government steps in and says the minimum lawn mowing wage is $50 a mow, you'd grasp that it's not worth it to pay someone to do that.

In every country with high minimum wages, people lose their jobs, and youth unemployment is nearly double what it is in the US.

Switzerland Strikes Down What Would Have Been World s Highest Minimum Wage - US News

Switzerland shot down the living wages, and ironically cited exactly that it would killl jobs.

Norway has no minimum wage at all.

Greece had a minimum wage tied to inflation, and the job losses were so bad, they had to revoke the inflation adjustment, and cut the minimum wage down.

Over and over and over, every time the minimum wage is levied, people lose their jobs.

Imposed minimum wage hikes hurt economies in American Samoa Northern Mariana Islands - Washington Times

American Samoa was crippled, with drastically increased prices, and high unemployment, all thanks to 'do-gooders' pushing the minimum wage.

How many times does the truth have to be splashed all over this forum, before all your little reports, and meaningless papers, and government statements are shown false? At one point does reality trump intellectual non-sense?
Also, GDP grew steadily in all cases of the minimum wage being raised in this country's history.

I would expect that. Why would it not? GDP grew in China, even while the average income was under $2 a day pre-78. Bad policies can screw over the lowest working people... and still have a growing GDP.

However, what you claim is not true.

GDP fell in 2008 and 2009. What happened in 2008? The minimum wage went up to $6.55. What happened in 2009? The minimum wage went up to $7.25.

So the fact is, you are wrong.
Lol you're talking about federal minimum wage which affects 3% of the population. There is no way that would have been the reason for the change in GDP.

Just stop the BS. You said that GDP increased every time the minimum wage went up. I proved you WRONG. YOU ARE WRONG.

>WRONG< You are wrong, and have proven to be wrong. If you can't admit that, then you are too childish to talk to.
No you did nothing to prove me wrong. I was simply stating correlation. I don't believe the previous increases did much for the economy. They were too small. I am simply pointing out that the raises did not harm the economy. You are very much wrong about 2009. From June 2009 on, job growth steadily increased. It still is.

But they did. Yes, after the minimum wage stopped increasing..... in 2009.... after there were no more minimum wage increases.... yes jobs started coming back in 2010.

And yes, if you stop screwing over business with higher minimum wage, eventually things will stabilize.

Notice.... prices went up across the economy. So how much did that minimum wage increase really help when all the prices increased accordingly?

Rent prices increased drastically from 2006 to 2010. That's the opposite we would expect in a down turn. You would expect as the economy declined, rent prices would drop. Instead they increased. Minimum wage effect. The people who still had jobs, had larger paychecked, and thus drove up rental prices.

Cause and effect. Supply and demand. Result was that the inflation ate up whatever increase in wages.

Food prices increased. You used to be able to order a Wendy's value meal for $4-$5. Now it's $7 to $8. Chipotle burrito used to be $4.25. Now they are $6.50.

Fast Food Prices In the Last Decade Increased More Than the Consumer Price Index - McDonald s Burger King Wendy s Pricing From 2002 to 2013

Prices have increased by almost double in many areas, depending on State minimum wages that are higher than the Federal.

So prices are always consistently passed onto consumers. Every single time.
But see you are being intellectually inconsistent.

Either the minimum wage has a negative effect, or it does not. That's all there is to it. Either it has no negative effect, or it does.

So if, as all these screwballs on here claim, we have all these reports and they don't show a negative effect.... then why stop at $10? Or $11? Or $15 or $20? I want to earn $25/hr. I'd love to earn some real money. Are you saying working people don't deserve fair compensation? Are you an elitist left-winger who looks down on the working class? Snob!!!!!

So let's have a $25/hr minimum wage. Of course the key is, you know there is a negative effect. You know it, all these leftards know it, the people who wrote those government reports know it. Everyone knows it.

Again, I was there. I was at McDonald when the minimum wage went up, and I watched them lay people off.
Lol you are such an idiot. No one is suggesting we raise the minimum wage that high. In fact, raising wage is based on a timeline. Obama's plan would have raised it over two years. This would give the market time to respond. Not only that, but the increase in consumer spending would create any jobs lost and more.

Again, it DOES NOT MATTER. Either the minimum wage has a negative effect, or it doesn't. Why are you repeating yourself, when it doesn't make a point? Is this forest gump on here??? "But no one is claiming that!" Doesn't matter! "But no one said $25/hr" So what???

DOES THE MINIMUM WAGE HAVE A NEGATIVE EFFECT OR NOT? Can you grasp that? Is this concept too hard? You need a middle school remedial class or what???

YES.... OR NO..... ? If "NO" then why not make the minimum wage $25/hr? Are you against people earning more money??

Can you figure this out? Do you need help?

And NO, the increase in consumer spending would not create any jobs lost. It hasn't!!! Did you miss 2009? Why didn't the increase in consumer spending from the higher minimum wage fix all the job loss?

Greece didn't have a huge increase in consumer spending that created jobs that were lost. France didn't. American Samoa didn't. NEVER! It has NEVER HAPPENED.

You are just flat out wrong. YOU ARE WRONG. >>WRONG<< The facts are not on your side. You spewing more anti-intellectual bull crap. Just make up the leftard myths. "Magically all the extra spending will create jobs".... Doesn't happen.
Lol so the fact that 200 economists, 7 of which are Nobel Prize winners, think raising the minmumum wage would be beneficial to the economy makes no never mind to you?

In 2009 we had consistent job growth. I have no idea what you are talking about. Ever since June of 2009, job growth steadily increased and is still increasing. Obama's stimulus alone increased GDP by 2%. However, I don't think the raising the wage had much to do with this. This was due to other factors. The truth is that the minumum wage has not been significantly raised during those times. 10.10 would raise the wages of 18 million people. This isn't hard to grasp: bigger paychecks means more consumer spending which means more economic growth.

You keep repeating that.... but it hasn't. I'll take the facts over your pointy headed economists any day. All the economists in Greece said the minimum wage would spur the economy. Instead, it killed jobs, and led to a crisis.

All the economists said it would spur the economy of American Samoa, and instead it led to high unemployment and damaged their economy.

All the economists said it would help the entire country, and in 2008-2009, it damaged the country.

Your economists have been wrong consistently for decades. Yes, all the 'words' and 'papers' you can cough up, lose out to reality.
Lol "all the economists"? Your source is rightwing bullshit website citing minimum wage increases outside of the US that don't actually give any real wage amounts and provide a quote from one person.

You are too stupid to talk to. Bye.

Read that quote at the bottom.... that's about you. Thomas Sowell was referring to you when he said that.

Copied here for you to read, since it's all about you:

“I don’t mind debating smart people. They know the limitations of their position. It’s debating stupid people that’s hard.” -Thomas Sowell A special quote, for special forum posters.
But see you are being intellectually inconsistent.

Either the minimum wage has a negative effect, or it does not. That's all there is to it. Either it has no negative effect, or it does.

So if, as all these screwballs on here claim, we have all these reports and they don't show a negative effect.... then why stop at $10? Or $11? Or $15 or $20? I want to earn $25/hr. I'd love to earn some real money. Are you saying working people don't deserve fair compensation? Are you an elitist left-winger who looks down on the working class? Snob!!!!!

So let's have a $25/hr minimum wage. Of course the key is, you know there is a negative effect. You know it, all these leftards know it, the people who wrote those government reports know it. Everyone knows it.

Again, I was there. I was at McDonald when the minimum wage went up, and I watched them lay people off.
Lol you are such an idiot. No one is suggesting we raise the minimum wage that high. In fact, raising wage is based on a timeline. Obama's plan would have raised it over two years. This would give the market time to respond. Not only that, but the increase in consumer spending would create any jobs lost and more.

Again, it DOES NOT MATTER. Either the minimum wage has a negative effect, or it doesn't. Why are you repeating yourself, when it doesn't make a point? Is this forest gump on here??? "But no one is claiming that!" Doesn't matter! "But no one said $25/hr" So what???

DOES THE MINIMUM WAGE HAVE A NEGATIVE EFFECT OR NOT? Can you grasp that? Is this concept too hard? You need a middle school remedial class or what???

YES.... OR NO..... ? If "NO" then why not make the minimum wage $25/hr? Are you against people earning more money??

Can you figure this out? Do you need help?

And NO, the increase in consumer spending would not create any jobs lost. It hasn't!!! Did you miss 2009? Why didn't the increase in consumer spending from the higher minimum wage fix all the job loss?

Greece didn't have a huge increase in consumer spending that created jobs that were lost. France didn't. American Samoa didn't. NEVER! It has NEVER HAPPENED.

You are just flat out wrong. YOU ARE WRONG. >>WRONG<< The facts are not on your side. You spewing more anti-intellectual bull crap. Just make up the leftard myths. "Magically all the extra spending will create jobs".... Doesn't happen.
Lol so the fact that 200 economists, 7 of which are Nobel Prize winners, think raising the minmumum wage would be beneficial to the economy makes no never mind to you?

In 2009 we had consistent job growth. I have no idea what you are talking about. Ever since June of 2009, job growth steadily increased and is still increasing. Obama's stimulus alone increased GDP by 2%. However, I don't think the raising the wage had much to do with this. This was due to other factors. The truth is that the minumum wage has not been significantly raised during those times. 10.10 would raise the wages of 18 million people. This isn't hard to grasp: bigger paychecks means more consumer spending which means more economic growth.

You keep repeating that.... but it hasn't. I'll take the facts over your pointy headed economists any day. All the economists in Greece said the minimum wage would spur the economy. Instead, it killed jobs, and led to a crisis.

All the economists said it would spur the economy of American Samoa, and instead it led to high unemployment and damaged their economy.

All the economists said it would help the entire country, and in 2008-2009, it damaged the country.

Your economists have been wrong consistently for decades. Yes, all the 'words' and 'papers' you can cough up, lose out to reality.
Lol "all the economists"? Your source is rightwing bullshit website citing minimum wage increases outside of the US that don't actually give any real wage amounts and provide a quote from one person.
So Greece was helped by a higher MW? Please post how Greece is doing now.
Also, GDP grew steadily in all cases of the minimum wage being raised in this country's history.

I would expect that. Why would it not? GDP grew in China, even while the average income was under $2 a day pre-78. Bad policies can screw over the lowest working people... and still have a growing GDP.

However, what you claim is not true.

GDP fell in 2008 and 2009. What happened in 2008? The minimum wage went up to $6.55. What happened in 2009? The minimum wage went up to $7.25.

So the fact is, you are wrong.
Lol you're talking about federal minimum wage which affects 3% of the population. There is no way that would have been the reason for the change in GDP.

Just stop the BS. You said that GDP increased every time the minimum wage went up. I proved you WRONG. YOU ARE WRONG.

>WRONG< You are wrong, and have proven to be wrong. If you can't admit that, then you are too childish to talk to.
No you did nothing to prove me wrong. I was simply stating correlation. I don't believe the previous increases did much for the economy. They were too small. I am simply pointing out that the raises did not harm the economy. You are very much wrong about 2009. From June 2009 on, job growth steadily increased. It still is.

But they did. Yes, after the minimum wage stopped increasing..... in 2009.... after there were no more minimum wage increases.... yes jobs started coming back in 2010.

And yes, if you stop screwing over business with higher minimum wage, eventually things will stabilize.

Notice.... prices went up across the economy. So how much did that minimum wage increase really help when all the prices increased accordingly?

Rent prices increased drastically from 2006 to 2010. That's the opposite we would expect in a down turn. You would expect as the economy declined, rent prices would drop. Instead they increased. Minimum wage effect. The people who still had jobs, had larger paychecked, and thus drove up rental prices.

Cause and effect. Supply and demand. Result was that the inflation ate up whatever increase in wages.

Food prices increased. You used to be able to order a Wendy's value meal for $4-$5. Now it's $7 to $8. Chipotle burrito used to be $4.25. Now they are $6.50.

Fast Food Prices In the Last Decade Increased More Than the Consumer Price Index - McDonald s Burger King Wendy s Pricing From 2002 to 2013

Prices have increased by almost double in many areas, depending on State minimum wages that are higher than the Federal.

So prices are always consistently passed onto consumers. Every single time.
Lol now you are just desperate. There is no evidence the raise in food prices had anything to do with the wage increase. We are talking about a raise that didn't even meet any state minimum wage increases. Those increases were insignificant.
Lol you are such an idiot. No one is suggesting we raise the minimum wage that high. In fact, raising wage is based on a timeline. Obama's plan would have raised it over two years. This would give the market time to respond. Not only that, but the increase in consumer spending would create any jobs lost and more.

Again, it DOES NOT MATTER. Either the minimum wage has a negative effect, or it doesn't. Why are you repeating yourself, when it doesn't make a point? Is this forest gump on here??? "But no one is claiming that!" Doesn't matter! "But no one said $25/hr" So what???

DOES THE MINIMUM WAGE HAVE A NEGATIVE EFFECT OR NOT? Can you grasp that? Is this concept too hard? You need a middle school remedial class or what???

YES.... OR NO..... ? If "NO" then why not make the minimum wage $25/hr? Are you against people earning more money??

Can you figure this out? Do you need help?
Do you actually think the mess in Greece was simply because of MW increases?
And NO, the increase in consumer spending would not create any jobs lost. It hasn't!!! Did you miss 2009? Why didn't the increase in consumer spending from the higher minimum wage fix all the job loss?

Greece didn't have a huge increase in consumer spending that created jobs that were lost. France didn't. American Samoa didn't. NEVER! It has NEVER HAPPENED.

You are just flat out wrong. YOU ARE WRONG. >>WRONG<< The facts are not on your side. You spewing more anti-intellectual bull crap. Just make up the leftard myths. "Magically all the extra spending will create jobs".... Doesn't happen.
Lol so the fact that 200 economists, 7 of which are Nobel Prize winners, think raising the minmumum wage would be beneficial to the economy makes no never mind to you?

In 2009 we had consistent job growth. I have no idea what you are talking about. Ever since June of 2009, job growth steadily increased and is still increasing. Obama's stimulus alone increased GDP by 2%. However, I don't think the raising the wage had much to do with this. This was due to other factors. The truth is that the minumum wage has not been significantly raised during those times. 10.10 would raise the wages of 18 million people. This isn't hard to grasp: bigger paychecks means more consumer spending which means more economic growth.

You keep repeating that.... but it hasn't. I'll take the facts over your pointy headed economists any day. All the economists in Greece said the minimum wage would spur the economy. Instead, it killed jobs, and led to a crisis.

All the economists said it would spur the economy of American Samoa, and instead it led to high unemployment and damaged their economy.

All the economists said it would help the entire country, and in 2008-2009, it damaged the country.

Your economists have been wrong consistently for decades. Yes, all the 'words' and 'papers' you can cough up, lose out to reality.
Lol "all the economists"? Your source is rightwing bullshit website citing minimum wage increases outside of the US that don't actually give any real wage amounts and provide a quote from one person.
So Greece was helped by a higher MW? Please post how Greece is doing now.
I would expect that. Why would it not? GDP grew in China, even while the average income was under $2 a day pre-78. Bad policies can screw over the lowest working people... and still have a growing GDP.

However, what you claim is not true.

GDP fell in 2008 and 2009. What happened in 2008? The minimum wage went up to $6.55. What happened in 2009? The minimum wage went up to $7.25.

So the fact is, you are wrong.
Lol you're talking about federal minimum wage which affects 3% of the population. There is no way that would have been the reason for the change in GDP.

Just stop the BS. You said that GDP increased every time the minimum wage went up. I proved you WRONG. YOU ARE WRONG.

>WRONG< You are wrong, and have proven to be wrong. If you can't admit that, then you are too childish to talk to.
No you did nothing to prove me wrong. I was simply stating correlation. I don't believe the previous increases did much for the economy. They were too small. I am simply pointing out that the raises did not harm the economy. You are very much wrong about 2009. From June 2009 on, job growth steadily increased. It still is.

But they did. Yes, after the minimum wage stopped increasing..... in 2009.... after there were no more minimum wage increases.... yes jobs started coming back in 2010.

And yes, if you stop screwing over business with higher minimum wage, eventually things will stabilize.

Notice.... prices went up across the economy. So how much did that minimum wage increase really help when all the prices increased accordingly?

Rent prices increased drastically from 2006 to 2010. That's the opposite we would expect in a down turn. You would expect as the economy declined, rent prices would drop. Instead they increased. Minimum wage effect. The people who still had jobs, had larger paychecked, and thus drove up rental prices.

Cause and effect. Supply and demand. Result was that the inflation ate up whatever increase in wages.

Food prices increased. You used to be able to order a Wendy's value meal for $4-$5. Now it's $7 to $8. Chipotle burrito used to be $4.25. Now they are $6.50.

Fast Food Prices In the Last Decade Increased More Than the Consumer Price Index - McDonald s Burger King Wendy s Pricing From 2002 to 2013

Prices have increased by almost double in many areas, depending on State minimum wages that are higher than the Federal.

So prices are always consistently passed onto consumers. Every single time.
Lol now you are just desperate. There is no evidence the raise in food prices had anything to do with the wage increase. We are talking about a raise that didn't even meet any state minimum wage increases. Those increases were insignificant.

You are just too ignorant to talk to. Sorry. Thomas Sowell was right. Arguing with smart people is easy. Stupid people are the impossible ones. Too dumb to know the limitations of their own position.
I don't understand why republicans reject both a minimum wage hike and welfare for the poor

Same reason they're against abortion AND food stamps for children.

If it doesn't benefit the 1%, they have no use for it.

RWs agree. If it benefits the working class, they're against it. They will always vote for Repubs because they promise to keep them poor. Its just one of those RWs things that intelligent human beings will never understand.

Maybe we are sick and tired of you libs taking our money and using it to buy votes via welfare freebies.

Maybe all you have to play with are right wing talking points.

I have no problem with my money going to feed the poor; I'm sick and tired of paying the salaries of members of Congress who spend half of their day on the phone soliciting money for their party and their next election.
As usual you are parroting myths about this subject. Please read the following:

Minimum Wage Mythbusters - U.S. Department of Labor

It's amazing how much common sense is disregarded in favor of a government report.

If the minimum wage was applied directly to you, you would grasp this instinctively. You hire someone to mow your lawn for $25 a mow, and the government steps in and says the minimum lawn mowing wage is $50 a mow, you'd grasp that it's not worth it to pay someone to do that.

In every country with high minimum wages, people lose their jobs, and youth unemployment is nearly double what it is in the US.

Switzerland Strikes Down What Would Have Been World s Highest Minimum Wage - US News

Switzerland shot down the living wages, and ironically cited exactly that it would killl jobs.

Norway has no minimum wage at all.

Greece had a minimum wage tied to inflation, and the job losses were so bad, they had to revoke the inflation adjustment, and cut the minimum wage down.

Over and over and over, every time the minimum wage is levied, people lose their jobs.

Imposed minimum wage hikes hurt economies in American Samoa Northern Mariana Islands - Washington Times

American Samoa was crippled, with drastically increased prices, and high unemployment, all thanks to 'do-gooders' pushing the minimum wage.

How many times does the truth have to be splashed all over this forum, before all your little reports, and meaningless papers, and government statements are shown false? At one point does reality trump intellectual non-sense?
Lol first of all, no one is suggesting we raise the wage by $25, Second, you are comparing other nation's to ours on the subject which is fallacy.

But see you are being intellectually inconsistent.

Either the minimum wage has a negative effect, or it does not. That's all there is to it. Either it has no negative effect, or it does.

So if, as all these screwballs on here claim, we have all these reports and they don't show a negative effect.... then why stop at $10? Or $11? Or $15 or $20? I want to earn $25/hr. I'd love to earn some real money. Are you saying working people don't deserve fair compensation? Are you an elitist left-winger who looks down on the working class? Snob!!!!!

So let's have a $25/hr minimum wage. Of course the key is, you know there is a negative effect. You know it, all these leftards know it, the people who wrote those government reports know it. Everyone knows it.

Again, I was there. I was at McDonald when the minimum wage went up, and I watched them lay people off.
Lol you are such an idiot. No one is suggesting we raise the minimum wage that high. In fact, raising wage is based on a timeline. Obama's plan would have raised it over two years. This would give the market time to respond. Not only that, but the increase in consumer spending would create any jobs lost and more.

Again, it DOES NOT MATTER. Either the minimum wage has a negative effect, or it doesn't. Why are you repeating yourself, when it doesn't make a point? Is this forest gump on here??? "But no one is claiming that!" Doesn't matter! "But no one said $25/hr" So what???

DOES THE MINIMUM WAGE HAVE A NEGATIVE EFFECT OR NOT? Can you grasp that? Is this concept too hard? You need a middle school remedial class or what???

YES.... OR NO..... ? If "NO" then why not make the minimum wage $25/hr? Are you against people earning more money??

Can you figure this out? Do you need help?

And NO, the increase in consumer spending would not create any jobs lost. It hasn't!!! Did you miss 2009? Why didn't the increase in consumer spending from the higher minimum wage fix all the job loss?

Greece didn't have a huge increase in consumer spending that created jobs that were lost. France didn't. American Samoa didn't. NEVER! It has NEVER HAPPENED.

You are just flat out wrong. YOU ARE WRONG. >>WRONG<< The facts are not on your side. You spewing more anti-intellectual bull crap. Just make up the leftard myths. "Magically all the extra spending will create jobs".... Doesn't happen.

Does the MW have a negative effect or not?
There has not been a single post that supports serious harm to the economy.
Start with how many jobs have been lost over 77 years. Your cries of doom should have left a mark by now.
Record CEO pay. Lowest payroll as a % of sales ever. Record corporate profits. Seems everyone is making more money except the people doing the labour that produced these record profits. Many corporations using the social safety net to subsidize those record profits.

And yet Republicans want to reduce the social safety net. Well, increasing low wages is one way to do that. And by having employers increase wages, the government bureaucracy which processes payments for government assistance payments isn't necessary so that the size of government can be reduced.

You would think that Republicans would be in favour of the working poor seeing their handouts reduced AND shrinking the size of government but no. Maybe it just makes too much sense to reduce government assistance for the employed.

Why the hate for lower income workers? They're working every day. You'd think that conservatives would want them treated fairly.
You would think that anyone who wanted to make a career in politics at the national level would want to be as well versed in subjects like business management and economics as possible since running the US economy effectively is going to require expertise in those subjects. Yet when you look at what most of our politicians have studied in college, very few of them have taken those sorts of classes. I've always believed that the reason Barack Obama doesn't want to release his college records is that he doesn't want the public to understand that YES he does have some very impressive diplomas...but NO...the courses he took in no way prepared him to lead the country.
Record CEO pay. Lowest payroll as a % of sales ever. Record corporate profits. Seems everyone is making more money except the people doing the labour that produced these record profits. Many corporations using the social safety net to subsidize those record profits.

And yet Republicans want to reduce the social safety net. Well, increasing low wages is one way to do that. And by having employers increase wages, the government bureaucracy which processes payments for government assistance payments isn't necessary so that the size of government can be reduced.

You would think that Republicans would be in favour of the working poor seeing their handouts reduced AND shrinking the size of government but no. Maybe it just makes too much sense to reduce government assistance for the employed.

Why the hate for lower income workers? They're working every day. You'd think that conservatives would want them treated fairly.

I'm curious, Dragonlady...do you not grasp the concept that a sizable increase of the minimum wage will mean an across the board increase in wages for everyone else? And that prices of goods and services will have to increase to pay for that additional labor cost? It's simple common sense. Yet you progressives ignore it because you're so "sold" on the populist concept of more money for the poor.
Record CEO pay. Lowest payroll as a % of sales ever. Record corporate profits. Seems everyone is making more money except the people doing the labour that produced these record profits. Many corporations using the social safety net to subsidize those record profits.

And yet Republicans want to reduce the social safety net. Well, increasing low wages is one way to do that. And by having employers increase wages, the government bureaucracy which processes payments for government assistance payments isn't necessary so that the size of government can be reduced.

You would think that Republicans would be in favour of the working poor seeing their handouts reduced AND shrinking the size of government but no. Maybe it just makes too much sense to reduce government assistance for the employed.

Why the hate for lower income workers? They're working every day. You'd think that conservatives would want them treated fairly.

I'm curious, Dragonlady...do you not grasp the concept that a sizable increase of the minimum wage will mean an across the board increase in wages for everyone else? And that prices of goods and services will have to increase to pay for that additional labor cost? It's simple common sense. Yet you progressives ignore it because you're so "sold" on the populist concept of more money for the poor.

I not only grasp the concept, I'm counting on that happening. The thing you right wingers fail to understand that the rise in prices is much smaller than the right claims.

First off, when Clinton raised the MW, unemployment DROPPED, prices rose slightly but not enough to impact inflation. All of the right wing gloom and doom scenarios, which had been predicted, didn't happen.

Right now, lower income earners have a great deal of pent up demand. After 20 years of stagnant wages and loss of earning power, the working poor would buy consumer goods if they had any disposable income after paying for necessities.
As usual you are parroting myths about this subject. Please read the following:

Minimum Wage Mythbusters - U.S. Department of Labor

It's amazing how much common sense is disregarded in favor of a government report.

If the minimum wage was applied directly to you, you would grasp this instinctively. You hire someone to mow your lawn for $25 a mow, and the government steps in and says the minimum lawn mowing wage is $50 a mow, you'd grasp that it's not worth it to pay someone to do that.

In every country with high minimum wages, people lose their jobs, and youth unemployment is nearly double what it is in the US.

Switzerland Strikes Down What Would Have Been World s Highest Minimum Wage - US News

Switzerland shot down the living wages, and ironically cited exactly that it would killl jobs.

Norway has no minimum wage at all.

Greece had a minimum wage tied to inflation, and the job losses were so bad, they had to revoke the inflation adjustment, and cut the minimum wage down.

Over and over and over, every time the minimum wage is levied, people lose their jobs.

Imposed minimum wage hikes hurt economies in American Samoa Northern Mariana Islands - Washington Times

American Samoa was crippled, with drastically increased prices, and high unemployment, all thanks to 'do-gooders' pushing the minimum wage.

How many times does the truth have to be splashed all over this forum, before all your little reports, and meaningless papers, and government statements are shown false? At one point does reality trump intellectual non-sense?
Also, GDP grew steadily in all cases of the minimum wage being raised in this country's history.

I would expect that. Why would it not? GDP grew in China, even while the average income was under $2 a day pre-78. Bad policies can screw over the lowest working people... and still have a growing GDP.

However, what you claim is not true.

GDP fell in 2008 and 2009. What happened in 2008? The minimum wage went up to $6.55. What happened in 2009? The minimum wage went up to $7.25.

So the fact is, you are wrong.
Lol you're talking about federal minimum wage which affects 3% of the population. There is no way that would have been the reason for the change in GDP.
If it only affects 3% of the population then what possible benefit could there be raising it?
Again, if 10/hr is good, why is 50/hr not better? You cannot answer this so you deflect. Because you are Billy Triple Fail.
The question is to pay people enough so they can support themselves. Driving businesses into bankruptcy by trying to pay them too much is stupid. There is a middle answer.
We need to increase tariffs for countries that don't pay an American living wage so businesses in America can compete with them. If that makes the price of a TV go up, so be it.
It's amazing how much common sense is disregarded in favor of a government report.

If the minimum wage was applied directly to you, you would grasp this instinctively. You hire someone to mow your lawn for $25 a mow, and the government steps in and says the minimum lawn mowing wage is $50 a mow, you'd grasp that it's not worth it to pay someone to do that.

In every country with high minimum wages, people lose their jobs, and youth unemployment is nearly double what it is in the US.

Switzerland Strikes Down What Would Have Been World s Highest Minimum Wage - US News

Switzerland shot down the living wages, and ironically cited exactly that it would killl jobs.

Norway has no minimum wage at all.

Greece had a minimum wage tied to inflation, and the job losses were so bad, they had to revoke the inflation adjustment, and cut the minimum wage down.

Over and over and over, every time the minimum wage is levied, people lose their jobs.

Imposed minimum wage hikes hurt economies in American Samoa Northern Mariana Islands - Washington Times

American Samoa was crippled, with drastically increased prices, and high unemployment, all thanks to 'do-gooders' pushing the minimum wage.

How many times does the truth have to be splashed all over this forum, before all your little reports, and meaningless papers, and government statements are shown false? At one point does reality trump intellectual non-sense?
Also, GDP grew steadily in all cases of the minimum wage being raised in this country's history.

I would expect that. Why would it not? GDP grew in China, even while the average income was under $2 a day pre-78. Bad policies can screw over the lowest working people... and still have a growing GDP.

However, what you claim is not true.

GDP fell in 2008 and 2009. What happened in 2008? The minimum wage went up to $6.55. What happened in 2009? The minimum wage went up to $7.25.

So the fact is, you are wrong.
Lol you're talking about federal minimum wage which affects 3% of the population. There is no way that would have been the reason for the change in GDP.
If it only affects 3% of the population then what possible benefit could there be raising it?
Again, if 10/hr is good, why is 50/hr not better? You cannot answer this so you deflect. Because you are Billy Triple Fail.
The question is to pay people enough so they can support themselves. Driving businesses into bankruptcy by trying to pay them too much is stupid. There is a middle answer.
The middle answer is raising the minimum wage.

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