I Don’t Want to Hear Another Damn Word About Putin

Imagine the Democrat reaction if it turned out Trump’s personal driver and consigliere for 20 years was a Russian spy. Now ask yourself why they’re not reacting the same way to news that the former head of the Senate Intelligence Committee was infiltrated.

Hey! What's your favorite flavor?

Or,, is that you, Donald?
Imagine the Democrat reaction if it turned out Trump’s personal driver and consigliere for 20 years was a Russian spy. Now ask yourself why they’re not reacting the same way to news that the former head of the Senate Intelligence Committee was infiltrated.

Oh course you don't want to hear one more word about Putin.

You have Putin's and Don the Con's back.
Imagine the Democrat reaction if it turned out Trump’s personal driver and consigliere for 20 years was a Russian spy. Now ask yourself why they’re not reacting the same way to news that the former head of the Senate Intelligence Committee was infiltrated.

Well if we're only going to hear what's convenient for us, I don't want to hear another word about Trump, because he's no longer president.

Uhm, Trump is still President.

Well no, because I don't want to hear about it, so he has to stop being president.
Imagine the Democrat reaction if it turned out Trump’s personal driver and consigliere for 20 years was a Russian spy. Now ask yourself why they’re not reacting the same way to news that the former head of the Senate Intelligence Committee was infiltrated.

Well if we're only going to hear what's convenient for us, I don't want to hear another word about Trump, because he's no longer president.

Uhm, Trump is still President.

Well no, because I don't want to hear about it, so he has to stop being president.

That's not going to happen.
Imagine the Democrat reaction if it turned out Trump’s personal driver and consigliere for 20 years was a Russian spy. Now ask yourself why they’re not reacting the same way to news that the former head of the Senate Intelligence Committee was infiltrated.

Well if we're only going to hear what's convenient for us, I don't want to hear another word about Trump, because he's no longer president.

Uhm, Trump is still President.

Well no, because I don't want to hear about it, so he has to stop being president.

That's not going to happen.

So, the whole premise of "I don't want to hear it, therefore it's not true" is complete crap then?
Imagine the Democrat reaction if it turned out Trump’s personal driver and consigliere for 20 years was a Russian spy. Now ask yourself why they’re not reacting the same way to news that the former head of the Senate Intelligence Committee was infiltrated.

Because she's not the president. Because there's no evidence he actually got anything. Because there's no evidence that she knew what he was up to.

Oh, so now we have to wait and see evidence?

You people are priceless.
Imagine the Democrat reaction if it turned out Trump’s personal driver and consigliere for 20 years was a Russian spy. Now ask yourself why they’re not reacting the same way to news that the former head of the Senate Intelligence Committee was infiltrated.

Well if we're only going to hear what's convenient for us, I don't want to hear another word about Trump, because he's no longer president.

Uhm, Trump is still President.

Well no, because I don't want to hear about it, so he has to stop being president.

That's not going to happen.

So, the whole premise of "I don't want to hear it, therefore it's not true" is complete crap then?

When did I say that?
Imagine the Democrat reaction if it turned out Trump’s personal driver and consigliere for 20 years was a Russian spy. Now ask yourself why they’re not reacting the same way to news that the former head of the Senate Intelligence Committee was infiltrated.


Like I really give a shit about what Fuck Wad Seig Heil!!! Yelling, Goosestepping GroppenFuhere Following Racist idiot wants to hear.
Imagine the Democrat reaction if it turned out Trump’s personal driver and consigliere for 20 years was a Russian spy. Now ask yourself why they’re not reacting the same way to news that the former head of the Senate Intelligence Committee was infiltrated.

Because she's not the president. Because there's no evidence he actually got anything. Because there's no evidence that she knew what he was up to.

And as soon as the FBI told her of their suspicions she got rid of him.

And the FBI never prosecuted the guy.
Let's say for a moment that the Libs are actually right..............LOL.......

And Trump used Putin to win the election...............Well...........then Putin saved our asses from electing a crooked bitch........

Thanks Putin..............

Even though that is all a lie........suck on it Libs.

Well that’s one way of looking at it! I am so glad she is not the President. I cannot think of a single democrat worthy of that office. They are just too busy checking out skin pigments!

As opposed to Republicans who don't care about any skin pigment- as long as the candidate is white.
Imagine the Democrat reaction if it turned out Trump’s personal driver and consigliere for 20 years was a Russian spy. Now ask yourself why they’re not reacting the same way to news that the former head of the Senate Intelligence Committee was infiltrated.

Because she's not the president. Because there's no evidence he actually got anything. Because there's no evidence that she knew what he was up to.

Thing is the FBI has been shown to selectively look for evidence, example the Weiner laptop filled with over 600,000 Clinton emails and Blackberry communications, that the FBI claim to have reviewed before the election, only for it to come out that no analysis was done or requested until the day after the election won by TRUMP.

wrong. the NYPD held onto the weiner computer for a month with no forensics performed at all. 11 days before the election was when it was turned over to the FBI & comey announced the findings before the election as well.

HOWEVER, guliani ... bigley friends of the NYPD, knew about those emails before the news came out. he pretty much bragged about it on FOX news just a couple days b4 it did.

Not wrong. Comey was forced to re-open the investigation of Hillary's email after pressure from the NYPD 2 weeks before the election. Strzok testified FBI IT was able to magically go through all the emails and that they had found nothing which Comey made public days before the election. The day after the election Hillary lost and TRUMP won, Strzok requested FBI forensics data lab to run an intrusion analysis and on the request he listed no previous attempts or efforts where made to analyze the laptop.
Our intelligence agencies............SUCK............did so under Obama and even now.............Foreign countries taking us for chumps...............

Doesn't help when idiots put up servers in bathrooms so the entire world can hack it.................

But............to the left it is all about Trump............TDS extreme...........don't look at the evidence of utter corruption and incompetence from their side.......................nor the FINANCIAL TIES that bind those investigating it.

Meanwhile back in reality…the cover story about Trump Tower meeting with Putin’s posse has changed.

The next domino to fall? “It went nowhere”….the blob’s rationalization will soon be revealed to be a lie too; of course.

It’s sad watching the downward spiral…well it would be if he and his supporters didn’t so richly deserve it.
Trump is a brilliant business man. He's been living rent free in the heads of the left for 3 years now.

He’ll probably bankrupt the nation too; like he did his casino and hotel…meanwhile you guys are attending Trump University and are going to have the same results…bankrupting yourself while you give positive reviews because he tickles your funny bones and Lord knows what else.

So if he has the power to bankrupt the nation by himself, he also has the power to kick the economy into high gear. I'm sure you'll be giving him credit for that any time now.

I’m sure the republicans and democrats in Congress will help.
Well if we're only going to hear what's convenient for us, I don't want to hear another word about Trump, because he's no longer president.

Uhm, Trump is still President.

Well no, because I don't want to hear about it, so he has to stop being president.

That's not going to happen.

So, the whole premise of "I don't want to hear it, therefore it's not true" is complete crap then?

When did I say that?

What do you think this thread is about? This is what the OP said.
Our intelligence agencies............SUCK............did so under Obama and even now.............Foreign countries taking us for chumps...............

Doesn't help when idiots put up servers in bathrooms so the entire world can hack it.................

But............to the left it is all about Trump............TDS extreme...........don't look at the evidence of utter corruption and incompetence from their side.......................nor the FINANCIAL TIES that bind those investigating it.

Meanwhile back in reality…the cover story about Trump Tower meeting with Putin’s posse has changed.

The next domino to fall? “It went nowhere”….the blob’s rationalization will soon be revealed to be a lie too; of course.

It’s sad watching the downward spiral…well it would be if he and his supporters didn’t so richly deserve it.
Trump is a brilliant business man. He's been living rent free in the heads of the left for 3 years now.

He’ll probably bankrupt the nation too; like he did his casino and hotel…meanwhile you guys are attending Trump University and are going to have the same results…bankrupting yourself while you give positive reviews because he tickles your funny bones and Lord knows what else.

So if he has the power to bankrupt the nation by himself, he also has the power to kick the economy into high gear. I'm sure you'll be giving him credit for that any time now.

I’m sure the republicans and democrats in Congress will help.

As they would in bankrupting the country.
Imagine the Democrat reaction if it turned out Trump’s personal driver and consigliere for 20 years was a Russian spy. Now ask yourself why they’re not reacting the same way to news that the former head of the Senate Intelligence Committee was infiltrated.

Because she's not the president. Because there's no evidence he actually got anything. Because there's no evidence that she knew what he was up to.

Thing is the FBI has been shown to selectively look for evidence, example the Weiner laptop filled with over 600,000 Clinton emails and Blackberry communications, that the FBI claim to have reviewed before the election, only for it to come out that no analysis was done or requested until the day after the election won by TRUMP.

wrong. the NYPD held onto the weiner computer for a month with no forensics performed at all. 11 days before the election was when it was turned over to the FBI & comey announced the findings before the election as well.

HOWEVER, guliani ... bigley friends of the NYPD, knew about those emails before the news came out. he pretty much bragged about it on FOX news just a couple days b4 it did.

Not wrong. Comey was forced to re-open the investigation of Hillary's email after pressure from the NYPD 2 weeks before the election. Strzok testified FBI IT was able to magically go through all the emails and that they had found nothing which Comey made public days before the election. The day after the election Hillary lost and TRUMP won, Strzok requested FBI forensics data lab to run an intrusion analysis and on the request he listed no previous attempts or efforts where made to analyze the laptop.

wrong. comey said that if anything 'new' arose re: hillary's emails that he would inform the powers that be. he did not know about weiner's computer until 11 days b4 the election (NOT 2 weeks) BUT the NYPD had the pc for a full month b4 comey even knew about it. strzok being labeled as biased by (R)s was also wrong... there were texts slamming hillary as well. do you believe the FBI was biased against trump when they were known as trumplandia?

silly you.
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Imagine the Democrat reaction if it turned out Trump’s personal driver and consigliere for 20 years was a Russian spy. Now ask yourself why they’re not reacting the same way to news that the former head of the Senate Intelligence Committee was infiltrated.

Because she's not the president. Because there's no evidence he actually got anything. Because there's no evidence that she knew what he was up to.

Thing is the FBI has been shown to selectively look for evidence, example the Weiner laptop filled with over 600,000 Clinton emails and Blackberry communications, that the FBI claim to have reviewed before the election, only for it to come out that no analysis was done or requested until the day after the election won by TRUMP.

wrong. the NYPD held onto the weiner computer for a month with no forensics performed at all. 11 days before the election was when it was turned over to the FBI & comey announced the findings before the election as well.

HOWEVER, guliani ... bigley friends of the NYPD, knew about those emails before the news came out. he pretty much bragged about it on FOX news just a couple days b4 it did.

Not wrong. Comey was forced to re-open the investigation of Hillary's email after pressure from the NYPD 2 weeks before the election. Strzok testified FBI IT was able to magically go through all the emails and that they had found nothing which Comey made public days before the election. The day after the election Hillary lost and TRUMP won, Strzok requested FBI forensics data lab to run an intrusion analysis and on the request he listed no previous attempts or efforts where made to analyze the laptop.

wrong. comey said that if anything 'new' arose re: hillary's emails that he would inform the powers that be. he did not know about weiner's computer until 11 days b4 the election (NOT 2 weeks) BUT the NYPD had the pc for a full month b4 comey even knew about it. strzok being labeled as biased by (R)s was also wrong... there were texts slamming hillary as well. do you believe the FBI was biased against trump when they were known as trumplandia?

silly you.

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FBI vault release


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Because she's not the president. Because there's no evidence he actually got anything. Because there's no evidence that she knew what he was up to.

Thing is the FBI has been shown to selectively look for evidence, example the Weiner laptop filled with over 600,000 Clinton emails and Blackberry communications, that the FBI claim to have reviewed before the election, only for it to come out that no analysis was done or requested until the day after the election won by TRUMP.

wrong. the NYPD held onto the weiner computer for a month with no forensics performed at all. 11 days before the election was when it was turned over to the FBI & comey announced the findings before the election as well.

HOWEVER, guliani ... bigley friends of the NYPD, knew about those emails before the news came out. he pretty much bragged about it on FOX news just a couple days b4 it did.

Not wrong. Comey was forced to re-open the investigation of Hillary's email after pressure from the NYPD 2 weeks before the election. Strzok testified FBI IT was able to magically go through all the emails and that they had found nothing which Comey made public days before the election. The day after the election Hillary lost and TRUMP won, Strzok requested FBI forensics data lab to run an intrusion analysis and on the request he listed no previous attempts or efforts where made to analyze the laptop.

wrong. comey said that if anything 'new' arose re: hillary's emails that he would inform the powers that be. he did not know about weiner's computer until 11 days b4 the election (NOT 2 weeks) BUT the NYPD had the pc for a full month b4 comey even knew about it. strzok being labeled as biased by (R)s was also wrong... there were texts slamming hillary as well. do you believe the FBI was biased against trump when they were known as trumplandia?

silly you.

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FBI vault release

uh-huh. 158 pages... which pages are those you screenshot so i can see them in context. & is this a deep state plot to cover for hillary?
Imagine the Democrat reaction if it turned out Trump’s personal driver and consigliere for 20 years was a Russian spy. Now ask yourself why they’re not reacting the same way to news that the former head of the Senate Intelligence Committee was infiltrated.

Oh course you don't want to hear one more word about Putin.

You have Putin's and Don the Con's back.
Thing is the FBI has been shown to selectively look for evidence, example the Weiner laptop filled with over 600,000 Clinton emails and Blackberry communications, that the FBI claim to have reviewed before the election, only for it to come out that no analysis was done or requested until the day after the election won by TRUMP.

wrong. the NYPD held onto the weiner computer for a month with no forensics performed at all. 11 days before the election was when it was turned over to the FBI & comey announced the findings before the election as well.

HOWEVER, guliani ... bigley friends of the NYPD, knew about those emails before the news came out. he pretty much bragged about it on FOX news just a couple days b4 it did.

Not wrong. Comey was forced to re-open the investigation of Hillary's email after pressure from the NYPD 2 weeks before the election. Strzok testified FBI IT was able to magically go through all the emails and that they had found nothing which Comey made public days before the election. The day after the election Hillary lost and TRUMP won, Strzok requested FBI forensics data lab to run an intrusion analysis and on the request he listed no previous attempts or efforts where made to analyze the laptop.

wrong. comey said that if anything 'new' arose re: hillary's emails that he would inform the powers that be. he did not know about weiner's computer until 11 days b4 the election (NOT 2 weeks) BUT the NYPD had the pc for a full month b4 comey even knew about it. strzok being labeled as biased by (R)s was also wrong... there were texts slamming hillary as well. do you believe the FBI was biased against trump when they were known as trumplandia?

silly you.

View attachment 209037

View attachment 209037

View attachment 209039

FBI vault release

uh-huh. 158 pages... which pages are those you screenshot so i can see them in context. & is this a deep state plot to cover for hillary?


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